[GRASS-SVN] r30689 - grass-addons/raster/r.sun_horizon/r.sun2
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Mar 22 10:09:35 EDT 2008
Author: neteler
Date: 2008-03-22 10:09:34 -0400 (Sat, 22 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 30689
indent -nbad -bap -bbb -nbbo -nbc -br -bli1 -bls -cbi0 -ncdb -nce \
-ci4 -cli0 -ncs -d0 -di0 -fc1 -nfca -hnl -i4 -ip4 -l80 -lc80 -lp -npcs \
-pi4 -nprs -npsl -sbi0 -sc -nsob -ss -ts8 main.c
Modified: grass-addons/raster/r.sun_horizon/r.sun2/main.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.sun_horizon/r.sun2/main.c 2008-03-22 11:04:53 UTC (rev 30688)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.sun_horizon/r.sun2/main.c 2008-03-22 14:09:34 UTC (rev 30689)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
r.sun: This program was writen by Jaro Hofierka in Summer 1993 and re-engineered
in 1996-1999. In cooperation with Marcel Suri and Thomas Huld from JRC in Ispra
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
#define BIG 1.e20
#define LINKE "3.0"
#define SLOPE "0.0"
-#define ASPECT "270"
+#define ASPECT "270"
#define ALB "0.2"
#define STEP "0.5"
#define BSKY 1.0
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
#define DIST "1.0"
#define SCALING_FACTOR 150.
-const double invScale=1./SCALING_FACTOR;
+const double invScale = 1. / SCALING_FACTOR;
#define AMAX1(arg1, arg2) ((arg1) >= (arg2) ? (arg1) : (arg2))
#define AMIN1(arg1, arg2) ((arg1) <= (arg2) ? (arg1) : (arg2))
@@ -60,15 +61,15 @@
-const double pihalf = M_PI*0.5;
-const double pi2 = M_PI*2.;
-const double deg2rad = M_PI/180.;
-const double rad2deg = 180./M_PI;
+const double pihalf = M_PI * 0.5;
+const double pi2 = M_PI * 2.;
+const double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.;
+const double rad2deg = 180. / M_PI;
-FILE *felevin,*faspin,*fslopein,*flinkein,*falbedo,*flatin;
-FILE *fincidout,*fbeam_rad,*finsol_time,*fdiff_rad,*frefl_rad;
+FILE *felevin, *faspin, *fslopein, *flinkein, *falbedo, *flatin;
+FILE *fincidout, *fbeam_rad, *finsol_time, *fdiff_rad, *frefl_rad;
FILE *fw;
@@ -110,133 +111,133 @@
void joules2(struct SunGeometryConstDay *sunGeom,
struct SunGeometryVarDay *sunVarGeom,
- struct SunGeometryVarSlope *sunSlopeGeom,
+ struct SunGeometryVarSlope *sunSlopeGeom,
struct SolarRadVar *sunRadVar,
struct GridGeometry *gridGeom,
- unsigned char *horizonpointer,
- double latitude, double longitude);
+ unsigned char *horizonpointer, double latitude, double longitude);
void calculate(double singleSlope, double singleAspect,
double singleAlbedo, double singleLinke,
- struct GridGeometry gridGeom);
+ struct GridGeometry gridGeom);
double com_declin(int);
int n, m, ip, jp;
int d, day;
-int saveMemory, numPartitions=1;
-int shadowoffset=0;
-int varCount_global=0;
-int bitCount_global=0;
+int saveMemory, numPartitions = 1;
+int shadowoffset = 0;
+int varCount_global = 0;
+int bitCount_global = 0;
int arrayNumInt = 1;
-float **z=NULL, **o=NULL, **s=NULL, **li=NULL, **a=NULL, **la=NULL, **longitArray,
- **cbhr=NULL, **cdhr=NULL;
+float **z = NULL, **o = NULL, **s = NULL, **li = NULL, **a = NULL, **la =
+ NULL, **longitArray, **cbhr = NULL, **cdhr = NULL;
double op, dp;
double invstepx, invstepy;
double sr_min = 24., sr_max = 0., ss_min = 24., ss_max = 0.;
float **lumcl, **beam, **insol, **diff, **refl, **globrad;
-unsigned char *horizonarray=NULL;
+unsigned char *horizonarray = NULL;
double civilTime;
-double startTime, endTime;
+ * double startTime, endTime;
+ */
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
double declin, step, dist;
double li_max = 0., li_min = 100., al_max = 0., al_min = 1.0, la_max = -90.,
la_min = 90.;
- double offsetx=0.5, offsety=0.5;
+double offsetx = 0.5, offsety = 0.5;
char *tt, *lt;
-double slope;
+ * double slope;
+ */
double o_orig, z1;
-double lum_C11, lum_C13, lum_C22, lum_C31, lum_C33;
-double sinSolarAltitude; */
+ * double lum_C11, lum_C13, lum_C22, lum_C31, lum_C33;
+ * double sinSolarAltitude; */
/* Sine of the solar altitude (angle above horizon)
+ */
-double sunrise_time, sunset_time;
-double solarAltitude;
-double tanSolarAlt, solarAzimuth;
-double stepsinangle, stepcosangle;
-double angle;
+ * double sunrise_time, sunset_time;
+ * double solarAltitude;
+ * double tanSolarAlt, solarAzimuth;
+ * double stepsinangle, stepcosangle;
+ * double angle;
+ */
double horizonStep;
double ltime, tim, timo;
-double declination; /* Contains the negative of the declination at the chosen day*/
+double declination; /* Contains the negative of the declination at the chosen day */
-double lum_C31_l, lum_C33_l;
-double beam_e, diff_e, refl_e, rr, insol_t;
+ * double lum_C31_l, lum_C33_l;
+ */
+double beam_e, diff_e, refl_e, rr, insol_t;
double cbh, cdh;
double TOLER;
#define DEGREEINMETERS 111120.
-int ll_correction=0;
+int ll_correction = 0;
double coslatsq;
double distance(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)
- if(ll_correction)
- {
- return DEGREEINMETERS*sqrt(coslatsq*(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)
- +(y1-y2)*(y1-y2));
- }
- else
- {
- return sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2));
- }
+ if (ll_correction) {
+ return DEGREEINMETERS * sqrt(coslatsq * (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2)
+ + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
+ }
+ else {
+ return sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
+ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- double singleSlope;
- double singleAspect;
- double singleAlbedo;
- double singleLinke;
- struct GModule *module;
+ double singleSlope;
+ double singleAspect;
+ double singleAlbedo;
+ double singleLinke;
+ struct GModule *module;
- struct Option *elevin,*aspin,*aspect,*slopein,*slope,*linkein,*lin,*albedo,*longin,
- *alb,*latin,*lat,*coefbh, *coefdh, *incidout,*beam_rad,
- *insol_time,*diff_rad,*refl_rad,*glob_rad,*day,*step, *declin,*ltime,*dist,*horizon,*horizonstep,
- *numPartitions, *civilTime;
- }
+ struct Option *elevin, *aspin, *aspect, *slopein, *slope, *linkein,
+ *lin, *albedo, *longin, *alb, *latin, *lat, *coefbh, *coefdh,
+ *incidout, *beam_rad, *insol_time, *diff_rad, *refl_rad, *glob_rad,
+ *day, *step, *declin, *ltime, *dist, *horizon, *horizonstep,
+ *numPartitions, *civilTime;
+ }
- struct
- {
- struct Flag *shade, *saveMemory;
- }
- flag;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct Flag *shade, *saveMemory;
+ }
+ flag;
- struct GridGeometry gridGeom;
+ struct GridGeometry gridGeom;
module = G_define_module();
module->description =
- _("Computes direct (beam), diffuse and reflected solar irradiation raster "
- "maps for given day, latitude, surface and atmospheric conditions. Solar "
- "parameters (e.g. sunrise, sunset times, declination, extraterrestrial "
- "irradiance, daylight length) are saved in a local text file. "
- "Alternatively, a local time can be specified to compute solar "
- "incidence angle and/or irradiance raster maps. The shadowing effect of "
- "the topography is optionally incorporated.");
+ _
+ ("Computes direct (beam), diffuse and reflected solar irradiation raster "
+ "maps for given day, latitude, surface and atmospheric conditions. Solar "
+ "parameters (e.g. sunrise, sunset times, declination, extraterrestrial "
+ "irradiance, daylight length) are saved in a local text file. "
+ "Alternatively, a local time can be specified to compute solar "
+ "incidence angle and/or irradiance raster maps. The shadowing effect of "
+ "the topography is optionally incorporated.");
- if(G_get_set_window(&cellhd)==-1) G_fatal_error("G_get_set_window() failed");
+ if (G_get_set_window(&cellhd) == -1)
+ G_fatal_error("G_get_set_window() failed");
gridGeom.stepx = cellhd.ew_res;
gridGeom.stepy = cellhd.ns_res;
invstepx = 1. / gridGeom.stepx;
@@ -269,22 +270,23 @@
parm.aspect->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
parm.aspect->answer = ASPECT;
parm.aspect->required = NO;
- parm.aspect->description = _("A single value of the orientation (aspect), 270 is south");
+ parm.aspect->description =
+ _("A single value of the orientation (aspect), 270 is south");
parm.slopein = G_define_option();
parm.slopein->key = "slopein";
parm.slopein->type = TYPE_STRING;
parm.slopein->required = NO;
-/* parm.slopein->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
- parm.slopein->description = _("Name of the slope raster file");
+ /* parm.slopein->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ */
+ parm.slopein->description = _("Name of the slope raster file");
- parm.slope = G_define_option();
- parm.slope->key = "slope";
- parm.slope->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.slope->answer = SLOPE;
- parm.slope->required = NO;
- parm.slope->description = _("A single value of inclination (slope)");
+ parm.slope = G_define_option();
+ parm.slope->key = "slope";
+ parm.slope->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.slope->answer = SLOPE;
+ parm.slope->required = NO;
+ parm.slope->description = _("A single value of inclination (slope)");
parm.linkein = G_define_option();
parm.linkein->key = "linkein";
@@ -292,16 +294,16 @@
parm.linkein->required = NO;
parm.linkein->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
parm.linkein->description =
- _("Name of the Linke turbidity coefficient raster file");
+ _("Name of the Linke turbidity coefficient raster file");
if (parm.linkein->answer == NULL) {
- parm.lin = G_define_option();
- parm.lin->key = "lin";
- parm.lin->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.lin->answer = LINKE;
- parm.lin->required = NO;
- parm.lin->description =
- _("A single value of the Linke turbidity coefficient");
+ parm.lin = G_define_option();
+ parm.lin->key = "lin";
+ parm.lin->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.lin->answer = LINKE;
+ parm.lin->required = NO;
+ parm.lin->description =
+ _("A single value of the Linke turbidity coefficient");
parm.albedo = G_define_option();
@@ -312,12 +314,12 @@
parm.albedo->description = _("Name of the albedo coefficient raster file");
if (parm.albedo->answer == NULL) {
- parm.alb = G_define_option();
- parm.alb->key = "alb";
- parm.alb->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.alb->answer = ALB;
- parm.alb->required = NO;
- parm.alb->description = _("A single value of the albedo coefficient");
+ parm.alb = G_define_option();
+ parm.alb->key = "alb";
+ parm.alb->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.alb->answer = ALB;
+ parm.alb->required = NO;
+ parm.alb->description = _("A single value of the albedo coefficient");
parm.latin = G_define_option();
@@ -328,11 +330,11 @@
parm.latin->description = _("Name of the latitude raster file");
if (parm.latin->answer == NULL) {
- parm.lat = G_define_option();
- parm.lat->key = "lat";
- parm.lat->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.lat->required = NO;
- parm.lat->description = _("A single value of latitude");
+ parm.lat = G_define_option();
+ parm.lat->key = "lat";
+ parm.lat->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.lat->required = NO;
+ parm.lat->description = _("A single value of latitude");
parm.longin = G_define_option();
@@ -348,7 +350,8 @@
parm.coefbh->type = TYPE_STRING;
parm.coefbh->required = NO;
parm.coefbh->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
- parm.coefbh->description = _("The real-sky beam radiation coefficient file");
+ parm.coefbh->description =
+ _("The real-sky beam radiation coefficient file");
parm.coefdh = G_define_option();
parm.coefdh->key = "coefdh";
@@ -356,7 +359,7 @@
parm.coefdh->required = NO;
parm.coefdh->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
parm.coefdh->description =
- _("The real-sky diffuse radiation coefficient file");
+ _("The real-sky diffuse radiation coefficient file");
parm.horizon = G_define_option();
@@ -370,7 +373,8 @@
parm.horizonstep->key = "horizonstep";
parm.horizonstep->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
