[GRASS-SVN] r30348 - in grass-addons/vector: . v.surf.icw

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Feb 25 18:11:53 EST 2008

Author: hamish
Date: 2008-02-25 18:11:53 -0500 (Mon, 25 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 30348

new: IDW interp correctly respecting hard full barriers and soft cost barriers

Added: grass-addons/vector/v.surf.icw/v.surf.icw
--- grass-addons/vector/v.surf.icw/v.surf.icw	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.surf.icw/v.surf.icw	2008-02-25 23:11:53 UTC (rev 30348)
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+#  v.surf.icw
+#              version 30 May 2006
+#    Like IDW interpolation, but distance is cost to get to any other site
+#    Based on s.surf.icw.sh for GRASS 5
+#  (c) 2003-2006  Hamish Bowman
+#   Originally written aboard the NZ DoC ship M/V Renown, 
+#     Bligh Sound, Fiordland National Park, November 2003
+#   with thanks to Franz Smith and Steve Wing for support
+#  Non-euclidian, non-polluting IDW from areas separated by null cells
+#  e.g.
+#   - two parallel lakes, connected at one end (water chemisty in arms of a fjord)
+#   - Population abundance constrained by topography (Kiwis crossing a land-bridge)
+#  w(d)= 1/d^p    where p is user definable, usually 2.
+#%  description: IDW interpolation, but distance is cost to get to any other site
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,vector,vector
+#% description: Name of existing vector points map containing seed data
+#% required : yes
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
+#% description: Name of new raster file to be used for output
+#% required : yes
+#% key: column
+#% type: string
+#% description: Column name in vector points map that contains data values
+#% required : yes
+#% key: cost_map
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Name of existing raster file containing cost information
+#% required : yes
+#% key: post_mask
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Name of existing raster file to be used as post-proccessing MASK
+#% required : no
+#% key: friction
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Friction of distance, (the 'n' in 1/d^n)
+#% answer: 2
+#% options: 1-6
+#% required : no
+### needed?
+#% key: null_string
+#% type: string
+#% description: Text string that represents "no data" in input data
+#% answer: nan
+#% required : no
+# in the above, s.out.ascii changes a "%NaN" to "nan" so we use lower case
+#% key: r
+#% description: Use (d^n)*log(d) instead of 1/(d^n) for radial basis function
+#% key: v
+#% description: Verbose mode
+if [ -z $GISBASE ] ; then
+    echo "You have to be in GRASS to use this." 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
+  exec $GISBASE/bin/g.parser "$0" "$@"
+if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_post_mask" ] ; then
+    eval `g.findfile element=cell file=MASK`
+    if [ -n "$name" ] ; then
+	echo "A MASK already exists; remove it before using the post_mask option." 1>&2
+	exit 1
+    fi
+echo "v.surf.icw -- Inverse Cost Weighted Interpolation"
+echo "Processing $GIS_OPT_input -> $GIS_OPT_output, column=$GIS_OPT_column, Cf=$GIS_OPT_friction"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+if [ "$FRICTION" -lt 1 ] || [ "$FRICTION" -gt 6 ]; then
+    echo "Friction of Distance out of range [1-6]" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+unset DIVISOR
+if [ "$FRICTION" -eq 4 ] ; then DIVISOR=" / 10.0" ; fi
+if [ "$FRICTION" -eq 5 ] ; then DIVISOR=" / 100.0" ; fi
+if [ "$FRICTION" -eq 6 ] ; then DIVISOR=" / 500.0" ; fi
+#COLMN=$(( 4 + $GIS_OPT_index ))  # skip over e,n,|,cat   ### wrong for 3D+
+# maybe it's better to do for i=1:index  sed delete line upto & incl. "%" then |cut -f1 ?
