[GRASS-SVN] r31183 - in grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython: . gui_modules icons icons/silk

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 30 10:27:06 EDT 2008

Author: martinl
Date: 2008-04-30 10:27:06 -0400 (Wed, 30 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 31183

wxGUI (georect): additional fixes, related to r31175 (still not finished)

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/georect.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/georect.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/georect.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -610,10 +610,14 @@
         wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(625, 300))
+        self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCDIR, 'grass_map.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))
         # init variables
         self.parent = parent # GMFrame
+        self.parent.georectifying = self
         self.mapdisp = mapdisp # XY-location Map Display
         self.grwiz = grwiz # GR Wizard
@@ -678,8 +682,7 @@
         # statusbar 
-        self.CreateStatusBar(number=3)
-        self.SetStatusText(_('RMS error for selected points'), 0)
+        self.CreateStatusBar(number=1)
         # can put guage into custom statusbar for progress if can figure out how to get progress text from i.rectify
         # self.gr_gauge = wx.Gauge(self, -1, 100, (-1,-1), (100, 25))
@@ -705,7 +708,6 @@
         # initialize list control for GCP management
         self.list = GCPList(parent=panel, gcp=self)
-        self.list.LoadData()
         boxSizer.Add(item=self.list, proportion=1,
                      flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=3)
@@ -723,11 +725,17 @@
         # sizer.Fit(self)
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Disable georectification mode"""
+        self.parent.georectifying = None
     def SetMapDisplay(self, win):
         self.mapdisp = win
         if self.mapdisp:
             self.toolbar = toolbars.GCPToolbar(parent=self, mapdisplay=self.mapdisp, map=self.mapdisp.Map).GetToolbar()
+            self.list.LoadData()
             self.toolbar = None
@@ -752,20 +760,24 @@
         Appends an item to GCP list
-        self.list.AddItem()
-        self.mapcoordlist.append((0.0, 0.0, None))
+        self.list.AddGCPItem()
+        # x, y, MapWindow instance
+        self.mapcoordlist.append({ 'gcpcoord' : (0.0, 0.0, None),
+                                   'mapcoord' : (0.0, 0.0, None) })
     def DeleteGCP(self, event):
         Deletes selected item in GCP list
-        if self.list.GetItemCount() < 4:
-            wx.MessageBox(parent=self, message=_("At least 3 GCP required. Operation cancelled."),
+        minNumOfItems = self.OnGRMethod(None)
+        if self.list.GetItemCount() <= minNumOfItems:
+            wx.MessageBox(parent=self, message=_("At least %d GCPs required. Operation cancelled.") % minNumOfItems,
                           caption=_("Delete GCP"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
-        item = self.list.DeleteItem()
-        del self.gcp.mapcoordlist[self.selected]
+        item = self.list.DeleteGCPItem()
+        del self.mapcoordlist[item]
     def ClearGCP(self, event):
@@ -779,38 +791,34 @@
         self.list.SetStringItem(index, 5, '')
         self.list.CheckItem(index, False)
-        self.mapcoordlist[index] = (0.0, 0.0, '')        
+        self.mapcoordlist[index] = { 'gcpcoord' : (0.0, 0.0, None),
+                                     'mapcoord' : (0.0, 0.0, None) }
-    def SaveGCPs(self, event):
+    def DrawGCP(self, coordtype):
-        Make a POINTS file or save GCP coordinates to existing POINTS file
+        Updates GCP and map coord maps and redraws
+        active (checked) GCP markers
-        self.GCPcount = 0
