[GRASS-SVN] r30879 - grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL95
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Apr 6 11:46:35 EDT 2008
Author: ychemin
Date: 2008-04-06 11:46:35 -0400 (Sun, 06 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 30879
Overhaul of the code, added automatic mode
Modified: grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL95/main.c
--- grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL95/main.c 2008-04-06 15:19:30 UTC (rev 30878)
+++ grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL95/main.c 2008-04-06 15:46:35 UTC (rev 30879)
@@ -28,150 +28,152 @@
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct Cell_head cellhd;
+ char *mapset; // mapset name
/* buffer for in out raster */
- DCELL *inrast_T,*inrast_ndvi,*inrast_u2,*inrast_DEM,*inrast_Rn,*inrast_g0,*outrast;
- unsigned char *ETa;
+ DCELL *inrast_T,*inrast_ndvi,*inrast_u2,*inrast_DEM;
+ DCELL *inrast_Rn,*inrast_g0,*inrast_albedo,*outrast;
+ unsigned char *h0;
int nrows, ncols;
int row, col;
int row_wet, col_wet;
int row_dry, col_dry;
- int infd_T,infd_ndvi,infd_u2,infd_DEM,infd_Rn,infd_g0;
+ int infd_T,infd_ndvi,infd_u2,infd_DEM,infd_Rn,infd_g0,infd_albedo;
int outfd;
- char *mapset_T,*mapset_ndvi,*mapset_u2,*mapset_DEM,*mapset_Rn,*mapset_g0;
- char *T, *ndvi, *u2, *DEM, *Rn, *g0;
+ char *mapset_T,*mapset_ndvi,*mapset_u2,*mapset_DEM;
+ char *mapset_Rn,*mapset_g0,*mapset_albedo;
+ char *T, *ndvi, *u2, *DEM, *Rn, *g0, *albedo;
- int d_night;
struct History history;
struct GModule *module;
- struct Option *input_T, *input_ndvi, *input_u2, *input_DEM, *input_Rn, *input_g0, *output;
- struct Option *input_row_wet, *input_col_wet, *input_row_dry, *input_col_dry;
+ struct Option *input_T, *input_ndvi, *input_u2, *input_DEM;
+ struct Option *input_Rn, *input_g0, *input_albedo, *output;
+ struct Option *input_row_wet, *input_col_wet;
+ struct Option *input_row_dry, *input_col_dry;
struct Flag *flag1, *day, *zero;
+ /*******************************/
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_T;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_ndvi;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_u2;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_DEM;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_Rn;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_g0;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_albedo;
+ RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type_output=DCELL_TYPE;
+ /*******************************/
+ /********************************/
+ /* Stats for Senay equation */
+ double t0dem_min=400.0,t0dem_max=200.0;
+ double tempk_min=400.0,tempk_max=200.0;
+ /********************************/
module = G_define_module();
module->description = _("Sensible Heat Flux iteration from SEBAL 95");
/* Define different options */
- input_T = G_define_option();
+ input_T = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_T->key = "T";
- input_T->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_T->required = YES;
- input_T->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
input_T->description = _("Name of Surface Skin Temperature input map [K]");
- input_u2 = G_define_option();
+ input_T->guisection = _("Required");
+ input_u2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_u2->key = "u2m";
- input_u2->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_u2->required = YES;
- input_u2->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
input_u2->description = _("Name of Wind Speed input map [m/s]");
+ input_u2->guisection = _("Required");
- input_DEM = G_define_option();
+ input_DEM = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_DEM->key = "DEM";
- input_DEM->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_DEM->required = YES;
- input_DEM->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
input_DEM->description = _("Name of DEM input map [m a.s.l.]");
+ input_DEM->guisection = _("Required");
- input_ndvi = G_define_option();
+ input_ndvi = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_ndvi->key = "ndvi";
- input_ndvi->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_ndvi->required = YES;
- input_ndvi->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
input_ndvi->description = _("Name of NDVI input map [%]");
+ input_ndvi->guisection = _("Required");
- input_Rn = G_define_option();
+ input_Rn = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_Rn->key = "Rn";
- input_Rn->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_Rn->required = YES;
- input_Rn->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
input_Rn->description = _("Name of Diurnal Net Solar Radiation input map [W/m2]");
+ input_Rn->guisection = _("Required");
- input_g0 = G_define_option();
+ input_g0 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
input_g0->key = "g0";
- input_g0->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_g0->required = YES;
- input_g0->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
- input_g0->description = _("Name of Soil Heat Flux input map [W/m2]");
+ input_g0->description = _("Name of Soil Heat Flux input map [W/m2]");
+ input_g0->guisection = _("Required");