parm.horizonstep->required = NO;
- parm.horizonstep->description = _("Angle step size for the horizon information (degrees)");
+ parm.horizonstep->description =
+ _("Angle step size for the horizon information (degrees)");
parm.incidout = G_define_option();
parm.incidout->key = "incidout";
@@ -385,7 +389,7 @@
parm.beam_rad->required = NO;
parm.beam_rad->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
parm.beam_rad->description =
- _("Output direct (beam) irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
+ _("Output direct (beam) irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
parm.insol_time = G_define_option();
parm.insol_time->key = "insol_time";
@@ -400,7 +404,7 @@
parm.diff_rad->required = NO;
parm.diff_rad->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
parm.diff_rad->description =
- _("Output diffuse irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
+ _("Output diffuse irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
parm.refl_rad = G_define_option();
parm.refl_rad->key = "refl_rad";
@@ -408,14 +412,15 @@
parm.refl_rad->required = NO;
parm.refl_rad->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
parm.refl_rad->description =
- _("Output reflected irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
+ _("Output reflected irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
parm.glob_rad = G_define_option();
parm.glob_rad->key = "glob_rad";
parm.glob_rad->type = TYPE_STRING;
parm.glob_rad->required = NO;
parm.glob_rad->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
- parm.glob_rad->description = _("Output global (total) irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
+ parm.glob_rad->description =
+ _("Output global (total) irradiance/irradiation file (raster)");
parm.day = G_define_option();
@@ -436,7 +441,7 @@
parm.declin->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
parm.declin->required = NO;
parm.declin->description =
- _("Required declination value (overriding the internal value)");
+ _("Required declination value (overriding the internal value)");
parm.ltime = G_define_option();
parm.ltime->key = "time";
@@ -445,20 +450,20 @@
parm.ltime->required = NO;
parm.ltime->description = _("Local (solar) time [decimal hours]");
- parm.startTime = G_define_option();
- parm.startTime->key = "starttime";
- parm.startTime->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.startTime->required = NO;
- parm.startTime->description = _("Starting time for calculating results for several different times.");
+ /*
+ * parm.startTime = G_define_option();
+ * parm.startTime->key = "starttime";
+ * parm.startTime->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ * parm.startTime->required = NO;
+ * parm.startTime->description = _("Starting time for calculating results for several different times.");
+ *
+ * parm.endTime = G_define_option();
+ * parm.endTime->key = "endtime";
+ * parm.endTime->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ * parm.endTime->required = NO;
+ * parm.endTime->description = _("End time for calculating results for several different times.)";
+ */
- parm.endTime = G_define_option();
- parm.endTime->key = "endtime";
- parm.endTime->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- parm.endTime->required = NO;
- parm.endTime->description = _("End time for calculating results for several different times.)";
parm.dist = G_define_option();
parm.dist->key = "dist";
parm.dist->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
@@ -471,277 +476,271 @@
parm.numPartitions->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
parm.numPartitions->answer = NUM_PARTITIONS;
parm.numPartitions->required = NO;
- parm.numPartitions->description = _("Read the input files in this number of chunks");
+ parm.numPartitions->description =
+ _("Read the input files in this number of chunks");
parm.civilTime = G_define_option();
parm.civilTime->key = "civiltime";
parm.civilTime->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
parm.civilTime->required = NO;
- parm.civilTime->description = _("(optional) The civil time zone value, if none, the time will be local solar time");
+ parm.civilTime->description =
+ _
+ ("(optional) The civil time zone value, if none, the time will be local solar time");
flag.shade = G_define_flag();
flag.shade->key = 's';
flag.shade->description =
- _("Do you want to incorporate the shadowing effect of terrain (y/n)");
+ _("Do you want to incorporate the shadowing effect of terrain (y/n)");
flag.saveMemory = G_define_flag();
flag.saveMemory->key = 'm';
- flag.saveMemory->description = _("Do you want to use the low-memory version of the program (y/n)");
+ flag.saveMemory->description =
+ _("Do you want to use the low-memory version of the program (y/n)");
- if(G_parser(argc,argv))
+ if (G_parser(argc, argv))
- if(shd)
- {
- }
- saveMemory=flag.saveMemory->answer;
- civiltime = parm.civilTime->answer;
+ /*
+ * if(shd)
+ * {
+ *
+ * }
+ */
+ saveMemory = flag.saveMemory->answer;
+ civiltime = parm.civilTime->answer;
- elevin = parm.elevin->answer;
- aspin = parm.aspin->answer;
- slopein = parm.slopein->answer;
- linkein = parm.linkein->answer;
- albedo = parm.albedo->answer;
- latin = parm.latin->answer;
+ elevin = parm.elevin->answer;
+ aspin = parm.aspin->answer;
+ slopein = parm.slopein->answer;
+ linkein = parm.linkein->answer;
+ albedo = parm.albedo->answer;
+ latin = parm.latin->answer;
- if(civiltime != NULL)
- {
- setUseCivilTime(1);
- longin = parm.longin->answer;
+ if (civiltime != NULL) {
+ setUseCivilTime(1);
+ longin = parm.longin->answer;
- if(longin == NULL)
- {
- G_fatal_error(_("You must give the longitude raster if you use civil time"));
+ if (longin == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_
+ ("You must give the longitude raster if you use civil time"));
- }
- sscanf(parm.civilTime->answer, "%lf", &civilTime);
+ }
+ sscanf(parm.civilTime->answer, "%lf", &civilTime);
- /* Normalize if somebody should be weird enough to give more than +- 12
- hours offset. */
+ /* Normalize if somebody should be weird enough to give more than +- 12
+ * hours offset. */
- civilTime -= 24*((int) (civilTime/24.));
- if(civilTime<-12.)
- {
- civilTime +=24.;
- }
- else if(civilTime>12.)
- {
- civilTime-=24;
- }
+ civilTime -= 24 * ((int)(civilTime / 24.));
+ if (civilTime < -12.) {
+ civilTime += 24.;
+ }
+ else if (civilTime > 12.) {
+ civilTime -= 24;
+ }
- }
- else
- {
- setUseCivilTime(0);
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ setUseCivilTime(0);
+ }
coefbh = parm.coefbh->answer;
coefdh = parm.coefdh->answer;
incidout = parm.incidout->answer;
horizon = parm.horizon->answer;
- setUseHorizonData(horizon!=NULL);
+ setUseHorizonData(horizon != NULL);
beam_rad = parm.beam_rad->answer;
insol_time = parm.insol_time->answer;
diff_rad = parm.diff_rad->answer;
refl_rad = parm.refl_rad->answer;
glob_rad = parm.glob_rad->answer;
- if((insol_time != NULL) && (incidout != NULL))
- G_fatal_error(_("insol_time and incidout are incompatible options"));
+ if ((insol_time != NULL) && (incidout != NULL))
+ G_fatal_error(_("insol_time and incidout are incompatible options"));
sscanf(parm.day->answer, "%d", &day);
sscanf(parm.step->answer, "%lf", &step);
- if(parm.step->answer!=NULL)
- {
- if(sscanf(parm.step->answer, "%lf", &step)!=1)
- G_fatal_error(_("Error reading time step size"));
- }
- if(parm.horizonstep->answer!=NULL)
- {
- if(sscanf(parm.horizonstep->answer, "%lf", &horizonStep)!=1)
- G_fatal_error(_("Error reading horizon step size"));
- setHorizonInterval(deg2rad* horizonStep);
- }
+ if (parm.step->answer != NULL) {
+ if (sscanf(parm.step->answer, "%lf", &step) != 1)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading time step size"));
+ }
+ if (parm.horizonstep->answer != NULL) {
+ if (sscanf(parm.horizonstep->answer, "%lf", &horizonStep) != 1)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading horizon step size"));
+ setHorizonInterval(deg2rad * horizonStep);
+ }
tt = parm.ltime->answer;
if (parm.ltime->answer != NULL) {
- if(insol_time != NULL) G_fatal_error(_("time and insol_time are incompatible options"));
- G_message ( _("Mode 1: instantaneous solar incidence angle & irradiance using a set local time"));
- sscanf(parm.ltime->answer, "%lf", &timo);
+ if (insol_time != NULL)
+ G_fatal_error(_("time and insol_time are incompatible options"));
+ G_message(_
+ ("Mode 1: instantaneous solar incidence angle & irradiance using a set local time"));
+ sscanf(parm.ltime->answer, "%lf", &timo);
else {
- if(incidout != NULL) G_fatal_error(_("incidout requres time parameter to be set"));
- G_message ( _("Mode 2: integrated daily irradiation"));
+ if (incidout != NULL)
+ G_fatal_error(_("incidout requres time parameter to be set"));
+ G_message(_("Mode 2: integrated daily irradiation"));
- if (parm.startTime->answer != NULL) sscanf(parm.startTime->answer, "%lf", &startTime);
- if (parm.endTime->answer != NULL) sscanf(parm.endTime->answer, "%lf", &endTime);
- if((parm.startTime->answer != NULL) ||(parm.endTime->answer != NULL))
- {
- /* The start and end times should only be defined if the single
- time is not defined, and if the step size *is* defined. */
- if(parm.step->answer==NULL)
- {
- printf("If you want to use a time interval you must also define a step size.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(parm.ltime->answer!=NULL)
- {
- printf("If you want to use a time interval you can't define a single time value.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if((parm.startTime->answer==NULL)||(parm.endTime->answer==NULL))
- {
- printf("If you want to use a time interval\n");
- printf("both the start and end times must be defined.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
+ /*
+ * if (parm.startTime->answer != NULL) sscanf(parm.startTime->answer, "%lf", &startTime);
+ * if (parm.endTime->answer != NULL) sscanf(parm.endTime->answer, "%lf", &endTime);
+ *
+ * if((parm.startTime->answer != NULL) ||(parm.endTime->answer != NULL))
+ * {
+ */
+ /* The start and end times should only be defined if the single
+ * time is not defined, and if the step size *is* defined. */
+ /*
+ * if(parm.step->answer==NULL)
+ * {
+ * printf("If you want to use a time interval you must also define a step size.\n");
+ * exit(1);
+ * }
+ * if(parm.ltime->answer!=NULL)
+ * {
+ * printf("If you want to use a time interval you can't define a single time value.\n");
+ * exit(1);
+ * }
+ * if((parm.startTime->answer==NULL)||(parm.endTime->answer==NULL))
+ * {
+ * printf("If you want to use a time interval\n");
+ * printf("both the start and end times must be defined.\n");
+ * exit(1);
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
if (parm.linkein->answer == NULL)
- sscanf(parm.lin->answer, "%lf", &singleLinke);
+ sscanf(parm.lin->answer, "%lf", &singleLinke);
if (parm.albedo->answer == NULL)
- sscanf(parm.alb->answer, "%lf", &singleAlbedo);
+ sscanf(parm.alb->answer, "%lf", &singleAlbedo);
lt = parm.lat->answer;
- if (parm.lat->answer != NULL)
- sscanf(parm.lat->answer, "%lf", &latitude);
+ /*
+ * if (parm.lat->answer != NULL)
+ * sscanf(parm.lat->answer, "%lf", &latitude);
+ */
if (parm.slopein->answer == NULL)
- sscanf(parm.slope->answer, "%lf", &singleSlope);
+ sscanf(parm.slope->answer, "%lf", &singleSlope);
singleSlope *= deg2rad;
if (parm.aspin->answer == NULL)
- sscanf(parm.aspect->answer, "%lf", &singleAspect);
+ sscanf(parm.aspect->answer, "%lf", &singleAspect);
singleAspect *= deg2rad;
if (parm.coefbh->answer == NULL)
- cbh = BSKY;
+ cbh = BSKY;
if (parm.coefdh->answer == NULL)
- cdh = DSKY;
+ cdh = DSKY;
sscanf(parm.dist->answer, "%lf", &dist);
- if(parm.numPartitions->answer != NULL)
- {
- sscanf(parm.numPartitions->answer, "%d", &numPartitions);
- if(useShadow()&&(!useHorizonData())&&(numPartitions!=1))
- {
- /* If you calculate shadows on the fly, the number of partitions
- must be one.