-        f = open(self.pointsfile, mode='w')
-        try:
-            f.write('# Ground Control Points File\n')
-            f.write("# \n")
-            f.write("# target location: "+self.currentlocation+'\n')
-            f.write("# target mapset: "+self.currentmapset+'\n')
-            f.write("#unrectified xy     georectified east north     1=use gcp point\n")
-            f.write("#--------------     -----------------------     ---------------\n")
+        col = UserSettings.Get(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='color')
+        wxCol = wx.Colour(col[0], col[1], col[2], 255)
+        wpx = UserSettings.Get(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='width')
+        font = self.GetFont()
-            for index in range(self.list.GetItemCount()):
-                if self.list.IsChecked(index) == True:
-                    check = "1"
-                    self.GCPcount += 1
-                else:
-                    check = "0"
-                coord0 = self.list.GetItem(index, 0).GetText()
-                coord1 = self.list.GetItem(index, 1).GetText()
-                coord2 = self.list.GetItem(index, 2).GetText()
-                coord3 = self.list.GetItem(index, 3).GetText()
-                f.write(coord0+' '+coord1+'     '+coord2+' '+coord3+'     '+check+'\n')
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        pass
+        idx = 0
+        for gcp in self.mapcoordlist:
+            mapWin = gcp[coordtype][2]
+            if not self.list.IsChecked(idx) or not mapWin:
+                idx += 1
+                continue
+            mapWin.pen = wx.Pen(colour=wxCol, width=wpx, style=wx.SOLID)
+            mapWin.polypen = wx.Pen(colour=wxCol, width=wpx, style=wx.SOLID) # ?
+            coord = mapWin.Cell2Pixel((gcp[coordtype][0], gcp[coordtype][1]))
+            mapWin.DrawCross(pdc=mapWin.pdcTmp, coords=coord,
+                             size=5, text=('%s' % str(idx + 1), font, wxCol, 0.0))
+            idx += 1
     def SetGCPData(self, coordtype, coord, mapdisp=None, check=True):
         Inserts coordinates from mouse click on map
@@ -827,44 +835,111 @@
         if coordtype == 'gcpcoord':
             self.list.SetStringItem(index, 0, coord0)
             self.list.SetStringItem(index, 1, coord1)
+            self.mapcoordlist[index]['gcpcoord'] = (coord[0], coord[1], mapdisp)
         elif coordtype == 'mapcoord':
             self.list.SetStringItem(index, 2, coord0)
             self.list.SetStringItem(index, 3, coord1)
-            self.mapcoordlist[index] = (coord[0], coord[1], mapdisp)
+        self.mapcoordlist[index][coordtype] = (coord[0], coord[1], mapdisp)
         self.list.CheckItem(index, check)
         # self.list.ResizeColumns()
+    def SaveGCPs(self, event):
+        """
+        Make a POINTS file or save GCP coordinates to existing POINTS file
+        """
+        self.GCPcount = 0
+        try:
+            f = open(self.file['points'], mode='w')
+            # use os.linesep or '\n' here ???
+            f.write('# Ground Control Points File\n')
+            f.write("# \n")
+            f.write("# target location: " + self.currentlocation + '\n')
+            f.write("# target mapset: " + self.currentmapset + '\n')
+            f.write("#unrectified xy     georectified east north     1=use gcp point\n")
+            f.write("#--------------     -----------------------     ---------------\n")
+            for index in range(self.list.GetItemCount()):
+                if self.list.IsChecked(index) == True:
+                    check = "1"
+                    self.GCPcount += 1
+                else:
+                    check = "0"
+                coord0 = self.list.GetItem(index, 0).GetText()
+                coord1 = self.list.GetItem(index, 1).GetText()
