[GRASS-SVN] r31162 - grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Apr 28 17:30:05 EDT 2008

Author: martinl
Date: 2008-04-28 17:30:05 -0400 (Mon, 28 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 31162

wxGUI (icon): i18n

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2008-04-28 20:19:57 UTC (rev 31161)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2008-04-28 21:30:05 UTC (rev 31162)
@@ -215,113 +215,190 @@
 Icons = {
     # map display
-    "displaymap" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["displaymap"], label="Display map"),
-    "rendermap"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["rendermap"], label="Re-render map",
-                             desc="Force re-rendering of all layers"),
-    "erase"      : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["erase"], label="Erase display"),
-    "pointer"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["pointer"], label="Pointer"),
-    "zoom_in"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_in"], label="Zoom in",
-                             desc="Drag or click mouse to zoom"),
-    "zoom_out"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_out"], label="Zoom out",
-                             desc="Drag or click mouse to unzoom"),
-    "pan"        : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["pan"], label="Pan",
-                             desc="Drag with mouse to pan"),
-    "queryDisplay" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["query"], label="Query raster/vector map(s) (display mode)",
-                             desc="Query selected raster/vector map(s)"),
-    "queryModify" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["query"], label="Query vector map (editable mode)",
-                             desc="Query selected vector map in editable mode"),
-    "zoom_back"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_back"], label="Return to previous zoom"),
-    "zoommenu"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoommenu"], label="Zoom options",
-                             desc="Display zoom management"),
-    "overlay"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["overlay"], label="Add overlay",
-                             desc="Add graphic overlays to map"),
-    "addbarscale": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addbarscale"], label="Add scalebar and north arrow"),
-    "addlegend"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addlegend"], label="Add legend"),
-    "savefile"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["savefile"], label="Save display to PNG file"),
-    "printmap"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["printmap"], label="Print display"),
+    "displaymap" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["displaymap"],
+                             label=_("Display map")),
+    "rendermap"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["rendermap"],
+                             label=_("Re-render map"),
+                             desc=_("Force re-rendering of all layers")),
+    "erase"      : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["erase"],
+                             label=_("Erase display")),
+    "pointer"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["pointer"],
+                             label=_("Pointer")),
+    "zoom_in"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_in"],
+                             label=_("Zoom in"),
+                             desc=_("Drag or click mouse to zoom")),
+    "zoom_out"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_out"],
+                             label=_("Zoom out"),
+                             desc=_("Drag or click mouse to unzoom")),
+    "pan"        : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["pan"],
+                             label=_("Pan"),
+                             desc=_("Drag with mouse to pan")),
+    "queryDisplay" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["query"],
+                               label=_("Query raster/vector map(s) (display mode)"),
+                               desc=_("Query selected raster/vector map(s)")),
+    "queryModify" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["query"],
+                              label=_("Query vector map (editable mode)"),
+                             desc=_("Query selected vector map in editable mode")),
+    "zoom_back"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoom_back"],
+                             label=_("Return to previous zoom")),
+    "zoommenu"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["zoommenu"],
+                             label=_("Zoom options"),
+                             desc=_("Display zoom management")),
+    "overlay"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["overlay"],
+                             label=_("Add overlay"),
+                             desc=_("Add graphic overlays to map")),
+    "addbarscale": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addbarscale"],
+                             label=_("Add scalebar and north arrow")),
+    "addlegend"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addlegend"],
+                             label=_("Add legend")),
+    "savefile"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["savefile"],
+                             label=_("Save display to PNG file")),
+    "printmap"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["printmap"],
+                             label=_("Print display")),
     # gis manager
-    "newdisplay" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["newdisplay"], label="Start new display"),
-    "workspaceNew" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceNew"], label="Create new workspace file"),
-    "workspaceLoad" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceLoad"], label="Load map layers into workspace"),
-    "workspaceOpen" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceOpen"], label="Open existing workspace file"),
-    "workspaceSave" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceSave"], label="Save current workspace to file"),
+    "newdisplay" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["newdisplay"],
+                             label=_("Start new display")),
+    "workspaceNew" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceNew"],
+                               label=_("Create new workspace file")),
+    "workspaceLoad" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceLoad"],
+                                label=_("Load map layers into workspace")),
+    "workspaceOpen" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceOpen"],
+                                label=_("Open existing workspace file")),
+    "workspaceSave" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["workspaceSave"],