- */
- G_fatal_error(_("If you use -s and no horizon rasters, numpartitions must be =1"));
- }
+ if (parm.numPartitions->answer != NULL) {
+ sscanf(parm.numPartitions->answer, "%d", &numPartitions);
+ if (useShadow() && (!useHorizonData()) && (numPartitions != 1)) {
+ /* If you calculate shadows on the fly, the number of partitions
+ * must be one.
+ */
+ G_fatal_error(_
+ ("If you use -s and no horizon rasters, numpartitions must be =1"));
+ }
gridGeom.stepxy = dist * 0.5 * (gridGeom.stepx + gridGeom.stepy);
TOLER = gridGeom.stepxy * EPS;
/* The save memory scheme will not work if you want to calculate shadows
- on the fly. If you calculate without shadow effects or if you have the
- shadows pre-calculated, there is no problem. */
+ * on the fly. If you calculate without shadow effects or if you have the
+ * shadows pre-calculated, there is no problem. */
- if(saveMemory && useShadow() && (!useHorizonData()))
- G_fatal_error(_("If you want to save memory and to use shadows, you must use pre-calculated horizons."));
+ if (saveMemory && useShadow() && (!useHorizonData()))
+ G_fatal_error(_
+ ("If you want to save memory and to use shadows, you must use pre-calculated horizons."));
if (parm.declin->answer == NULL)
- declination = com_declin(day);
+ declination = com_declin(day);
else {
- sscanf(parm.declin->answer, "%lf", &declin);
- declination = -declin;
+ sscanf(parm.declin->answer, "%lf", &declin);
+ declination = -declin;
- if (lt != NULL)
- latitude = -latitude * deg2rad;
- if(tt!=0)
- {
- /* Shadow for just one time during the day */
- if(horizon==NULL)
- {
- arrayNumInt = 1;
- }
- else if (useHorizonData())
- {
- arrayNumInt = (int)(360. / horizonStep);
- }
+ /*
+ * if (lt != NULL)
+ * latitude = -latitude * deg2rad;
+ */
+ if (tt != 0) {
+ /* Shadow for just one time during the day */
+ if (horizon == NULL) {
+ arrayNumInt = 1;
- else
- {
- if (useHorizonData())
- {
-/* Number of bytes holding the horizon information */
- arrayNumInt = (int)(360. / horizonStep);
- }
+ else if (useHorizonData()) {
+ arrayNumInt = (int)(360. / horizonStep);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (useHorizonData()) {
+ /* Number of bytes holding the horizon information */
+ arrayNumInt = (int)(360. / horizonStep);
+ }
+ }
if (tt != NULL) {
- tim = (timo - 12) * 15;
- /* converting to degrees */
- /* Jenco (12-timeAngle) * 15 */
- if (tim < 0)
- tim += 360;
- tim = M_PI * tim / 180;
- /* conv. to radians */
+ tim = (timo - 12) * 15;
+ /* converting to degrees */
+ /* Jenco (12-timeAngle) * 15 */
+ if (tim < 0)
+ tim += 360;
+ tim = M_PI * tim / 180;
+ /* conv. to radians */
/* Set up parameters for projection to lat/long if necessary */
- struct Key_Value *in_proj_info, *in_unit_info;
+ struct Key_Value *in_proj_info, *in_unit_info;
- if ((in_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
- G_fatal_error
- (_("Can't get projection info of current location: please set latitude via 'lat' or 'latin' option!"));
+ if ((in_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
+ G_fatal_error
+ (_
+ ("Can't get projection info of current location: please set latitude via 'lat' or 'latin' option!"));
- if ((in_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
- G_fatal_error(_("Can't get projection units of current location"));
+ if ((in_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Can't get projection units of current location"));
- if (pj_get_kv(&iproj, in_proj_info, in_unit_info) < 0)
- G_fatal_error
- (_("Can't get projection key values of current location"));
+ if (pj_get_kv(&iproj, in_proj_info, in_unit_info) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Can't get projection key values of current location"));
- G_free_key_value(in_proj_info);
- G_free_key_value(in_unit_info);
+ G_free_key_value(in_proj_info);
+ G_free_key_value(in_unit_info);
- /* Set output projection to latlong w/ same ellipsoid */
- oproj.zone = 0;
- oproj.meters = 1.;
- sprintf(oproj.proj, "ll");
- if ((oproj.pj = pj_latlong_from_proj(iproj.pj)) == NULL)
- G_fatal_error(_("Unable to set up lat/long projection parameters"));
+ /* Set output projection to latlong w/ same ellipsoid */
+ oproj.zone = 0;
+ oproj.meters = 1.;
+ sprintf(oproj.proj, "ll");
+ if ((oproj.pj = pj_latlong_from_proj(iproj.pj)) == NULL)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Unable to set up lat/long projection parameters"));
/**********end of parser - ******************************/
- if ((G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL))
- {
- ll_correction=1;
- }
+ if ((G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL)) {
+ ll_correction = 1;
+ }
- calculate(singleSlope, singleAspect, singleAlbedo,
- singleLinke,gridGeom);
+ calculate(singleSlope, singleAspect, singleAlbedo, singleLinke, gridGeom);
return 1;
@@ -749,1390 +748,1385 @@
int INPUT_part(int offset, double *zmax)
int finalRow, rowrevoffset;
int numRows;
- FCELL *cell1=NULL, *cell2=NULL;
- FCELL *cell3=NULL, *cell4=NULL, *cell5=NULL, *cell6=NULL, *cell7=NULL;
- FCELL *rast1=NULL, *rast2=NULL;
+ FCELL *cell1 = NULL, *cell2 = NULL;
+ FCELL *cell3 = NULL, *cell4 = NULL, *cell5 = NULL, *cell6 = NULL, *cell7 =
+ FCELL *rast1 = NULL, *rast2 = NULL;
static FCELL **horizonbuf;
- char* horizonpointer;
- int fd1=-1, fd2=-1, fd3=-1, fd4=-1, fd5=-1, fd6=-1, fd7=-1, row, row_rev;
- static int *fd_shad;
- int fr1=-1, fr2=-1;
+ char *horizonpointer;
+ int fd1 = -1, fd2 = -1, fd3 = -1, fd4 = -1, fd5 = -1, fd6 = -1, fd7 =
+ -1, row, row_rev;
+ static int *fd_shad;
+ int fr1 = -1, fr2 = -1;
int l, i, j;
char shad_filename[256];
- finalRow = m- offset -m/numPartitions;
- if(finalRow<0)
- {
- finalRow = 0;
- }
+ finalRow = m - offset - m / numPartitions;
+ if (finalRow < 0) {
+ finalRow = 0;
+ }
- numRows = m/numPartitions;
+ numRows = m / numPartitions;
- cell1=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ cell1 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(z==NULL)
- {
- z = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
+ if (z == NULL) {
+ z = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- {
- z[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- }
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++) {
+ z[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(elevin,""))==NULL)
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(elevin, "")) == NULL)
G_fatal_error("Elevation raster file not found");
- fd1 = G_open_cell_old(elevin,mapset);
+ fd1 = G_open_cell_old(elevin, mapset);
-if(slopein != NULL)
- {
- cell3=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(s==NULL)
- {
- s = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- {
- s[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
+ if (slopein != NULL) {
+ cell3 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ s = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(slopein,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd3 = G_open_cell_old(slopein,mapset);
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++) {
+ s[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(slopein, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
+ fd3 = G_open_cell_old(slopein, mapset);
-if(aspin != NULL)
- {
- cell2=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(o==NULL)
- {
- o = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- {
- o[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- }
+ if (aspin != NULL) {
+ cell2 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(aspin,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd2 = G_open_cell_old(aspin,mapset);
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ o = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++) {
+ o[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(aspin, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
+ fd2 = G_open_cell_old(aspin, mapset);
if (linkein != NULL) {
- cell4 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(li==NULL)
- {
- li = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- li[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
+ cell4 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ if (li == NULL) {
+ li = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ li[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(linkein,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(linkein, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd4 = G_open_cell_old(linkein,mapset);
+ fd4 = G_open_cell_old(linkein, mapset);
- if (albedo != NULL){
- cell5=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(a==NULL)
- {
- a = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- a[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(albedo,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ if (albedo != NULL) {
+ cell5 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ if (a == NULL) {
+ a = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ a[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(albedo, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd5 = G_open_cell_old(albedo,mapset);
+ fd5 = G_open_cell_old(albedo, mapset);
-if (latin != NULL)
- cell6=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(la==NULL)
- {
- la = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- la[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(latin,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ if (latin != NULL) {
+ cell6 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ if (la == NULL) {
+ la = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ la[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(latin, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd6 = G_open_cell_old(latin,mapset);
+ fd6 = G_open_cell_old(latin, mapset);
+ }
-if (longin != NULL)
- cell7=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- longitArray = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- longitArray[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
+ if (longin != NULL) {
+ cell7 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ longitArray = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ longitArray[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(longin,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(longin, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
- fd7 = G_open_cell_old(longin,mapset);
+ fd7 = G_open_cell_old(longin, mapset);
+ }
-if (coefbh != NULL)
- {
- rast1=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(cbhr==NULL)
- {
- cbhr = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- cbhr[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(coefbh,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ if (coefbh != NULL) {
+ rast1 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fr1 = G_open_cell_old(coefbh,mapset);
+ if (cbhr == NULL) {
+ cbhr = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ cbhr[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(coefbh, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
-if (coefdh != NULL)
- rast2=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- if(cdhr==NULL)
- {
- cdhr = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(numRows));
- for(l=0;l<numRows;l++)
- cdhr[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(coefdh,""))==NULL)
- printf("cell file not found\n");
