[geotk] 4.0-M4 milestone available

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Tue Sep 22 15:23:06 PDT 2015

Hello all

Apache SIS 0.6 has been released last Friday. As part of the transition
from Geotk to SIS, we have deployed on http://maven.geotoolkit.org a
Geotk 4.0-M4 milestone. This milestone has bug fixes and improvements,
but also some classes removed in favour of Apache SIS classes. The
removed classes are mostly in some (not yet all)
org.geotoolkit.referencing sub-packages.

Note on dependencies:


    The official Apache SIS release is the "0.6" version, deployed on
    Maven Central. That version depends on GeoAPI version 3.0.0, which
    is currently the only version officially released by OGC.


    Geotk 4.0-M4 depends on a *non-*official SIS release, identified by
    version "0.6-jdk7" and deployed only on maven.geotoolkit.org. The
    main difference between the official Apache release and our custom
    release is that the later depends on GeoAPI 4.0-M04, which is also a
    non-official milestone. It allows us to experiment GeoAPI interfaces
    to be proposed to OGC. Our long-term goal is to have Geotk to depend
    only on official releases (this will happen naturally as more code
    move to Apache SIS), but it may take 2 years before we reach this goal.


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