[geotk] migration to java 11

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Thu Mar 4 02:44:36 PST 2021

Hello Juergen

Le 04/03/2021 à 09:38, juergen sorg a écrit :

> the exception [1] still occurs after changing the dependencies in the 
> way you described. i looked into 
> org.opengis:geoapi-pending:jar:4.0-M15 in my local maven repo, but 
> there is no Factory class.
The Factory class is in the org.opengis.util package. But the stack 
trace tells us that the application is looking in the 
org.opengis.referencing package. It is the old location of the Factory 
class in GeoAPI 2.2, more than 10 years ago. I suspect that the 
classpath contains a mix of GeoAPI 2.2 and 4.0-M15. Maybe you have both 
Geotk and GeoTools on your classpath?

Note: neither GeoAPI 2.2 or GeoAPI 4.x are formal OGC releases. The only 
officially approved OGC GeoAPI releases are 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 (the 3.1/4.0 
versions are still in development and not yet approved or released). All 
official Apache SIS releases are implementations of GeoAPI 3.0.x, so the 
situation is clean when it is possible to use only Apache SIS or other 
implementations compliant with OGC standard (PROJ-JNI, UCAR GeoAPI 
wrappers…). Here the situation is made complicated by the "in perpetual 
development" nature of Geotk…


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