+ fr1 = G_open_cell_old(coefbh, mapset);
+ }
- fr2 = G_open_cell_old(coefdh,mapset);
+ if (coefdh != NULL) {
+ rast2 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ if (cdhr == NULL) {
+ cdhr = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (numRows));
+ for (l = 0; l < numRows; l++)
+ cdhr[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(coefdh, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("cell file not found\n");
+ fr2 = G_open_cell_old(coefdh, mapset);
+ }
- if (useHorizonData())
- {
- if(horizonarray==NULL)
- {
- horizonarray = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*arrayNumInt*numRows*n);
- horizonbuf = (FCELL **) malloc(sizeof(FCELL *)*arrayNumInt);
- fd_shad = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*arrayNumInt);
- }
- if(tt != NULL)
- {
- horizonbuf[0]=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- sprintf(shad_filename, "%s_%02d", horizon, arrayNumInt);
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(shad_filename,""))==NULL)
- printf("Horizon file no. %d not found\n", arrayNumInt);
+ if (useHorizonData()) {
+ if (horizonarray == NULL) {
+ horizonarray =
+ (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * arrayNumInt * numRows *
+ n);
- fd_shad[0] = G_open_cell_old(shad_filename,mapset);
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<arrayNumInt;i++)
- {
- horizonbuf[i]=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- sprintf(shad_filename, "%s_%03d", horizon, i);
- if((mapset=G_find_cell(shad_filename,""))==NULL)
- printf("Horizon file no. %d not found\n", i);
+ horizonbuf = (FCELL **) malloc(sizeof(FCELL *) * arrayNumInt);
+ fd_shad = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * arrayNumInt);
+ }
+ /*
+ * if(tt != NULL)
+ * {
+ *
+ * horizonbuf[0]=G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ * sprintf(shad_filename, "%s_%02d", horizon, arrayNumInt);
+ * if((mapset=G_find_cell(shad_filename,""))==NULL)
+ * printf("Horizon file no. %d not found\n", arrayNumInt);
+ *
+ * fd_shad[0] = G_open_cell_old(shad_filename,mapset);
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < arrayNumInt; i++) {
+ horizonbuf[i] = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ sprintf(shad_filename, "%s_%03d", horizon, i);
+ if ((mapset = G_find_cell(shad_filename, "")) == NULL)
+ printf("Horizon file no. %d not found\n", i);
- fd_shad[i] = G_open_cell_old(shad_filename,mapset);
- }
- }
- /*
- }
+ fd_shad[i] = G_open_cell_old(shad_filename, mapset);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * }
+ */
- if(useHorizonData())
- {
+ if (useHorizonData()) {
- for(i=0;i<arrayNumInt;i++)
- {
- for (row=m-offset-1; row>=finalRow; row--)
- {
+ for (i = 0; i < arrayNumInt; i++) {
+ for (row = m - offset - 1; row >= finalRow; row--) {
- row_rev = m - row - 1;
- rowrevoffset = row_rev-offset;
- G_get_f_raster_row(fd_shad[i],horizonbuf[i],row);
- horizonpointer = horizonarray + arrayNumInt*n*rowrevoffset;
- for (j=0; j<n; j++)
- {
- horizonpointer[i] = (char) (rint(SCALING_FACTOR*
- AMIN1(horizonbuf[i][j],256*invScale)));
- horizonpointer+=arrayNumInt;
+ row_rev = m - row - 1;
+ rowrevoffset = row_rev - offset;
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd_shad[i], horizonbuf[i], row);
+ horizonpointer = horizonarray + arrayNumInt * n * rowrevoffset;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- }
- }
- }
+ horizonpointer[i] = (char)(rint(SCALING_FACTOR *
+ AMIN1(horizonbuf[i][j],
+ 256 * invScale)));
+ horizonpointer += arrayNumInt;
+ }
+ }
- for (row=m-offset-1; row>=finalRow; row--)
- {
- G_get_f_raster_row(fd1,cell1,row);
- if(aspin != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd2,cell2,row);
- if(slopein != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd3,cell3,row);
- if(linkein != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd4,cell4,row);
- if(albedo != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd5,cell5,row);
- if(latin != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd6,cell6,row);
- if(longin != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fd7,cell7,row);
- if(coefbh != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fr1,rast1,row);
- if(coefdh != NULL) G_get_f_raster_row(fr2,rast2,row);
+ }
- row_rev = m - row - 1;
- rowrevoffset = row_rev-offset;
+ for (row = m - offset - 1; row >= finalRow; row--) {
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd1, cell1, row);
+ if (aspin != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd2, cell2, row);
+ if (slopein != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd3, cell3, row);
+ if (linkein != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd4, cell4, row);
+ if (albedo != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd5, cell5, row);
+ if (latin != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd6, cell6, row);
+ if (longin != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fd7, cell7, row);
+ if (coefbh != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fr1, rast1, row);
+ if (coefdh != NULL)
+ G_get_f_raster_row(fr2, rast2, row);
- for (j=0; j<n; j++)
- {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell1+j))
- z[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell1[j];
- else
- z[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(aspin != NULL)
- {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell2+j))
- o[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell2[j];
- else
- o[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
- if(slopein != NULL)
- {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell3+j))
- s[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell3[j];
- else
- s[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
- if(linkein != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell4+j))
- li[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell4[j];
- else
- li[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
- if(albedo != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell5+j))
- a[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell5[j];
- else
- a[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ row_rev = m - row - 1;
+ rowrevoffset = row_rev - offset;
- if(latin != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell6+j))
- la[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell6[j];
- else
- la[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell1 + j))
+ z[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell1[j];
+ else
+ z[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(longin != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(cell7+j))
- longitArray[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) cell7[j];
- else
- longitArray[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ if (aspin != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell2 + j))
+ o[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell2[j];
+ else
+ o[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ if (slopein != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell3 + j))
+ s[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell3[j];
+ else
+ s[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
- if(coefbh != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(rast1+j))
- cbhr[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) rast1[j];
- else
- cbhr[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ if (linkein != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell4 + j))
+ li[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell4[j];
+ else
+ li[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
- if(coefdh != NULL) {
- if(!G_is_f_null_value(rast2+j))
- cdhr[rowrevoffset][j] = (float ) rast2[j];
- else
- cdhr[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ if (albedo != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell5 + j))
+ a[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell5[j];
+ else
+ a[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ if (latin != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell6 + j))
+ la[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell6[j];
+ else
+ la[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ if (longin != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(cell7 + j))
+ longitArray[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)cell7[j];
+ else
+ longitArray[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ if (coefbh != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(rast1 + j))
+ cbhr[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)rast1[j];
+ else
+ cbhr[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ if (coefdh != NULL) {
+ if (!G_is_f_null_value(rast2 + j))
+ cdhr[rowrevoffset][j] = (float)rast2[j];
+ else
+ cdhr[rowrevoffset][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- if(aspin != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell2);
- G_close_cell(fd2);
- }
- if(slopein != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell3);
- G_close_cell(fd3);
- }
- if(linkein != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell4);
- G_close_cell(fd4);
- }
- if(albedo != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell5);
- G_close_cell(fd5);
- }
- if(latin != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell6);
- G_close_cell(fd6);
- }
- if(longin != NULL)
- {
- G_free(cell7);
- G_close_cell(fd7);
- }
- if(coefbh != NULL)
- {
- G_free(rast1);
- G_close_cell(fr1);
- }
- if(coefdh != NULL)
- {
- G_free(rast2);
- G_close_cell(fr2);
- }
- if(useHorizonData())
- {
- for(i=0;i<arrayNumInt;i++)
- {
- G_close_cell(fd_shad[i]);
- G_free(horizonbuf[i]);
- }
- }
+ if (aspin != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell2);
+ G_close_cell(fd2);
+ }
+ if (slopein != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell3);
+ G_close_cell(fd3);
+ }
+ if (linkein != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell4);
+ G_close_cell(fd4);
+ }
+ if (albedo != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell5);
+ G_close_cell(fd5);
+ }
+ if (latin != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell6);
+ G_close_cell(fd6);
+ }
+ if (longin != NULL) {
+ G_free(cell7);
+ G_close_cell(fd7);
+ }
+ if (coefbh != NULL) {
+ G_free(rast1);
+ G_close_cell(fr1);
+ }
+ if (coefdh != NULL) {
+ G_free(rast2);
+ G_close_cell(fr2);
+ }
+ if (useHorizonData()) {
+ for (i = 0; i < arrayNumInt; i++) {
+ G_close_cell(fd_shad[i]);
+ G_free(horizonbuf[i]);
+ }
+ }
/*******transformation of angles from 0 to east counterclock
to 0 to north clocwise, for ori=0 upslope flowlines
turn the orientation 2*M_PI ************/
-/* needs to be eliminated */
+ /* needs to be eliminated */
- /*for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)*/
- for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- *zmax = AMAX1(*zmax,z[i][j]);
- if(aspin != NULL)
- {
- if ( o[i][j] != 0. ) {
- if( o[i][j] < 90. )
- o[i][j] = 90. - o[i][j];
- else
- o[i][j] = 450. - o[i][j];
- }
- /* printf("o,z = %d %d i,j, %d %d \n", o[i][j],z[i][j],i,j);*/
+ /*for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) */
+ for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ *zmax = AMAX1(*zmax, z[i][j]);
+ if (aspin != NULL) {
+ if (o[i][j] != 0.) {
+ if (o[i][j] < 90.)
