[geotk] DefaultPortrayalService BufferedImage Flipped/Rotated

Cullen Rombach cullenr at imagemattersllc.com
Wed Jul 12 08:56:16 PDT 2017

Hello all,

I am using DefaultPortrayalService to render a MapContext to a
BufferedImage. My (heavily simplified) code looks something like this:

MapContext context = ... (created earlier)
Envelope envelope = ... (created earlier)
OutputStream outputStream = ... (created earlier)
Dimension dimension = ... (created earlier)

BufferedImage img = DefaultPortrayalService.portray(context, envelope,
dimension, false);

ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", outputStream);

As far as I can tell, this is the proper way to render a MapContext.
However, the image I get back in the output stream is incorrect. In order
to get the image oriented properly, I need to flip it upside down and
rotate it -90 degrees. Additionally, if the supplied dimensions are not
square, the original image is missing content because it is drawn in the
wrong orientation (that is, it gets cropped). I've attached a few example

I'm trying to work around the issue by performing AffineTransforms on the
rendered image to get it oriented properly, but I would obviously prefer if
the image were correct on the first try. Is this an issue with the way I am
using DefaultPortrayalService, or is it a bug?

In case it is relevant, I am getting the FeatureCollection in my MapContext
from WGS 1984 shape files. I have tried a few different shape files, so I
don't think it's an issue caused only by certain data sets. Also of note is
that my source CRS and target CRS are the same (EPSG:4326, AKA WGS 1984).

Cullen Rombach

Cullen Rombach
Image Matters LLC
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