[geotk] NullPointerException with WFSFeatureStore

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Dec 9 23:08:11 PST 2014

Le 10/12/14 15:58, emmanuel.blondel1 at gmail.com a écrit :
> Thanks Martin for the feedback, i confirm it's more than possible that this server takes more than 10s, and indeed i got the warning.
Thanks for the confirmation. Johann, would it be reasonable to increase
the timeout delay?

> In case of fixes, can you just tell if it is going to be in a SNAPSHOT only? Or if it is going to be merged to current milestone M2?
It would be in the SNAPSHOT, until we publish a new M3 milestone.
However we have been asked to publish milestones more often (e.g. once
per month). It depends on how easy or difficult it is to depends on an
existing release or milestone of GeoAPI and SIS...


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