[GRASS-SVN] r32982 - in grass/trunk: man tools/g.html2man
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Aug 21 12:23:12 EDT 2008
Author: glynn
Date: 2008-08-21 12:23:11 -0400 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 32982
Add, use Python replacement for g.html2man
Modified: grass/trunk/man/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/man/Makefile 2008-08-21 15:33:16 UTC (rev 32981)
+++ grass/trunk/man/Makefile 2008-08-21 16:23:11 UTC (rev 32982)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
SECT = 1
MANDIR = $(GISBASE)/man/man$(SECT)
HTMLDIR = $(GISBASE)/docs/html
+HTML2MAN = $(GRASS_HOME)/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man.py
MANPAGES := $(patsubst $(HTMLDIR)/%.html,$(MANDIR)/%.$(SECT),$(wildcard $(HTMLDIR)/*.html))
Added: grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man.py
--- grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man.py (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man.py 2008-08-21 16:23:11 UTC (rev 32982)
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=iso-8859-1
+import sys
+import types
+import os
+import re
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
+from StringIO import StringIO
+ version = os.environ['GRASS_VERSION_NUMBER']
+ version = ""
+entities = {
+ 'lt': "<",
+ 'gt': ">",
+ 'amp': "&",
+ 'nbsp': " ",
+ 'copy': "©",
+ 'quot': "\"",
+ 'bull': "*"
+ }
+single = ["area", "base", "basefont", "br", "col", "frame",
+ "hr", "img", "input", "isindex", "link", "meta", "param"]
+single = frozenset(single)
+heading = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]
+fontstyle = ["tt", "i", "b", "u", "s", "strike", "big", "small"]
+phrase = [ "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr",
+ "acronym"]
+special = [ "a", "img", "applet", "object", "font", "basefont", "br", "script",
+ "map", "q", "sub", "sup", "span", "bdo", "iframe"]
+formctrl = [ "input", "select", "textarea", "label", "button"]
+list = [ "ul", "ol", " dir", "menu"]
+head_misc = [ "script", "style", "meta", "link", "object"]
+pre_exclusion = [ "img", "object", "applet", "big", "small", "sub", "sup",
+ "font", "basefont"]
+block = [ "p", "pre", "dl", "div", "center", "noscript", "noframes",
+ "blockquote", "form", "isindex", "hr", "table", "fieldset",
+ "address"] + heading + list
+inline = fontstyle + phrase + special + formctrl
+flow = block + inline
+html_content = ["head", "body"]
+head_content = ["title", "isindex", "base"]
+def setify(d):
+ return dict([(key, frozenset(val)) for key, val in d.iteritems()])
+allowed = {
+ "a": inline,
+ "abbr": inline,
+ "acronym": inline,
+ "address": inline + ["p"],
+ "applet": flow + ["param"],
+ "b": inline,
+ "bdo": inline,
+ "big": inline,
+ "blockquote": flow,
+ "body": flow + ["ins", "del"],
+ "button": flow,
+ "caption": inline,
+ "center": flow,
+ "cite": inline,
+ "code": inline,
+ "colgroup": ["col"],
+ "dd": flow,
+ "del": flow,
+ "dfn": inline,
+ "dir": ["li"],
+ "div": flow,
+ "dl": ["dt", "dd"],
+ "dt": inline,
+ "em": inline,
+ "fieldset": flow + ["legend"],
+ "font": inline,
+ "form": flow,
+ "frameset": ["frameset", "frame", "noframes"],
+ "h1": inline,
+ "h2": inline,
+ "h3": inline,
+ "h4": inline,
+ "h5": inline,
+ "h6": inline,
+ "head": head_content + head_misc,
+ "html": html_content,
+ "i": inline,
+ "iframe": flow,
+ "ins": flow,
+ "kbd": inline,
+ "label": inline,
+ "legend": inline,
+ "li": flow,
+ "map": block + ["area"],
+ "menu": ["li"],
+ "noframes": flow,
+ "noscript": flow,
+ "object": flow + ["param"],
+ "ol": ["li"],
+ "optgroup": ["option"],
+ "option": [],
+ "p": inline,
+ "pre": inline,
+ "q": inline,
+ "s": inline,
+ "samp": inline,
+ "script": [],
+ "select": ["optgroup", "option"],
+ "small": inline,
+ "span": inline,
+ "strike": inline,
+ "strong": inline,
+ "style": [],
+ "sub": inline,
+ "sup": inline,
+ "table": ["caption", "col", "colgroup", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody",
+ "tr"], # to allow for <table>[implied <tbody>]<tr>
+ "tbody": ["tr"],
+ "td": flow,
+ "textarea": [],
+ "tfoot": ["tr"],
+ "th": flow,
+ "thead": ["tr"],
+ "title": [],
+ "tr": ["th", "td"],
+ "tt": inline,
+ "u": inline,
+ "ul": ["li"],
+ "var": inline
+ }
+allowed = setify(allowed)
+excluded = {
+ "a": ["a"],
+ "button": formctrl + ["a", "form", "isindex", "fieldset", "iframe"],
+ "dir": block,
+ "form": ["form"],
+ "label": ["label"],
+ "menu": block,
+ "pre": pre_exclusion
+ }
+excluded = setify(excluded)
+formats = {
+ 'b': "\\fB@\\fR",
+ 'i': "\\fI@\\fR",
+ 'em': "\\fI@\\fR",
+ 'code': "\\fC@\\fR",
+ 'span': "\\fC@\\fR",
+ 'sup': "\\u@\\d",
+ 'br': "\n.br\n",
+ 'hr': "",
+ 'h2': "\n.SH @",
+ 'h3': "\n.SS @",
+ 'h4': "\n.SS @",
+ 'dt': ("\n.IP \"@\" 4m", 'no_nl'),
+ 'dd': "\n.br\n@",