+unset VERBOSE
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_v -eq 1 ] ; then VERBOSE="-v" ; fi
+#figure out which column number we are after
+#COLMN="`db.columns "$POINTS_FILE" | grep -n "^${GIS_OPT_column}$" | cut -f1 -d:`"
+#if [ -z "$COLMN" ] || [ "$COLMN" -le 0 ] ; then
+#    echo "Data column [$GIS_OPT_column] not found in [$POINTS_FILE]." 1>&2
+#    exit
+### Check that we have the column and it is the correct type
+COL_NAME=`v.info -c "$POINTS_FILE" 2> /dev/null | grep "|${GIS_OPT_column}$" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
+if [ -z "$COL_NAME" ] ; then
+    echo "Data column [$GIS_OPT_column] not found in [$POINTS_FILE]." 1>&2
+    exit
+COL_TYPE=`v.info -c "$POINTS_FILE" 2> /dev/null | grep "|${GIS_OPT_column}$" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
+if [ "$COL_TYPE" != "DOUBLE PRECISION" ] && [ "$COL_TYPE" != "INTEGER" ] ; then
+    echo "Data column [$COL_NAME] must be numeric." 1>&2
+    exit
+### cleanse cost area mask to a flat =1 for my porpoises
+r.mapcalc "tmp_icw_area_$$=if("$GIS_OPT_cost_map",1,null())"
+## Commence crunching ..
+TMP_POINTS=`g.tempfile pid=$$`
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$TMP_POINTS" ] ; then
+    echo "ERROR: unable to create temporary files" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+#s.out.ascii -d "$GIS_OPT_sites" > /tmp/idw_tmp.$$
+#s.out.ascii -d "$GIS_OPT_sites" > "$TMP_SITES"
+#crop out only points in region
+v.in.region output=tmp_icw_region_$$ > /dev/null
+v.select ainput="$POINTS_FILE" binput=tmp_icw_region_$$ \
+    atype=point btype=area output=tmp_icw_points_$$
+v.out.ascii tmp_icw_points_$$ > "$TMP_POINTS"
+#db.select tmp_icw_points_$$ > "$TMP_TABLE"
+#  find n
+#N=`wc -l /tmp/idw_tmp.$$ | awk '{print $1}'`
+#N=`wc -l "$TMP_SITES" | awk '{print $1}'`
+#N=`s.out.ascii "$SITES_FILE" | wc -l`
+#N="`v.info tmp_icw_points_$$ | grep "Number of points" | cut -f2 -d: | awk '{print $1}'`"
+N="`cat "$TMP_POINTS" | wc -l`"
+#figure out which column cats are in (3 or 4 depending on if there is a z coordinate)
+CATCOL="`cat "$TMP_POINTS" | head -1 | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l`"
+if [ "$N" -gt 50 ] ; then
+   echo "WARNING: Computation is expensive! Please consider fewer points." 1>&2
+   echo "Press enter to continue.." 1>&2
+   read -t 30
+# gen cost maps for each site in range
+echo "Generating cost maps.." 1>&2
+#for POS in `cat /tmp/idw_tmp.$$ | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+#for POS in `cat "$TMP_SITES" | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+#for POS in `s.out.ascii -d "$SITES_FILE" | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+for POS in `cat "$TMP_POINTS"` ; do
+#    echo "POS=[$POS]"
+    EASTING=`echo "$POS" | cut -f1 -d"|"`
+    NORTHING=`echo "$POS" | cut -f2 -d"|"`
+    CAT=`echo "$POS" | cut -f"$CATCOL" -d"|"`
+#    DATA_VALUE=`echo "$POS" | cut -f"$COLMN" -d"|"`
+#    DATA_VALUE="`db.select -c tmp_icw_points_$$ sql="select * from tmp_icw_points_$$ where cat = $CAT" | cut -f"$COLMN" -d'|'`"
+    DATA_VALUE="`db.select -c tmp_icw_points_$$ sql="select $COL_NAME from tmp_icw_points_$$ where cat=${CAT}"`"
+    echo site $NUM of $N  e=$EASTING  n=$NORTHING data=$DATA_VALUE
+    if [ -z "$DATA_VALUE" ] || [ "$DATA_VALUE" = "$NULL" ] ; then
+	echo "  Skipping, no data here." 1>&2
+	N=`expr $N - 1`
+	continue
+    fi
+    if [ -z "`r.what input=tmp_icw_area_$$ east_north=$EASTING,$NORTHING | grep -v "*"`" ] ; then
+	echo "  Skipping, site lays outside of cost_map." 1>&2
+	N=`expr $N - 1`
+	continue
+    fi
+#    echo "$EASTING $NORTHING $DATA_VALUE" | v.in.ascii output=tmp_idw_cost_site_$$ fs=space --o 2> /dev/null
+    r.cost $VERBOSE -k in=tmp_icw_area_$$ out=cost_site.$NUM coordinate=$EASTING,$NORTHING
+        #start_points=tmp_idw_cost_site_$$
+    # so the divisor exists and the weighting is huge at the exact sample spots
+    # more efficient to reclass to 1?
