[geotk] Geotk 3.08 milestone released

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Mon Feb 1 09:24:34 EST 2010

Hello all

Geotk 3.08 has been deployed on the Maven repositories 
(http://maven.geotoolkit.org) and in the download area 

Whats new
The main new feature in the base Geotk library is the port of the 
NetcdfImageReader that I wrote with Antoine Hnawia in GeoTools, with more 
extensive support of metadata. NetcdfImageReader is a wrapper around the UCAR's 
NetCDF library version 4.1 which allow loading NetCDF data through the standard 
javax.imageio.ImageReader API.

The main new feature in the Geotk-pending library is the port of the GeoTools 
DataStore, with some (but still unfinished) cleaning.

NetCDF dependencies
For Maven users, nothing changed. You get the NetCDF dependencies only if your 
project depends explicitly on the geotk-coverageio-netcdf module.

For those who prefer the PACK200 bundles, the NetCDF dependencies has been added 
to the all bundles except the referencing bundle. Note that the dependencies 
does not include (at this time) the GUI classes, the VisAD library (because it 
is large and more a graphical library than an I/O one) and the grid.jar file 
(because in our reading of the legal stuff, it doesn't look like that we are 
allowed to redistribute its jpeg2000.jar dependency).



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