+                coord2 = self.list.GetItem(index, 2).GetText()
+                coord3 = self.list.GetItem(index, 3).GetText()
+                f.write(coord0 + ' ' + coord1 + '     ' + coord2 + ' ' + coord3 + '     ' + check + '\n')
+            self.parent.goutput.WriteLog(_('POINTS file <%s> saved') % self.file['points'])
+            self.SetStatusText(_('POINTS file saved'))
+        except IOError, err:
+            wx.MessageBox(parent=self,
+                          message="%s <%s>. %s%s" % (_("Writing POINTS file failed"),
+                                                     self.file['points'], os.linesep, err),
+                          caption=_("Error"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.CENTRE)
+            return
+        f.close()
     def ReadGCPs(self):
         Reads GCPs and georectified coordinates from POINTS file
         self.GCPcount = 0
-        f = open(self.file['points'], 'r')
+        sourceMapWin = self.mapdisp.MapWindow
+        targetMapWin = self.parent.curr_page.maptree.mapdisplay.MapWindow
+            f = open(self.file['points'], 'r')
             GCPcnt = 0
-            for line in f:
-                if line[0] != '#' and line !='':
-                    line = line.strip(' \n')
-                    coords = line.split()
-                    if coords[4] == '1':
-                        check = True
-                        self.GCPcount +=1
-                    else:
-                        check = False
-                    index = self.AddGCP(event=None)
-                    for i in range(4):
-                        self.list.SetStringItem(index, i, coords[i])
-                    self.list.CheckItem(index, check)
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        self.RefreshGCPMarks(None)
+            for line in f.readlines():
+                if line[0] == '#' or line =='':
+                    continue
+                line = line.replace('\n', '').strip()
+                coords = map(float, line.split())
+                if coords[4] == 1:
+                    check = True
+                    self.GCPcount +=1
+                else:
+                    check = False
+                index = self.AddGCP(event=None)
+                self.SetGCPData('gcpcoord', (coords[0], coords[1]), sourceMapWin, check)
+                self.SetGCPData('mapcoord', (coords[2], coords[3]), targetMapWin, check)
+        except IOError, err:
+            wx.MessageBox(parent=self,
+                          message="%s <%s>. %s%s" % (_("Reading POINTS file failed"),
+                                                     self.file['points'], os.linesep, err),
+                          caption=_("Error"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.CENTRE)
+            return
+        f.close()
+        #
+        # draw GCPs (source and target)
+        #
+        sourceMapWin.UpdateMap(render=False, renderVector=False)
+        if targetMapWin:
+            targetMapWin.UpdateMap(render=False, renderVector=False)
+        #
+        # calculate RMS
+        #
         if self.CheckGCPcount():
-            self.RMSError(self.xygroup, self.gr_order)
+            # self.RMSError(self.xygroup, self.gr_order)
+            pass
+    def ReloadGCPs(self, event):
+        """Reload data from file"""
+        self.list.LoadData()
     def OnFocus(self, event):
@@ -883,13 +958,15 @@
             (self.GCPcount < 6 and self.gr_order == 2) or \
             (self.GCPcount < 10 and self.gr_order == 3):
             if msg:
-                s1 = 'Insufficient points defined and active (checked)\n'
-                s2 = 'for selected rectification method.\n'
-                s3 = '3+ points needed for 1st order,\n'
-                s4 = '6+ points for 2nd order, and\n'
-                s5 = '10+ points for 3rd order.'
