[GRASS-SVN] r34768 - grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 7 01:35:30 EST 2008

Author: gianluca
Date: 2008-12-07 01:35:29 -0500 (Sun, 07 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 34768

new output and new files organizzation

Deleted: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c
--- grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c	2008-12-07 03:55:48 UTC (rev 34767)
+++ grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c	2008-12-07 06:35:29 UTC (rev 34768)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- *
- * MODULE:       r.roughset
- * AUTHOR(S):    GRASS module authors ad Rough Set Library (RSL) maintain:
- *					G.Massei (g_massa at libero.it)-A.Boggia (boggia at unipg.it)		
- *				 Rough Set Library (RSL) ver. 2 original develop:
- *		         	M.Gawrys - J.Sienkiewicz 
- *
- * PURPOSE:      Geographics rough set analisys and knowledge discovery 
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:    (C) GRASS Development Team (2008)
- *
- *               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
- *   	    	 License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
- *   	    	 for details.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include "localproto.h"
-void rough_sel_library_out(int nrows, int ncols, int nattribute, struct input *attributes, char *fileOutput);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    struct Cell_head cellhd;		/* it stores region information, and header of rasters */
-    char *mapset;			/* mapset name */
-    int i,j, nattribute;	/* index and  files number*/
-    int nrows, ncols;
-    int strgy;			/* strategy rules extraction index*/
-    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;	/* type of the map (CELL/DCELL/...) */
-    /*int value, decvalue;*/	/*single attribute and decision value*/
-    struct input *attributes;
-    struct History history;	/* holds meta-data (title, comments,..) */
-    struct GModule *module;	/* GRASS module for parsing arguments */
-    struct Option *attribute, *decision, *strategy, *output;	/* options */
-    /*struct Flag *flagQuiet		flags */
-    /* initialize GIS environment */
-    G_gisinit(argv[0]);		/* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */
-    /* initialize module */
-    module = G_define_module();
-    module->keywords = _("raster,geographics knowledge discovery");
-    module->description = _("Rough set based geographics knowledg ");
-    /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */
-    attribute = G_define_option() ;
-    attribute->key        = "attributes";
-    attribute->type       = TYPE_STRING;
-    attribute->required   = YES;
-    attribute->multiple   = YES;
-    attribute->gisprompt  = "old,cell,raster" ;
-    attribute->description = "Input geographics attributes in information system";
-    decision = G_define_option() ;
-    decision->key        = "decision";
-    decision->type       = TYPE_STRING;
-    decision->required   = YES;
-    decision->gisprompt  = "old,cell,raster" ;
-    decision->description = "Input geographics decision in information system";
-    strategy = G_define_option() ;
-    strategy->key        = "strategy";
-    strategy->type       = TYPE_STRING;
-    strategy->required   = YES;
-    strategy->options	 = "Very fast,Fast,Medium,Best,All,Low,Upp,Normal";
-    strategy->description = "Choose strategy for generating rules";
-    output = G_define_option();
-    output->key = "InfoSys";
-    output->type = TYPE_STRING;
-    output->required = YES;
-    output->gisprompt = "new_file,file,output";
-    output->answer ="InfoSys";
-    output->description = "Output information system file";
-    /* options and flags parser */
-    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
-/********Prepare and controlling Information System files **************/
-       /* number of file (=attributes) */
-    nattribute=0;
-    while (attribute->answers[nattribute]!=NULL)
-    	{
-    		nattribute++;
-    	}
-/*Convert strategy answer in index.  strcmp return 0 if answer is the passed string*/
-    if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Very fast")==0)
-    	strgy=0;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Fast")==0)
-    	strgy=1;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Medium")==0)
-    	strgy=2;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Best")==0)
-    	strgy=3;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"All")==0)
-    	strgy=4;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Low")==0)
-    	strgy=5;
-    else if(strcmp(strategy->answer,"Upp")==0)
-    	strgy=6;
-    else
-    	strgy=7;
-    G_message("choose:%d,%s",strgy,strategy->answer);
-    /* process the input maps:*/
-    /* ATTRIBUTES grid */
-    attributes = G_malloc((nattribute+1) * sizeof(struct input)); /*attributes is input struct defined in localproto.h*/
-	for (i = 0; i < nattribute; i++)
-	{
-		struct input *p = &attributes[i];
-		p->name = attribute->answers[i];
-		p->mapset = G_find_cell(p->name,""); /* G_find_cell: Looks for the raster map "name" in the database. */
-		if (!p->mapset)
-			G_fatal_error(_("Raster file <%s> not found"), p->name);
-		p->fd = G_open_cell_old(p->name, p->mapset);
-		if (p->fd < 0)
-			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input map <%s> in mapset <%s>"),p->name, p->mapset);
-		p->buf = G_allocate_d_raster_buf(); /* Allocate an array of DCELL based on the number of columns in the current region. Return DCELL *  */
-	}
-   /* DECISION grid (at last column in Information System matrix) */
-		struct input *p = &attributes[nattribute];
-		p->name = decision->answer;
-		p->mapset = G_find_cell(p->name,""); /* G_find_cell: Looks for the raster map "name" in the database. */
-		if (!p->mapset)
-			G_fatal_error(_("Raster file <%s> not found"), p->name);
-		p->fd = G_open_cell_old(p->name, p->mapset);/*opens the raster file name in mapset for reading. A nonnegative file descriptor is returned if the open is successful.*/
-		if (p->fd < 0)
