[GRASS-SVN] r34206 - in grass/trunk/scripts: d.rast.edit i.oif r.in.aster

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Nov 9 16:13:13 EST 2008

Author: glynn
Date: 2008-11-09 16:13:13 -0500 (Sun, 09 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 34206

Remove files relating to removed shell scripts

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/Makefile	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/Makefile	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -4,7 +4,4 @@
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
-default: script $(ETC)/d.rast.edit.tcl
-$(ETC)/d.rast.edit.tcl: d.rast.edit.tcl
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) $^ $@
+default: script

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.tcl
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.tcl	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.rast.edit/d.rast.edit.tcl	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
-if {[array get env GISBASE] == ""} {
-    puts stderr "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program."
-    exit 1
-if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
-	set stderr NUL:
-} else {
-	set stderr @stderr
-set outmap $env(GIS_OPT_OUTPUT)
-set inmap $env(GIS_OPT_INPUT)
-set aspect $env(GIS_OPT_ASPECT)
-set width $env(GIS_OPT_WIDTH)
-set height $env(GIS_OPT_HEIGHT)
-set size $env(GIS_OPT_SIZE)
-set rows $env(GIS_OPT_ROWS)
-set cols $env(GIS_OPT_COLS)
-set status(row) ""
-set status(col) ""
-set status(x) ""
-set status(y) ""
-set status(value) ""
-set status(aspect) ""
-set brush "*"
-set origin(x) 0
-set origin(y) 0
-set finalized false
-proc initialize {} {
-	global tempbase tempfile tempreg tempmap env stderr
-	global inmap outmap
-	set tempbase [exec g.tempfile pid=[pid]]
-	file delete $tempbase
-	set tempfile $tempbase.ppm
-	set tempreg tmp.d.rast.edit
-	set tempmap tmp.d.rast.edit
-	exec g.region --q --o save=$tempreg 2>$stderr
-	set env(WIND_OVERRIDE) $tempreg
-	exec g.copy --q --o rast=$inmap,$outmap 2>$stderr
-	exec r.colors --q map=$outmap rast=$inmap 2>$stderr
-proc finalize {} {
-	global tempfile tempreg tempmap stderr finalized
-	if {$finalized} return
-	save_map
-	file delete $tempfile
-	exec g.remove --q rast=$tempmap region=$tempreg 2>$stderr
-	set finalized true
-	exit 0
-proc force_window {} {
-	global origin rows cols total
-	if {$origin(x) < 0} {set origin(x) 0}
-	if {$origin(x) > $total(cols) - $cols} {set origin(x) [expr $total(cols) - $cols]}
-	if {$origin(y) < 0} {set origin(y) 0}
-	if {$origin(y) > $total(rows) - $rows} {set origin(y) [expr $total(rows) - $rows]}
-proc set_window {x y} {
-	global origin rows cols
-	set origin(x) [expr [.overview.canvas canvasx $x] - $cols / 2]
-	set origin(y) [expr [.overview.canvas canvasy $y] - $rows / 2]
-	force_window
-	set x0 $origin(x)
-	set y0 $origin(y)
-	set x1 [expr $x0 + $cols]
-	set y1 [expr $y0 + $rows]
-	.overview.canvas delete window
-	.overview.canvas create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -dash {4 4} -tags window
-proc update_window {} {
-	global wind total origin rows cols
-	set x0 $origin(x)
-	set y0 $origin(y)
-	set x1 [expr $x0 + $cols]
-	set y1 [expr $y0 + $rows]
-	set wind(n) [expr $total(n) - $y0 * $total(nsres)]
-	set wind(s) [expr $total(n) - $y1 * $total(nsres)]
-	set wind(w) [expr $total(w) + $x0 * $total(ewres)]
-	set wind(e) [expr $total(w) + $x1 * $total(ewres)]
-	set wind(rows) $rows
-	set wind(cols) $cols
-proc change_window {} {
-	save_map
-	update_window
-	load_map
-	load_aspect
-	refresh_canvas
-proc create_overview {} {
-	global inmap outmap stderr env total rows cols tempfile
-	exec g.region --q rast=$inmap 2>$stderr
-	exec r.out.ppm --q $inmap out=$tempfile 2>$stderr
-	set reg [exec g.region --q -g 2>$stderr]
-	set reg [regsub -all {[\r\n]+} $reg { }]
-	set reg [regsub -all {=} $reg { }]
-	array set total $reg
-	image create photo overview -file $tempfile
-	file delete $tempfile
-	toplevel .overview
-	wm title .overview "d.rast.edit overview ($inmap)"
-	set w $total(cols)
-	set h $total(rows)
-	canvas .overview.canvas -width $w -height $h -scrollregion [list 0 0 $w $h] \
-	    -xscrollcommand {.overview.xscroll set} -yscrollcommand {.overview.yscroll set}
-	scrollbar .overview.xscroll -orient horizontal -command {.overview.canvas xview}
-	scrollbar .overview.yscroll -orient vertical   -command {.overview.canvas yview}
-	if {$cols > $total(cols)} {set cols $total(cols)}
-	if {$rows > $total(rows)} {set rows $total(rows)}
-	force_window
-	.overview.canvas create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image overview -tags image
-	.overview.canvas create rectangle 0 0 $cols $rows -dash {4 4} -tags window
-	grid .overview.canvas .overview.yscroll -sticky nsew
-	grid .overview.xscroll -sticky nsew
-	grid rowconfigure    .overview 0 -weight 1
-	grid columnconfigure .overview 0 -weight 1
-	bind .overview.canvas <ButtonPress-1>   { set_window %x %y }