+    r.mapcalc "cost_site.$NUM = if(cost_site.$NUM == 0, 0.1, cost_site.$NUM)"
+    # r.to.vect then r.patch output
+#    v.to.rast in=tmp_idw_cost_site_29978 out=tmp_idw_cost_val_$$ use=val val=10
+    #  exp(3,2) is 3^2  etc.  as is pow(3,2)
+    # r.mapcalc 1by_cost_site_sqrd.$NUM=" 1.0 / exp(cost_site.$NUM , $FRICTION)"
+    EXPRESSION="1.0 / pow(cost_site.$NUM $DIVISOR, $FRICTION )"
+    if [ "$GIS_FLAG_r" -eq 1 ] ; then
+	echo "Using (d^n)*log(d) radial basis function." 1>&2
+	EXPRESSION="pow(cost_site.$NUM, $FRICTION) * log (cost_site.$NUM)"
+    fi
+#    echo "r.mapcalc expression is: [$EXPRESSION]"
+    r.mapcalc "1by_cost_site_sqrd.$NUM = $EXPRESSION"
+#    r.patch in=1by_cost_site_sqrd.${NUM},tmp_idw_cost_val_$$ out=1by_cost_site_sqrd.${NUM} --o
+#    g.remove rast=cost_site.$NUM
+    NUM="`expr $NUM + 1`"
+# 3) find sum(cost^2)
+echo 1>&2
+echo "Finding sum of squares.." 1>&2
+while [ $NUM -le $N ] ; do
+    INPUT_MAPS=$INPUT_MAPS,1by_cost_site_sqrd.$NUM
+    NUM="`expr $NUM + 1`"
+#r.mapcalc resolution_mask="if(fjords_mask at all == 9 )"
+#r.mapcalc MASK="$FJORD"_mask # @all
+if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_post_mask" ] ; then
+   echo "Setting post_mask [$GIS_OPT_post_mask]" 1>&2
+   r.mapcalc MASK="$GIS_OPT_post_mask"
+echo "Summation of cost weights.." 1>&2
+r.series method=sum in=$INPUT_MAPS out=sum_of_1by_cost_sqs
+if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_post_mask" ] ; then
+    echo "Removing post_mask [$GIS_OPT_post_mask]" 1>&2
+    g.remove MASK | grep REMOVE
+# 4) ( 1/di^2 / sum(1/d^2) ) *  ai
+echo 1>&2
+echo "Creating partial weights.." 1>&2
+#for POS in `cat /tmp/idw_tmp.$$ | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+#for POS in `cat "$TMP_SITES" | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+#for POS in `v.out.ascii -d "$SITES_FILE" | sed -e 's/ /|/g'` ; do
+for POS in `cat "$TMP_POINTS"` ; do
+    EASTING=`echo "$POS" | cut -f1 -d"|"`
+    NORTHING=`echo "$POS" | cut -f2 -d"|"`
+    CAT=`echo "$POS" | cut -f"$CATCOL" -d"|"`
+#    DATA_VALUE="`db.select -c tmp_icw_points_$$ sql="select * from tmp_icw_points_$$ where cat = $CAT" | cut -f"$COLMN" -d'|'`"
+    DATA_VALUE="`db.select -c tmp_icw_points_$$ sql="select $COL_NAME from tmp_icw_points_$$ where cat=${CAT}"`"
+    echo "site $NUM of $N  data value = $DATA_VALUE" 1>&2
+    if [ -z "$DATA_VALUE" ] || [ "$DATA_VALUE" = "$NULL" ] ; then
+	echo "  Skipping, no data here." 1>&2
+	continue
+    fi