-			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input map <%s> in mapset <%s>"),p->name, p->mapset);
-		p->buf = G_allocate_d_raster_buf(); /* Allocate an array of DCELL based on the number of columns in the current region. Return DCELL *  */
-	nrows = G_window_rows();
-	ncols = G_window_cols();
-	rough_sel_library_out(nrows, ncols, nattribute, attributes, output->answer);/*build RSL standard file*/
-	RulsExtraction(output->answer,attributes,strgy); /* extract rules from RSL*/
-void rough_sel_library_out(int nrows, int ncols, int nattribute, struct input *attributes, char *fileOutput)
-	int row, col, i, j;
-	int value, decvalue;
-	int nobject;
-	char cell_buf[300];
-	FILE *fp;			/*file pointer for ASCII output*/
-	/* open *.sys file for writing or use stdout */
-        if(NULL == (fp = fopen(fileOutput, "w")))
-        	G_fatal_error("Not able to open file [%s]",fileOutput);
-       	fprintf(fp,"NAME: %s\nATTRIBUTES: %d\nOBJECTS: %s\n",fileOutput,nattribute+1,"      ");
-	/************** process the data *************/
-	nobject=0;
-	fprintf (stderr, _("Percent complete ... "));
-	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
-		{
-			G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
-			for(i=0;i<=nattribute;i++)
-				{
-					G_get_d_raster_row (attributes[i].fd, attributes[i].buf, row);/* Reads appropriate information into the buffer buf associated with the requested row*/
-				}
-				for (col=0;col<ncols;col++)
-					{	/*make a cast on the DCELL output value*/
-						decvalue=(int)attributes[nattribute].buf[col];
-						if(0<decvalue)
-						{
-							for(j=0;j<nattribute;j++)
-							{	/*make a cast on the DCELL output value*/
-								value = (int)(attributes[j].buf[col]);
-								sprintf(cell_buf, "%d",value);
-			      					G_trim_decimal (cell_buf);
-			      					fprintf (fp,"%s ",cell_buf);
-			      				}
-			      				fprintf(fp,"%d \n",decvalue);
-			      				nobject++;
-			      			}
-					}
-		}
-	/************** write code file*************/
-	for(i=0;i<=nattribute;i++)
-	{
-		fprintf(fp,"\n%s",attributes[i].name);
-	}
-	/************** write header file*************/
-	if(0<fseek(fp,0L,0)) /*move file pointer to header file*/
-		G_fatal_error("Not able to write file [%s]",fileOutput);
-	else
-		fprintf(fp,"NAME: %s\nATTRIBUTES: %d\nOBJECTS: %d\n",fileOutput,nattribute+1,nobject);
-	/************** close all and exit ***********/
-	for (i = 0; i<=nattribute; i++)
-		G_close_cell(attributes[i].fd);
-	fclose(fp);
-	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

Added: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c
--- grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c	2008-12-07 06:35:29 UTC (rev 34768)
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ *
+ * MODULE:       r.roughset
+ * AUTHOR(S):    GRASS module authors ad Rough Set Library (RSL) maintain:
+ *		 		G.Massei (g_massa at libero.it)-A.Boggia (boggia at unipg.it)		
+ *		 		Rough Set Library (RSL) ver. 2 original develop:
+ *		 		M.Gawrys - J.Sienkiewicz 
+ *
+ * PURPOSE:      Geographics rough set analisys and knowledge discovery 
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT:    (C) GRASS Development Team (2008)
+ *
+ *               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ *   	    	 License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ *   	    	 for details.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "localproto.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    struct Cell_head cellhd;		/* it stores region information, and header of rasters */
+    char *mapset;					/* mapset name */
+    int i,j;						/* index and  files number*/
+    int row,col,nrows, ncols;
+    int nattributes;			/*attributes numer*/
+    int strgy, cls;				/* strategy rules extraction and classifiy index*/
+	char *result;			/* output raster name */
+	int *classify_vect;  	/* matrix for classified value storage*/
+	int outfd;				/* output file descriptor */
+	unsigned char *outrast;	/* output buffer */
+    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;	/* type of the map (CELL/DCELL/...) */
+    /*int value, decvalue;*/	/*single attribute and decision value*/
+    struct input *attributes;
+    struct History history;	/* holds meta-data (title, comments,..) */
+    struct GModule *module;	/* GRASS module for parsing arguments */
+    struct Option *attr_map, *dec_map, *genrules, *clssfy, *output_txt, *output_map;	/* options */
+    /*struct Flag *flagQuiet		flags */
+    /* initialize GIS environment */
+    G_gisinit(argv[0]);		/* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */
+    /* initialize module */
+    module = G_define_module();
+    module->keywords = _("raster,geographics knowledge discovery");
+    module->description = _("Rough set based geographics knowledge ");
+    /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */
+    attr_map = G_define_option() ; /* Allocates memory for the Option structure and returns a pointer to this memory */
+    attr_map->key        = "attributes";
+    attr_map->type       = TYPE_STRING;
+    attr_map->required   = YES;
+    attr_map->multiple   = YES;
+    attr_map->gisprompt  = "old,cell,raster" ;
+    attr_map->description = "Input geographics ATTRIBUTES in information system";
+    dec_map = G_define_option() ;
+    dec_map->key        = "decision";
+    dec_map->type       = TYPE_STRING;
+    dec_map->required   = YES;
+    dec_map->gisprompt  = "old,cell,raster" ;
+    dec_map->description = "Input geographics DECISION in information system";
+    genrules = G_define_option() ;
+    genrules->key        = "strgy";
+    genrules->type       = TYPE_STRING;
+    genrules->required   = YES;
+    genrules->options	 = "Very fast,Fast,Medium,Best,All,Low,Upp,Normal";
+    genrules->description = "Strategies for generating rules";
+    clssfy = G_define_option() ;
+    clssfy->key        = "clssfy";
+    clssfy->type       = TYPE_STRING;
+    clssfy->required   = YES;
+    clssfy->options	   = "Classify1,Classify2,Classify3";
+    clssfy->description = "Strategies for classified map (conflict resolution)";