-	bind .overview.canvas <B1-Motion>       { set_window %x %y }
-	bind .overview.canvas <ButtonRelease-1> { set_window %x %y ; change_window }
-	bind .overview <Destroy> { finalize }
-proc read_header {infile window} {
-	upvar \#0 $window wind
-	regexp {^north: *([0-9]+)$} [gets $infile] dummy wind(n)
-	regexp {^south: *([0-9]+)$} [gets $infile] dummy wind(s)
-	regexp {^east: *([0-9]+)$}  [gets $infile] dummy wind(e)
-	regexp {^west: *([0-9]+)$}  [gets $infile] dummy wind(w)
-	regexp {^rows: *([0-9]+)$}  [gets $infile] dummy wind(rows)
-	regexp {^cols: *([0-9]+)$}  [gets $infile] dummy wind(cols)
-proc read_data {infile array} {
-	global wind
-	upvar \#0 $array values
-	for {set row 0} {$row < $wind(rows)} {incr row} {
-		gets $infile line
-		set col 0
-		foreach elem $line {
-			set values($row,$col) $elem
-			incr col
-		}
-	}
-proc clear_changes {} {
-	global wind changed
-	for {set row 0} {$row < $wind(rows)} {incr row} {
-		for {set col 0} {$col < $wind(cols)} {incr col} {
-			set changed($row,$col) 0
-		}
-	}
-proc load_map {} {
-	global tempfile wind values changed colors inmap stderr
-	exec g.region --q n=$wind(n) s=$wind(s) e=$wind(e) w=$wind(w) \
-	    rows=$wind(rows) cols=$wind(cols) 2>$stderr
-	set infile [open "|r.out.ascii --q input=$inmap 2>$stderr" r]
-	read_header $infile wind
-	read_data $infile values
-	close $infile
-	clear_changes
-	exec r.out.ppm --q input=$inmap output=$tempfile 2>$stderr
-	image create photo colorimg -file $tempfile
-	file delete $tempfile
-	for {set row 0} {$row < $wind(rows)} {incr row} {
-		for {set col 0} {$col < $wind(cols)} {incr col} {
-			set val $values($row,$col)
-			if {[array get colors $val] != ""} continue
-			set pix [colorimg get $col $row]
-			set r [lindex $pix 0]
-			set g [lindex $pix 1]
-			set b [lindex $pix 2]
-			set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b]
-			set colors($val) $color
-		}
-	}
-	image delete colorimg
-proc load_aspect {} {
-	global wind angles aspect stderr
-	if {$aspect == ""} return
-	set infile [open "|r.out.ascii --q input=$aspect 2>$stderr" r]
-	read_header $infile dummy
-	read_data $infile angles
-	close $infile
-proc save_map {} {
-	global inmap outmap tempmap stderr
-	global wind values changed
-	set outfile [open "|r.in.ascii --q --o input=- output=$tempmap 2>$stderr" w]
-	puts $outfile "north: $wind(n)"
-	puts $outfile "south: $wind(s)"
-	puts $outfile "east: $wind(e)"
-	puts $outfile "west: $wind(w)"
-	puts $outfile "rows: $wind(rows)"
-	puts $outfile "cols: $wind(cols)"
-	for {set row 0} {$row < $wind(rows)} {incr row} {
-		for {set col 0} {$col < $wind(cols)} {incr col} {
-			if {$col > 0} {
-				puts -nonewline $outfile " "
-			}
-			if {$changed($row,$col)} {
-				puts -nonewline $outfile "$values($row,$col)"
-			} else {
-				puts -nonewline $outfile "*"
-			}
-		}
-		puts $outfile ""
-	}
-	close $outfile
-	exec g.region --q rast=$inmap 2>$stderr
-	exec r.patch --q --o input=$tempmap,$outmap output=$outmap 2>$stderr
-	exec r.colors --q map=$outmap rast=$inmap 2>$stderr
-	exec g.remove --q rast=$tempmap 2>$stderr
-proc force_color {val} {
-	global tempfile tempreg tempmap colors inmap stderr env
-	exec g.region --q rows=1 cols=1 2>$stderr
-	exec r.mapcalc "$tempmap = $val" 2>$stderr
-	exec r.colors --q map=$tempmap rast=$inmap 2>$stderr
-	exec r.out.ppm --q $tempmap out=$tempfile 2>$stderr
-	exec g.remove --q rast=$tempmap 2>$stderr
-	image create photo tempimg -file $tempfile
-	file delete $tempfile
-	set pix [tempimg get 0 0]
-	set r [lindex $pix 0]
-	set g [lindex $pix 1]
-	set b [lindex $pix 2]
-	set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b]
-	set colors($val) $color
-	image delete tempimg
-proc get_color {val} {
-	global colors
-	if {[array get colors $val] == ""} {
-		if {[catch {force_color $val}]} {
-			set colors($val) "#ffffff"
-		}
-	}
-	return $colors($val)
-proc brush_update {} {
-	global brush colors
-	if {$brush == "*"} {
-		.tools.color configure -bitmap gray12 -foreground black
-	} else {
-		.tools.color configure -bitmap gray75 -foreground [get_color $brush]
-	}
-proc current_cell {} {
-	global canvas
-	set row ""
-	set col ""
-	set tags [.canvas itemcget current -tags]
-	foreach tag $tags {
-		if {[regexp {row-([0-9]+)} $tag dummy r]} {set row $r}
-		if {[regexp {col-([0-9]+)} $tag dummy c]} {set col $c}
-	}
-	return [list $row $col]
-proc cell_enter {} {
-	global status
-	global wind values angles
-	set pos [current_cell]
-	set row [lindex $pos 0]
-	set col [lindex $pos 1]
-	if {$row == "" || $col == ""} return
-	set status(row) $row
-	set status(col) $col
-	set status(x) [expr {$wind(e) + ($col + 0.5) * ($wind(e) - $wind(w)) / $wind(cols)}]
-	set status(y) [expr {$wind(n) - ($row + 0.5) * ($wind(n) - $wind(s)) / $wind(rows)}]
-	set status(value) $values($row,$col)
-	if {[array exists angles]} {
-		set status(aspect) $angles($row,$col)
-	}
-proc cell_leave {} {
-	global status
-	set status(row) ""
-	set status(col) ""
-	set status(x) ""
-	set status(y) ""
-	set status(value) ""