+ o[i][j] = 90. - o[i][j];
+ else
+ o[i][j] = 450. - o[i][j];
+ }
+ /* printf("o,z = %d %d i,j, %d %d \n", o[i][j],z[i][j],i,j); */
- if((aspin != NULL) && o[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if((slopein != NULL) && s[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(linkein != NULL && li[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(albedo != NULL && a[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(latin != NULL && la[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(coefbh != NULL && cbhr[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- if(coefdh != NULL && cdhr[i][j] == UNDEFZ) z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ if ((aspin != NULL) && o[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if ((slopein != NULL) && s[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if (linkein != NULL && li[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if (albedo != NULL && a[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if (latin != NULL && la[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if (coefbh != NULL && cbhr[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ if (coefdh != NULL && cdhr[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ z[i][j] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
return 1;
int OUTGR(void)
- FCELL *cell7=NULL,*cell8=NULL,*cell9=NULL,*cell10=NULL,*cell11=NULL, *cell12=NULL;
- int fd7=-1, fd8=-1,fd9=-1,fd10=-1,fd11=-1, fd12=-1;
+ FCELL *cell7 = NULL, *cell8 = NULL, *cell9 = NULL, *cell10 = NULL, *cell11 =
+ NULL, *cell12 = NULL;
+ int fd7 = -1, fd8 = -1, fd9 = -1, fd10 = -1, fd11 = -1, fd12 = -1;
int i, iarc, j;
char msg[100];
if (incidout != NULL) {
- cell7 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd7 = G_open_fp_cell_new(incidout);
- if (fd7 < 0) {
- sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", incidout);
- G_fatal_error(msg);
- exit(1);
- }
+ cell7 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd7 = G_open_fp_cell_new(incidout);
+ if (fd7 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", incidout);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
if (beam_rad != NULL) {
- cell8 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd8 = G_open_fp_cell_new(beam_rad);
- if (fd8 < 0) {
- sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", beam_rad);
- G_fatal_error(msg);
- exit(1);
- }
+ cell8 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd8 = G_open_fp_cell_new(beam_rad);
+ if (fd8 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", beam_rad);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
if (insol_time != NULL) {
- cell11 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd11 = G_open_fp_cell_new(insol_time);
- if (fd11 < 0) {
- sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", insol_time);
- G_fatal_error(msg);
- exit(1);
- }
+ cell11 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd11 = G_open_fp_cell_new(insol_time);
+ if (fd11 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", insol_time);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
if (diff_rad != NULL) {
- cell9 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd9 = G_open_fp_cell_new(diff_rad);
- if (fd9 < 0) {
- sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", diff_rad);
- G_fatal_error(msg);
- exit(1);
- }
+ cell9 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd9 = G_open_fp_cell_new(diff_rad);
+ if (fd9 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", diff_rad);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
if (refl_rad != NULL) {
- cell10 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd10 = G_open_fp_cell_new(refl_rad);
- if (fd10 < 0) {
- sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", refl_rad);
- G_fatal_error(msg);
- exit(1);
- }
+ cell10 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd10 = G_open_fp_cell_new(refl_rad);
+ if (fd10 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", refl_rad);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
- if (glob_rad != NULL)
- {
- cell12 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
- fd12 = G_open_fp_cell_new (glob_rad);
- if (fd12 < 0)
- {
- sprintf (msg, "unable to create raster map %s", glob_rad);
- G_fatal_error (msg);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
+ if (glob_rad != NULL) {
+ cell12 = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ fd12 = G_open_fp_cell_new(glob_rad);
+ if (fd12 < 0) {
+ sprintf(msg, "unable to create raster map %s", glob_rad);
+ G_fatal_error(msg);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
if (G_set_window(&cellhd) < 0)
- exit(3);
+ exit(3);
if (m != G_window_rows()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: rows changed from %d to %d\n", m,
- G_window_rows());
- exit(1);
+ fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: rows changed from %d to %d\n", m,
+ G_window_rows());
+ exit(1);
if (n != G_window_cols()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: cols changed from %d to %d\n", n,
- G_window_cols());
- exit(1);
+ fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: cols changed from %d to %d\n", n,
+ G_window_cols());
+ exit(1);
for (iarc = 0; iarc < m; iarc++) {
- i = m - iarc - 1;
- if (incidout != NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (lumcl[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value(cell7 + j, 1);
- else
- cell7[j] = (FCELL) lumcl[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row(fd7, cell7);
- }
+ i = m - iarc - 1;
+ if (incidout != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (lumcl[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell7 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell7[j] = (FCELL) lumcl[i][j];
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd7, cell7);
+ }
- if (beam_rad != NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (beam[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value(cell8 + j, 1);
- else
- cell8[j] = (FCELL) beam[i][j];
+ if (beam_rad != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (beam[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell8 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell8[j] = (FCELL) beam[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row(fd8, cell8);
- }
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd8, cell8);
+ }
- if(glob_rad!=NULL) {
- for(j=0;j<n;j++) {
- if (globrad[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value (cell12+j,1);
- else
- cell12[j]=(FCELL)globrad[i][j];
+ if (glob_rad != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (globrad[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell12 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell12[j] = (FCELL) globrad[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row (fd12, cell12);
- }
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd12, cell12);
+ }
- if (insol_time != NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (insol[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value(cell11 + j, 1);
- else
- cell11[j] = (FCELL) insol[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row(fd11, cell11);
- }
+ if (insol_time != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (insol[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell11 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell11[j] = (FCELL) insol[i][j];
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd11, cell11);
+ }
- if (diff_rad != NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (diff[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value(cell9 + j, 1);
- else
- cell9[j] = (FCELL) diff[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row(fd9, cell9);
- }
+ if (diff_rad != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (diff[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell9 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell9[j] = (FCELL) diff[i][j];
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd9, cell9);
+ }
- if (refl_rad != NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (refl[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
- G_set_f_null_value(cell10 + j, 1);
- else
- cell10[j] = (FCELL) refl[i][j];
- }
- G_put_f_raster_row(fd10, cell10);
- }
+ if (refl_rad != NULL) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (refl[i][j] == UNDEFZ)
+ G_set_f_null_value(cell10 + j, 1);
+ else
+ cell10[j] = (FCELL) refl[i][j];
+ }
+ G_put_f_raster_row(fd10, cell10);
+ }
if (incidout != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd7);
- G_write_history(incidout, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd7);
+ G_write_history(incidout, &hist);
if (beam_rad != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd8);
- G_write_history(beam_rad, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd8);
+ G_write_history(beam_rad, &hist);
if (diff_rad != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd9);
- G_write_history(diff_rad, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd9);
+ G_write_history(diff_rad, &hist);
if (refl_rad != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd10);
- G_write_history(refl_rad, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd10);
+ G_write_history(refl_rad, &hist);
if (insol_time != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd11);
- G_write_history(insol_time, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd11);
+ G_write_history(insol_time, &hist);
if (glob_rad != NULL) {
- G_close_cell(fd12);
- G_write_history(glob_rad, &hist);
+ G_close_cell(fd12);
+ G_write_history(glob_rad, &hist);
return 1;
/* min(), max() are unused
-int min(arg1, arg2)
- int arg1;
- int arg2;
- int res;
- if (arg1 <= arg2) {
- res = arg1;
- }
- else {
- res = arg2;
- }
- return res;
+ * int min(arg1, arg2)
+ * int arg1;
+ * int arg2;
+ * {
+ * int res;
+ * if (arg1 <= arg2) {
+ * res = arg1;
+ * }
+ * else {
+ * res = arg2;
+ * }
+ * return res;
+ * }
+ *
+ * int max(arg1, arg2)
+ * int arg1;
+ * int arg2;
+ * {
+ * int res;
+ * if (arg1 >= arg2) {
+ * res = arg1;
+ * }
+ * else {
+ * res = arg2;
+ * }
+ * return res;
+ * }
+ */
-int max(arg1, arg2)
- int arg1;
- int arg2;
- int res;
- if (arg1 >= arg2) {
- res = arg1;
- }
- else {
- res = arg2;
- }
- return res;
void joules2(struct SunGeometryConstDay *sunGeom,
- struct SunGeometryVarDay *sunVarGeom,
- struct SunGeometryVarSlope *sunSlopeGeom,
- struct SolarRadVar *sunRadVar,
- struct GridGeometry *gridGeom, unsigned char *horizonpointer,
- double latitude, double longitude)
- {
+ struct SunGeometryVarDay *sunVarGeom,
+ struct SunGeometryVarSlope *sunSlopeGeom,
+ struct SolarRadVar *sunRadVar,
+ struct GridGeometry *gridGeom, unsigned char *horizonpointer,
+ double latitude, double longitude)
- double s0, dfr, dfr_rad;
- double ra, dra;
- int ss = 1;
- double firstTime;
- double firstAngle, lastAngle;
- int srStepNo;
- double bh;
- double rr;
+ double s0, dfr, dfr_rad;
+ double ra, dra;
+ int ss = 1;
+ double firstTime;
+ double firstAngle, lastAngle;
+ int srStepNo;
+ double bh;
+ double rr;
- beam_e = 0.;
- diff_e = 0.;
- refl_e = 0.;
- insol_t = 0.;
+ beam_e = 0.;
+ diff_e = 0.;
+ refl_e = 0.;
+ insol_t = 0.;
- com_par(sunGeom, sunVarGeom,gridGeom,latitude,longitude);
+ com_par(sunGeom, sunVarGeom, gridGeom, latitude, longitude);
- if (tt != NULL) { /*irradiance */
+ if (tt != NULL) { /*irradiance */
- s0 = lumcline2(sunGeom,sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,gridGeom,
- horizonpointer);
+ s0 = lumcline2(sunGeom, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, gridGeom,
+ horizonpointer);
- if (sunVarGeom->solarAltitude > 0.) {
- if ((!sunVarGeom->isShadow) && (s0 > 0.)) {
- ra = brad(s0,&bh, sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar); /* beam radiation */
- beam_e += ra;
- }
- else {
- beam_e = 0.;
- bh = 0.;
- }
+ if (sunVarGeom->solarAltitude > 0.) {
+ if ((!sunVarGeom->isShadow) && (s0 > 0.)) {
+ ra = brad(s0, &bh, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar); /* beam radiation */
+ beam_e += ra;
+ }
+ else {
+ beam_e = 0.;
+ bh = 0.;
+ }
- if((diff_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad!=NULL)) {
- dra = drad(s0,bh, &rr, sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar); /* diffuse rad. */
- diff_e += dra;
- }
- if((refl_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad!=NULL)) {
- if ((diff_rad == NULL) && (glob_rad == NULL))
- drad(s0,bh, &rr, sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar);
- refl_e += rr; /* reflected rad. */
- }
- } /* solarAltitude */
+ if ((diff_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad != NULL)) {
+ dra = drad(s0, bh, &rr, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar); /* diffuse rad. */
+ diff_e += dra;
+ }
+ if ((refl_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad != NULL)) {
+ if ((diff_rad == NULL) && (glob_rad == NULL))
+ drad(s0, bh, &rr, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar);
+ refl_e += rr; /* reflected rad. */
+ }
+ } /* solarAltitude */
else {
- /* all-day radiation */
+ /* all-day radiation */
- srStepNo = (int) (sunGeom->sunrise_time/step);
- if((sunGeom->sunrise_time-srStepNo*step)>0.5*step)
- {
- firstTime = (srStepNo+1.5)*step;
- }
- else
- {
- firstTime = (srStepNo+0.5)*step;
- }
+ srStepNo = (int)(sunGeom->sunrise_time / step);
+ if ((sunGeom->sunrise_time - srStepNo * step) > 0.5 * step) {
+ firstTime = (srStepNo + 1.5) * step;
+ }
+ else {
+ firstTime = (srStepNo + 0.5) * step;
+ }
- firstAngle = (firstTime - 12)*HOURANGLE;
- lastAngle = (sunGeom->sunset_time - 12)*HOURANGLE;
+ firstAngle = (firstTime - 12) * HOURANGLE;
+ lastAngle = (sunGeom->sunset_time - 12) * HOURANGLE;
- dfr_rad = step * HOURANGLE;
- sunGeom->timeAngle = firstAngle;
- varCount_global=0;
+ dfr_rad = step * HOURANGLE;
- dfr = step;
+ sunGeom->timeAngle = firstAngle;
- while (ss == 1) {
- com_par(sunGeom,sunVarGeom,gridGeom,latitude,longitude);
- s0 = lumcline2(sunGeom,sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,gridGeom,
- horizonpointer);
+ varCount_global = 0;
- if (sunVarGeom->solarAltitude > 0.)
- {
- if ((!sunVarGeom->isShadow) && (s0 > 0.))