+                                label=_("Save current workspace to file")),
     # TODO: "layer" is not conformant with GRASS vocabulary (vector layer: 1..x) ! 
-    "addrast"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrast"], label="Add raster map layer"),
-    "addvect"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addvect"], label="Add vector map layer"),
-    "addcmd"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addcmd"], label="Add command layer"),
-    "addgrp"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgrp"], label="Add layer group"),
-    "addovl"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addovl"], label="Add grid or vector labels overlay"),
-    "delcmd"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["delcmd"], label="Delete selected layer"),
-    "quit"       : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["quit"], label="Quit"),
-    "attrtable"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["attrtable"], label="Show attribute table"),
-    "addrgb"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrgb"], label="Add RGB layer"),
-    "addhis"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addhis"], label="Add HIS layer"),
-    "addshaded"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addshaded"], label="Add shaded relief map layer"),
-    "addrarrow"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrarrow"], label="Add raster flow arrows"),
-    "addrnum"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrnum"], label="Add raster cell numbers"),
-    "elvect"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["elvect"], label=""),
-    "addthematic": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addthematic"], label="Add thematic layer"),
-    "addchart"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addchart"], label="Add thematic chart layer"),
-    "addgrid"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgrid"], label="Add grid layer"),
-    "addgeodesic": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgeodesic"], label="Add geodesic line layer"),
-    "addrhumb"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrhumb"], label="Add rhumbline layer"),
-    "addlabels"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addlabels"], label="Add labels"),
-    "addtext"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addtext"], label="Add text layer"),
+    "addrast"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrast"],
+                             label=_("Add raster map layer")),
+    "addvect"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addvect"],
+                             label=_("Add vector map layer")),
+    "addcmd"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addcmd"],
+                             label=_("Add command layer")),
+    "addgrp"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgrp"],
+                             label=_("Add layer group")),
+    "addovl"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addovl"],
+                             label=_("Add grid or vector labels overlay")),
+    "delcmd"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["delcmd"],
+                             label=_("Delete selected layer")),
+    "quit"       : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["quit"],
+                             label=_("Quit")),
+    "attrtable"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["attrtable"],
+                             label=_("Show attribute table")),
+    "addrgb"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrgb"],
+                             label=_("Add RGB layer")),
+    "addhis"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addhis"],
+                             label=_("Add HIS layer")),
+    "addshaded"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addshaded"],
+                             label=_("Add shaded relief map layer")),
+    "addrarrow"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrarrow"],
+                             label=_("Add raster flow arrows")),
+    "addrnum"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrnum"],
+                             label=_("Add raster cell numbers")),
+    "elvect"     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["elvect"],
+                             label=_("")),
+    "addthematic": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addthematic"],
+                             label=_("Add thematic layer")),
+    "addchart"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addchart"],
+                             label=_("Add thematic chart layer")),
+    "addgrid"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgrid"],
+                             label=_("Add grid layer")),
+    "addgeodesic": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addgeodesic"],
+                             label=_("Add geodesic line layer")),
+    "addrhumb"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addrhumb"],
+                             label=_("Add rhumbline layer")),
+    "addlabels"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addlabels"],
+                             label=_("Add labels")),
+    "addtext"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["addtext"],
+                             label=_("Add text layer")),
     # digit
-    "digAddPoint": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddPoint"], label="Digitize new point",
-                             desc="Left: new point"),
-    "digAddLine" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddLine"], label="Digitize new line",
-                             desc="Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line"),
-    "digAddBoundary": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddBoundary"], label="Digitize new boundary",
-                             desc="Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line"),
-    "digAddCentroid": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddCentroid"], label="Digitize new centroid",
-                             desc="Left: new point"),
-    "digAddVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddVertex"], label="Add new vertex",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digCopyCats": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digCopyCats"], label="Copy categories",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digDeleteLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDeleteLine"], label="Delete feature(s)",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digDispAttr": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDispAttr"], label="Display/update attributes",
-                              desc="Left: Select"),
-    "digDispCats": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDispCats"], label="Display/update categories",
-                              desc="Left: Select"),
-    "digEditLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digEditLine"], label="Edit line/boundary",
-                              desc="Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line"),
-    "digMoveLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digMoveLine"], label="Move feature(s)",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digMoveVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digMoveVertex"], label="Move vertex",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digRemoveVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digRemoveVertex"], label="Remove vertex",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digSettings": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digSettings"], label="Settings",
-                              desc="Settings dialog for digitization tool"),
-    "digSplitLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digSplitLine"], label="Split line/boundary",
-                              desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digExit"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["quit"], label="Quit digitization tool"),
-    "digAdditionalTools" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAdditionalTools"], label="Additional tools " \
-                                         "(copy, flip, connect, etc.)",
-                                     desc="Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm"),
-    "digUndo" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digUndo"], label="Undo",