+ input_albedo = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
+ input_albedo->key = "albedo";
+ input_albedo->required = NO;
+ input_albedo->description = _("With Flag \"-a\": Name of Albedo input map [-]");
+ input_albedo->guisection = _("Optional");
input_row_wet = G_define_option();
input_row_wet->key = "row_wet";
input_row_wet->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
- input_row_wet->required = YES;
+ input_row_wet->required = NO;
input_row_wet->gisprompt = "old,value";
- input_row_wet->description = _("Row value of the wet pixel");
+ input_row_wet->description = _("Row value of the wet pixel");
+ input_row_wet->guisection = _("Optional");
input_col_wet = G_define_option();
input_col_wet->key = "col_wet";
input_col_wet->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
- input_col_wet->required = YES;
+ input_col_wet->required = NO;
input_col_wet->gisprompt = "old,value";
- input_col_wet->description = _("Column value of the wet pixel");
+ input_col_wet->description = _("Column value of the wet pixel");
+ input_col_wet->guisection = _("Optional");
input_row_dry = G_define_option();
input_row_dry->key = "row_dry";
input_row_dry->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
- input_row_dry->required = YES;
+ input_row_dry->required = NO;
input_row_dry->gisprompt = "old,value";
- input_row_dry->description = _("Row value of the dry pixel");
+ input_row_dry->description = _("Row value of the dry pixel");
+ input_row_dry->guisection = _("Optional");
input_col_dry = G_define_option();
input_col_dry->key = "col_dry";
input_col_dry->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
- input_col_dry->required = YES;
+ input_col_dry->required = NO;
input_col_dry->gisprompt = "old,value";
- input_col_dry->description = _("Column value of the dry pixel");
+ input_col_dry->description = _("Column value of the dry pixel");
+ input_col_dry->guisection = _("Optional");
- output = G_define_option() ;
- output->key = "ETa";
- output->type = TYPE_STRING;
- output->required = YES;
- output->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster" ;
+ output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT) ;
+ output->key = "h0";
output->description= _("Name of output Actual Evapotranspiration layer [mm/d]");
+ output->guisection = _("Required");
/* Define the different flags */
- //flag1 = G_define_flag() ;
- //flag1->key = 'q' ;
- //flag1->description = "Quiet" ;
+ flag1 = G_define_flag() ;
+ flag1->key = 'a' ;
+ flag1->description = _("Automatic wet/dry pixel (careful!)") ;
zero = G_define_flag() ;
zero->key = 'z' ;
zero->description = _("set negative evapo to zero");
- day = G_define_flag() ;
- day->key = 'n' ;
- day->description = _("night-time");
if (G_parser(argc, argv))
/* get entered parameters */
- T=input_T->answer;
- u2=input_u2->answer;
- DEM=input_DEM->answer;
- ndvi=input_ndvi->answer;
- Rn=input_Rn->answer;
- g0=input_g0->answer;
- ETa=output->answer;
+ T = input_T->answer;
+ u2 = input_u2->answer;
+ DEM = input_DEM->answer;
+ ndvi = input_ndvi->answer;
+ Rn = input_Rn->answer;
+ g0 = input_g0->answer;
+ albedo = input_albedo->answer;
+ h0 = output->answer;
row_wet = atoi(input_row_wet->answer);
col_wet = atoi(input_col_wet->answer);
row_dry = atoi(input_row_dry->answer);
col_dry = atoi(input_col_dry->answer);
- if (day->answer) {
- d_night = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- d_night=FALSE;
- }
/* find maps in mapset */
mapset_T = G_find_cell2 (T, "");
if (mapset_T == NULL)
@@ -191,15 +193,26 @@
mapset_g0 = G_find_cell2 (g0, "");
if (mapset_g0 == NULL)
G_fatal_error (_("cell file [%s] not found"), g0);
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ mapset_albedo = G_find_cell2 (albedo, "");
+ if (mapset_albedo == NULL)
+ G_fatal_error(_("cell file [%s] not found"),albedo);
+ }
/* check legal output name */
- if (G_legal_filename (ETa) < 0)
- G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), ETa);
+ if (G_legal_filename (h0) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error (_("[%s] is an illegal name"), h0);
/* determine the input map type (CELL/FCELL/DCELL) */
- //data_type = G_raster_map_type(T, mapset);
+ data_type_T = G_raster_map_type(T, mapset);
+ data_type_u2 = G_raster_map_type(u2, mapset);
+ data_type_DEM = G_raster_map_type(DEM, mapset);
+ data_type_ndvi = G_raster_map_type(ndvi, mapset);
+ data_type_Rn = G_raster_map_type(Rn, mapset);
+ data_type_g0 = G_raster_map_type(g0, mapset);
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ data_type_albedo = G_raster_map_type(albedo, mapset);
+ }
if ( (infd_T = G_open_cell_old (T, mapset_T)) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"), T);
if ( (infd_u2 = G_open_cell_old (u2, mapset_u2)) < 0)
@@ -212,7 +225,10 @@
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"),Rn);
if ( (infd_g0 = G_open_cell_old (g0, mapset_g0)) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"),g0);
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ if((infd_albedo=G_open_cell_old (albedo,mapset_albedo)) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Cannot open cell file [%s]"),albedo);
+ }
if (G_get_cellhd (T, mapset_T, &cellhd) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot read file header of [%s]"), T);
