[Graphics] Re: [Qgis-developer] Additional icons for Openstreetmap rendering

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Sun Jan 9 08:56:26 EST 2011

Hi Myeul.

W dniu 26.12.2010 12:37, Mayeul Kauffmann pisze:
> I have created a new set of icons based on SJJB Icons (those are
> "official" icons for Openstreetmap).

Good and nice work you are doing.

> Those are the icons I used for my work here:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/3222
> I cannot attach them on the trac website because the tar.gz file is>  1
> MB. How can I share them?

What about working together in one place?
And in QGIS svn add just smart link, like Paolo starts now with GRASS 
toolbox icons.

To not interfere with several themes/ideas/authors perphaps we shoud 
create top level 'theme' directory at

> In addition, I created a set of script to generate the coloured icons
> based on the raw svg files. I do not know where this should go in the
> qgis tree.
> Regards,
> Mayeul


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