[GRASS-SVN] r32762 - grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL01

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Aug 14 07:06:27 EDT 2008

Author: ychemin
Date: 2008-08-14 07:06:26 -0400 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 32762

bug fix

Modified: grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL01/main.c
--- grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL01/main.c	2008-08-14 10:19:50 UTC (rev 32761)
+++ grass-addons/gipe/i.eb.h_SEBAL01/main.c	2008-08-14 11:06:26 UTC (rev 32762)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 	input_row_wet 			= G_define_option();
 	input_row_wet->key		= "row_wet";
 	input_row_wet->type 		= TYPE_DOUBLE;
-	input_row_wet->required 	= YES;
+	input_row_wet->required 	= NO;
 	input_row_wet->gisprompt 	= "old,value";
 	input_row_wet->description 	= _("Row value of the wet pixel");
 	input_row_wet->guisection	= _("Parameters");
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 	input_col_wet 			= G_define_option();
 	input_col_wet->key		= "col_wet";
 	input_col_wet->type 		= TYPE_DOUBLE;
-	input_col_wet->required 	= YES;
+	input_col_wet->required 	= NO;
 	input_col_wet->gisprompt 	= "old,value";
 	input_col_wet->description 	= _("Column value of the wet pixel");
 	input_col_wet->guisection	= _("Parameters");
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 	input_row_dry 			= G_define_option();
 	input_row_dry->key		= "row_dry";
 	input_row_dry->type 		= TYPE_DOUBLE;
-	input_row_dry->required 	= YES;
+	input_row_dry->required 	= NO;
 	input_row_dry->gisprompt 	= "old,value";
 	input_row_dry->description 	= _("Row value of the dry pixel");
 	input_row_dry->guisection	= _("Parameters");
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 	input_col_dry 			= G_define_option();
 	input_col_dry->key		= "col_dry";
 	input_col_dry->type 		= TYPE_DOUBLE;
-	input_col_dry->required 	= YES;
+	input_col_dry->required 	= NO;
 	input_col_dry->gisprompt 	= "old,value";
 	input_col_dry->description 	= _("Column value of the dry pixel");
 	input_col_dry->guisection	= _("Parameters");
@@ -191,13 +191,18 @@
 	m_col_wet = atof(input_col_wet->answer);
 	m_row_dry = atof(input_row_dry->answer);
 	m_col_dry = atof(input_col_dry->answer);
+	if((!input_row_wet->answer||!input_col_wet->answer||
+	!input_row_dry->answer||!input_col_dry->answer)&&
+	!flag2->answer){
+		G_fatal_error(_("FATAL ERROR: either auto-mode either wet/dry pixels coordinates should be provided!"));
+	}
-		G_message("Manual wet/dry pixels in image coordinates");
-		G_message("Wet Pixel=> x:%f y:%f",m_col_wet,m_row_wet);
-		G_message("Dry Pixel=> x:%f y:%f",m_col_dry,m_row_dry);
+		G_message(_("Manual wet/dry pixels in image coordinates"));
+		G_message(_("Wet Pixel=> x:%f y:%f"),m_col_wet,m_row_wet);
+		G_message(_("Dry Pixel=> x:%f y:%f"),m_col_dry,m_row_dry);
 	} else {
-		G_message("Wet Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f",m_row_wet,m_col_wet);
-		G_message("Dry Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f",m_row_dry,m_col_dry);
+		G_message(_("Wet Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f"),m_row_wet,m_col_wet);
+		G_message(_("Dry Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f"),m_row_dry,m_col_dry);
 	/* find maps in mapset */
 	mapset_Rn = G_find_cell2 (Rn, "");

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