[geotk] Geotk 3.11 released

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Mon May 3 07:06:57 EDT 2010

Hello all

The Geotk monthly release has been deployed on the Maven repository. Bundles and 
release notes (including the list of all API changes) are availables on the 
http://download.geotoolkit.org/3.11/ page.

This release continue on the "coverage-sql" work which was first commited in 
Geotk 3.10. Geotk 3.11 adds a wizard (as a Swing widget) for making easier to 
install the database schema and browse the data.

The main new feature in geotk-pending is an initial version of an OpenStreetMap 

Like every Geotk release, there is also a few bug fixes in various places. While 
they were no major bug as far as I know, upgrading (when possible) is always a 
good idea.



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