[geotk] Geotk 3.20 released and future plans

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri Nov 2 06:08:49 PDT 2012

Hello all

Geotk 3.20 has been quietly released last week. The original goal was to 
provide an extensive NetCDF support in this release. This goal has not 
been completely reached, since the NetCDF support in 3.20 is still 
incomplete. For this reason, this 3.20 release is more like a milestone.

The Maven artifacts are available on http://maven.geotoolkit.org/

Pack200 bundles, releases notes (very incomplete) and API changes are 
available at http://download.geotoolkit.org/3.20/

Referencing and metadata modules using the GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces (rather 
than the pending interfaces) are temporarily available there. If anyone 
using those versions could test before we commit them to Maven Central, 
that would be appreciated: 

This release has been delayed way too long (more than one year). For 
next releases, we will try to come back to shorter cycles.

We are in the process of migrating parts of Geotk to the Apache SIS 
project. For now, only the utility and metadata modules are concerned, 
but more modules may be concerned later. As a consequence of this 
migration, the package name of migrated classes will change from 
"org.geotoolkit" to "org.apache.sis". However we will not delete the 
Geotk classes too fast; we will first deprecate them with a link to the 
new class. The API stay about the same.

Apache SIS does not yet have a web site. In the main time, the Maven 
site generated by Jenkins are there:

JDK7 branch using geoapi-pending: 
JDK6 branch using geoapi-3.0: https://builds.apache.org/job/sis-trunk/site/


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