- {
- insol_t += dfr;
- ra = brad(s0,&bh,sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar);
- beam_e += dfr * ra;
- ra=0.;
- }
- else
- {
- bh = 0.;
- }
- if((diff_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad!=NULL))
- {
- dra = drad(s0,bh, &rr, sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar);
- diff_e += dfr * dra;
- dra=0.;
- }
- if((refl_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad!=NULL))
- {
- if ((diff_rad == NULL) && (glob_rad == NULL))
- {
- drad(s0,bh, &rr, sunVarGeom,sunSlopeGeom,sunRadVar);
- }
- refl_e += dfr * rr;
- rr = 0.;
- }
- } /* illuminated */
+ dfr = step;
+ while (ss == 1) {
- sunGeom->timeAngle = sunGeom->timeAngle + dfr_rad;
+ com_par(sunGeom, sunVarGeom, gridGeom, latitude, longitude);
+ s0 = lumcline2(sunGeom, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, gridGeom,
+ horizonpointer);
- if (sunGeom->timeAngle > lastAngle) {
- ss = 0; /* we've got the sunset */
- }
- } /* end of while */
- } /* all-day radiation */
+ if (sunVarGeom->solarAltitude > 0.) {
+ if ((!sunVarGeom->isShadow) && (s0 > 0.)) {
+ insol_t += dfr;
+ ra = brad(s0, &bh, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar);
+ beam_e += dfr * ra;
+ ra = 0.;
+ }
+ else {
+ bh = 0.;
+ }
+ if ((diff_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad != NULL)) {
+ dra =
+ drad(s0, bh, &rr, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar);
+ diff_e += dfr * dra;
+ dra = 0.;
+ }
+ if ((refl_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad != NULL)) {
+ if ((diff_rad == NULL) && (glob_rad == NULL)) {
+ drad(s0, bh, &rr, sunVarGeom, sunSlopeGeom, sunRadVar);
+ }
+ refl_e += dfr * rr;
+ rr = 0.;
+ }
+ } /* illuminated */
+ sunGeom->timeAngle = sunGeom->timeAngle + dfr_rad;
+ if (sunGeom->timeAngle > lastAngle) {
+ ss = 0; /* we've got the sunset */
+ }
+ } /* end of while */
+ } /* all-day radiation */
+/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-void where_is_point(void)
+ * void where_is_point(void)
+ * {
+ * double sx, sy;
+ * double dx, dy;
+ * double adx, ady;
+ * int i, j;
+ *
+ * sx = xx0 * invstepx + TOLER;
+ * sy = yy0 * invstepy + TOLER;
+ *
+ * i = (int)sx;
+ * j = (int)sy;
+ * if (i < n - 1 && j < m - 1) {
+ *
+ * dx = xx0 - (double)i *stepx;
+ * dy = yy0 - (double)j *stepy;
+ *
+ * adx = fabs(dx);
+ * ady = fabs(dy);
+ *
+ * if ((adx > TOLER) && (ady > TOLER)) {
+ * cube(j, i);
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * else if ((adx > TOLER) && (ady < TOLER)) {
+ * line_x(j, i);
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * else if ((adx < TOLER) && (ady > TOLER)) {
+ * line_y(j, i);
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * else if ((adx < TOLER) && (ady < TOLER)) {
+ * vertex(j, i);
+ * return;
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * }
+ * else {
+ * func = NULL;
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+void where_is_point(double *length, struct SunGeometryVarDay *sunVarGeom,
+ struct GridGeometry *gridGeom)
double sx, sy;
double dx, dy;
- double adx, ady;
+ /* double adx, ady; */
int i, j;
- sx = xx0 * invstepx + TOLER;
- sy = yy0 * invstepy + TOLER;
+ sx = gridGeom->xx0 * invstepx + offsetx; /* offset 0.5 cell size to get the right cell i, j */
+ sy = gridGeom->yy0 * invstepy + offsety;
i = (int)sx;
j = (int)sy;
- if (i < n - 1 && j < m - 1) {
- dx = xx0 - (double)i *stepx;
- dy = yy0 - (double)j *stepy;
+ /* if (i < n-1 && j < m-1) { to include last row/col */
+ if (i <= n - 1 && j <= m - 1) {
- adx = fabs(dx);
- ady = fabs(dy);
+ dx = (double)i *gridGeom->stepx;
+ dy = (double)j *gridGeom->stepy;
- if ((adx > TOLER) && (ady > TOLER)) {
- cube(j, i);
- return;
- }
- else if ((adx > TOLER) && (ady < TOLER)) {
- line_x(j, i);
- return;
- }
- else if ((adx < TOLER) && (ady > TOLER)) {
- line_y(j, i);
- return;
- }
- else if ((adx < TOLER) && (ady < TOLER)) {
- vertex(j, i);
- return;
- }
+ *length = distance(gridGeom->xg0, dx, gridGeom->yg0, dy); /* dist from orig. grid point to the current grid point */
+ sunVarGeom->zp = z[j][i];
+ /*
+ * cube(j, i);
+ */
- else {
- func = NULL;
- }
-void where_is_point(double *length , struct SunGeometryVarDay *sunVarGeom,
- struct GridGeometry *gridGeom)
- double sx, sy;
- double dx, dy;
-/* double adx, ady;*/
- int i, j;
- sx = gridGeom->xx0 * invstepx + offsetx; /* offset 0.5 cell size to get the right cell i, j */
- sy = gridGeom->yy0 * invstepy + offsety;
- i = (int)sx; j = (int)sy;
-/* if (i < n-1 && j < m-1) { to include last row/col*/
- if (i <= n-1 && j <= m-1) {
- dx = (double)i *gridGeom->stepx;
- dy = (double)j *gridGeom->stepy;
- *length = distance(gridGeom->xg0, dx, gridGeom->yg0, dy); /* dist from orig. grid point to the current grid point */
- sunVarGeom->zp = z[j][i];
- cube(j, i);
- }
+ * void vertex(jmin, imin)
+ * int jmin, imin;
+ * {
+ * zp = z[jmin][imin];
+ * if ((zp == UNDEFZ))
+ * func = NULL;
+ * }
+ * void line_x(jmin, imin)
+ * int jmin, imin;
+ * {
+ * double c1, c2;
+ * double d1, d2, e1, e2;
+ * e1 = (double)imin *stepx;
+ * e2 = (double)(imin + 1) * stepx;
+ *
+ * c1 = z[jmin][imin];
+ * c2 = z[jmin][imin + 1];
+ * if (!((c1 == UNDEFZ) || (c2 == UNDEFZ))) {
+ *
+ * if (dist <= 1.0) {
+ * d1 = (xx0 - e1) / (e2 - e1);
+ * d2 = 1 - d1;
+ * if (d1 < d2)
+ * zp = c1;
+ * else
+ * zp = c2;
+ * }
+ *
+ * if (dist > 1.0)
+ * zp = AMAX1(c1, c2);
+ * }
+ * else
+ * func = NULL;
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * void line_y(jmin, imin)
+ * int jmin, imin;
+ * {
+ * double c1, c2;
+ * double d1, d2, e1, e2;
+ * e1 = (double)jmin *stepy;
+ * e2 = (double)(jmin + 1) * stepy;
+ *
+ * c1 = z[jmin][imin];
+ * c2 = z[jmin + 1][imin];
+ * if (!((c1 == UNDEFZ) || (c2 == UNDEFZ))) {
+ *
+ * if (dist <= 1.0) {
+ * d1 = (yy0 - e1) / (e2 - e1);
+ * d2 = 1 - d1;
+ * if (d1 < d2)
+ * zp = c1;
+ * else
+ * zp = c2;
+ * }
+ *
+ * if (dist > 1.0)
+ * zp = AMAX1(c1, c2);
+ *
+ * }
+ * else
+ * func = NULL;
+ *
+ * }
+ *
+ * void cube(jmin, imin)
+ * int jmin, imin;
+ * {
+ * int i, ig = 0;
+ * double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ * double v[4], vmin = BIG;
+ * double c[4], cmax = -BIG;
+ *
+ * x1 = (double)imin *stepx;
+ * x2 = x1 + stepx;
+ *
+ * y1 = (double)jmin *stepy;
+ * y2 = y1 + stepy;
+ *
+ * v[0] = DISTANCE2(x1, y1);
+ *
+ * if (v[0] < vmin) {
+ * ig = 0;
+ * vmin = v[0];
+ * }
+ * v[1] = DISTANCE2(x2, y1);
+ *
+ * if (v[1] < vmin) {
+ * ig = 1;
+ * vmin = v[1];
+ * }
+ *
+ * v[2] = DISTANCE2(x2, y2);
+ * if (v[2] < vmin) {
+ * ig = 2;
+ * vmin = v[2];
+ * }
+ *
+ * v[3] = DISTANCE2(x1, y2);
+ * if (v[3] < vmin) {
+ * ig = 3;
+ * vmin = v[3];
+ * }
+ *
+ * c[0] = z[jmin][imin];
+ * c[1] = z[jmin][imin + 1];
+ * c[2] = z[jmin + 1][imin + 1];
+ * c[3] = z[jmin + 1][imin];
+ *
+ *
+ * if (dist <= 1.0) {
+ *
+ * if (c[ig] != UNDEFZ)
+ * zp = c[ig];
+ * else
+ * func = NULL;
+ * return;
+ * }
+ *
+ * if (dist > 1.0) {
+ * for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ * if (c[i] != UNDEFZ) {
+ * cmax = AMAX1(cmax, c[i]);
+ * zp = cmax;
+ * }
+ * else
+ * func = NULL;
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
-void vertex(jmin, imin)
- int jmin, imin;
- zp = z[jmin][imin];
- if ((zp == UNDEFZ))
- func = NULL;
-void line_x(jmin, imin)
- int jmin, imin;
- double c1, c2;
- double d1, d2, e1, e2;
- e1 = (double)imin *stepx;
- e2 = (double)(imin + 1) * stepx;
+ * void cube(jmin, imin)
+ * int jmin, imin;
+ * {
+ * zp = z[jmin][imin];
+ *
+ * }
+ */
- c1 = z[jmin][imin];
- c2 = z[jmin][imin + 1];
- if (!((c1 == UNDEFZ) || (c2 == UNDEFZ))) {
- if (dist <= 1.0) {
- d1 = (xx0 - e1) / (e2 - e1);
- d2 = 1 - d1;
- if (d1 < d2)
- zp = c1;
- else
- zp = c2;
- }
- if (dist > 1.0)
- zp = AMAX1(c1, c2);
- }
- else
- func = NULL;
-void line_y(jmin, imin)
- int jmin, imin;
- double c1, c2;
- double d1, d2, e1, e2;
- e1 = (double)jmin *stepy;
- e2 = (double)(jmin + 1) * stepy;
- c1 = z[jmin][imin];
- c2 = z[jmin + 1][imin];
- if (!((c1 == UNDEFZ) || (c2 == UNDEFZ))) {
- if (dist <= 1.0) {
- d1 = (yy0 - e1) / (e2 - e1);
- d2 = 1 - d1;
- if (d1 < d2)
- zp = c1;
- else
- zp = c2;
- }
- if (dist > 1.0)
- zp = AMAX1(c1, c2);
- }
- else
- func = NULL;
void cube(jmin, imin)
- int jmin, imin;
- int i, ig = 0;
- double x1, x2, y1, y2;
- double v[4], vmin = BIG;
- double c[4], cmax = -BIG;
- x1 = (double)imin *stepx;
- x2 = x1 + stepx;
- y1 = (double)jmin *stepy;
- y2 = y1 + stepy;
- v[0] = DISTANCE2(x1, y1);
- if (v[0] < vmin) {
- ig = 0;
- vmin = v[0];
- }
- v[1] = DISTANCE2(x2, y1);
- if (v[1] < vmin) {
- ig = 1;
- vmin = v[1];
- }
- v[2] = DISTANCE2(x2, y2);
- if (v[2] < vmin) {
- ig = 2;
- vmin = v[2];
- }
- v[3] = DISTANCE2(x1, y2);
- if (v[3] < vmin) {
- ig = 3;
- vmin = v[3];
- }
- c[0] = z[jmin][imin];
- c[1] = z[jmin][imin + 1];
- c[2] = z[jmin + 1][imin + 1];
- c[3] = z[jmin + 1][imin];