+    if [ -z "`r.what input=tmp_icw_area_$$  east_north=$EASTING,$NORTHING | grep -v "*"`" ] ; then
+	echo "  Skipping, site lays outside of cost_map." 1>&2
+	continue
+    fi
+    r.mapcalc partial_icw.$NUM=\
+        "( $DATA_VALUE * 1by_cost_site_sqrd.$NUM ) / sum_of_1by_cost_sqs"
+#"( $DATA_VALUE / $N ) * (1.0 - ( cost_sq_site.$NUM / sum_of_cost_sqs ))"
+#"( cost_sq_site.$NUM / sum_of_cost_sqs ) * ( $DATA_VALUE / $N )"
+#    g.remove rast=1by_cost_site_sqrd.$NUM
+    NUM="`expr $NUM + 1`"
+    if [ $NUM -gt $N ] ; then
+	break
+    fi
+while [ $NUM -le $N ] ; do
+    INPUT_MAPS=$INPUT_MAPS,partial_icw.$NUM
+    NUM="`expr $NUM + 1`"
+echo 1>&2
+echo "Calculating final values.." 1>&2
+r.series method=sum in=$INPUT_MAPS out="$GIS_OPT_output"
+r.colors "$GIS_OPT_output" rule=bcyr
+if [ 0 -eq 1 ] ; then
+r.colors "$GIS_OPT_output" col=rules << EOF
+  0 magenta
+  10 red
+  20 brown
+  25 yellow
+  30 green
+  35 blue
+  40 white
+r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" title="Inverse cost-weighted interpolation" history=""
+r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" history="v.surf.icw interpolation:"
+r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" history="  input map=$GIS_OPT_input   attribute column=$GIS_OPT_column"
+r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" history="  cost map=$GIS_OPT_cost_map   coefficient of friction=$FRICTION"
+if [ $GIS_FLAG_r -eq 1 ] ; then
+   r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" history="  (d^n)*log(d) as radial basis function"
+if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_post_mask" ] ; then
+   r.support "$GIS_OPT_output" history="  post-processing mask=$GIS_OPT_post_mask"
+# 5) rm cost and cost_sq maps, site_tmp, /tmp/idw_tmp.$$, etc
+#exit ######
+echo "Cleanup .." 1>&2
+g.mremove -f rast=cost_site.* | grep REMOVE
+g.mremove -f rast=1by_cost_site_sqrd.* | grep REMOVE
+g.mremove -f rast=partial_icw.* | grep REMOVE
+#g.mremove -f rast=tmp_icw_*_$$
+#g.mremove -f vect=tmp_icw_*_$$
+g.remove rast=sum_of_1by_cost_sqs | grep REMOVE
+#g.remove vect=tmp_idw_cost_site_$$
+g.remove rast=tmp_icw_area_$$ | grep REMOVE
+g.remove vect=tmp_icw_region_$$,tmp_icw_points_$$
+#rm /tmp/idw_tmp.$$
+#rm "$TMP_SITES"
+rm -f "$TMP_POINTS"
+# 6) done!
+echo "Done! Wrote results to <${GIS_OPT_output}>." 1>&2
+exit 0

Property changes on: grass-addons/vector/v.surf.icw/v.surf.icw
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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