[GRASS-SVN] r40098 - grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 20 18:44:04 EST 2009
Author: huhabla
Date: 2009-12-20 18:44:04 -0500 (Sun, 20 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 40098
Documentation update of r.solute.transport
Removed redundant examples
Converted shell example scripts into python scripts
Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/Disper_calc.sh
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/Disper_calc.sh 2009-12-20 23:43:15 UTC (rev 40097)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/Disper_calc.sh 2009-12-20 23:44:04 UTC (rev 40098)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Shellscript to verify r.solute.transport calculation
-# The difference between solute transport calculated with and without the CFL citeria is shown
-# set the region
-g.region res=1 res3=1 t=10 b=0 n=100 s=0 w=0 e=400
-r.mapcalc "phead_1=if(col() == 1 , 55, 50)"
-r.mapcalc "status_1=if(col() == 1 || col() == 400 , 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "well_1=if((row() == 50 && col() == 350), 0.0, 0)"
-#r.mapcalc "well_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "hydcond_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "reacharge_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "top_conf_1=25"
-r.mapcalc "bottom_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "poros_1=0.2"
-r.mapcalc "poros_2=0.2"
-r.mapcalc "syield_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "null_1=0.0"
-#generate the transport data
-r.mapcalc "c_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cs_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0.01, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cin_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus_1=if(col() == 1, 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus_1=if(col() == 400 , 3, tstatus_1)"
-r.mapcalc "diff_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "R_1=1.0"
-export GRASS_WIDTH=1280
-export GRASS_HEIGHT=330
-#First compute a steady state groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1 phead=phead_1\
- status=status_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1 \
- q=well_1 s=syield_1 r=reacharge_1 output=gwresult_conf_1\
- dt=8640000000000 type=confined
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf_1 output=gwresult_conf_contour_1 step=1 --o
-### compute with low velocity
-r.solute.transport --o -cs maxit=10000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_1 output=stresult_conf_1 dt=86400000 error=0.000000000001 \
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_1
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_1 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map = stresult_conf_1/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_1_x = stresult_conf_vel_1_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_1_x
-r.contour input=cont_map output=stresult_conf_contour_1 step=0.05 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PNGFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.png
-d.mon start=PNG
-d.mon select=PNG
-d.rast cont_map
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_1 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.barscale at=1,85
-echo "Solute transport 1000d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PNG
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.eps
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.pdf
-### compute without CFL criteria
-r.solute.transport --o -s loops=1 maxit=10000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_2 output=stresult_conf_2 dt=86400000 error=0.000000000001 \
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_2
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_2 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map_a = stresult_conf_2/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_2_x = stresult_conf_vel_2_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_2_x
-r.contour input=cont_map_a output=stresult_conf_contour_2 step=0.05 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PNGFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.png
-d.mon start=PNG
-d.mon select=PNG
-d.rast cont_map_a
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_2 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.barscale at=1,85
-echo "Solute transport 1000d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PNG
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.eps
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.pdf
-# compute the differences between the maps
-r.mapcalc "diff=stresult_conf_1 - stresult_conf_2 "
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PNGFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_ab_diff.png
-d.mon start=PNG
-d.mon select=PNG
-d.rast diff
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_1 color=red display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=red
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_2 color=black display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=black
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.legend at=12,17,10,55 map=diff labelnum=5 color=black
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Difference between maps" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PNG
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_ab_diff.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_ab_diff.eps
-convert Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_ab_diff.png Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_ab_diff.pdf
Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example.sh
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example.sh 2009-12-20 23:43:15 UTC (rev 40097)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example.sh 2009-12-20 23:44:04 UTC (rev 40098)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# set the region accordingly
-g.region res=1 res3=1 t=10 b=0 n=100 s=0 w=0 e=200
-r.mapcalc "phead=if(col() == 1 , 50, 40)"