-                wx.MessageBox('%s%s%s%s%s' % (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5))
-            return False
+                wx.MessageBox(parent=self,
+                              caption=_("RMS Error"),
+                              message=_('Insufficient points defined and active (checked) '
+                                        'for selected rectification method.\n'
+                                        '3+ points needed for 1st order,\n'
+                                        '6+ points for 2nd order, and\n'
+                                        '10+ points for 3rd order.'),
+                              style=wx.ICON_INFORMATION | wx.ID_OK | wx.CENTRE)
+                return False
             return True
@@ -898,7 +975,7 @@
         Georectifies map(s) in group using i.rectify or v.transform
         global maptype
-        self.SaveGCPs()
+        self.SaveGCPs(None)
         if self.CheckGCPcount(msg=True) == False:
@@ -971,75 +1048,65 @@
         # self.grwiz.Cleanup()
-    def RefreshGCPMarks(self, event):
-        """
-        Updates GCP and map coord maps and redraws
-        active (checked) GCP markers
-        """
-        self.grwiz.SwitchEnv("new")
-        self.grwiz.mapwin.UpdateMap()
-        self.grwiz.SwitchEnv("original")
-        mapid = ''
-        for map in self.mapcoordlist:
-            if map[2] != mapid and map[2] != '':
-                map[2].UpdateMap()
-                mapid = map[2]
-        for index in range(self.list.GetItemCount()):
-            if self.list.IsChecked(index) and (
-                (self.list.GetItem(index, 0).GetText() != '0.0' and 
-                 self.list.GetItem(index, 1).GetText() != '0.0') or 
-                (self.list.GetItem(index, 2).GetText() != '0.0' and 
-                 self.list.GetItem(index, 3).GetText() != '0.0')
-                ):
-                coord0 = float(self.list.GetItem(index, 0).GetText())
-                coord1 = float(self.list.GetItem(index, 1).GetText())
-                coord2 = float(self.list.GetItem(index, 2).GetText())
-                coord3 = float(self.list.GetItem(index, 3).GetText())
-                self.grwiz.SwitchEnv("new")
-                pxcoord1 = self.grwiz.mapwin.Cell2Pixel((coord0, coord1))
-                self.grwiz.mapwin.DrawCross(pdc=self.grwiz.mapwin.pdcTmp,
-                                            coords=pxcoord1, size=5)
-                if self.mapcoordlist != [] and self.mapcoordlist[index][2] != '':
-                    self.grwiz.SwitchEnv("original")
-                    pxcoord2 = self.mapcoordlist[index][2].Cell2Pixel((coord2, coord3))
-                    self.mapcoordlist[index][2].DrawCross(pdc=self.mapcoordlist[index][2].pdcTmp,
-                                                      coords=pxcoord2, size=5)
     def OnGRMethod(self, event):
         sets transformation order for georectifying
-        self.gr_order = event.GetInt() + 1
+        if event:
+            self.gr_order = event.GetInt() + 1
+        numOfItems = self.list.GetItemCount()
+        minNumOfItems = numOfItems
+        if self.gr_order == 1:
+            minNumOfItems = 3
+            # self.SetStatusText(_('Insufficient points, 3+ points needed for 1st order'))
+        elif self.gr_order == 2:
+            minNumOfItems = 6
+            diff = 6 - numOfItems
+            # self.SetStatusText(_('Insufficient points, 6+ points needed for 2nd order'))
+        elif self.gr_order == 3:
+            minNumOfItems = 10
+            # self.SetStatusText(_('Insufficient points, 10+ points needed for 3rd order'))
+        for i in range(minNumOfItems - numOfItems):
+            self.AddGCP(None)
+        return minNumOfItems
     def RMSError(self, xygroup, order):
         Uses g.transform to calculate forward and backward error for each used GCP
         in POINTS file and insert error values into GCP list.
