[geotk] Envelope/bbox transformation

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri Mar 11 09:14:40 EST 2011

Hello Aaron

Le 11/03/11 05:23, Aaron Braeckel a écrit :
> java.lang.AssertionError: (...snip...
>     at 
> org.geotoolkit.coverage.processing.operation.Resampler2D.reproject(Resampler2D.java:673)
> Functionally I don't see anything wrong, but there may be a subtle issue that 
> I haven't found yet if this assertion is failing.  Or perhaps this is 
> harmless, maybe related to the Java "(NaN == NaN) = false" issue?

I don't know yet... Would it be possible to post the result of the following please?


They should be equal, but apparently the assertion statement found that they are 
not equal.



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