[GRASS-SVN] r31708 - grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 13 13:30:18 EDT 2008
Author: rmatev
Date: 2008-06-13 13:30:18 -0400 (Fri, 13 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 31708
Changed cmd options and implemented round corners feature
Modified: grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/main.c
--- grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/main.c 2008-06-13 15:28:56 UTC (rev 31707)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/main.c 2008-06-13 17:30:18 UTC (rev 31708)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
struct GModule *module;
struct Option *in_opt, *out_opt, *dista_opt;
struct Option *distb_opt, *angle_opt, *side_opt;
+ struct Option *tol_opt;
struct Flag *round_flag, *loops_flag;
struct Map_info In, Out;
struct line_pnts *Points, *Points2;
@@ -46,23 +47,23 @@
/* layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); */
dista_opt = G_define_option();
- dista_opt->key = "dista";
+ dista_opt->key = "distance";
dista_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
dista_opt->required = YES;
dista_opt->multiple = NO;
dista_opt->description = _("Offset along major axis in map units");
distb_opt = G_define_option();
- distb_opt->key = "distb";
+ distb_opt->key = "minordistance";
distb_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- distb_opt->required = YES;
+ distb_opt->required = NO;
distb_opt->multiple = NO;
distb_opt->description = _("Offset along minor axis in map units");
angle_opt = G_define_option();
angle_opt->key = "angle";
angle_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- angle_opt->required = YES;
+ angle_opt->required = NO;
angle_opt->answer = "0";
angle_opt->multiple = NO;
angle_opt->description = _("Angle of major axis in degrees");
@@ -76,6 +77,13 @@
side_opt->options = "left,right";
side_opt->description = _("left;Parallel line is on the left;right;Parallel line is on the right;");
+ tol_opt = G_define_option();
+ tol_opt->key = "tolerance";
+ tol_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ tol_opt->required = NO;
+ tol_opt->multiple = NO;
+ tol_opt->description = _("Tolerance of arc polylines in map units");
round_flag = G_define_flag();
round_flag->key = 'r';
round_flag->description = _("Make outside corners round");
@@ -89,12 +97,25 @@
/* layer = atoi ( layer_opt->answer ); */
da = atof(dista_opt->answer);
- db = atof(distb_opt->answer);
- dalpha = atof(angle_opt->answer);
- tolerance = ((da>db)?da:db)/10.;
- if (strcmp(side_opt->answer, "right"))
+ if (distb_opt->answer)
+ db = atof(distb_opt->answer);
+ else
+ db = da;
+ if (angle_opt->answer)
+ dalpha = atof(angle_opt->answer);
+ else
+ dalpha = 0;
+ if (tol_opt->answer)
+ tolerance = atof(tol_opt->answer);
+ else
+ tolerance = ((db<da)?db:da)/10.;
+ if (strcmp(side_opt->answer, "right") == 0)
side = 1;
- else if (strcmp(side_opt->answer, "left"))
+ else if (strcmp(side_opt->answer, "left") == 0)
side = -1;
Vect_set_open_level (2);
Modified: grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/vlib_buffer.c
--- grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/vlib_buffer.c 2008-06-13 15:28:56 UTC (rev 31707)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.parallel2/vlib_buffer.c 2008-06-13 17:30:18 UTC (rev 31708)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* Functions: nearest, adjust_line, parallel_line
-** Author: Radim Blazek Feb 2000
