[geotk] Re: Adding GraphicBuilder to its own MapLayer

Thys Meintjes sthysel at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 06:28:57 EDT 2011

I seem to be spamming the list today...

Anyway, I resolved some of my issues by doing all of the painting in
the TargetGraphic, this is in line with the demo code and the other custom
maplayer/graphicbuilders  that Johan alluded to earlier (For some reason I
wanted to have a targetgraphic per target, don't know why...).

For reference sake and to maybe save somebody else some hassle here's the
combo :

public class TargetGraphicBuilder implements GraphicBuilder<GraphicJ2D> {

    private final static Logger logger =
    private TargetManager targetManager;

    public TargetGraphicBuilder(TargetManager manager) {
        targetManager = manager;

    public Collection<GraphicJ2D> createGraphics(MapLayer layer, Canvas
canvas) {
        logger.debug("Creating Graphics");
        if (canvas instanceof J2DCanvas) {
            return Collections.singleton((GraphicJ2D) new
TargetGraphic((J2DCanvas) canvas, targetManager));
        logger.debug("Canvas not a J2DCanvas");
        return Collections.emptyList();

    public Class<GraphicJ2D> getGraphicType() {
        return GraphicJ2D.class;

    public Image getLegend(MapLayer layer) throws PortrayalException {
        return null;

    public String getName() {
        return targetManager.getName();

public class TargetMapLayer extends AbstractMapLayer {

    private TargetGraphicBuilder builder;
    // full world extend
    private static final Envelope MAXEXTEND_ENV = new
Envelope2D(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, -180, -90, 360, 180);
    private static final MutableStyleFactory SF = (MutableStyleFactory)
            new Hints(Hints.STYLE_FACTORY, MutableStyleFactory.class));

    public TargetMapLayer(TargetManager manager) {
        super(new DefaultStyleFactory().style());
        //register the default graphic builder for geotk 2D engine.
        builder = new TargetGraphicBuilder(manager);
        setDescription(SF.description(manager.getName(), manager.getName() +
" Target Manager"));

    public Envelope getBounds() {
        return MAXEXTEND_ENV;
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