[GRASS-SVN] r29531 - grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 27 20:13:36 EST 2007

Author: cmbarton
Date: 2007-12-27 20:13:36 -0500 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 29531

 Fix bug in positioning panel (from coord/to coord).

Modified: grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_main.tcl
--- grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_main.tcl	2007-12-27 18:47:08 UTC (rev 29530)
+++ grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_main.tcl	2007-12-28 01:13:36 UTC (rev 29531)
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@
 	set draw_var1 [radiobutton $BASE.midt.b1 -text "eye" \
 		-variable draw_option -value 0 -width 8 \
-		-command "change_display 1" ]
+		-command "set Nv_(FlyThrough) 0; change_display 1" ]
 	set draw_var2 [radiobutton $BASE.midt.b2 -text "center" \
 		-variable draw_option -value 1 -width 8 \
-		-command "change_display 0" ]
+		-command "set Nv_(FlyThrough) 0; change_display 0" ]
 	$draw_var1 select
 	help $BASE.midt.b1 balloon "Change view by moving eye position"
@@ -498,9 +498,9 @@
 	global XY Nv_
 	global Nauto_draw
-   set NAME $XY
-   set NAME2 [winfo parent $NAME]
-   catch "destroy $XY"
+	set NAME $XY
+	set NAME2 [winfo parent $NAME]
+	catch "destroy $XY"
 	# *** ACS_MODIFY 1.0 - one line
@@ -523,23 +523,24 @@
 		set XY [Nv_mkXYScale $NAME cross XY_POS 125 125 109 109 update_center_position]
 		#*** ACS_MODIFY 1.0 BEGIN ******************************************************
-			if {$Nv_(FlyThrough) == 0} {
-				# original line
-				pack $XY -side left -before $Nv_(HEIGHT_SLIDER)
-			}
+		if {$Nv_(FlyThrough) == 0} {
+			# original line
+			pack $XY -side left -before $Nv_(HEIGHT_SLIDER)
+		}
 		#*** ACS_MODIFY 1.0 END ******************************************************
 		update_height $h		
 	#*** ACS_MODIFY 1.0 BEGIN ******************************************************
-		if {$Nv_(FlyThrough)} {
-			pack_XY
-		} else {
-			# original line
-		   pack $XY -side left -before $Nv_(HEIGHT_SLIDER)
-		}
+	if {$Nv_(FlyThrough)} {
+		pack_XY
+	} else {
+		# original line
+		pack $XY -side left -before $Nv_(HEIGHT_SLIDER)
+	}
 	#*** ACS_MODIFY 1.0 END ******************************************************
 	if {$Nauto_draw == 1} {Ndraw_all}

