[Graphics] Map Symbols from California Chapter meeting/Sprint

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Wed Dec 28 18:08:22 EST 2011

W dniu 28.12.2011 01:26, Alex Mandel pisze:
> While I still haven't gotten around to my symbology database/keywording
> tool yet... a few of us did get together and convert a bunch of symbols
> to svg from pdfs and other not so usable formats (150+symbols).

Great work Alex!
Thank you for this contribution.

> I've pushed the results to svn, under "sets" because these all come from
> pre-made grouping of iconography created various US gov. agencies and
> are presumable all public domain.
> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/graphics/trunk/map-icons/
> Under themes I also add the ISO 19115 Topic Category names based on
> http://gcmd.nasa.gov/User/difguide/iso_topics.html
> So if you happen to make a symbol or two those seem like the best
> (though not great) categories to file them under for now.

As I understand, 'sets' top-level folder is for consistent set of icons. 
Like USA-Government.

"Theme" folder you treat as thematic, not theme in the sense of uniform 
layout. So my few icons from "gis" subfolder should be moved to 
appropriate subfolders. Like nurse.svg to "health". Is this correct?


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