[GRASS-SVN] r38288 - grass-addons/vector/v.krige

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 6 09:32:06 EDT 2009

Author: martinl
Date: 2009-07-06 09:32:06 -0400 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 38288

use gselect.Select also for output raster map

Modified: grass-addons/vector/v.krige/v.krige.py
--- grass-addons/vector/v.krige/v.krige.py	2009-07-06 13:28:12 UTC (rev 38287)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.krige/v.krige.py	2009-07-06 13:32:06 UTC (rev 38288)
@@ -110,15 +110,21 @@
 #    3. Output Parameters.
         OutputSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Output")), wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        OutputParameters = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2, hgap=5, vgap=5)
+        OutputParameters = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=5, vgap=5)
-        OutputParameters.Add(item = wx.StaticText(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Name of the output map:")),
-                      flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
-        self.OutputMapName = wx.TextCtrl(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(250,-1))
-        OutputParameters.Add(item=self.OutputMapName, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL)
-        self.OverwriteCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"))
+        OutputParameters.Add(item = wx.StaticText(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Name for the output raster map:")),
+                             flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,
+                             pos = (0, 0))
+        self.OutputMapName = gselect.Select(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                            type = 'raster',
+                                            mapsets = [grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']])
+        OutputParameters.Add(item=self.OutputMapName, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL,
+                             pos = (0, 1))
+        self.OverwriteCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                                             label=_("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"))
         self.OverwriteCheckBox.SetValue(state = False)
-        OutputParameters.Add(self.OverwriteCheckBox)
+        OutputParameters.Add(item = self.OverwriteCheckBox,
+                             pos = (1, 0), span = (1, 2))
         OutputSizer.Add(OutputParameters, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=3)

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