if (G_get_cellhd (u2, mapset_u2, &cellhd) < 0)
@@ -225,7 +241,10 @@
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot read file header of [%s]"), Rn);
if (G_get_cellhd (g0, mapset_g0, &cellhd) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Cannot read file header of [%s]"), g0);
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ if (G_get_cellhd (albedo, mapset_albedo, &cellhd) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error (_("Cannot read file header of [%s]"), albedo);
+ }
/* Allocate input buffer */
inrast_T = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
inrast_u2 = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
@@ -233,18 +252,20 @@
inrast_ndvi = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
inrast_Rn = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
inrast_g0 = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ inrast_albedo = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
+ }
/* Allocate output buffer */
nrows = G_window_rows();
ncols = G_window_cols();
outrast = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();
- if ( (outfd = G_open_raster_new (ETa,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
- G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),ETa);
+ if((outfd = G_open_raster_new (h0,DCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error (_("Could not open <%s>"),h0);
DCELL d_ndvi; /* Input raster */
DCELL d_ndvi_max = 0.0; /* Generated here */
+ /* THREAD 1 */
/* NDVI Max */
for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
@@ -258,7 +279,87 @@
+ /* FLAG1 */
+ if(flag1->answer){
+ /* THREAD 2 */
+ /* Process tempk min / max pixels for SENAY Evapfr */
+ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++){
+ DCELL d;
+ DCELL d_albedo;
+ DCELL d_tempk;
+ DCELL d_dem;
+ DCELL d_t0dem;
+ G_percent(row,nrows,2);
+ if(G_get_raster_row(infd_albedo,inrast_albedo,row,data_type_albedo)<0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Could not read from <%s>"),albedo);
+ if(G_get_raster_row(infd_T,inrast_T,row,data_type_T)<0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Could not read from <%s>"),T);
+ if(G_get_raster_row(infd_DEM,inrast_DEM,row,data_type_DEM)<0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Could not read from <%s>"),DEM);
+ /*process the data */
+ for (col=0; col < ncols; col++)
+ {
+ switch(data_type_albedo){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_albedo = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_albedo)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_albedo = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_albedo)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_albedo = ((DCELL *) inrast_albedo)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_T){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_DEM){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ if(G_is_d_null_value(&d_albedo)){
+ /* do nothing */
+ }else if(G_is_d_null_value(&d_tempk)){
+ /* do nothing */
+ }else if(G_is_d_null_value(&d_dem)){
+ /* do nothing */
+ }else{
+ d_t0dem = d_tempk + 0.00649*d_dem;
+ if(d_t0dem<0.0){
+ /* do nothing */
+ } else {
+ if(d_t0dem<t0dem_min&&d_albedo<0.1){
+ t0dem_min=d_t0dem;
+ tempk_min=d_tempk;
+ col_wet=col;
+ row_wet=row;
+ }else if(d_t0dem>t0dem_max){
+ t0dem_max=d_t0dem;
+ tempk_max=d_tempk;
+ col_dry=col;
+ row_dry=row;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ G_message("tempk_min=%f\ntempk_max=%f\n",tempk_min,tempk_max);
+ } /* END OF FLAG1 */
/* Pick up wet and dry pixel values */
DCELL d_Rn; /* Input raster */
DCELL d_g0; /* Input raster */
@@ -268,12 +369,21 @@
DCELL d_g0_dry;
DCELL d_t0dem_dry;
DCELL d_dem_dry;
/*Process wet pixel values*/
if (G_get_d_raster_row (infd_T, inrast_T, row_wet) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),T);
- d_tempk_wet = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_wet];
+ switch(data_type_T){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_wet = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_T)[col_wet];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_wet = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_T)[col_wet];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_wet = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_wet];
+ break;
+ }
+ //d_tempk_wet = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_wet];
/*Process dry pixel values*/
if (G_get_d_raster_row (infd_T, inrast_T, row_dry) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),T);
@@ -283,14 +393,56 @@
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),Rn);
if (G_get_d_raster_row (infd_g0, inrast_g0, row_dry) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),g0);
- d_tempk_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_dry];
- d_rnet_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col_dry];
- d_g0_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col_dry];
- d_t0dem_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
- d_t0dem_dry = d_t0dem_dry * 0.00627 + d_tempk_dry;
- d_dem_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