-                          desc="Undo previous changes"),
+    "digAddPoint": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddPoint"],
+                             label=_("Digitize new point"),
+                             desc=_("Left: new point")),
+    "digAddLine" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddLine"],
+                             label=_("Digitize new line"),
+                             desc=_("Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line")),
+    "digAddBoundary": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddBoundary"],
+                                label=_("Digitize new boundary"),
+                                desc=_("Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line")),
+    "digAddCentroid": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddCentroid"],
+                                label=_("Digitize new centroid"),
+                             desc=_("Left: new point")),
+    "digAddVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAddVertex"],
+                              label=_("Add new vertex"),
+                              desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digCopyCats": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digCopyCats"],
+                             label=_("Copy categories"),
+                             desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digDeleteLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDeleteLine"],
+                               label=_("Delete feature(s)"),
+                               desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digDispAttr": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDispAttr"],
+                             label=_("Display/update attributes"),
+                             desc=_("Left: Select")),
+    "digDispCats": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digDispCats"],
+                             label=_("Display/update categories"),
+                             desc=_("Left: Select")),
+    "digEditLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digEditLine"],
+                             label=_("Edit line/boundary"),
+                             desc=_("Left: new point; Middle: undo last point; Right: close line")),
+    "digMoveLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digMoveLine"],
+                             label=_("Move feature(s)"),
+                             desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digMoveVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digMoveVertex"],
+                               label=_("Move vertex"),
+                               desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digRemoveVertex": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digRemoveVertex"],
+                                 label=_("Remove vertex"),
+                                 desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digSettings": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digSettings"],
+                             label=_("Settings"),
+                             desc=_("Settings dialog for digitization tool")),
+    "digSplitLine": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digSplitLine"],
+                              label=_("Split line/boundary"),
+                              desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digExit"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["quit"],
+                             label=_("Quit digitization tool")),
+    "digAdditionalTools" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digAdditionalTools"],
+                                     label=_("Additional tools " \
+                                                 "(copy, flip, connect, etc.)"),
+                                     desc=_("Left: Select; Middle: Unselect; Right: Confirm")),
+    "digUndo" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["digUndo"],
+                          label=_("Undo"),
+                          desc=_("Undo previous changes")),
     # analyze raster
-    "analyze"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["analyze"], label="Analyze map"),
-    "measure"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["measure"], label="Measure distance"),
-    "transect"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["transect"], label="Draw transect in map display window to profile"),
-    "profile"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profile"], label="Profile surface map"),
-    "profiledraw": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profiledraw"], label="Draw/re-draw profile"),
-    "profileopt" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profileopt"], label="Profile options"),
-    "histogram"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["histogram"], label="Create histogram of image or raster file"),
-    "font"       : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["font"], label="Select font"),
-    "color"      : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["color"], label="Select color"),
-    "options"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["options"], label="Set histogram options"),
-    "analyze"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["analyze"], label="Analyze"),
+    "analyze"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["analyze"],
+                             label=_("Analyze map")),
+    "measure"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["measure"],
+                             label=_("Measure distance")),
+    "transect"   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["transect"],
+                             label=_("Draw transect in map display window to profile")),
+    "profile"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profile"],
+                             label=_("Profile surface map")),
+    "profiledraw": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profiledraw"],
+                             label=_("Draw/re-draw profile")),
+    "profileopt" : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["profileopt"],
+                             label=_("Profile options")),
+    "histogram"  : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["histogram"],
+                             label=_("Create histogram of image or raster file")),
+    "font"       : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["font"],
+                             label=_("Select font")),
+    "color"      : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["color"],
+                             label=_("Select color")),
+    "options"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["options"],
+                             label=_("Set histogram options")),
+    "analyze"    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["analyze"],
+                             label=_("Analyze")),
     # georectify
-    'cleargcp'   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["cleargcp"], label="Clear selected GCP"),
-    'gcpset'     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["gcpset"], label="Set GCP"),
-    'georect'    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["georect"], label="Georectify"),
-    'rms'        : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["rms"], label="Recalculate RMS error"),
-    'refreshgcp' : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["refreshgcp"], label="Redraw GCP markers in map displays")}
+    'cleargcp'   : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["cleargcp"],
+                             label=_("Clear selected GCP")),
+    'gcpset'     : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["gcpset"],
+                             label=_("Set GCP"),
+                             desc=_("Define GCP (Ground Control Points)")),
+    'georect'    : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["georect"],
+                             label=_("Georectify")),
+    'rms'        : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["rms"],
+                             label=_("Recalculate RMS error")),
+    'refreshgcp' : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["refreshgcp"],
+                             label=_("Redraw GCP markers in map displays"))}
 # testing ...
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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