+    output_txt = G_define_option();
+    output_txt->key = "outTXT";
+    output_txt->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    output_txt->required = YES;
+    output_txt->gisprompt = "new_file,file,output";
+    output_txt->answer ="InfoSys";
+    output_txt->description = "Output information system file";
+  	output_map = G_define_option(); 
+	output_map->key = "outMAP";
+    output_map->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    output_map->required = YES;
+    output_map->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+    output_map->answer ="classify";
+    output_map->description = "classified output map";
+    /* options and flags parser */
+    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
+/********Prepare and controlling Information System files **************/
+       /* number of file (=attributes) */
+    nattributes=0;
+    while (attr_map->answers[nattributes]!=NULL)
+    	{
+    		nattributes++;
+    	}
+/* store output classified MAP name in variable*/
+	result=output_map->answer;
+/*Convert strategy rules extraction answer in index.  strcmp return 0 if answer is the passed string*/
+    if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Very fast")==0)
+    	strgy=0;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Fast")==0)
+    	strgy=1;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Medium")==0)
+    	strgy=2;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Best")==0)
+    	strgy=3;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"All")==0)
+    	strgy=4;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Low")==0)
+    	strgy=5;
+    else if(strcmp(genrules->answer,"Upp")==0)
+    	strgy=6;
+    else
+    	strgy=7;
+ /*Convert strategy map lassify answer in index.  strcmp return 0 if answer is the passed string*/
+	if(strcmp(clssfy->answer,"Classify1")==0)
+		cls=0;
+	else if(strcmp(clssfy->answer,"Classify2")==0)
+		cls=1;
+	else if(strcmp(clssfy->answer,"Classify3")==0)
+		cls=2;
+	else
+		cls=0;
+    /* process the input maps:*/
+    /* ATTRIBUTES grid */
+    attributes = G_malloc((nattributes+1) * sizeof(struct input)); /*attributes is input struct defined in localproto.h*/
+	for (i = 0; i < nattributes; i++)
+	{
+		struct input *p = &attributes[i];
+		p->name = attr_map->answers[i];
+		p->mapset = G_find_cell(p->name,""); /* G_find_cell: Looks for the raster map "name" in the database. */
+		if (!p->mapset)
+			G_fatal_error(_("Raster file <%s> not found"), p->name);
+		p->fd = G_open_cell_old(p->name, p->mapset);
+		if (p->fd < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input map <%s> in mapset <%s>"),p->name, p->mapset);
+		p->buf = G_allocate_d_raster_buf(); /* Allocate an array of DCELL based on the number of columns in the current region. Return DCELL *  */
+	}
+	/* determine the inputmap DECISION type (CELL/FCELL/DCELL) */
+    data_type = G_raster_map_type(dec_map->answer, mapset);
+   /* DECISION grid (at last column in Information System matrix) */
+		struct input *p = &attributes[nattributes];
+		p->name = dec_map->answer;
+		p->mapset = G_find_cell(p->name,""); /* G_find_cell: Looks for the raster map "name" in the database. */
+		if (!p->mapset)
+			G_fatal_error(_("Raster file <%s> not found"), p->name);
+		p->fd = G_open_cell_old(p->name, p->mapset);/*opens the raster file name in mapset for reading. A nonnegative file descriptor is returned if the open is successful.*/
+		if (p->fd < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input map <%s> in mapset <%s>"),p->name, p->mapset);
+		p->buf = G_allocate_raster_buf(data_type); /* Allocate an array of DCELL based on the number of columns in the current region. Return DCELL *  */
+	/* Allocate output buffer, use input map data_type */
+	nrows = G_window_rows();
+	ncols = G_window_cols();
+	outrast = G_allocate_raster_buf(data_type);
+	rough_set_library_out(nrows, ncols, nattributes, attributes, output_txt->answer);/*build RSL standard file*/
+	classify_vect = G_malloc(sizeof(int) * (nrows*ncols)); /* memory allocation*/
+	rough_analysis(nrows, ncols, output_txt->answer, classify_vect, attributes,strgy,cls); /* extract rules from RSL and generate classified vectpr*/
+	/* controlling, if we can write the raster */
+    if ((outfd = G_open_raster_new(result, CELL_TYPE)) < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"), result);
+	 /* generate classified map*/
+	G_message("Building calssified map...");
+	j=0; /* builder map index*/
+	for(row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+		{
+		CELL c;
+		G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
+		for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
+			{
+			c=((CELL *) classify_vect[j]);
+			((CELL *) outrast)[col] = c;
+			j++;
+			}
+		if (G_put_raster_row(outfd, outrast,  data_type) < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("Failed writing raster map <%s>"), result);
+		}
+		/* memory cleanup */		
+	for (i = 0; i<=nattributes; i++)
+		G_close_cell(attributes[i].fd);	
+	G_close_cell(outfd);
+	for (i = 0; i<nattributes; i++)
+		G_free(attributes[i].buf);	
+	//G_free(outrast);	
+	G_message("End: %s, with %d cells.",G_date(),j);
+	/* add command line incantation to history file */
+    G_short_history(result, "raster", &history);
+    G_command_history(&history);
+    G_write_history(result, &history);
+/*dom 07 dic 2008 07:05:15 CET */ 

Property changes on: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/main.c
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Deleted: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c
--- grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c	2008-12-07 03:55:48 UTC (rev 34767)
+++ grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c	2008-12-07 06:35:29 UTC (rev 34768)
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-     		written by M.Gawrys J.Sienkiewiczbrary )	  		
-The RSL defines three types to be used in applications:
-     setA - set of attributes,
-     setO - set of objects and
-     SYSTEM - information system descriptor.