Modified: grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_pos.tcl
--- grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_pos.tcl	2007-12-27 18:47:08 UTC (rev 29530)
+++ grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/scripts/panel_pos.tcl	2007-12-28 01:13:36 UTC (rev 29531)
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
   # Mode setting radiobuttons
-  	set tmp3 [frame $BASE.top3]
+    set tmp3 [frame $BASE.top3]
     radiobutton $tmp3.r1 -text "Eye to surface" -variable "bearing_calc" -value "1" -command "catch {show_bearing}"
     radiobutton $tmp3.r2 -text "Surface to eye" -variable "bearing_calc" -value "2" -command "catch {show_bearing}"
-    button $tmp3.b1 -text "Calculate" -command "catch {calc_position $bearing_calc}" -bd 1
+    button $tmp3.b1 -text "Calculate" -command "catch {calc_position $bearing_calc};catch {show_bearing}" -bd 1
     pack $tmp3.r1 $tmp3.r2 $tmp3.b1 -side left -padx 3 -expand 1 -fill x
     pack $tmp3 -side top -fill x -expand 1 -pady 4
@@ -109,10 +109,7 @@
     button $tmp4.b2 -text "Apply" -bd 1 \
     	-command {
 			#Set To coords
-			Nset_focus_real $Nv_(east2) $Nv_(north2) $Nv_(ht2)
-			#reset XY canvas
-			change_display 2
+			Nset_focus_real $Nv_(east2) $Nv_(north2) $Nv_(ht2)		
 			#Set From coords
 			Nmove_to_real $Nv_(east1) $Nv_(north1) $Nv_(ht1)
 			#reset height
@@ -121,7 +118,8 @@
 			#reset XY canvas
 			change_display 1
-			Nquick_draw
+			#Nquick_draw
+			Ndraw_all
     button $tmp4.b3 -text "Close" -command "Nv_closePanel $BASE" -bd 1
@@ -163,71 +161,71 @@
 # Proc calc_position to coordinate from
 # rangle bearing and elev.
 proc calc_position {flag} {
-global Nv_
-set RAD 0.0174532925199432958
-#convert range to 2D range
-set range_xy  [expr (cos($Nv_(elev)*$RAD) * $Nv_(range))]
-set zz [expr (sin($Nv_(elev)*$RAD) * $Nv_(range))]
-set xx [expr (sin($Nv_(bearing)*$RAD) * $range_xy)]
-set yy [expr (cos($Nv_(bearing)*$RAD) * $range_xy)]
- if {$flag == 1} {
- #Calculate new surface center from eye position
- set Nv_(east2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(east1) + $xx]]
- set Nv_(north2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(north1) + $yy]]
- #always look down
- set Nv_(ht2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(ht1) - $zz]]
-  } else {
- #Calculate new eye position from surface center coord
- set Nv_(east1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(east2) + $xx]]
- set Nv_(north1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(north2) + $yy]]
- #always look up
- set Nv_(ht1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(ht2) + $zz]]
- }
+    global Nv_
+    set RAD 0.0174532925199432958
+    #convert range to 2D range
+    set range_xy  [expr (cos($Nv_(elev)*$RAD) * $Nv_(range))]
+    set zz [expr (sin($Nv_(elev)*$RAD) * $Nv_(range))]
+    set xx [expr (sin($Nv_(bearing)*$RAD) * $range_xy)]
+    set yy [expr (cos($Nv_(bearing)*$RAD) * $range_xy)]
+    if {$flag == 1} {
+	#Calculate new surface center from eye position
+	set Nv_(east2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(east1) + $xx]]
+	set Nv_(north2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(north1) + $yy]]
+	#always look down
+	set Nv_(ht2) [format_number [expr $Nv_(ht1) - $zz]]
+    } else {
+	#Calculate new eye position from surface center coord
+	set Nv_(east1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(east2) + $xx]]
+	set Nv_(north1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(north2) + $yy]]
+	#always look up
+	set Nv_(ht1) [format_number [expr $Nv_(ht2) + $zz]]
+    }
 # Proc show_bearing to calculate and show
 # current range and bearing
 proc show_bearing {} {
-global Nv_ bearing_calc
+    global Nv_ bearing_calc
-set RAD 0.0174532925199432958
+    set RAD 0.0174532925199432958
-if {$bearing_calc == 1} {
-	set xx [expr $Nv_(east2) - $Nv_(east1)]
-	set yy [expr $Nv_(north2) - $Nv_(north1)]
-	set zz [expr $Nv_(ht2) - $Nv_(ht1)]
-} else {
-	set xx [expr $Nv_(east1) - $Nv_(east2)]
-	set yy [expr $Nv_(north1) - $Nv_(north2)]
-	set zz [expr $Nv_(ht1) - $Nv_(ht2)]
-set Nv_(range) [format_number [expr sqrt( ($xx*$xx) + ($yy*$yy) + ($zz*$zz) )]]
-set Nv_(elev) [format_number [expr sinh(abs($zz)/$Nv_(range))/$RAD ]]
-if {$yy == 0. && $xx == 0.} {
-	set bear_tmp 0.
-} elseif {$yy == 0.} {
-	set bear_tmp 90.
-} elseif {$xx == 0.} {
-        set bear_tmp 0.
-} else {
-set bear_tmp [expr atan(abs($xx)/abs($yy)) / $RAD]
-if {$xx >= 0. && $yy > 0.} {
-	set Nv_(bearing) [format_number $bear_tmp]
-} elseif {$xx > 0. && $yy <= 0.} {
-	set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr 180. - $bear_tmp]]
-} elseif {$xx <= 0. && $yy < 0.} {
-	set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr $bear_tmp + 180.]]
-} elseif {$xx < 0. && $yy >= 0.} {
-	set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr 360. - $bear_tmp]]
-} else {
-	set Nv_(bearing) 999
+    if {$bearing_calc == 1} {
+	    set xx [expr $Nv_(east2) - $Nv_(east1)]
+	    set yy [expr $Nv_(north2) - $Nv_(north1)]
+	    set zz [expr $Nv_(ht2) - $Nv_(ht1)]
+    } else {
+	    set xx [expr $Nv_(east1) - $Nv_(east2)]
+	    set yy [expr $Nv_(north1) - $Nv_(north2)]
+	    set zz [expr $Nv_(ht1) - $Nv_(ht2)]
+    }
+    set Nv_(range) [format_number [expr sqrt( ($xx*$xx) + ($yy*$yy) + ($zz*$zz) )]]
+    set Nv_(elev) [format_number [expr sinh(abs($zz)/$Nv_(range))/$RAD ]]
+    if {$yy == 0. && $xx == 0.} {
+	    set bear_tmp 0.
+    } elseif {$yy == 0.} {
+	    set bear_tmp 90.
+    } elseif {$xx == 0.} {
+	    set bear_tmp 0.
+    } else {
+	    set bear_tmp [expr atan(abs($xx)/abs($yy)) / $RAD]
+    }
+    if {$xx >= 0. && $yy > 0.} {
+	    set Nv_(bearing) [format_number $bear_tmp]
+    } elseif {$xx > 0. && $yy <= 0.} {
+	    set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr 180. - $bear_tmp]]
+    } elseif {$xx <= 0. && $yy < 0.} {
+	    set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr $bear_tmp + 180.]]
+    } elseif {$xx < 0. && $yy >= 0.} {
+	    set Nv_(bearing) [format_number [expr 360. - $bear_tmp]]
+    } else {
+	    set Nv_(bearing) 999
+    }

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