[GRASS-ABM] [frankie@debian.org: Re: [GRASSLIST:10783] Re: [GRASS5] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Incubation Committee / Contributor Agreements]]

Laurent C. lrntct at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 12:03:27 EST 2006

2006/3/8, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
> I think that the issue is not whether GRASS can use a piece of software
> under a BSD/MIT license, but whether a piece of software licensed under
> BDS/MIT can use GRASS.

Does that make sense? If this kind of question can be clarified, it might
> help a lot.
> Michael

You're right. It's a caracteristic of BSD licenced software to can be
integrated into software with different licence, even non-free.
And sometime, GPL'd software aren't enough free because they can't be used
by other free software because of licence restriction.
That why I think IMHO that some type of code should be licenced under a more
permissive licence. I'm thinking about libraries or protocols.

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