[geotk] NetCDF Coverage Resampling Issue

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri Feb 18 04:33:59 EST 2011

Hello Aaron

Le 18/02/11 05:08, Aaron Braeckel a écrit :
> The call to read() is successful, but when I call resample() I get the 
> following Exception:
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.
>     at 
> org.geotoolkit.referencing.adapters.NetcdfCRS$Projected.getConversionFromBase(NetcdfCRS.java:894)
>     (...snip...)
> Is there another method for resampling that I should be using, or perhaps is 
> there a component of the NetCDF coverage logic that is not yet implemented?

There is a component of the NetCDF coverage logic which is not yet implemented. 
However I just filled a JIRA task for it and put in it a link to a possible 


I remember that I told that I was going to fix this issue during Christmas 
holiday time, but missed time (sorry for that...). I'm still targeting the fix 
for Geotk 3.18. In the main time, could the workaround described in the above 
link work for you?



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