[geotk] Adding GraphicBuilder to its own MapLayer

Sorel johann.sorel at geomatys.fr
Mon Jul 25 06:24:22 EDT 2011


The code looks correct (don't forget to call 
context.switchToDisplayCRS() or switchToDisplayCRS() to set the system 
in which you are painting), if you need more examples you can have a 
look at the
WMS/WMTS/OSM-TMS/KML Clients modules, they all use custom subclasses of 
MapLayer and GraphicBuilders.

When you say it doesn't work. does it pass in the targetgraphic or 
builder code ? or not at all ?
- try adding the graphicbuilder before you add it in the map . (maybe a 
cache issue)
- ensure the layer is visible.


On 07/25/2011 09:10 AM, Thys Meintjes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm attempting to keep my special target graphics layer sperate from 
> the coverage or shape layers.
> First I just added the builder to a EmptyMapLayer form MapBuilder - 
> but that failed to produce any output - maybe
> I should have added a envelope ?
> I then tried adding the GraphicsBuilder to the first map layer in the 
> context:
>   public void addTargetGraphicsBuilder(TargetGraphicBuilder builder) {
>         MapLayer targetLayer = context.layers().get(0);
>         targetLayer.graphicBuilders().add(builder);
>     }
> The first maplayer is a coverage... That didn't work either. I kind of 
> expected it to...
> The demo code uses a FeatureLayer with a GraphicsBuilder. Because I 
> have a bunch of points (targets)
> I could conceivably make a Feature of each of them - add it to a store 
> and create a FeatureLayer from that.
> These points are not static and they have a life time of about 10 
> seconds so the data changes continuously.
> I don't know if that is the correct approach though.
> I guess my question is how do I use a GraphicsBuilder to build to a 
> dedicated maplayer. And If I can how do I construct
> a maplayer with minimal ceremony for use with a GraphicsBuilder.
> Here is my builder - in case I did something stupid:
> public class TargetGraphicBuilder implements GraphicBuilder<GraphicJ2D> {
>     private final static Logger logger = 
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(TargetGraphicBuilder.class);
>     private TargetManager targetManager;
>     public TargetGraphicBuilder(TargetManager manager) {
>         targetManager = manager;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Collection<GraphicJ2D> createGraphics(MapLayer layer, 
> Canvas canvas) {
>         if (canvas instanceof J2DCanvas) {
>             final J2DCanvas j2dcanvas = (J2DCanvas) canvas;
>             return makeTargets(j2dcanvas);
>         }
>         logger.debug("Canvas not a J2DCanvas");
>         return Collections.emptyList();
>     }
>     private Collection makeTargets(J2DCanvas canvas) {
>         ArrayList<TargetGraphic> targetGraphics = new 
> ArrayList<TargetGraphic>();
>         for (Target t : targetManager.getAllTargets()) {
>             targetGraphics.add(new TargetGraphic(canvas, t));
>         }
>         //return Collections.unmodifiableList(targetGraphics);
>         return targetGraphics;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Class<GraphicJ2D> getGraphicType() {
>         return GraphicJ2D.class;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Image getLegend(MapLayer layer) throws PortrayalException {
>         return null;
>     }
>     public String getName() {
>         return targetManager.getName();
>     }
> And the graphic:
> public class TargetGraphic extends AbstractGraphicJ2D {
>     private final static Logger logger = 
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(TargetGraphic.class);
>     private Target target;
>     public TargetGraphic(J2DCanvas canvas, Target target) {
>         super(canvas, canvas.getObjectiveCRS2D());
>         this.target = target;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void paint(RenderingContext2D context) {
>         final Graphics2D g2d = context.getGraphics();
>         // transform from geographic to screen space
>         final AffineTransform2D transformer = 
> context.getObjectiveToDisplay();
>         DirectPosition targetPos = target.getPosition();
>         logger.debug(targetPos.toString());
>         Point2D.Double center = new 
> Point2D.Double(targetPos.getOrdinate(1), targetPos.getOrdinate(0));
>         transformer.transform(center, center);
>         logger.debug("Transformed center: " + center);
>         // paint a simple circle
>         final Shape circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(center.x - 5, 
> center.y - 5, 10, 10);
>         g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(4));
>         g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE);
>         g2d.draw(circle);
>         g2d.setPaint(Color.RED);
>         g2d.fill(circle);
>         g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
>         g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK);
>         g2d.draw(circle);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public List<Graphic> getGraphicAt(RenderingContext context, 
> SearchArea mask, VisitFilter filter, List<Graphic> graphics) {
>         return graphics;
>     }
> }
> Note that the graphic works correctly when I add it to the canvas 
> container directly:
>    private void addTarget(Target target) {
>         TargetGraphic tg = new TargetGraphic(canvas, target);
>         canvas.getContainer().add(tg);
>     }
> -- 
> Thys Meintjes
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