         Calculates total forward and backward RMS error for all used points
         # save GCPs to points file to make sure that all checked GCPs are used
         if self.CheckGCPcount(msg=True) == False:
-        #get list of forward and reverse rms error values for each point
+        # get list of forward and reverse rms error values for each point
-        cmdlist = ['g.transform', 'group=%s' % xygroup, 'order=%s' % order]
-        p = gcmd.Command(cmdlist)
+        p = gcmd.Command(['g.transform',
+                          'group=%s' % xygroup,
+                          'order=%s' % order])
         errlist = p.ReadStdOutput()
         if errlist == []:
-        #insert error values into GCP list for checked items
+        # insert error values into GCP list for checked items
         i = 0
         sumsq_fwd_err = 0.0
         sumsq_bkw_err = 0.0
         for index in range(self.list.GetItemCount()):
             if self.list.IsChecked(index):
-                fwd_err,bkw_err = errlist[i].split()
+                fwd_err, bkw_err = errlist[i].split()
                 self.list.SetStringItem(index, 4, fwd_err)
                 self.list.SetStringItem(index, 5, bkw_err)
                 sumsq_fwd_err += float(fwd_err)**2
@@ -1049,13 +1116,16 @@
                 self.list.SetStringItem(index, 4, '')
                 self.list.SetStringItem(index, 5, '')
-        #calculate RMS error
+        # calculate RMS error
         self.fwd_rmserror = round((sumsq_fwd_err/i)**0.5,4)
         self.bkw_rmserror = round((sumsq_bkw_err/i)**0.5,4)
-        self.ResizeColumns()
-        self.SetStatusText('forward: %s' % self.fwd_rmserror,1)
-        self.SetStatusText('backward: %s' % self.bkw_rmserror,2)
+        self.list.ResizeColumns()
+        self.SetStatusText(_('RMS error for selected points forward: %s backward: %s') % \
+                           (self.fwd_rmserror, self.bkw_rmserror))
+        self.grwiz.SwitchEnv('original')
 class GCPList(wx.ListCtrl,
@@ -1117,7 +1187,7 @@
         """Item is checked/unchecked"""
-    def AddItem(self):
+    def AddGCPItem(self):
         Appends an item to GCP list
@@ -1138,17 +1208,17 @@
         return self.selected
-    def DeleteItem(self):
+    def DeleteGCPItem(self):
         Deletes selected item in GCP list
         if self.selected == wx.NOT_FOUND:
-        self.list.DeleteItem(self.selected)
+        self.DeleteItem(self.selected)
         if self.GetItemCount() > 0:
-            self.selected = GetItemCount() - 1
+            self.selected = self.GetItemCount() - 1
@@ -1197,8 +1267,11 @@
                 for i in range(len(values)):
                     if values[i] != coords[i]:
                         self.SetStringItem(index, i, values[i])
-                self.gcp.mapcoordlist[index] = (float(values[0]), float(values[1]), None)
+                mapdisp = self.gcp.mapcoordlist[index]['gcpcoord'][2]
+                self.gcp.mapcoordlist[index]['gcpcoord'] = (float(values[0]), float(values[1]), mapdisp)
+                mapdisp = self.gcp.mapcoordlist[index]['mapcoord'][2]
+                self.gcp.mapcoordlist[index]['mapcoord'] = (float(values[0]), float(values[1]), mapdisp)
 class VectGroup(wx.Dialog):
     Dialog to create a vector group (VREF file) for georectifying
@@ -1417,8 +1490,9 @@
         # symbol color
+        row = 0
         label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Color:"))
-        gridSizer.Add(item=label, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, pos=(0, 0))
+        gridSizer.Add(item=label, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, pos=(row, 0))
         col = UserSettings.Get(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='color')
         colWin = csel.ColourSelect(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
@@ -1428,8 +1502,23 @@
         self.symbol['color'] = colWin.GetId()
-                      pos=(0, 1))
+                      pos=(row, 1))
+        #
+        # symbol width
+        #
+        row += 1
+        label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Width:"))
+        gridSizer.Add(item=label, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, pos=(row, 0))
+        width = int(UserSettings.Get(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='width'))