-r.mapcalc "phead=if(col() ==200 , 45 + row()/40, phead)"
-r.mapcalc "status=if(col() == 1 || col() == 200 , 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "well=if((row() == 50 && col() == 175) || (row() == 10 && col() == 135) , -0.001, 0)"
-r.mapcalc "hydcond=0.00005"
-r.mapcalc "reacharge=0"
-r.mapcalc "top_conf=20"
-r.mapcalc "top_unconf=60"
-r.mapcalc "bottom=0"
-r.mapcalc "poros=0.17"
-r.mapcalc "syield=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "null=0.0"
-#First compute a steady state groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond \
- q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf dt=8640000000000 type=confined
-#create the flow direction vectors
-r.flow elevin=gwresult_conf flout=gwresult_conf_flow skip=15 --o
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf output=gwresult_conf_contour step=0.5 --o
-#generate the transport data
-r.mapcalc "c=if(col() == 15 && row() == 75 , 500.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cs=if(col() == 15 && row() == 75 , 0.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus=if(col() == 1 || col() == 200 , 3, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "diff=0.0000001"
-r.mapcalc "R=1.0"
-r.solute.transport --o -cs solver=bicgstab top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=gwresult_conf status=tstatus \
- hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond R=R cs=cs q=well nf=poros output=stresult_conf dt=3600 diff_x=diff diff_y=diff \
- c=c al=0.1 at=0.01
-d.rast stresult_conf
-d.vect gwresult_conf_flow render=l
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour color=grey render=l
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=stresult_conf
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport timestep: 0d" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_0000$count.png
-#compute in an infinite loop the transport
-while true ; do
-r.solute.transport --o -cs solver=bicgstab top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=gwresult_conf status=tstatus \
- hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond R=R cs=cs q=well nf=poros output=stresult_conf dt=86400 diff_x=diff diff_y=diff \
- c=stresult_conf al=0.1 at=0.01
-days=`expr $days + 1`
-count=`expr $count + 1`
-#show the map
-d.rast stresult_conf
-d.vect gwresult_conf_flow render=l
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour color=grey render=l
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=stresult_conf
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport timestep: ${days}d" | d.text size=6 color=black
-if [ `expr $count \< 10` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_0000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 100` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 1000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_00$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 10000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_0$count.png
Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example2.sh
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example2.sh 2009-12-20 23:43:15 UTC (rev 40097)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/example2.sh 2009-12-20 23:44:04 UTC (rev 40098)
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# set the region accordingly
-g.region res=1 res3=1 t=10 b=0 n=100 s=0 w=0 e=200
-# create groundwater flow data
-r.mapcalc "phead=if(col() == 1 , 50, 45)"
-#r.mapcalc "phead=if(col() ==200 , 45 + row()/40, phead)"
-r.mapcalc "status=if(col() == 1 || col() == 200 , 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "well=if((row() == 50 && col() == 175) || (row() == 10 && col() == 135) , -0.005, 0)"
-r.mapcalc "hydcond=0.00005"
-r.mapcalc "reacharge=0"
-r.mapcalc "top_conf=20"
-r.mapcalc "top_unconf=60"
-r.mapcalc "bottom=0"
-r.mapcalc "poros=0.17"
-r.mapcalc "syield=0.1"
-r.mapcalc "null=0.0"
-#generate the transport data
-r.mapcalc "c=if(col() == 15 && row() == 75 , 0.1, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cs=if(col() == 15 && row() == 75 , 0.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus=if(col() == 1 || col() == 200 , 3, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "diff=0.0000001"
-r.mapcalc "R=1.0"
-#dispersivity lengths
-#First compute a steady state groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_unconf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond \
- q=null s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf dt=8640000000000 type=unconfined
-#Second initiate the solute transport
-r.solute.transport --o -cs solver=bicgstab top=gwresult_conf bottom=bottom phead=gwresult_conf status=tstatus \
- hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond R=R cs=cs q=well nf=poros output=stresult_conf dt=30 diff_x=diff diff_y=diff \
- c=c al=$AL at=$AT
-#create the flow direction vectors
-r.flow elevin=gwresult_conf flout=gwresult_conf_flow skip=15 --o
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf output=gwresult_conf_contour step=0.5 --o
-d.rast stresult_conf
-d.vect gwresult_conf_flow
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour color=grey
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=stresult_conf
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport timestep: 0d" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/test_0000$count.png
-#compute in an infinite loop the transport
-while true ; do
-#First compute groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=gwresult_conf status=status hc_x=hydcond \
- hc_y=hydcond q=$SINK s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf dt=86400 type=unconfined
-#create the flow direction vectors
-r.flow elevin=gwresult_conf flout=gwresult_conf_flow skip=15 --o
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf output=gwresult_conf_contour step=0.5 --o
-#Second compute soulte transport
-r.solute.transport --o -s stab=exp solver=bicgstab top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=gwresult_conf status=tstatus \
- hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond R=R cs=cs q=well nf=poros output=stresult_conf dt=86400 diff_x=diff diff_y=diff \
- c=stresult_conf al=$AL at=$AT
-days=`expr $days + 1`
-count=`expr $count + 1`
-if [ `expr $count \< 76` -eq 1 ] || [ `expr $count \> 151` -eq 1 ]; then
-d.rast gwresult_conf
-d.vect gwresult_conf_flow
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour color=grey
-d.legend at=7,11,15,85 map=gwresult_conf
-d.barscale at=1,10 &
-echo "Groundwater flow timestep: ${days}d" | d.text size=6 color=black
-if [ `expr $count \< 10` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/gwflow_0000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 100` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/gwflow_000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 1000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/gwflow_00$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 10000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/gwflow_0$count.png
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf -g`
-d.rast stresult_conf
-d.vect gwresult_conf_flow
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour color=grey
-d.legend at=7,11,15,85 map=stresult_conf
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport timestep: ${days}d" | d.text size=6 color=black
-echo "Quantity: $sum min-max: $min - $max" | d.text size=4 color=black at=1,12
-if [ `expr $count \< 10` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/transport_0000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 100` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/transport_000$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 1000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/transport_00$count.png
-elif [ `expr $count \< 10000` -eq 1 ] ; then
- d.out.png res=1 output=/tmp/transport_0$count.png
Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify.sh
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify.sh 2009-12-20 23:43:15 UTC (rev 40097)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify.sh 2009-12-20 23:44:04 UTC (rev 40098)
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Shellscript to verify r.solute.transport calculation
-# The difference between solute transport calculated with and without the CFL citeria is shown
-# set the region
-g.region res=1 res3=1 t=10 b=0 n=100 s=0 w=0 e=400
-r.mapcalc "phead_1=if(col() == 1 , 53, 50)"
-r.mapcalc "status_1=if(col() == 1 || col() == 400 , 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "well_1=if((row() == 50 && col() == 350), 0.0, 0)"
-#r.mapcalc "well_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "hydcond_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "reacharge_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "top_conf_1=25"
-r.mapcalc "bottom_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "poros_1=0.2"
-r.mapcalc "poros_2=0.2"
-r.mapcalc "syield_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "null_1=0.0"
-#generate the transport data
-r.mapcalc "c_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cs_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0.01, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cin_1=if(col() == 50 && row() == 50 , 0.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus_1=if(col() == 1, 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus_1=if(col() == 400 , 3, tstatus_1)"
-r.mapcalc "diff_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "R_1=1.0"
-#First compute a steady state groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1 phead=phead_1\
- status=status_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1 \
- q=well_1 s=syield_1 r=reacharge_1 output=gwresult_conf_1\
- dt=8640000000000 type=confined
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf_1 output=gwresult_conf_contour_1 step=1 --o
-### Compute with full upwind
-r.solute.transport --o -s loops=$LOOPS stab=full maxit=10000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_1 output=stresult_conf_1 dt=86400000 error=0.000000000001 \
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_1
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_1 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map = stresult_conf_1/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_1_x = stresult_conf_vel_1_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_1_x
-r.contour input=cont_map output=stresult_conf_contour_1 step=0.02 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast cont_map
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_1 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.barscale at=1,85
-echo "Solute transport 1000d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=4 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.ps
-epstopdf Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_a.epsi
-### compute with exp upwind
-r.solute.transport --o -s loops=$LOOPS stab=exp maxit=10000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_2 output=stresult_conf_2 dt=86400000 error=0.000000000001 \
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_2
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_2 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map_a = stresult_conf_2/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_2_x = stresult_conf_vel_2_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_2_x
-r.contour input=cont_map_a output=stresult_conf_contour_2 step=0.02 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast cont_map_a
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_2 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.barscale at=1,85
-echo "Solute transport 1000d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=4 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.ps
-epstopdf Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.epsi
-### compute with weight upwind
-r.solute.transport --o -s loops=$LOOPS stab=weight maxit=10000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_2 output=stresult_conf_3 dt=86400000 error=0.000000000001 \
