[geotk] Trouble reading GMT grid file

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Thu Nov 3 15:49:01 EDT 2011

Hello Brian

Le 03/11/11 19:49, Brian Schlining a écrit :
> I'm not explicitly setting the NetCDF version. I just assumed the dependency resolver would pick up the correct one. When I explicitly set it to use NetCDF 4.2.26 I get the same error. A quick browse of the javadoc shows that there's no method 'getName' in the VariableIF class. Instead VariableIF has getFullName and getShortName methods. I haven't looked at the GeoTK build but is it possible that coverageio-netcdf module is being built with a different version of NetCDF-java?

I just tried a "mvn dependency:tree" on the geotk-coverageio-netcdf module on 
trunk, which listed me "edu.ucar:netcdf:jar:4.2.26:compile" as the only NetCDF 
dependency... I checked on trunk, so the 3.19 release could be different, but I 
don't remember having changed the dependency...

The getName() method is not in ucar.nc2.VariableIF, but is inherited from 

Could you try the following command in the directory containing your JAR 
dependencies, and check if you see the "getName()" method? On my machine I can 
see it...

javap -classpath netcdf-4.2.26.jar ucar.nc2.VariableSimpleIF


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