+ switch(data_type_T){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_dry = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_T)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_dry = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_T)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk_dry = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_DEM){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem_dry = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem_dry = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem_dry = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_Rn){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_rnet_dry = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_Rn)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_rnet_dry = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_rnet_dry = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_g0){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0_dry = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_g0)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0_dry = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_g0)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0_dry = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ }
+// d_tempk_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col_dry];
+// d_rnet_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col_dry];
+// d_g0_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col_dry];
+ d_t0dem_dry = d_dem_dry * 0.00627 + d_tempk_dry;
+// d_dem_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
DCELL d_tempk; /* Input raster */
@@ -308,30 +460,91 @@
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),DEM);
if (G_get_d_raster_row (infd_ndvi, inrast_ndvi, row) < 0)
G_fatal_error (_("Could not read from <%s>"),ndvi);
/* read every cell in the line buffers */
- for (col=0; col < ncols; col++)
- {
- d_tempk = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
- d_u2m = ((DCELL *) inrast_u2)[col];
- d_dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
- d_ndvi = ((DCELL *) inrast_ndvi)[col];
- d_Rn = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
- d_g0 = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
+ for (col=0; col < ncols; col++){
+ switch(data_type_T){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_tempk = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_u2){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_u2m = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_u2)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_u2m = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_u2)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_u2m = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_u2)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_DEM){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_DEM)[col_dry];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_dem = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_ndvi){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_ndvi = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_ndvi)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_ndvi = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_ndvi)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_ndvi = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_ndvi)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_Rn){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_Rn = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_Rn = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_Rn = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(data_type_g0){
+ case CELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0 = (double) ((CELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
+ break;
+ case FCELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0 = (double) ((FCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
+ break;
+ case DCELL_TYPE:
+ d_g0 = (double) ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
+ break;
+ }
+ // d_tempk = ((DCELL *) inrast_T)[col];
+ // d_u2m = ((DCELL *) inrast_u2)[col];
+ // d_dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_DEM)[col];
+ // d_ndvi = ((DCELL *) inrast_ndvi)[col];
+ // d_Rn = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
+ // d_g0 = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
/* Calculate T0dem */
d_t0dem = d_dem * 0.00627 + d_tempk;
/* Calculate sensible heat flux */
d = sensi_h(d_tempk_wet,d_tempk_dry,d_t0dem,d_tempk,d_ndvi,d_ndvi_max,d_dem,d_rnet_dry,d_g0_dry,d_t0dem_dry,d_u2m,d_dem_dry);
if (zero->answer && d<0.0){
((DCELL *) outrast)[col] = d;
if (G_put_d_raster_row (outfd, outrast) < 0)
- G_fatal_error (_("Cannot write to <%s>"),ETa);
+ G_fatal_error (_("Cannot write to <%s>"),h0);
@@ -340,6 +553,8 @@
+ if(flag1->answer)
+ G_free(inrast_albedo);
G_close_cell (infd_T);
G_close_cell (infd_u2);
@@ -347,12 +562,14 @@
G_close_cell (infd_ndvi);
G_close_cell (infd_Rn);
G_close_cell (infd_g0);
+ if(flag1->answer)
+ G_close_cell (infd_albedo);
G_close_cell (outfd);
/* add command line incantation to history file */
- G_short_history(ETa, "raster", &history);
+ G_short_history(h0, "raster", &history);
- G_write_history(ETa, &history);
+ G_write_history(h0, &history);
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