[GRASS-SVN] r37817 - grass/trunk/scripts/v.colors
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 11 02:50:01 EDT 2009
Author: martinl
Date: 2009-06-11 02:50:00 -0400 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 37817
v.colors: bash script removed (replaced by Python version)
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/v.colors/v.colors
--- grass/trunk/scripts/v.colors/v.colors 2009-06-11 02:53:54 UTC (rev 37816)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/v.colors/v.colors 2009-06-11 06:50:00 UTC (rev 37817)
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# MODULE: v.colors
-# AUTHOR: M. Hamish Bowman, Dept. Marine Science, Otago Univeristy,
-# New Zealand
-# PURPOSE: Populate a GRASSRGB column with a color map and data column
-# Helper script for thematic mapping tasks
-# COPYRIGHT: (c) 2008 Hamish Bowman, and the GRASS Development Team
-# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-# for details.
-#% description: Set color rules for features in a vector using a numeric attribute column.
-#% keywords: vector, color table
-#% option
-#% key: map
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: old,vector,vector
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Name of input vector map
-#% required: yes
-#% key: column
-#% type: string
-#% description: Name of column containg numeric data
-#% gisprompt: old_dbcolumn,dbcolumn,dbcolumn
-#% required : yes
-#% key: layer
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Layer number of data column
-#% gisprompt: old_layer,layer,layer
-#% answer: 1
-#% required: no
-#% key: rgb_column
-#% type: string
-#% required: no
-#% description: Name of color column to populate
-#% gisprompt: old_dbcolumn,dbcolumn,dbcolumn
-#% answer: GRASSRGB
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% option
-#% key: range
-#% type: double
-#% required: no
-#% multiple: no
-#% key_desc: min,max
-#% description: Manually set range (min,max)
-#% option
-#% key: color
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: style
-#% options: aspect,aspectcolr,bcyr,bgyr,byg,byr,celsius,curvature,differences,elevation,etopo2,evi,grey,grey1.0,grey255,gyr,ndvi,population,precipitation,rainbow,ramp,ryb,ryg,sepia,slope,srtm,terrain,wave,random
-#% description: Type of color table
-#% required: no
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: raster
-#% type: string
-#% required: no
-#% description: Raster map name from which to copy color table
-#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: rules
-#% type: string
-#% required: no
-#% description: Path to rules file
-#% gisprompt: old_file,file,input
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: s
-#% description: Save placeholder raster map for use with d.legend
-#% key: n
-#% description: Invert colors
-#% guisection: Colors
-## TODO: implement -e (equalized) and -g (logarithmic) methods in r.colors
-## 'v.db.select column= | wc -l' to set region size (1xLength)
-## then create r.in.ascii 1xLength matrix with data (WITHOUT uniq)
-## and run r.colors on that raster map.
-## or
-## v.to.rast, r.colors -g, then parse colr/ file. But that's resolution dependent
-if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
- echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
- exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
- if [ -n "$TMP" ] ; then
- \rm "$TMP" "${TMP}_vcol.sql"
- fi
- eval `g.findfile elem=windows file="tmp_vcolors.$$" | grep '^name='`
- if [ -n "$name" ] ; then
- g.remove region="tmp_vcolors.$$"
- fi
- eval `g.findfile elem=cell file="tmp_colr_$$" | grep '^name='`
- if [ -n "$name" ] ; then
- g.remove rast="tmp_colr_$$"
- fi
-trap "cleanup" 2 3 15
-### setup enviro vars ###
-eval `g.gisenv`
-#### does map exist in CURRENT mapset?
-eval `g.findfile element=vector file="$GIS_OPT_MAP" mapset="$MAPSET"`
-VECT_MAPSET=`echo "$GIS_OPT_MAP" | grep '@' | cut -f2 -d'@'`
-if [ -z "$VECT_MAPSET" ] ; then
-if [ ! "$file" ] || [ "$VECT_MAPSET" != "$MAPSET" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Vector map <$GIS_OPT_MAP> not found in current mapset"
- exit 1
- VECTOR=`echo "$GIS_OPT_MAP" | cut -f1 -d'@'`
-# sanity check mutually exclusive color options
- eval "OPTNAME=\$GIS_OPT_${OPT}"
- if [ -n "$OPTNAME" ] ; then
- CTEST=`expr $CTEST + 1`
- fi
-if [ "$CTEST" -ne 1 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Pick one of color, rules, or raster options"
- exit 1
-if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_COLOR" ] ; then
- #### check the color rule is valid
- COLOR_OPTS=`ls $GISBASE/etc/colors/`
- COLOR_OPTS="`echo $COLOR_OPTS | tr '\n' ' '` random grey.eq grey.log rules"
- for COLR in $COLOR_OPTS ; do
- if [ "$COLR" = "$GIS_OPT_COLOR" ] ; then
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ "$HAVE_COLR" -eq 0 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Invalid color rule <$GIS_OPT_COLOR>"
- echo " Valid options are: $COLOR_OPTS"
- exit 1
- fi
-elif [ -n "$GIS_OPT_RASTER" ] ; then
- r.info -r "$GIS_OPT_RASTER" > /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Unable to open raster map <$GIS_OPT_RASTER>"
- exit 1
- fi
-elif [ -n "$GIS_OPT_RULES" ] ; then
- if [ ! -r "$GIS_OPT_RULES" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Unable to read color rules file <$GIS_OPT_RULES>"
- exit 1
- fi
-#### column checks
-# check input data column
-NCOLUMN_TYPE=`v.info -c map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" | grep -i "|$GIS_OPT_COLUMN$" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
-if [ -z "$NCOLUMN_TYPE" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Column <$GIS_OPT_COLUMN> not found"
- exit 1
-elif [ "$NCOLUMN_TYPE" != "INTEGER" ] && [ "$NCOLUMN_TYPE" != "DOUBLE PRECISION" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Column <$GIS_OPT_COLUMN> is not numeric"
- exit 1
-#g.message "column <$GIS_OPT_COLUMN> is type [$NCOLUMN_TYPE]"
-# check if GRASSRGB column exists, make it if it doesn't
-TABLE=`v.db.connect -g map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" fs=";" | grep "^$GIS_OPT_LAYER;" | cut -f2 -d';'`
-COLUMN_TYPE=`v.info -c map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" | grep -i "|$GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN$" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
-if [ -z "$COLUMN_TYPE" ] ; then
- # RGB Column not found, create it
- g.message "Creating column <$GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN> ..."