+        widWin = wx.SpinCtrl(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                             min=1, max=10)
+        widWin.SetValue(width)
+        self.symbol['width'] = widWin.GetId()
+        gridSizer.Add(item=widWin,
+                      flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
+                      pos=(row, 1))
         boxSizer.Add(item=gridSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND)
         sizer.Add(item=boxSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5)
@@ -1469,6 +1558,8 @@
     def UpdateSettings(self):
         UserSettings.Set(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='color',
+        UserSettings.Set(group='georect', key='symbol', subkey='width',
+                         value=wx.FindWindowById(self.symbol['width']).GetValue())
     def OnSave(self, event):
         """Button 'Save' pressed"""

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
         self.dragid   = -1
         self.lastpos  = (0, 0)
-    def Draw(self, pdc, img=None, drawid=None, pdctype='image', coords=[0,0,0,0]):
+    def Draw(self, pdc, img=None, drawid=None, pdctype='image', coords=[0, 0, 0, 0]):
         Draws map and overlay decorations
@@ -632,10 +632,19 @@
+        #
         # redraw pdcTmp if needed
+        #
         if len(self.polycoords) > 0:
+        if self.parent.gismanager.georectifying:
+            # -> georectifier (redraw GCPs)
+            if self.parent.grtoolbar:
+                coordtype = 'gcpcoord'
+            else:
+                coordtype = 'mapcoord'
+            self.parent.gismanager.georectifying.DrawGCP(coordtype)
         stop = time.clock()
@@ -831,10 +840,18 @@
         return -1
-    def DrawCross(self, pdc, coords, size, rotation=0):
+    def DrawCross(self, pdc, coords, size, rotation=0,
+                  text=None, textAlign='lr', textOffset=(5, 5)):
         """Draw cross in PseudoDC
-           TODO: implement rotation
+        @todo implement rotation
+        @param pdc PseudoDC
+        @param coord center coordinates
+        @param rotation rotate symbol
+        @param text draw also text (text, font, color, rotation)
+        @param textAlign alignment (default 'lower-right')
+        @textOffset offset for text (from center point)
         Debug.msg(4, "BufferedWindow.DrawCross(): pdc=%s, coords=%s, size=%d" % \
                   (pdc, coords, size))
@@ -845,6 +862,21 @@
         for lineCoords in coordsCross:
             self.Draw(pdc, drawid=self.lineid, pdctype='line', coords=lineCoords)
+        if not text:
+            return self.lineid
+        if textAlign == 'ul':
+            coord = [coords[0] - textOffset[0], coords[1] - textOffset[1], 0, 0]
+        elif textAlign == 'ur':
+            coord = [coords[0] + textOffset[0], coords[1] - textOffset[1], 0, 0]
+        elif textAlign == 'lr':
+            coord = [coords[0] + textOffset[0], coords[1] + textOffset[1], 0, 0]
+        else:
+            coord = [coords[0] - textOffset[0], coords[1] + textOffset[1], 0, 0]
+        self.Draw(pdc, img=text,
+                  pdctype='text', coords=coord)
         return self.lineid
     def MouseActions(self, event):
@@ -1230,20 +1262,17 @@
-        elif self.mouse["use"] == "pointer" and hasattr(self.parent.parent, "grwiz"):
+        elif self.mouse["use"] == "pointer" and self.parent.gismanager.georectifying:
             # -> georectifying
-            self.SetCursor(self.parent.cursors["cross"])
-            self.pen = wx.Pen(colour='blue', width=3, style=wx.SOLID)
             coord = self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['end'])
             if self.parent.grtoolbar:
                 coordtype = 'gcpcoord'
                 coordtype = 'mapcoord'
-            self.parent.parent.SetGCPData(coordtype, coord, self)
-            self.DrawCross(pdc=self.pdcTmp, coords=self.mouse['end'],
-                           size=5)
+            self.parent.gismanager.georectifying.SetGCPData(coordtype, coord, self)
+            self.UpdateMap(render=False, renderVector=False)
         elif self.mouse["use"] == "pointer" and self.parent.digittoolbar:
             # digitization tool active
             digitToolbar = self.parent.digittoolbar
@@ -2456,27 +2485,17 @@
         Change choicebook page to match display.