+** Author: Radim Blazek, Rosen Matev; June 2008
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
#include <grass/Vect.h>
#include <grass/gis.h>
-#define LENGTH(DX, DY) ( sqrt( (DX*DX)+(DY*DY) ) )
+#define LENGTH(DX, DY) (sqrt((DX*DX)+(DY*DY)))
+#define MIN(X,Y) ((X<Y)?X:Y)
+#define MAX(X,Y) ((X>Y)?X:Y)
#define PI M_PI
/* norm_vector() calculates normalized vector form two points */
@@ -313,22 +315,58 @@
+static void rotate_vector(double x, double y, double cosa, double sina, double *nx, double *ny) {
+ *nx = x*cosa - y*sina;
+ *ny = x*sina + y*cosa;
+ return;
-* (x, y) shoud be normalized vector; This func transforms it to a vector corresponding to da, db, dalpha params
+* (x, y) shoud be normalized vector for common transforms; This func transforms it to a vector corresponding to da, db, dalpha params
static void elliptic_transform(double x, double y, double da, double db, double dalpha, double *nx, double *ny) {
double cosa = cos(dalpha);
double sina = sin(dalpha);
- double cc = cosa*cosa;
+/* double cc = cosa*cosa;
double ss = sina*sina;
double t = (da-db)*sina*cosa;
*nx = (da*cc + db*ss)*x + t*y;
*ny = (da*ss + db*cc)*y + t*x;
- return;
+ return;*/
+ double va, vb;
+ va = (x*cosa + y*sina)*da;
+ vb = (x*(-sina) + y*cosa)*db;
+ *nx = va*cosa + vb*(-sina);
+ *ny = va*sina + vb*cosa;
+ return;
+* vect(x,y) must be normalized
+* gives the tangent point of the tangent to ellpise(da,db,dalpha) parallel to vect(x,y)
+* ellipse center is in (0,0)
+static void elliptic_tangent(double x, double y, double da, double db, double dalpha, double *px, double *py) {
+ double cosa = cos(dalpha);
+ double sina = sin(dalpha);
+ double u, v, len;
+ /* rotate (x,y) -dalpha radians */
+ rotate_vector(x, y, cosa, -sina, &x, &y);
+ /*u = (x + da*y/db)/2;
+ v = (y - db*x/da)/2;*/
+ u = da*da*y;
+ v = -db*db*x;
+ len = da*db/sqrt(da*da*v*v + db*db*u*u);
+ u *= len;
+ v *= len;
+ rotate_vector(u, v, cosa, sina, px, py);
+ return;
* !!! This is not line in GRASS' sense. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_%28mathematics%29
static void line_coefficients(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *a, double *b, double *c) {
@@ -364,6 +402,16 @@
+static double angular_tolerance(double tol, double da, double db) {
+ double a = MAX(da, db);
+ double b = MIN(da, db);
+ if (tol > a)
+ tol = a;
+/* t = b*sqrt(tol*(2*a - tol))/(a*(a-tol));
+ return 2*atan(t);*/
+ return 2*acos(1-tol/a);
* This function generates parallel line (with loops, but not like the old ones).
* It is not to be used directly for creating buffers.
@@ -379,16 +427,19 @@
void parallel_line(struct line_pnts *Points, double da, double db, double dalpha, int side, int round, double tol, struct line_pnts *nPoints)
- int i, j, res, np, na;
+ int i, j, res, np;
double *x, *y;
- double tx, ty, vx, vy, nx, ny, mx, my, rx, ry;
+ double tx, ty, vx, vy, wx, wy, nx, ny, mx, my, rx, ry;
+ double vx1, vy1, wx1, wy1;
double a0, b0, c0, a1, b1, c1;
- double ux, uy, wx, wy;
- double atol, atol2, a, av, aw;
+ double phi1, phi2, delta_phi;
+ double nsegments, angular_tol, angular_step;
+ double cosa, sina, r;
+ int inner_corner;
G_debug(4, "parallel_line2()");
- dalpha *= 180/PI;
Vect_reset_line ( nPoints );
Vect_line_prune ( Points );
@@ -396,30 +447,31 @@
x = Points->x;
y = Points->y;
- if ( np == 0 )
+ if ((np == 0) || (np == 1))
- if ( np == 1 ) {
- /* Vect_append_point ( nPoints, x[0], y[0], 0 ); /* ? OK, should make circle for points ? */