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_3
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_2 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map_a = stresult_conf_3/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_3_x = stresult_conf_vel_3_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_3_x
-r.contour input=cont_map_a output=stresult_conf_contour_3 step=0.02 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_b.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast cont_map_a
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_3 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.barscale at=1,85
-echo "Solute transport with weight upwind 1000d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=4 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_c.ps
-epstopdf Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_c.epsi
-# compute the differences between the maps
-r.mapcalc "diff=stresult_conf_2 - stresult_conf_3 "
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_c.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast diff
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_2 color=red display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=red
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_3 color=black display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=black
-d.vect gwresult_conf_contour_1 color=blue display=shape,attr attrcol=level lcolor=blue
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=diff labelnum=5 color=black
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Difference between maps" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_bc_diff.ps
-epstopdf Disper_calc_${AL}_${AT}_bc_diff.epsi
Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify_well.sh
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify_well.sh 2009-12-20 23:43:15 UTC (rev 40097)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.solute.transport/seguin_verify_well.sh 2009-12-20 23:44:04 UTC (rev 40098)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Shellscript to verify r.solute.transport calculation, this calculation is based on
-# the example 2.1 and 2.2 at page 181 of the following book:
-# title = "Str{\"o}mungs und Transportmodellierung",
-# author = "Lege, T. and Kolditz, O. and Zielke W.",
-# publisher = "Springer (Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Hongkong; London; Mailand; Paris; Singapur; Tokio)",
-# edition = "2. Auflage",
-# year = "1996",
-# series = "Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten"
-# set the region
-g.region res=50 res3=1 t=10 b=0 n=1000 s=0 w=0 e=2000
-r.mapcalc "phead_1=if(col() == 1 , 200, 50)"
-r.mapcalc "status_1=if(col() == 1 || col() == 40 , 2, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "well_1=if((row() == 10 && col() == 10), 0.000002818287, 0)"
-r.mapcalc "well_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "hydcond_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "reacharge_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "top_conf_1=25"
-r.mapcalc "bottom_1=0"
-r.mapcalc "poros_1=0.11209524"
-r.mapcalc "syield_1=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc "null_1=0.0"
-#generate the transport data
-r.mapcalc "c_1=if(col() == 10 && row() == 10 , 0.0, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cs_1=if(col() == 10 && row() == 10 , 0.000000000000000000001, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "cin_1=if(col() == 10 && row() == 10 , 0.00000231481, 0.0)"
-r.mapcalc "tstatus_1=if(col() == 1 || col() == 40 , 3, 1)"
-r.mapcalc "diff_1=0.0"
-r.mapcalc "R_1=1.0"
-#First compute a steady state groundwater flow
-r.gwflow --o -s solver=cg top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1 phead=phead_1\
- status=status_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1 \
- q=well_1 s=syield_1 r=reacharge_1 output=gwresult_conf_1\
- dt=8640000000000 type=confined
-# create contour lines
-r.contour input=gwresult_conf_1 output=gwresult_conf_contour_1 step=10 --o
-### compute with low velocity
-r.solute.transport --o -cs error=0.000000000000001 maxit=1000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_1 output=stresult_conf_1 dt=21600000\
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_1
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_1 -g`
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=seguin_verify_c.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast cont_map
-#d.rast.num cont_map dp=2
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_1 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=cont_map labelnum=5 color=black thin=500
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport 250d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi seguin_verify_c.ps
-epstopdf seguin_verify_c.epsi
-### compute different dispersion
-r.solute.transport --o -cs error=0.000000000000001 maxit=1000 solver=bicgstab top=top_conf_1 bottom=bottom_1\
- phead=gwresult_conf_1 status=tstatus_1 hc_x=hydcond_1 hc_y=hydcond_1\
- R=R_1 cs=cs_1 q=well_1 nf=poros_1 output=stresult_conf_2 dt=21600000\
- diff_x=diff_1 diff_y=diff_1 cin=cin_1 c=c_1 al=$AL at=$AT velocity=stresult_conf_vel_2
-eval `r.univar stresult_conf_2 -g`
-r.mapcalc "cont_map_a = stresult_conf_2/$max"
-r.mapcalc "stresult_conf_vel_2_x = stresult_conf_vel_2_x *24.0 * 3600.0"
-r.info stresult_conf_vel_2_x
-r.contour input=cont_map_a output=stresult_conf_contour_2 step=0.1 --o
-#export as postscript and convert into pdf
-export GRASS_PSFILE=seguin_verify_d.ps
-d.mon start=PS
-d.mon select=PS
-d.rast cont_map_a
-#d.rast.num cont_map dp=2
-d.vect stresult_conf_contour_2 color=grey display=shape,attr attrcol=level
-d.legend at=8,12,15,85 map=cont_map_a labelnum=5 color=black thin=500
-d.barscale at=1,10
-echo "Solute transport 250d al=$AL at=$AT" | d.text size=6 color=black
-d.mon stop=PS
-ps2epsi seguin_verify_d.ps
-epstopdf seguin_verify_d.epsi
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