-The descriptor contains pointers to the information system data matrices:
-- MATRIX A, is the attribute-value table.
-- MATRIX D, is the discernibility matrix
-- MATRIX X, is called a reduced discernibility matrix.
-#include "rough.h"
-#include "localproto.h"
-int RulsExtraction(char *name, struct input *attributes, int strgy);
-void fPrintSetA( FILE *f, setA set );
-void fPrintSetO( FILE *f, setO set );
-void fPrintRules( FILE *file, value_type* rules, int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes);
-void fPrintToScript( FILE *file, value_type* rules, int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes);
-float MeanAttrInRule( value_type *rules, int N, setA P );
-int LowRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
-int UppRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
-int NormRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
-int RulsExtraction(char *name,struct input *attributes, int strgy)  /*old MAIN*/
-  SYSTEM *sys1, *sys2, *trainsys, *testsys; /* Information system descriptor structures. It contains information about the 							system parameters (number of objects, number of attributes, system name. */
-  value_type *buf,*rules; /* stores a single value of attribute (used for attribute-value table and rule implementation)*/
-  char c;
-  int ob,at,at2,n,j,i,work=1,good,r;
-  int *opr;
-  setA beg,P,Q,full,core; /*set of attributes*/
-  setO train;		  /*set of object*/
-  FILE *file, *file2, *file3;
-  int (*genrules)( value_type**, setA, setA, int );
-  int p30, sample;
-  clock_t time1, time2;
-  int inf;
-  char *nameFILE; /*storage root file names*/
-  sys1=InitEmptySys();  /* Allocates memory for a system descriptor and returns a pointer.*/
-  FileToSys(sys1,name); /* Imports a system from a file of the special format.*/
-  if (_rerror>0) 
-  	{  G_fatal_error("  Can't open data file \n");
-  		return(1); }
-  strcat(name,".out");
-  if (!(file2=fopen(name,"a"))) 					/*output text file*/
-  	{G_fatal_error("  Can't open output file \n");
-  		return(1);}
-  strcat(name,".sh");  	
-  if (!(file3=fopen(name,"w"))) 					/*output mapcalc file*/
-  	{G_fatal_error("  Can't open output file \n");	
-  		return(1);}	
-  UseSys(sys1); /* Activates a system. All routines will work on this indicated system data and parameters.*/
-  full=InitFullSetA(); /*Initialize a full set. Allocates memory for a set and initialize it with all elements of
-        		domain based on the active information system */
-  InitD(sys1); /*Generates MATRIX D from MATRIX A.Connected to sys and filled*/
-  P=InitEmptySetA(); /* Initialize an empty set. Memory size determined by active information system parameters */
-  Q=InitEmptySetA();
-  /* define attribute */
-  for(i=0;i<(AttributesNum(sys1)-1);i++)  
-    { 
-    	AddSetA(P,i); /* Adds a single element to a set */
-    }
-   /* define decision */
-   AddSetA(Q,(AttributesNum(sys1)-1));
-  /*printf("number of objects: %i \n",ObjectsNum(sys1)); 		Returns number of objects in a system*/
-  /*printf("number of attributes: %i \n",AttributesNum(sys1));  Returns a number of attributes in a system.*/
-  fprintf(file2,"Condition attributes are\n");   
-        fPrintSetA(file2,P);
-        PrintSetA(P);  /* Writes a formatted condition set to the standard output.Prints elements in brackets. */
-  fprintf(file2,"\nDecision attributes are\n");   
-        fPrintSetA(file2,Q);
-        PrintSetA(Q);  /* Writes a formatted decision set to the standard output.Prints elements in brackets. */
-  fprintf(file2,"\nDependCoef = %f\n",DependCoef(P,Q,MATD)); /* Returns degree of dependency Q from P in the active information system.*/
-  InitX(sys1,P,Q,MATD); /*Generates MATRIX X from another matrix designed for use in core and reducts queries. */
-  core=InitEmptySetA();
-  Core(core,MATX); /* Puts a core of the active information system to core. */	
-  fprintf(file2,"CORE = ");   
-  fPrintSetA(file2,core);  
-  RedOptim( core, MATX ); /* Provides the optimized heuristic search for a single reduct */
-  fprintf(file2,"\nRedOptim = ");
-  fPrintSetA(file2,core);
-  CloseSetA(core);  /* Frees memory allocated for a set */
-  n=RedFew(&beg,MATX); /*Finds all reducts shorter than the first one found.*/
-  CloseMat(sys1,MATX); /* Closes a matrix. */
-  fprintf( file2,"\nFew reducts ( %i ):\n", n );
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-  { 
-     fPrintSetA( file2, beg+i*sys1->setAsize );
-     fprintf(file2,"\n");
-  }
-  if ( n>0 ) free( beg );
-  fprintf(file2, "%d strategy of generating rules\n", strgy);
-  switch ( strgy )
-     {
-	case 0: genrules = VeryFastRules;
-	   break;
-	case 1: genrules = FastRules;
-	   break;
-        case 2: genrules = Rules;  
-	   break;
-	case 3: genrules = BestRules;
-	   break;
-	case 4: genrules = AllRules;
-	   break;
-        case 5: genrules = LowRules;  
-	   break;
-	case 6: genrules = UppRules;
-	   break;   