- return;
- }
if ((da == 0) && (db == 0)) {
Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts(nPoints, x, y, NULL, np);
- side = (side >= 0)?(1):(-1);
-/* atol = 2 * acos( 1-tol/fabs(d) ); */
+ side = (side >= 0)?(1):(-1); /* normalize variable */
+ dalpha *= PI/180; /* convert dalpha from degrees to radians */
+ angular_tol = angular_tolerance(tol, da, db);
+ G_message("tol=%f atol=%f", tol, angular_tol);
for (i = 0; i < np-1; i++)
+ wx = vx; /* save the old values */
+ wy = vy;
norm_vector(x[i], y[i], x[i+1], y[i+1], &tx, &ty);
- elliptic_transform(-ty*side, tx*side, da, db, dalpha, &vx, &vy);
+ /* elliptic_transform(ty*side, -tx*side, da, db, dalpha, &vx, &vy); */
+ elliptic_tangent(side*tx, side*ty, da, db, dalpha, &vx, &vy);
nx = x[i] + vx;
ny = y[i] + vy;
mx = x[i+1] + vx;
my = y[i+1] + vy;
@@ -429,16 +481,51 @@
Vect_append_point(nPoints, nx, ny, 0);
else {
- res = line_intersection(a0, b0, c0, a1, b1, c1, &rx, &ry);
- if (res == 0) {
- G_fatal_error(("Two consequtive line segments are parallel, but not on one straight line!\nThis should never happen."));
- return;
+ /* delta_phi = atan2(y[i+1]-y[i],x[i+1]-x[i]) - atan2(y[i]-y[i-1], x[i]-x[i-1])) */
+ delta_phi = atan2(ty, tx) - atan2(y[i]-y[i-1], x[i]-x[i-1]);
+ if (delta_phi > PI)
+ delta_phi -= 2*PI;
+ else if (delta_phi <= -PI)
+ delta_phi += 2*PI;
+ /* now delta_phi is in (-pi;pi] */
+ inner_corner = (side*delta_phi <= 0);
+ if ((!round) || inner_corner) {
+ res = line_intersection(a0, b0, c0, a1, b1, c1, &rx, &ry);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ G_fatal_error("Two consequtive line segments are parallel, but not on one straight line!\nThis should never happen.");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (res == 1) {
+ Vect_append_point(nPoints, rx, ry, 0);
+ }
+ /* else if (res == 2) do nothing; we have line segments, which are on one straight line */
- else if (res == 1) {
- Vect_append_point(nPoints, rx, ry, 0);
+ else {
+ /* we should draw elliptical arc for outside corner */
+ /* inverse transforms */
+ elliptic_transform(wx, wy, 1/da, 1/db, dalpha, &wx1, &wy1);
+ elliptic_transform(vx, vy, 1/da, 1/db, dalpha, &vx1, &vy1);
+ phi1 = atan2(wy1, wx1);
+ phi2 = atan2(vy1, vx1);
+ delta_phi = phi2 - phi1;
+ /* make delta_phi in [0, 2pi] */
+ if (delta_phi < 0)
+ delta_phi += 2*PI;
+ nsegments = (int)(delta_phi/angular_tol) + 1;
+ angular_step = side*(delta_phi/nsegments);
+ for (j = 0; j <= nsegments; j++) {
+ elliptic_transform(cos(phi1), sin(phi1), da, db, dalpha, &tx, &ty);
+ Vect_append_point(nPoints, x[i] + tx, y[i] + ty, 0);
+ phi1 += angular_step;
+ }
- /* else if (res == 2) do nothing */
if (i == np-2) {
@@ -448,31 +535,6 @@
a0 = a1;
b0 = b1;
c0 = c1;
- /*
- if ( i < np-2 ) { /*use polyline instead of arc between line segments
- norm_vector( x[i+1], y[i+1], x[i+2], y[i+2], &ux, &uy);
- wx = uy * d;
- wy = -ux * d;
- av = atan2 ( vy, vx );
- aw = atan2 ( wy, wx );
- a = (aw - av) * side;
- if ( a < 0 ) a+=2*PI;
- /*TODO: a <= PI can probably fail because of representation error
- if ( a <= PI && a > atol)
- {
- na = (int) (a/atol);
- atol2 = a/(na+1) * side;
- for (j = 0; j < na; j++)
- {
- av+=atol2;
- nx = x[i+1] + fabs(d) * cos(av);
- ny = y[i+1] + fabs(d) * sin(av);
- Vect_append_point ( nPoints, nx, ny, 0 );
- }
- }
- }*/
Vect_line_prune ( nPoints );
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