[geotk] Status of GEOTK-237 ?

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Dec 18 01:54:49 PST 2012

Hello François

Could you provide a bit of information about the issue you are facing? 
Which code were executed, which exception (if any) were throws. Ideally, 
a small test case reproducing the problem would help a lot...



Le 18/12/12 07:51, François ANDRE a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I'm facing the same problem than mentionned in GEOTK-237 
> <http://jira.geotoolkit.org/browse/GEOTK-237>
> Is this bug still opened as its status indicates or do the 
> explanations given by Martin solves it ?
> (In my case, it doesn't work... :-( )
> Cheers,
> François

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