-	default: genrules = NormRules;
-	   break;
-     }
-  time1 = clock();
-  r = genrules ( &rules, P, Q, MATD );
-  time2 = clock();
-  if (r>0)
-  {  fprintf(file2,"Time of generating rules = %ds\n", time2, (time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
-     opr = StrengthOfRules( rules, r ); /* Creates a table of rules strengths*/
-     fprintf(file2,"Rules ( %i )\n", r );
-     fPrintRules( file2, rules, r, opr, P, Q, attributes ); /*print to file generated rules*/
-     fPrintToScript( file3, rules, r, opr, P, Q, attributes );/*build mapcalc file*/
-     fprintf(file2,"Mean number of attributes in rule = %.1f\n",MeanAttrInRule( rules, r, P ));
-     free( rules );
-     free( opr );
-  }
-  CloseSetA(P);
-  CloseSetA(Q);
-  CloseSetA(full);
-  CloseSys(sys1);
-  fclose(file2);
-  fclose(file3);
-  G_message("O.K. output placed to files");
-  return (0);
-void fPrintSetA( FILE *f, setA set )
-{  int attr;
-   fprintf(f,"{");
-   for (attr=0; attr<_mainsys->attributes_num ;attr++)
-      if (ContSetA(set,attr))
-      {  fprintf(f," %d",attr);
-	 attr++;
-	 break;
-      }
-   for (; attr<_mainsys->attributes_num ;attr++)
-      if (ContSetA(set,attr)) fprintf(f,",%d",attr);
-   fprintf(f," }");
-void fPrintSetO( FILE *f, setO set )
-{  int obj;
-   fprintf(f,"{");
-   for (obj=0; obj<_mainsys->objects_num ;obj++)
-      if (ContSetO(set,obj))
-      {  fprintf(f," %d",obj);
-	 obj++;
-	 break;
-      }
-   for (; obj<_mainsys->objects_num ;obj++)
-      if (ContSetO(set,obj)) fprintf(f,",%d",obj);
-   fprintf(f," }");
-void fPrintRules( FILE *file, value_type* rules,
-		 int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes  )
-{  int n,j;
-   for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
-   {  for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-	 if ( ContSetA( P,j ) )
-	   if (rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]!=MINUS)
-	       fprintf(file,"%s=%d  ", attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
-      fprintf(file," => ");
-      for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-	 if ( ContSetA( Q, j ) )
-	   if ((rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]!=MINUS)
-	     fprintf(file,"%s=%d  ", attributes[j].name,(rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]);
-      fprintf(file," ( %i objects )\n", opr[n] );
-   }
-   return;
-void fPrintToScript( FILE *file, value_type* rules, int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes )
-	int n,j,i;
-   fprintf(file,"#!/bin/bash\nRASTERrule=${1}\nif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then\n\techo 'Output file named roughmap, "
-				"Consider renaming'\n\tRASTERrule=roughmap\nfi\n");
-   	for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
-   	{  
-   	  	i=0;
-   	  	for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-   	  		{
-	 		if ( ContSetA( P,j ) ) /*Tests if a set contains an element*/
-	   			if (rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]!=MINUS) /*Missing values are coded by MINUS*/
-	   				{
-	   				if(i==0) /*if the role is only one or the firsth ...*/
-	   					fprintf(file,"r.mapcalc 'maprule%d=if(%s==%d",n,attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
-	   				else /*... otherwise ...*/
-	   					fprintf(file," && %s==%d",attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
-	   				i++;
-	   				}   		
-	   		}	   			
-      	for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-	 		if ( ContSetA( Q,j ) ) /*Tests if a set contains an element*/
-	   			if ((rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]!=MINUS) /*Missing values are coded by MINUS*/
-	     			fprintf(file,",%d,null())'\n",(rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]);
-   	}
-   	fprintf(file,"\nr.patch --overwrite input=");
-   	for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
-   		{
-   			fprintf(file,"maprule%d",n);
-   			if(n<N-1)	{fprintf(file,",");}
-   		}
-   	fprintf(file," output=$RASTERrule");
-   	fprintf(file,"\ng.remove rast=");
-   	for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
-   		{
-   			fprintf(file,"maprule%d",n);
-   			if(n<N-1)	{fprintf(file,",");}
-   		}	
-	fprintf(file,"\nr.colors map=$RASTERrule color=ryg ");
-   	return;
-void fPrintToScript( FILE *file, value_type* rules,
-		 int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes )
-{  int n,j,i;
-   fprintf(file,"roughmap=");
-   for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
-   {  
-   	  i=0;
-   	  for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-   	  	{
-	 	if ( ContSetA( P,j ) ) 
-	   		if (rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]!=MINUS) 
-	   			{
-	   			if(i==0) 
-	   				fprintf(file,"if(%s==%d",attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
-	   			else 
-	   				fprintf(file," && %s==%d",attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