- v.db.addcol map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" column="$GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN varchar(11)"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Creating color column"
- exit 1
- fi
-elif [ "$COLUMN_TYPE" != "CHARACTER" -a "$COLUMN_TYPE" != "TEXT" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Column <$GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN> is not of compatible type (found $COLUMN_TYPE)"
- exit 1
- NUM_CHARS=`db.describe -c "$TABLE" | grep -i " $GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN:" | cut -f4 -d':'`
- if [ "$NUM_CHARS" -lt 11 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Color column <$GIS_OPT_RGB_COLUMN> is not wide enough (needs 11 characters)"
- exit 1
- fi
-# find data range
-if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_RANGE" ] ; then
- #order doesn't matter
- MINVAL=`echo "$GIS_OPT_RANGE" | grep '[[:digit:]]' | grep ',' | cut -f1 -d','`
- MAXVAL=`echo "$GIS_OPT_RANGE" | grep '[[:digit:]]' | grep ',' | cut -f2 -d','`
- g.message "Scanning values ..."
- MINVAL=`v.db.select map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" column="$GIS_OPT_COLUMN" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" | sort -n | grep '^[-0-9]' | head -n 1`
- MAXVAL=`v.db.select map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" column="$GIS_OPT_COLUMN" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" | sort -n | grep '^[-0-9]' | tail -n 1`
-g.message message=" min=[$MINVAL] max=[$MAXVAL]"
-if [ -z "$MINVAL" ] || [ -z "$MAXVAL" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Scanning data range"
- exit 1
-# setup internal region
-g.region save="tmp_vcolors.$$"
-g.region rows=2 cols=2
-# create dummy raster map
-if [ "$NCOLUMN_TYPE" = "INTEGER" ] ; then
- r.mapcalc "tmp_colr_$$ = if( row() == 1, $MINVAL, $MAXVAL)"
- r.mapcalc "tmp_colr_$$ = double( if( row() == 1, $MINVAL, $MAXVAL) )"
-if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_COLOR" ] ; then
-elif [ -n "$GIS_OPT_RASTER" ] ; then
-elif [ -n "$GIS_OPT_RULES" ] ; then
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_N -eq 1 ] ; then
- FLIP_FLAG="-n"
-r.colors map="tmp_colr_$$" "$COLOR_CMD" $FLIP_FLAG
-TMP="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "${TMP}" ] ; then
- g.message -e "Unable to create temporary file"
- cleanup
- exit 1
-# calculate colors and write SQL command file
-g.message "Looking up colors ..."
-v.db.select map="$GIS_OPT_MAP" layer="$GIS_OPT_LAYER" column="$GIS_OPT_COLUMN" | \
- sort -n | grep '^[-0-9]' | uniq | \
- r.what.color -i in="tmp_colr_$$" | sed -e 's/: /|/' | grep -v '|\*$' | \
- ( while read LINE ; do
- #g.message message="LINE=[$LINE]"
- VALUE=`echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d'|'`
- COLR=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d'|'`
- done )
-if [ ! -e "${TMP}_vcol.sql" ] ; then
- g.message -e "No values found in color range"
- cleanup
- exit 1
-# apply SQL commands to update the table with values
-NUM_RULES=`wc -l < "${TMP}_vcol.sql"`
-g.message "Writing $NUM_RULES colors ..."
-#less "$TMP"
-db.execute input="${TMP}_vcol.sql"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- g.message -e "Processing SQL transaction"
- cleanup
- exit 1
-if [ $GIS_FLAG_S -eq 1 ] ; then
- g.rename rast="tmp_colr_$$","vcolors_$$"
- g.message "Raster map containing color rules saved to <vcolors_$$>"
- # TODO save full v.colors command line history
- r.support map="vcolors_$$" history="" \
- source1="vector map=$GIS_OPT_MAP" \
- source2="column=$GIS_OPT_COLUMN" \
- title="Dummy raster to use as thematic vector legend" \
- description="generated by v.colors using r.mapcalc"
- r.support map="vcolors_$$" \
- g.remove rast="tmp_colr_$$"
-exit 0
-#v.db.dropcol map=vcol_test col=GRASSRGB
-#d.vect -a vcol_test icon=basic/circle color=none size=8
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