-	set status(aspect) ""
-proc cell_get {} {
-	global brush values colors
-	set pos [current_cell]
-	set row [lindex $pos 0]
-	set col [lindex $pos 1]
-	set brush $values($row,$col)
-	brush_update
-proc cell_set {} {
-	global canvas brush values changed colors
-	set pos [current_cell]
-	set row [lindex $pos 0]
-	set col [lindex $pos 1]
-	set val $brush
-	set values($row,$col) $val
-	set changed($row,$col) 1
-	set cell [.canvas find withtag "(cell&&row-$row&&col-$col)"]
-	if {$val == "*"} {
-		set fill black
-		set stipple gray12 
-	} else {
-		set fill [get_color $val]
-		set stipple ""
-	}
-	.canvas itemconfigure $cell -outline white -fill $fill -stipple $stipple
-proc refresh_canvas {} {
-	global wind size values colors angles
-	.canvas delete all
-	set aspect [array exists angles]
-	set pi [expr 2 * acos(0)]
-	for {set row 0} {$row < $wind(rows)} {incr row} {
-		for {set col 0} {$col < $wind(cols)} {incr col} {
-			set x0 [expr $col * $size + 1]
-			set x1 [expr $x0 + $size - 1]
-			set y0 [expr $row * $size + 1]
-			set y1 [expr $y0 + $size - 1]
-			if {$values($row,$col) == "*"} {
-				set color black
-				set stipple gray12
-			} else {
-				set color $colors($values($row,$col))
-				set stipple ""
-			}
-			.canvas create polygon $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $y1 \
-			    -fill $color -stipple $stipple \
-			    -outline black -activeoutline red \
-			    -tags [list cell row-$row col-$col]
-			if {! $aspect} continue
-			if {$angles($row,$col) == "*"} continue
-			set cx [expr ($x0 + $x1) / 2]
-			set cy [expr ($y0 + $y1) / 2]
-			set a [expr $angles($row,$col) * $pi / 180]
-			set dx [expr   cos($a) * $size / 2]
-			set dy [expr - sin($a) * $size / 2]
-			set x0 [expr $cx - $dx]
-			set y0 [expr $cy - $dy]
-			set x1 [expr $cx + $dx]
-			set y1 [expr $cy + $dy]
-			.canvas create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
-			    -arrow last \
-			    -disabledfill white -state disabled \
-			    -tags [list arrow row-$row col-$col]
-		}
-	}
-proc make_canvas {} {
-	global canvas values colors angles rows cols
-	global size width height
-	set cx [expr $width  / $cols]
-	set cy [expr $height / $rows]
-	set sz [expr ($cx > $cy) ? $cx : $cy]
-	if {$size < $sz} {set size $sz}
-	set w [expr $cols * $size]
-	set h [expr $rows * $size]
-	canvas .canvas -width $width -height $height -scrollregion [list 0 0 $w $h] \
-	    -xscrollcommand {.xscroll set} -yscrollcommand {.yscroll set}
-	scrollbar .xscroll -orient horizontal -command {.canvas xview}
-	scrollbar .yscroll -orient vertical   -command {.canvas yview}
-	.canvas bind cell <Any-Enter> { cell_enter }
-	.canvas bind cell <Any-Leave> { cell_leave }
-	.canvas bind cell <Button-1> { cell_set }
-	.canvas bind cell <Button-3> { cell_get }
-	bind .canvas <Any-Leave> { cell_leave }
-proc make_ui {} {
-	global canvas inmap
-	wm title . "d.rast.edit ($inmap)"
-	bind . <Destroy> { finalize }
-	menu .menu -tearoff 0
-	menu .menu.file -tearoff 0
-	.menu add cascade -label "File" -menu .menu.file -underline 0
-	.menu.file add command -label "Save" -underline 0 -command {save_map}
-	.menu.file add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 -command {destroy .}
-	. configure -menu .menu
-	frame .status
-	label .status.row_l -text "Row:"
-	entry .status.row -textvariable status(row) -width 6
-	label .status.col_l -text "Col:"
-	entry .status.col -textvariable status(col) -width 6
-	label .status.x_l -text "X:"
-	entry .status.x -textvariable status(x) -width 10
-	label .status.y_l -text "Y:"
-	entry .status.y -textvariable status(y) -width 10
-	label .status.value_l -text "Value:"
-	entry .status.value -textvariable status(value) -width 10
-	label .status.aspect_l -text "Aspect:"
-	entry .status.aspect -textvariable status(aspect) -width 10
-	pack \
-	    .status.row_l .status.row \
-	    .status.col_l .status.col \
-	    .status.x_l .status.x \
-	    .status.y_l .status.y \
-	    .status.value_l .status.value \
-	    .status.aspect_l .status.aspect \
-	    -side left
-	frame .tools
-	label .tools.value_l -text "New value:"
-	entry .tools.value -textvariable brush
-	label .tools.color_l -text "Color:"
-	label .tools.color -bitmap gray12 -foreground black
-	pack \
-	    .tools.value_l .tools.value \
-	    .tools.color_l .tools.color \
-	    -side left
-	bind .tools.value <KeyPress-Return> brush_update
-	grid .canvas .yscroll -sticky nsew
-	grid .xscroll -sticky nsew
-	grid .status  -sticky nsew
-	grid .tools  -sticky nsew
-	grid rowconfigure    . 0 -weight 1
-	grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/Makefile	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/Makefile	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -4,14 +4,4 @@
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
-SRCFILES = i.oifcalc m.cutmatrix
-DSTFILES := $(patsubst %,$(ETC)/i.oif/%,$(SRCFILES))
 default: script
-#default: script
-#	$(MKDIR) $(ETC)/i.oif/
-$(ETC)/i.oif/%: %
-	$(INSTALL) $< $@