-	   			i++;
-	   			}
-	   	}
-      for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
-	 	if ( ContSetA( Q,j ) ) 
-	   		if ((rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]!=MINUS) 
-	     		fprintf(file,",%d)",(rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]);
-      if(n<N-1)
-	 fprintf(file,"\\ \n + ");
-   }
-   fprintf(file,"\nend\n");
-   return;
-float MeanAttrInRule( value_type *rules, int N, setA P )
-{  int counter=0;
-   int i,j;
-   int size=_mainsys->attributes_num;
-   for (i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (j=0; j<size; j++)
-	 if ( ContSetA( P, j ) )
-	    if ( (rules+i*size)[j]!=MINUS ) counter++;
-   return (float)counter/N;
-int LowRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
-   return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, LOWER, mat );
-int UppRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
-  return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, UPPER, mat );
-int NormRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
-  return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, NORMAL, mat );

Added: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c
--- grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c	2008-12-07 06:35:29 UTC (rev 34768)
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ *
+ * MODULE:       r.roughset
+ * AUTHOR(S):    GRASS module authors ad Rough Set Library (RSL) maintain:
+ *			G.Massei (g_massa at libero.it)-A.Boggia (boggia at unipg.it)		
+ *			Rough Set Library (RSL) ver. 2 original develop:
+ *		        M.Gawrys - J.Sienkiewicz 
+ *
+ * PURPOSE:      Geographics rough set analisys and knowledge discovery 
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT:    (C) GRASS Development Team (2008)
+ *
+ *               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ *   	    	 License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ *   	    	 for details.
+ *
+**     		written by M.Gawrys J.Sienkiewiczbrary )	  		
+** The RSL defines three types to be used in applications:
+**     setA - set of attributes,
+**     setO - set of objects and
+**     SYSTEM - information system descriptor.
+** The descriptor contains pointers to the information system data matrices:
+** - MATRIX A, is the attribute-value table.
+** - MATRIX D, is the discernibility matrix
+** - MATRIX X, is called a reduced discernibility matrix.
+#include "rough.h"
+#include "localproto.h"
+int rough_analysis(int nrows, int ncols, char *name, int *classify_vect, struct input *attributes, int strgy, int cls);
+void rough_set_library_out(int nrows, int ncols, int nattributes, struct input *attributes, char *file_out_sys);
+void output_to_txt( FILE *file_out_txt, value_type* rules, setA P,setA Q, setA core, setA beg, int n, SYSTEM * sys1, int strgy, int r, int *opr, struct input *attributes);
+void fPrintSetA( FILE *file, setA set );
+void fPrintSetO( FILE *file, setO set );
+void fPrintRules( FILE *file, value_type* rules, int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes);
+float MeanAttrInRule( value_type *rules, int N, setA P );
+int LowRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
+int UppRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
+int NormRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat );
+int rough_analysis(int nrows, int ncols, char *name, int *classify_vect, struct input *attributes, int strgy, int cls)  /*old MAIN*/
+	SYSTEM *sys1, *sys2; /* Information system descriptor structures.*/
+  	/* It contains information about the system parameters (number of objects, number of attributes, system name. */
+ 	value_type value, *buf,*rules; /* stores a single value of attribute (used for attribute-value table and rule implementation)*/
+  	char c;
+  	int n,j,i,r, *opr;
+  	setA beg,P,Q,full,core; /*set of attributes*/
+  	setO train;		  /*set of object*/
+  	FILE *file_out_sys, *file_out_txt;
+  	int (*genrules)( value_type**, setA, setA, int );
+  	int nattributes, nobjects=nrows*ncols; /*objects in information system are all raster cells in working location with a defined resolution */
+  	int row, col,object,attribute; /*index and counter*/
+  	sys1=InitEmptySys();  /* Allocates memory for a system descriptor and returns a pointer.*/
+  	FileToSys(sys1,name); /* Imports a system from a file of the special format.*/
+  	if (_rerror>0) 
+  		{  G_fatal_error("  Can't open data file \n");
+  			return(1);}	
+  	strcat(name,".out");
+  	if (!(file_out_txt=fopen(name,"a"))) 					/*output text file*/
+  		{G_fatal_error("  Can't open output file \n");
+  			return(1);}
+  	UseSys(sys1); /* Activates a system. All routines will work on this indicated system data and parameters.*/
+  	if (_rerror>0) 
+    	{G_fatal_error("Can't open information system <%s>\n",sys2->name);
+    		return(1); }
+  	full=InitFullSetA(); /*Initialize a full set. Allocates memory for a set and initialize it with all elements of