- if (dist <= 1.0) {
- if (c[ig] != UNDEFZ)
- zp = c[ig];
- else
- func = NULL;
- return;
- }
- if (dist > 1.0) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (c[i] != UNDEFZ) {
- cmax = AMAX1(cmax, c[i]);
- zp = cmax;
- }
- else
- func = NULL;
- }
- }
-void cube(jmin, imin)
-int jmin, imin;
- zp = z[jmin][imin];
-void cube(jmin, imin)
/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-void calculate(double singleSlope, double singleAspect, double singleAlbedo, double singleLinke,
- struct GridGeometry gridGeom)
+void calculate(double singleSlope, double singleAspect, double singleAlbedo,
+ double singleLinke, struct GridGeometry gridGeom)
int i, j, l;
/* double energy; */
- int someRadiation;
- int numRows;
- int arrayOffset;
- double lum, q1;
- double dayRad;
- double latid_l, cos_u, cos_v, sin_u, sin_v;
- double sin_phi_l, tan_lam_l;
- double zmax;
- double longitTime=0.;
- double locTimeOffset;
- double latitude, longitude;
- double coslat;
- struct SunGeometryConstDay sunGeom;
- struct SunGeometryVarDay sunVarGeom;
- struct SunGeometryVarSlope sunSlopeGeom;
- struct SolarRadVar sunRadVar;
+ int someRadiation;
+ int numRows;
+ int arrayOffset;
+ double lum, q1;
+ double dayRad;
+ double latid_l, cos_u, cos_v, sin_u, sin_v;
+ double sin_phi_l, tan_lam_l;
+ double zmax;
+ double longitTime = 0.;
+ double locTimeOffset;
+ double latitude, longitude;
+ double coslat;
- sunSlopeGeom.slope=singleSlope;
- sunSlopeGeom.aspect=singleAspect;
- sunRadVar.alb=singleAlbedo;
- sunRadVar.linke=singleLinke;
- sunRadVar.cbh = 1.0;
- sunRadVar.cdh = 1.0;
- sunGeom.sindecl = sin(declination);
- sunGeom.cosdecl = cos(declination);
+ struct SunGeometryConstDay sunGeom;
+ struct SunGeometryVarDay sunVarGeom;
+ struct SunGeometryVarSlope sunSlopeGeom;
+ struct SolarRadVar sunRadVar;
- someRadiation = (beam_rad != NULL) || (insol_time != NULL) || (diff_rad != NULL) ||
- (refl_rad != NULL)|| (glob_rad != NULL);
+ sunSlopeGeom.slope = singleSlope;
+ sunSlopeGeom.aspect = singleAspect;
+ sunRadVar.alb = singleAlbedo;
+ sunRadVar.linke = singleLinke;
+ sunRadVar.cbh = 1.0;
+ sunRadVar.cdh = 1.0;
+ sunGeom.sindecl = sin(declination);
+ sunGeom.cosdecl = cos(declination);
+ someRadiation = (beam_rad != NULL) || (insol_time != NULL) ||
+ (diff_rad != NULL) || (refl_rad != NULL) || (glob_rad != NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
if (incidout != NULL) {
- lumcl = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
- for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
- lumcl[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- lumcl[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ lumcl = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ lumcl[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ lumcl[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
if (beam_rad != NULL) {
- beam = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
- for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
- beam[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
+ beam = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ beam[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- beam[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ beam[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
if (insol_time != NULL) {
- insol = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
- for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
- insol[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
+ insol = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ insol[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- insol[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ insol[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
if (diff_rad != NULL) {
- diff = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
- for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
- diff[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
+ diff = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ diff[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- diff[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ diff[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
if (refl_rad != NULL) {
- refl = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
- for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
- refl[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
- }
+ refl = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ refl[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- refl[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ refl[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
- if (glob_rad != NULL)
- {
- globrad = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(m));
- for( l=0; l<m; l++)
- {
- globrad[l] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(n));
- }
+ if (glob_rad != NULL) {
+ globrad = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *) * (m));
+ for (l = 0; l < m; l++) {
+ globrad[l] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * (n));
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- globrad[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
- }
- }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ globrad[j][i] = UNDEFZ;
+ }
+ }
- sunRadVar.G_norm_extra = com_sol_const(day);
+ sunRadVar.G_norm_extra = com_sol_const(day);
- numRows = m/numPartitions;
+ numRows = m / numPartitions;
- if(useCivilTime())
- {
- /* We need to calculate the deviation of the local solar time from the
- "local clock time". */
- dayRad = 2.*M_PI*day/365.25;
- locTimeOffset = -0.128*sin(dayRad-0.04887) - 0.165 * sin(2*dayRad+0.34383);
+ if (useCivilTime()) {
+ /* We need to calculate the deviation of the local solar time from the
+ * "local clock time". */
+ dayRad = 2. * M_PI * day / 365.25;
+ locTimeOffset =
+ -0.128 * sin(dayRad - 0.04887) - 0.165 * sin(2 * dayRad + 0.34383);
- /* Time offset due to timezone as input by user */
+ /* Time offset due to timezone as input by user */
- locTimeOffset +=civilTime;
- setTimeOffset(locTimeOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeOffset(0.);
- }
+ locTimeOffset += civilTime;
+ setTimeOffset(locTimeOffset);
+ }
+ else {
+ setTimeOffset(0.);
+ }
- for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- G_percent(j, m - 1, 2);
- if(j%(numRows)==0)
- {
- INPUT_part(j, &zmax);
- arrayOffset=0;
- shadowoffset=0;
- }
- sunVarGeom.zmax = zmax;
+ for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
+ G_percent(j, m - 1, 2);
+ if (j % (numRows) == 0) {
+ INPUT_part(j, &zmax);
+ arrayOffset = 0;
+ shadowoffset = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ }
+ sunVarGeom.zmax = zmax;
- if(useCivilTime())
- {
- longitTime = -longitArray[arrayOffset][i]/15.;
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- gridGeom.xg0 = gridGeom.xx0 = (double)i *gridGeom.stepx;
- gridGeom.yg0 = gridGeom.yy0 = (double)j *gridGeom.stepy;
+ if (useCivilTime()) {
+ longitTime = -longitArray[arrayOffset][i] / 15.;
+ }
- gridGeom.xp=xmin+gridGeom.xx0;
- gridGeom.yp=ymin+gridGeom.yy0;
+ gridGeom.xg0 = gridGeom.xx0 = (double)i *gridGeom.stepx;
+ gridGeom.yg0 = gridGeom.yy0 = (double)j *gridGeom.stepy;
- if(ll_correction)
- {
- coslat=cos(deg2rad*gridGeom.yp);
- coslatsq = coslat*coslat;
- }
- func = NULL;
+ gridGeom.xp = xmin + gridGeom.xx0;
+ gridGeom.yp = ymin + gridGeom.yy0;
- sunVarGeom.z_orig= z1 = sunVarGeom.zp = z[arrayOffset][i];
+ if (ll_correction) {
+ coslat = cos(deg2rad * gridGeom.yp);
+ coslatsq = coslat * coslat;
+ }
- if (sunVarGeom.z_orig != UNDEFZ) {
- if(aspin != NULL)
- {
- o_orig = o[arrayOffset][i];
- if(o[arrayOffset][i]!=0.)
- sunSlopeGeom.aspect=o[arrayOffset][i] * deg2rad;
- else
- sunSlopeGeom.aspect = UNDEF;
- }
- if(slopein != NULL)
- {
- sunSlopeGeom.slope = s[arrayOffset][i] * deg2rad;
- }
- if (linkein != NULL)
- {
- sunRadVar.linke = li[arrayOffset][i];
- li_max = AMAX1(li_max, sunRadVar.linke);
- li_min = AMIN1(li_min, sunRadVar.linke);
- }
- if (albedo != NULL)
- {
- sunRadVar.alb = a[arrayOffset][i];
- al_max = AMAX1(al_max, sunRadVar.alb);
- al_min = AMIN1(al_min, sunRadVar.alb);
- }
- if (latin != NULL)
- {
- latitude = la[arrayOffset][i];
- la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
- la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
- latitude *= deg2rad;
- }
- if (latin == NULL && lt == NULL)
- {
- if ((G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL)) {
+ func = NULL;
- longitude = gridGeom.xp;
- latitude = gridGeom.yp;
+ sunVarGeom.z_orig = z1 = sunVarGeom.zp = z[arrayOffset][i];
- if (pj_do_proj(&longitude, &latitude, &iproj, &oproj) <
- 0) {
- G_fatal_error("Error in pj_do_proj");
- }
+ if (sunVarGeom.z_orig != UNDEFZ) {
+ if (aspin != NULL) {
+ o_orig = o[arrayOffset][i];
+ if (o[arrayOffset][i] != 0.)