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oifcalc
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oifcalc	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/i.oifcalc	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Parameters: 1, 2, 3 - number of LANDSAT band
-# written by Markus Neteler 21. Jul. 1998, 5. Jan. 1999
-#            neteler geog.uni-hannover.de | neteler itc.it
-# submodule of i.oif
-if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then
-    g.message -e "You must use i.oif instead of i.oifcalc (this is a submodule)"
-    exit 1
-if [ $1 -lt 1 ] || [ $1 -gt 7 ] || [ $2 -lt 1 ] || [ $2 -gt 7 ] || [ $3 -lt 1 ] || [ $3 -gt 7 ] ; then
-    g.message -e "Invalid channel combination ($1 $2 $3)"
-    exit 1
-PROG=`basename $0`
-#### check if we have awk
-if [ ! -x "`which awk`" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "awk required, please install awk or gawk first" 
-    exit 1
-# setting environment, so that awk works properly in all languages
-unset LC_ALL
-export LC_NUMERIC
-# calculate SUM of Stddeviations:
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_stddev" 1 $1 >  "$temp_sum"
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_stddev" 1 $2 >> "$temp_sum"
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_stddev" 1 $3 >> "$temp_sum"
-cat "$temp_sum" | awk -v temp_file="$temp_calc" \
-'BEGIN {sum = 0.0} 
-NR == 1{}
-	{sum += $1 ; N++}
-print sum > temp_file
-# calculate SUM of absolute(Correlation values):
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_correlation" $1 $2 >  "$temp_sum"
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_correlation" $1 $3 >> "$temp_sum"
-"$GISBASE"/etc/i.oif/m.cutmatrix "$temp_correlation" $2 $3 >> "$temp_sum"
-cat "$temp_sum" | awk -v temp_file="$temp_calc" \
-'BEGIN {sum = 0.0}
-NR == 1{}
-        {sum += sqrt($1*$1) ; N++}  # sqrt(x^2) is my ABS-function
-print sum >> temp_file
-# Calculate OIF index:
-#     Divide (SUM of Stddeviations) and (SUM of Correlation)
-cat "$temp_calc" | awk 'BEGIN {}
-{count = divisor; divisor = $1;}      # value shift - no better idea ;-)
-print count / divisor