+ 'ul': ("\n.RS\n@\n.RE\n", 'in_ul'),
+ 'menu': ("\n.RS\n@\n.RE\n", 'in_ul'),
+ 'dir': ("\n.RS\n@\n.RE\n", 'in_ul'),
+ 'ol': ("\n..IP\n@\n.PP\n", 'index'),
+ 'p': "\n.PP\n@",
+ 'pre': ("\n\\fC\n.DS\n@\n.DE\n\\fR\n", 'preformat'),
+ 'tr': ("@\n.br\n", 'no_nl'),
+ 'td': "@\t"
+ }
+class Formatter:
+ def __init__(self, stream = sys.stdout):
+ self.stream = stream
+ self.style = dict(preformat = False, in_ul = False, no_nl = False, index = [])
+ self.stack = []
+ self.strip_re = re.compile("\n[ \t]+")
+ def set(self, var, val):
+ self.style[var] = val
+ def get(self, var):
+ return self.style[var]
+ def show(self, s):
+ self.stream.write(s)
+ def pp_with(self, content, var, val):
+ self.stack.append(self.style.copy())
+ self.set(var, val)
+ self.pp(content)
+ self.style = self.stack.pop()
+ def fmt(self, format, content, var = None):
+ (pre,sep,post) = format.partition("@")
+ if pre != "":
+ self.show(pre)
+ if sep != "":
+ if var:
+ if var == 'index':
+ val = self.get('index') + [0]
+ else:
+ val = True
+ self.pp_with(content, var, val)
+ else:
+ self.pp(content)
+ if post != "":
+ self.show(post)
+ def pp_li(self, content):
+ if self.get('in_ul'):
+ self.fmt("\n.IP\n@", content)
+ else:
+ idx = self.get('index')
+ idx[-1] += 1
+ sec = ".".join(map(str,idx))
+ self.show("\n.IP \\fB%s\\fR\n" % sec)
+ self.set('index', idx)
+ self.pp(content)
+ def pp_title(self):
+ self.show("\n.TH " +
+ os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]).replace(".html","") +
+ " 1 \"\" \"GRASS " +
+ version +
+ "\" \"Grass User's Manual\"")
+ def pp_tag(self, tag, content):
+ if tag in formats:
+ spec = formats[tag]
+ if isinstance(spec, types.StringType):
+ self.fmt(spec, content)
+ else:
+ (fmt, var) = spec
+ self.fmt(fmt, content, var)
+ elif tag == 'li':
+ self.pp_li(content)
+ elif tag == 'title':
+ self.pp_title()
+ else:
+ self.pp(content)
+ def pp_string(self, content):
+ s = content
+ if self.get('no_nl'):
+ s = s.replace("\n"," ")
+ s = s.replace("\\", "\\(rs")
+ s = s.replace("'", "\\(cq")
+ s = s.replace("\"", "\\(dq")
+ s = s.replace("`", "\\(ga")
+ self.show(s)
+ def pp_text(self, content):
+ if content != "":
+ if self.get('preformat'):
+ for line in content.splitlines(True):
+ self.pp_string(line)
+ if line.endswith("\n"):
+ self.show("\n.br\n")
+ else:
+ s = self.strip_re.sub('\n', content)
+ self.pp_string(s)
+ def pp_list(self, content):
+ for item in content:
+ self.pp(item)
+ def pp(self, content):
+ if isinstance(content, types.ListType):
+ self.pp_list(content)
+ elif isinstance(content, types.TupleType):
+ (head, tail) = content
+ self.pp_tag(head, tail)
+ elif isinstance(content, types.StringType):
+ self.pp_text(content)
+class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+ self.tag_stack = []
+ self.excluded = frozenset()
+ self.excluded_stack = []
+ self.data = []
+ self.data_stack = []
+ def top(self):
+ if self.tag_stack == []:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self.tag_stack[-1]
+ def pop(self):
+ self.excluded = self.excluded_stack.pop()
+ data = self.data
+ self.data = self.data_stack.pop()
+ tag = self.tag_stack.pop()
+ self.append((tag, data))
+ return tag
+ def push(self, tag):
+ self.tag_stack.append(tag)
+ self.excluded_stack.append(self.excluded)
+ if tag in excluded:
+ self.excluded = self.excluded.union(excluded[tag])
+ self.data_stack.append(self.data)
+ self.data = []
+ def append(self, item):
+ self.data.append(item)
+ def is_allowed(self, tag):
+ return tag not in self.excluded and tag in allowed[self.top()]
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if self.tag_stack != []:
+ while not self.is_allowed(tag):
+ self.pop()
+ if tag not in single:
+ self.push(tag)
+ else:
+ self.append((tag,None))
+ def handle_entityref(self, name):
+ if name in entities:
+ self.handle_data(entities[name])
+ elif name in entitydefs:
+ self.handle_data(entitydefs[name])
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("unrecognized entity: %s\n" % name)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.append(data)
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ while True:
+ if self.pop() == tag:
+ break
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # parse HTML
+ inf = file(sys.argv[1])
+ p = MyHTMLParser()
+ p.feed(inf.read())
+ p.close()
+ inf.close()
+ # generate groff
+ sf = StringIO()
+ f = Formatter(sf)
+ f.pp(p.data)
+ s = sf.getvalue()
+ sf.close()
+ # strip excess whitespace
+ blank_re = re.compile("[ \t\n]*\n[ \t\n]*")
+ s = blank_re.sub('\n', s)
+ # write groff
+ outf = file(sys.argv[2], 'w')
+ outf.write(s)
+ outf.close()
Property changes on: grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man.py
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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