[geotk] CRS issue with WFS module
Andrea Aime
andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it
Fri Oct 27 09:52:57 PDT 2017
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Stephane Fellah <
stephanef at imagemattersllc.com> wrote:
> Simone,
> I agree with your analysis. I think we will have no choice to modify the
> behavior of the client. Hopefully, Martin can help us address this issue. I
> think we should report this issue as a CR to enforce the adherence to
> standards. This is a huge impediment to interoperability as every vendor
> comes out with their strategy. Given a URL to WFS, it is impossible to
> implement a client that can accommodate the different profile for each
> vendor. We are harvesting thousands of WFS on Geoplatform and access them
> in a unified way is crucial. So the usage of the short name
> EPSG:xxxx should be banned or need to be enforced to follow the standard.
> Not sure if this issue has already been addressed by OGC.
Welcome to our hell... when the GeoTools WFS client was implemented we had
to add, as configuration parameters that the user setting up the client can
choose, the following:
- A flag to indicate if the server is flipping axis or not compared to
the spec expectations
- A flag to indicate if the server expect flipped axis geometries in
their filters (because there are some doing the axis flipping on data
return, but not on input parsing)
And well, I expect that sooner or later we'll also have to consider adding
a flag to check if the server expects flipped axis geometries in
transactions (did not happen yet only because WFS-T is not as commonly
used, imho).
If I could share a suggestion, it would be to stop working over assumptions
on what's the expected axis order based on a code, and allow the client to
just ask the server instead (and only the server, there is no guarantee the
client can/is allowed to communicate with anything else, and no guarantee
it can host a local EPSG database, quite often it won't).
Just sharing an idea after years spent fighting this axis order issue....
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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549
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