+        		domain based on the active information system */
+  	InitD(sys1); /*Generates MATRIX D from MATRIX A.Connected to sys and filled*/
+  	P=InitEmptySetA(); /* Initialize an empty set. Memory size determined by active information system parameters */
+  	Q=InitEmptySetA();
+  	nattributes=(AttributesNum(sys1)-1);
+  	/* define attribute */
+  	for(i=0;i<nattributes;i++)  
+    	{
+    	AddSetA(P,i); /* Adds a single element to a set */
+    	}
+   /* define decision */
+   	AddSetA(Q,(AttributesNum(sys1)-1));
+  	InitX(sys1,P,Q,MATD); /*Generates MATRIX X from another matrix designed for use in core and reducts queries. */
+  	core=InitEmptySetA();
+  	Core(core,MATX); /* Puts a core of the active information system to core. */
+  	RedOptim( core, MATX ); /* Provides the optimized heuristic search for a single reduct */
+  	CloseSetA(core);  /* Frees memory allocated for a set */
+  	n=RedFew(&beg,MATX); /*Finds all reducts shorter than the first one found.*/
+  	CloseMat(sys1,MATX); /* Closes a matrix. */
+  	if ( n>0 ) free( beg );
+  	switch ( strgy )
+     	{
+	case 0: genrules = VeryFastRules;
+	   break;
+	case 1: genrules = FastRules;
+	   break;
+        case 2: genrules = Rules;  
+	   break;
+	case 3: genrules = BestRules;
+	   break;
+	case 4: genrules = AllRules;
+	   break;
+        case 5: genrules = LowRules;  
+	   break;
+	case 6: genrules = UppRules;
+	   break;   
+	default: genrules = NormRules;
+	   break;
+     }
+	r = genrules ( &rules, P, Q, MATD );  /* rules generator*/
+	if (r>0) {opr = StrengthOfRules( rules, r ); } /* Creates a table of rules strengths*/
+/**************************Output text files************************************/
+/***********print output about sys1 in a txt file (file_out_txt)****************/
+	output_to_txt(file_out_txt,rules,P,Q,core,beg,n,sys1,strgy,r,opr,attributes); 
+/**************************close all********************************************/
+    CloseSys(sys1);   /* close sys1 */
+	sys2=InitEmptySys();
+	SetParameters(sys2,nobjects,nattributes); /* assigning system parameters */
+	ConnectA(sys2,malloc(MatMemSize(sys2,MATA))); /* Connects MATRIX A to a system descriptor. */
+													/*MatMemSize: Returns size of memory used by matrix.*/
+	UseSys(sys2); /* active system sys2 was created in application and has only MATRIX A */
+	if (_rerror>0) 
+    {  G_fatal_error("Can't open information system <%s>\n",_mainsys->name);
+    	return(1); }
+    G_message("Build information system for classification ");
+	for(i=0;i<nattributes;i++)
+		{
+		object=0;  /* set object numbers =0 and increase it until rows*cells for each attribute */
+		for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+			{
+			G_percent(row, nrows, 1);
+			/* Reads appropriate information into the buffer buf associated with the requested row*/
+			G_get_d_raster_row (attributes[i].fd, attributes[i].buf, row);
+			for (col=0;col<ncols;col++)
+					{	  					
+					value = (attributes[i].buf[col]); /*make a cast on the DCELL output value*/
+					PutA(_mainsys,object,i,value);    /* filling MATRIX A */
+			      	object++;
+			      	}
+			}
+		}
+    buf = MatExist(_mainsys,MATA); /*Returns pointer to specified matrix if exists*/
+    if (!buf) 
+	{  G_fatal_error("Error in the information system <%s>\n",_mainsys->name);
+		return(1); }
+    switch ( cls )
+     {
+	case 0: 
+	{
+		for (j=0;j<_mainsys->objects_num;j++)
+		{ /*Chooses the best rule to cover sample. Strategy no. 1*/
+		classify_vect[j]=Classify1(buf+j*_mainsys->attributes_num,rules,r,P,Q);
+		}
+	}
+	   break;
+	case 1: 
+	{
+		for (j=0;j<_mainsys->objects_num;j++)
+		{ /*Chooses the best rule to cover sample. Strategy no. 2*/
+		classify_vect[j]=Classify2(buf+j*_mainsys->attributes_num,rules,r,P,Q);
+		}
+	}
+	   break;
+    case 2: 
+    {
+		for (j=0;j<_mainsys->objects_num;j++)
+		{ /*Chooses the best rule to cover sample. Strategy no. 3*/
+		classify_vect[j]=Classify3(buf+j*_mainsys->attributes_num,rules,r,opr,P,Q);
+		}
+	}  
+	   break;
+	default:;
+	   break;
+     }
+	G_message("All cells classified (%d)",j);
+  	free( rules );
+  	free( opr );
+  	CloseSetA(P);
+  	CloseSetA(Q);
+  	CloseSetA(full);
+  	CloseSys(sys2);
+  //fclose(file);
+  	fclose(file_out_txt);
+  	return (0);
+void rough_set_library_out(int nrows, int ncols, int nattribute, struct input *attributes, char *file_out_sys)
+	int row, col, i, j;
+	int value, decvalue;
+	int nobject;
+	char cell_buf[300];
+	FILE *fp;			/*file pointer for ASCII output*/
+	/* open *.sys file for writing or use stdout */
+        if(NULL == (fp = fopen(file_out_sys, "w")))
+        	G_fatal_error("Not able to open file [%s]",file_out_sys);
+       	fprintf(fp,"NAME: %s\nATTRIBUTES: %d\-nOBJECTS: %s\n",file_out_sys,nattribute+1,"      ");
+	/************** process the data *************/
