[geotk] Meter convertion in Geographic CRS

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Thu Sep 17 09:33:11 EDT 2009

theuns a écrit :
> How would one go about to convert say 100m to a length in decimal
> degrees?

It depends if you want degrees or latitude or degrees of longitude. In the later 
case, it additionnaly depends on your location on Earth (to be more specific, on 
your latitude).

You can try GeodeticCalculator again. Use:

   setDirection(azimuth, distance);
   P2 = getDestinationPosition();
   deltaLongitude = P2.x - P1.x;
   deltaLatitude  = P2.y - P1.y;

Use an azimuth of 0° for a difference in degrees of latitudes, or an azimuth of 
90° for a difference in degrees of longituge, or an other angle for a 
combinaison of both.


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