+ sunSlopeGeom.aspect = o[arrayOffset][i] * deg2rad;
+ else
+ sunSlopeGeom.aspect = UNDEF;
+ }
+ if (slopein != NULL) {
+ sunSlopeGeom.slope = s[arrayOffset][i] * deg2rad;
+ }
+ if (linkein != NULL) {
+ sunRadVar.linke = li[arrayOffset][i];
+ li_max = AMAX1(li_max, sunRadVar.linke);
+ li_min = AMIN1(li_min, sunRadVar.linke);
+ }
+ if (albedo != NULL) {
+ sunRadVar.alb = a[arrayOffset][i];
+ al_max = AMAX1(al_max, sunRadVar.alb);
+ al_min = AMIN1(al_min, sunRadVar.alb);
+ }
+ if (latin != NULL) {
+ latitude = la[arrayOffset][i];
+ la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
+ la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
+ latitude *= deg2rad;
+ }
+ if (latin == NULL && lt == NULL) {
+ if ((G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL)) {
- la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
- la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
- latitude *= deg2rad;
- longitude *= deg2rad;
- }
- else { /* ll projection */
- latitude = gridGeom.yp;
- longitude = gridGeom.xp;
- la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
- la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
- latitude *= deg2rad;
- longitude *= deg2rad;
- }
- }
+ longitude = gridGeom.xp;
+ latitude = gridGeom.yp;
- if (coefbh != NULL)
- {
- sunRadVar.cbh = cbhr[arrayOffset][i];
- }
- if (coefdh != NULL)
- {
- sunRadVar.cdh = cdhr[arrayOffset][i];
- }
- cos_u = cos(M_PI / 2 - sunSlopeGeom.slope); /* = sin(slope) */
- sin_u = sin(M_PI / 2 - sunSlopeGeom.slope); /* = cos(slope) */
- cos_v = cos(M_PI / 2 + sunSlopeGeom.aspect);
- sin_v = sin(M_PI / 2 + sunSlopeGeom.aspect);
+ if (pj_do_proj(&longitude, &latitude, &iproj, &oproj) <
+ 0) {
+ G_fatal_error("Error in pj_do_proj");
+ }
- if (tt != NULL)
- sunGeom.timeAngle = tim;
+ la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
+ la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
+ latitude *= deg2rad;
+ longitude *= deg2rad;
+ }
+ else { /* ll projection */
+ latitude = gridGeom.yp;
+ longitude = gridGeom.xp;
+ la_max = AMAX1(la_max, latitude);
+ la_min = AMIN1(la_min, latitude);
+ latitude *= deg2rad;
+ longitude *= deg2rad;
+ }
+ }
- gridGeom.sinlat = sin(-latitude);
- gridGeom.coslat = cos(-latitude);
+ if (coefbh != NULL) {
+ sunRadVar.cbh = cbhr[arrayOffset][i];
+ }
+ if (coefdh != NULL) {
+ sunRadVar.cdh = cdhr[arrayOffset][i];
+ }
+ cos_u = cos(M_PI / 2 - sunSlopeGeom.slope); /* = sin(slope) */
+ sin_u = sin(M_PI / 2 - sunSlopeGeom.slope); /* = cos(slope) */
+ cos_v = cos(M_PI / 2 + sunSlopeGeom.aspect);
+ sin_v = sin(M_PI / 2 + sunSlopeGeom.aspect);
- sin_phi_l = -gridGeom.coslat * cos_u * sin_v + gridGeom.sinlat * sin_u;
- latid_l = asin(sin_phi_l);
+ if (tt != NULL)
+ sunGeom.timeAngle = tim;
- q1 = gridGeom.sinlat * cos_u * sin_v + gridGeom.coslat * sin_u;
- tan_lam_l = -cos_u * cos_v / q1;
- sunSlopeGeom.longit_l = atan(tan_lam_l);
- sunSlopeGeom.lum_C31_l = cos(latid_l) * sunGeom.cosdecl;
- sunSlopeGeom.lum_C33_l = sin_phi_l * sunGeom.sindecl;
+ gridGeom.sinlat = sin(-latitude);
+ gridGeom.coslat = cos(-latitude);
- if ((incidout != NULL)|| someRadiation)
- {
- com_par_const(longitTime, &sunGeom, &gridGeom);
- sr_min = AMIN1(sr_min, sunGeom.sunrise_time);
- sr_max = AMAX1(sr_max, sunGeom.sunrise_time);
- ss_min = AMIN1(ss_min, sunGeom.sunset_time);
- ss_max = AMAX1(ss_max, sunGeom.sunset_time);
+ sin_phi_l =
+ -gridGeom.coslat * cos_u * sin_v + gridGeom.sinlat * sin_u;
+ latid_l = asin(sin_phi_l);
- }
+ q1 = gridGeom.sinlat * cos_u * sin_v + gridGeom.coslat * sin_u;
+ tan_lam_l = -cos_u * cos_v / q1;
+ sunSlopeGeom.longit_l = atan(tan_lam_l);
+ sunSlopeGeom.lum_C31_l = cos(latid_l) * sunGeom.cosdecl;
+ sunSlopeGeom.lum_C33_l = sin_phi_l * sunGeom.sindecl;
- if (incidout != NULL) {
- com_par(&sunGeom,&sunVarGeom,&gridGeom,latitude, longitude);
- lum = lumcline2(&sunGeom,&sunVarGeom,&sunSlopeGeom,&gridGeom,
- horizonarray+shadowoffset);
- lum = rad2deg * asin(lum);
- lumcl[j][i] = (float)lum;
- }
- if(someRadiation) {
- joules2(&sunGeom,&sunVarGeom,&sunSlopeGeom, &sunRadVar, &gridGeom,
- horizonarray+shadowoffset,
- latitude, longitude);
- if (beam_rad != NULL)
- beam[j][i] = (float)beam_e;
- if (insol_time != NULL)
- insol[j][i] = (float)insol_t;
- /* printf("\n %f",insol[j][i]); */
- if (diff_rad != NULL)
- diff[j][i] = (float)diff_e;
- if (refl_rad != NULL)
- refl[j][i] = (float)refl_e;
- if(glob_rad != NULL)
- globrad[j][i] = (float) (beam_e+diff_e+refl_e);
- }
+ if ((incidout != NULL) || someRadiation) {
+ com_par_const(longitTime, &sunGeom, &gridGeom);
+ sr_min = AMIN1(sr_min, sunGeom.sunrise_time);
+ sr_max = AMAX1(sr_max, sunGeom.sunrise_time);
+ ss_min = AMIN1(ss_min, sunGeom.sunset_time);
+ ss_max = AMAX1(ss_max, sunGeom.sunset_time);
- } /* undefs */
- shadowoffset+=arrayNumInt;
- }
- arrayOffset++;
+ }
+ if (incidout != NULL) {
+ com_par(&sunGeom, &sunVarGeom, &gridGeom, latitude,
+ longitude);
+ lum =
+ lumcline2(&sunGeom, &sunVarGeom, &sunSlopeGeom,
+ &gridGeom, horizonarray + shadowoffset);
+ lum = rad2deg * asin(lum);
+ lumcl[j][i] = (float)lum;
+ }
+ if (someRadiation) {
+ joules2(&sunGeom, &sunVarGeom, &sunSlopeGeom, &sunRadVar,
+ &gridGeom, horizonarray + shadowoffset, latitude,
+ longitude);
+ if (beam_rad != NULL)
+ beam[j][i] = (float)beam_e;
+ if (insol_time != NULL)
+ insol[j][i] = (float)insol_t;
+ /* printf("\n %f",insol[j][i]); */
+ if (diff_rad != NULL)
+ diff[j][i] = (float)diff_e;
+ if (refl_rad != NULL)
+ refl[j][i] = (float)refl_e;
+ if (glob_rad != NULL)
+ globrad[j][i] = (float)(beam_e + diff_e + refl_e);
+ }
+ } /* undefs */
+ shadowoffset += arrayNumInt;
+ }
+ arrayOffset++;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* re-use &hist, but try all to initiate it for any case */
/* note this will result in incorrect map titles */
if (incidout != NULL) {
- G_short_history(incidout, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(incidout, "raster", &hist);
else if (beam_rad != NULL) {
- G_short_history(beam_rad, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(beam_rad, "raster", &hist);
else if (diff_rad != NULL) {
- G_short_history(diff_rad, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(diff_rad, "raster", &hist);
else if (refl_rad != NULL) {
- G_short_history(refl_rad, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(refl_rad, "raster", &hist);
else if (insol_time != NULL) {
- G_short_history(insol_time, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(insol_time, "raster", &hist);
else if (glob_rad != NULL) {
- G_short_history(glob_rad, "raster", &hist);
+ G_short_history(glob_rad, "raster", &hist);
- else G_fatal_error("Failed to init map history: no output maps requested!");
+ else
+ G_fatal_error("Failed to init map history: no output maps requested!");
- sprintf (hist.edhist[0], " ----------------------------------------------------------------");
- sprintf (hist.edhist[1], " Day [1-365]: %d", day);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[0],
+ " ----------------------------------------------------------------");
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[1], " Day [1-365]: %d",
+ day);
hist.edlinecnt = 2;
if (tt != NULL) {
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Local (solar) time (decimal hr.): %.4f", timo);
- hist.edlinecnt++;
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Local (solar) time (decimal hr.): %.4f", timo);
+ hist.edlinecnt++;
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Solar constant (W/m^2): 1367");
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+1], " Extraterrestrial irradiance (W/m^2): %f", sunRadVar.G_norm_extra);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+2], " Declination (rad): %f", -declination);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Solar constant (W/m^2): 1367");
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 1],
+ " Extraterrestrial irradiance (W/m^2): %f",
+ sunRadVar.G_norm_extra);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 2],
+ " Declination (rad): %f", -declination);
hist.edlinecnt += 3;
if (lt != NULL)
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Latitude (deg): %.4f", -latitude * rad2deg);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Latitude (deg): %.4f",
+ -latitude * rad2deg);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Latitude min-max(deg): %.4f - %.4f", la_min, la_max);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Latitude min-max(deg): %.4f - %.4f",
+ la_min, la_max);
if (tt != NULL) {
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Sunrise time (hr.): %.2f", sunGeom.sunrise_time);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+1], " Sunset time (hr.): %.2f", sunGeom.sunset_time);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+2], " Daylight time (hr.): %.2f", sunGeom.sunset_time - sunGeom.sunrise_time);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Sunrise time (hr.): %.2f",
+ sunGeom.sunrise_time);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 1],
+ " Sunset time (hr.): %.2f",
+ sunGeom.sunset_time);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 2],
+ " Daylight time (hr.): %.2f",
+ sunGeom.sunset_time - sunGeom.sunrise_time);
else {
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Sunrise time min-max (hr.): %.2f - %.2f", sr_min, sr_max);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+1], " Sunset time min-max (hr.): %.2f - %.2f", ss_min, ss_max);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+2], " Time step (hr.): %.4f", step);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Sunrise time min-max (hr.): %.2f - %.2f",
+ sr_min, sr_max);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 1],
+ " Sunset time min-max (hr.): %.2f - %.2f",
+ ss_min, ss_max);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 2],
+ " Time step (hr.): %.4f", step);
hist.edlinecnt += 3;
if (incidout != NULL || tt != NULL) {
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Solar altitude (deg): %.4f", sunVarGeom.solarAltitude * rad2deg);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt+1], " Solar azimuth (deg): %.4f", sunVarGeom.solarAzimuth * rad2deg);
- hist.edlinecnt += 2;
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Solar altitude (deg): %.4f",
+ sunVarGeom.solarAltitude * rad2deg);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt + 1],
+ " Solar azimuth (deg): %.4f",
+ sunVarGeom.solarAzimuth * rad2deg);
+ hist.edlinecnt += 2;
if (linkein == NULL)
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Linke turbidity factor: %.1f", sunRadVar.linke);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Linke turbidity factor: %.1f",
+ sunRadVar.linke);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Linke turbidity factor min-max: %.1f-%.1f", li_min, li_max);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Linke turbidity factor min-max: %.1f-%.1f", li_min,
+ li_max);
if (albedo == NULL)
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Ground albedo: %.3f", sunRadVar.alb);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Ground albedo: %.3f",
+ sunRadVar.alb);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " Ground albedo min-max: %.3f-%.3f", al_min, al_max);
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " Ground albedo min-max: %.3f-%.3f", al_min,
+ al_max);
- sprintf (hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt], " -----------------------------------------------------------------");
+ sprintf(hist.edhist[hist.edlinecnt],
+ " -----------------------------------------------------------------");
/* don't call G_write_history() until after G_close_cell() or it just gets overwritten */
-} /* End of ) function */
+} /* End of ) function */
@@ -2161,7 +2155,7 @@
/* dej = dej - 365; */
printf("\n d: %d ", dej);
if (dej < day - 5 || dej > day + 5)
- return 0;
+ return 0;
- return 1;
+ return 1;
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