         Or set display for georectifying
-        if self.grtoolbar:
-            # display used to set GCPs in map to georectify
-            try:
-                if event.GetActive():
-                    self.gismanager.gr.SwitchEnv('new')
-                else:
-                    self.gismanager.gr.SwitchEnv('original')
-            except:
-                pass
-        elif self.grtoolbar:
+        if self.gismanager.georectifying:
             # in georectifying session; display used to get get geographic
             # coordinates for GCPs
-            self.MapWindow.pen = wx.Pen(colour='black', width=2, style=wx.SOLID)
-            self.MapWindow.SetCursor(self.cursors["cross"])
+            self.OnPointer(event)
             # change bookcontrol page to page associated with display
-            if self.page :
+            if self.page:
                 pgnum = self.layerbook.GetPageIndex(self.page)
                 if pgnum > -1:
     def OnMotion(self, event):
@@ -2537,7 +2556,7 @@
                 self.MapWindow.mouse['box'] = 'point'
             else: # moveLine, deleteLine
                 self.MapWindow.mouse['box'] = 'box'
-        elif self.grtoolbar:
+        elif self.gismanager.georectifying:

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/preferences.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/preferences.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/preferences.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
             'georect' : {
                 'symbol' : { 'color' : (0, 0, 255, 255),
+                             'width' : 2,

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
         self.gcpAdd = wx.NewId()
         self.gcpDelete = wx.NewId()
         self.gcpClear = wx.NewId()
-        self.gcpRefresh = wx.NewId()
+        self.gcpReload = wx.NewId()
         self.rms = wx.NewId()
         self.georect = wx.NewId()
         self.settings = wx.NewId()
@@ -290,9 +290,10 @@
             (self.gcpClear, 'grGcpClear', Icons["grGcpClear"].GetBitmap(),
              wx.ITEM_NORMAL, Icons["grGcpClear"].GetLabel(), Icons["grGcpClear"].GetDesc(), 
-            (self.gcpRefresh, 'grGcpRefresh', Icons["grGcpRefresh"].GetBitmap(),
-             wx.ITEM_NORMAL, Icons["grGcpRefresh"].GetLabel(), Icons["grGcpRefresh"].GetDesc(),
-             self.parent.RefreshGCPMarks),
+            (self.gcpReload, 'grGcpReload', Icons["grGcpReload"].GetBitmap(),
+             wx.ITEM_NORMAL, Icons["grGcpReload"].GetLabel(), Icons["grGcpReload"].GetDesc(), 
+             self.parent.ReloadGCPs),
             ("", "", "", "", "", "", ""),
             (self.rms, 'grGcpRms', Icons["grGcpRms"].GetBitmap(),
              wx.ITEM_NORMAL, Icons["grGcpRms"].GetLabel(), Icons["grGcpRms"].GetDesc(),

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
     "grGcpSave"    : 'file-save.gif', 
     "grGcpAdd"     : wx.ART_ERROR, # FIXME
     "grGcpDelete"  : wx.ART_ERROR, # FIXME
+    "grGcpReload"  : 'gui-redraw.gif',
     "grSettings"   : 'edit-color.gif', 
@@ -410,6 +411,8 @@
                               label=_("Delete selected GCP")),
     'grGcpClear' : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["grGcpClear"],
                              label=_("Clear selected GCP")),
+    'grGcpReload' : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["grGcpReload"],
+                              label=_("Reload GCPs from selected POINTS file")),
     'grGcpQuit' : MetaIcon (img=icons_img["quit"],
                             label=_("Quit georectification module")),
     "grSettings": MetaIcon (img=icons_img["grSettings"],

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/silk/__init__.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/silk/__init__.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/silk/__init__.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -91,5 +91,6 @@
     "grGcpSave"    : 'picture_save.png',
     "grGcpAdd"     : 'bullet_add.png', 
     "grGcpDelete"  : 'bullet_delete.png',
+    "grGcpReload"  : 'arrow_refresh.png',
     "grSettings"   : 'color_swatch.png',

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py	2008-04-30 06:04:33 UTC (rev 31182)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py	2008-04-30 14:27:06 UTC (rev 31183)
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@
         self.encoding      = 'ISO-8859-1' # default encoding for display fonts
         self.workspaceFile = workspace    # workspace file
         self.menucmd       = {}           # menuId / cmd
+        self.georectifying = None         # reference to GCP class or None
         # creating widgets
         # -> self.notebook, self.goutput, self.outpage
         self.notebook  = self.__createNoteBook()

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