+	G_message("Build information system for rules extraction");
+	nobject=0;
+	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
+		{
+			G_percent(row, nrows, 1);
+			for(i=0;i<=nattribute;i++)
+				{
+				G_get_d_raster_row (attributes[i].fd, attributes[i].buf, row);/* Reads appropriate information into the buffer buf associated with the requested row*/
+				}
+				for (col=0;col<ncols;col++)
+					{	/*make a cast on the DCELL output value*/
+					decvalue=(int)attributes[nattribute].buf[col];
+					if(0<decvalue)  /* TODO: correct form will: decval!=null */
+						{
+						for(j=0;j<nattribute;j++)
+							{	/*make a cast on the DCELL output value*/
+							value = (int)(attributes[j].buf[col]);
+							sprintf(cell_buf, "%d",value);
+			      			G_trim_decimal (cell_buf);
+			      			fprintf (fp,"%s ",cell_buf);
+			      			}
+			      			fprintf(fp,"%d \n",decvalue);
+			      			nobject++;
+			      		}
+					}
+		}
+	/************** write code file*************/
+	for(i=0;i<=nattribute;i++)
+	{
+		fprintf(fp,"\n%s",attributes[i].name);
+	}
+	/************** write header file*************/
+	if(0<fseek(fp,0L,0)) /*move file pointer to header file*/
+		G_fatal_error("Not able to write file [%s]",file_out_sys);
+	else
+		fprintf(fp,"NAME: %s\nATTRIBUTES: %d\nOBJECTS: %d\n",file_out_sys,nattribute+1,nobject);
+	/************** close all and exit ***********/
+	fclose(fp);
+void output_to_txt( FILE *file_out_txt, value_type* rules, setA P,setA Q, setA core, setA beg, int n, SYSTEM * sys1, int strgy, int r, int *opr, struct input *attributes)
+	int i;
+	fprintf(file_out_txt,"Condition attributes are\n");   
+  	fPrintSetA(file_out_txt,P);
+  	fprintf(file_out_txt,"\nDecision attributes are\n");   
+  	fPrintSetA(file_out_txt,Q);
+  	fprintf(file_out_txt,"\nDependCoef = %f\n",DependCoef(P,Q,MATD)); /* Returns degree of dependency Q from P in the active information system.*/
+	fprintf(file_out_txt,"CORE = ");   
+  	fPrintSetA(file_out_txt,core);  
+  	fprintf(file_out_txt,"\nRedOptim = ");
+  	fPrintSetA(file_out_txt,core);
+  	fprintf( file_out_txt,"\nFew reducts ( %i ):\n", n );
+  	for (i=0;i<n;i++)
+  	{ 
+     	fPrintSetA( file_out_txt, beg+i*sys1->setAsize );
+     	fprintf(file_out_txt,"\n");
+  	}
+  	fprintf(file_out_txt, "%d strategy of generating rules\n", strgy);
+  	if (r>0)
+  	{   fprintf(file_out_txt,"Rules ( %i )\n", r );
+     	fPrintRules( file_out_txt, rules, r, opr, P, Q, attributes ); /*print to file generated rules*/
+     	fprintf(file_out_txt,"Mean number of attributes in rule = %.1f\n",MeanAttrInRule( rules, r, P ));
+  	}
+void fPrintSetA( FILE *f, setA set )
+{  int attr;
+   fprintf(f,"{");
+   for (attr=0; attr<_mainsys->attributes_num ;attr++)
+      if (ContSetA(set,attr))
+      {  fprintf(f," %d",attr);
+	 attr++;
+	 break;
+      }
+   for (; attr<_mainsys->attributes_num ;attr++)
+      if (ContSetA(set,attr)) fprintf(f,",%d",attr);
+   fprintf(f," }");
+void fPrintSetO( FILE *f, setO set )
+{  int obj;
+   fprintf(f,"{");
+   for (obj=0; obj<_mainsys->objects_num ;obj++)
+      if (ContSetO(set,obj))
+      {  fprintf(f," %d",obj);
+	 obj++;
+	 break;
+      }
+   for (; obj<_mainsys->objects_num ;obj++)
+      if (ContSetO(set,obj)) fprintf(f,",%d",obj);
+   fprintf(f," }");
+void fPrintRules( FILE *file, value_type* rules,
+		 int N, int *opr, setA P, setA Q, struct input *attributes  )
+{  int n,j;
+   for (n=0;n<N;n++) 
+   {  for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
+	 if ( ContSetA( P,j ) )
+	   if (rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]!=MINUS)
+	       fprintf(file,"%s=%d  ", attributes[j].name,rules[n*_mainsys->attributes_num+j]);
+      fprintf(file," => ");
+      for (j=0;j<_mainsys->attributes_num;j++)
+	 if ( ContSetA( Q, j ) )
+	   if ((rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]!=MINUS)
+	     fprintf(file,"%s=%d  ", attributes[j].name,(rules+n*_mainsys->attributes_num)[j]);
+      fprintf(file," ( %i objects )\n", opr[n] );
+   }
+   return;
+float MeanAttrInRule( value_type *rules, int N, setA P )
+{  int counter=0;
+   int i,j;
+   int size=_mainsys->attributes_num;
+   for (i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (j=0; j<size; j++)
+	 if ( ContSetA( P, j ) )
+	    if ( (rules+i*size)[j]!=MINUS ) counter++;
+   return (float)counter/N;
+int LowRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
+   return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, LOWER, mat );
+int UppRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
+  return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, UPPER, mat );
+int NormRules( value_type **rules, setA P, setA Q, int mat )
+  return ApprRules( rules, P, Q, NORMAL, mat );
+/*dom 07 dic 2008 07:04:58 CET */

Property changes on: grass-addons/raster/mcda/r.roughset/rules_extr.c
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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