[geotk] NullPointerException with WFSFeatureStore

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed Dec 10 23:29:47 PST 2014

Hello Emmanuel

Le 10/12/14 23:45, Emmanuel Blondel a écrit :
> I will be waiting then for the TimeOut param/exception changes in
> geotk-client-wfs snapshot, for further tests.
I just deployed the following changes:

  * Increased the timeout delay from 10 to 60 seconds.
  * Replaced the "log a warning and return null" pattern by a new

I have not yet provided the timeout delay as a parameter because I saw
to general-purpose mechanism for arbitrary parameters. I added a "todo"
for now in order to revisit this issue.

It is possible that the WebFeatureException could be retrofitted in
existing exceptions. I also put a "todo" for this task. We should
probably revisit in this process if it should be a checked exception.
For now I took what seemed to me the less disruptive path.


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