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/m.cutmatrix
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/m.cutmatrix	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.oif/m.cutmatrix	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# m.cutmatrix:  this script allows to cut out matrix fields
-# written by Markus Neteler 21.July 1998
-#            neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
-if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then
-    echo
-    echo "This tool displays a field out of a ASCII Matrix."
-    echo "USAGE: m.cutmatrix file xpos ypos"
-    echo
-    exit 1
-if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then
-    echo "$0: file [$1] not found"
-    exit 1
-if [ $2 -lt 1 ] || [ $3 -lt 1 ] ; then
-    echo "xpos ($2) and ypos ($3) must be positive integers"
-    exit 1
-cat "$1" | tail -n 7 | cut -f $2 -d ' ' | head -n $3 | tail -n 1

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.aster/r_in_aster.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.aster/r_in_aster.html	2008-11-09 16:39:33 UTC (rev 34205)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.in.aster/r_in_aster.html	2008-11-09 21:13:13 UTC (rev 34206)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<EM>r_in_aster.py</EM> uses GDALWARP and r.in.gdal to read, georectify, reproject, and import into GRASS Terra/ASTER imagery in HDF4 format. It will import Level 1A, Level 1B, and DEM imagery.
-The user selects the *.hdf file to import, the type of imagery (Level 1B is the default), the bands to import, and the base name of the output file. Single or multiple bands can be imported by entering the band number or numbers separated by commas (1,2,3n,3b,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) in the input field. All bands can be imported by entering 'all' in the input field. The band number will be appended to the output file base name ('.DEM' will be appended to DEM files).
-GDALWARP will attempt to reproject the Terra/ASTER imagery into the current location. For some Terra/ASTER files this may be unsuccesful. There will be an error message to that effect. The user will need to start GRASS in a location that matches the Terra/ASTER imagery--possibly a latlon location.
-<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
-<EM><A HREF="r.in.aster">r.in.aster</A></EM>
-em>r.in.aster</em> requires <A HREF="http://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html">GDALWARP</a> (one of the Geographic Data Abstraction Library [GDAL] utilities) to be installed and to be in the user's path. GDAL must be compiled with HDF4 support.
-Michael Barton, Arizona State University<BR>
-Paul Kelley<BR>
-<p><i>Last changed: 2008-07-19</i></p>

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