[GRASS-SVN] r37830 - grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 11 16:00:50 EDT 2009

Author: martinl
Date: 2009-06-11 16:00:50 -0400 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 37830

wxGUI: fix loading workspace (nviz)

Modified: grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_mapdisp.py
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_mapdisp.py	2009-06-11 17:46:26 UTC (rev 37829)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_mapdisp.py	2009-06-11 20:00:50 UTC (rev 37830)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 from preferences import globalSettings as UserSettings
 from mapdisp import MapWindow as MapWindow
 from goutput import wxCmdOutput as wxCmdOutput
+from workspace import Nviz as NvizDefault
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCWXDIR, "nviz"))
 import grass6_wxnviz as wxnviz
@@ -117,7 +118,8 @@
         self.view = copy.deepcopy(UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='view')) # copy
         self.iview = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='view', internal=True)
+        self.nvizDefault = NvizDefault()
         self.size = None
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
@@ -441,38 +443,26 @@
             data = self.tree.GetPyData(item)[0]['nviz']
             if type == 'raster':
-                data[nvizType] = {}
-                for sec in ('attribute', 'draw', 'mask', 'position'):
-                    data[nvizType][sec] = {}
                 # reset to default properties
-                self.SetSurfaceDefaultProp(data[nvizType])
+                data[nvizType] = self.nvizDefault.SetSurfaceDefaultProp()
             elif type == 'vector':
-                data['vector'] = {}
-                for sec in ('lines', 'points'):
-                    data['vector'][sec] = {}
                 # reset to default properties (lines/points)
-                self.SetVectorDefaultProp(data['vector'])
+                data['vector'] = self.nvizDefault.SetVectorDefaultProp()
             elif type == '3d-raster':
-                data[nvizType] = {}
-                for sec in ('attribute', 'draw', 'position'):
-                    data[nvizType][sec] = {}
-                for sec in ('isosurface', 'slice'):
-                    data[nvizType][sec] = []
                 # reset to default properties 
-                self.SetVolumeDefaultProp(data[nvizType])
+                data[nvizType] = self.nvizDefault.SetVolumeDefaultProp()
-            # check data
+            # complete data (use default values)
+            if type == 'raster':
+                data['surface'] = self.nvizDefault.SetSurfaceDefaultProp()
             if type == 'vector':
                 if not data['vector']['lines']:
-                    self.SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(data['vector']['lines'])
+                    self.nvizDefault.SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(data['vector']['lines'])
                 if not data['vector']['points']:
-                    self.SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(data['vector']['points'])
+                    self.nvizDefault.SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(data['vector']['points'])
             # set updates
             for sec in data.keys():
@@ -723,231 +713,7 @@
                 toolWin.page['surface']['id'] = -1
                 toolWin.page['settings']['id'] = 1
-    def GetDrawMode(self, mode=None, style=None, shade=None, string=False):
-        """Get surface draw mode (value) from description/selection
-        @param mode,style,shade modes
-        @param string if True input parameters are strings otherwise
-        selections
-        """
-        value = 0
-        desc = {}
-        if string:
-            if mode is not None:
-                if mode == 'coarse':
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE
-                elif mode == 'fine':
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_POLY
-                else: # both
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE_POLY
-            if style is not None:
-                if style == 'wire':
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_WIRE
-                else: # surface
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_SURF
-            if shade is not None:
-                if shade == 'flat':
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_FLAT
-                else: # surface
-                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GOURAUD
-            return value
-        # -> string is False
-        if mode is not None:
-            if mode == 0: # coarse
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE
-                desc['mode'] = 'coarse'
-            elif mode == 1: # fine
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_POLY
-                desc['mode'] = 'fine'
-            else: # both
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE_POLY
-                desc['mode'] = 'both'
-        if style is not None:
-            if style == 0: # wire
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_WIRE
-                desc['style'] = 'wire'
-            else: # surface
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_SURF
-                desc['style'] = 'surface'
-        if shade is not None:
-            if shade == 0:
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_FLAT
-                desc['shading'] = 'flat'
-            else: # surface
-                value |= wxnviz.DM_GOURAUD
-                desc['shading'] = 'gouraud'
-        return (value, desc)
-    def SetSurfaceDefaultProp(self, data):
-        """Set default surface data properties"""
-        #
-        # attributes
-        #
-        for attrb in ('shine', ):
-            data['attribute'][attrb] = {}
-            for key, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume',
-                                               subkey=attrb).iteritems():
-                data['attribute'][attrb][key] = value
-            data['attribute'][attrb]['update'] = None
-        #
-        # draw
-        #
-        data['draw']['all'] = False # apply only for current surface
-        for control, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey='draw').iteritems():
-            if control[:3] == 'res':
-                if not data['draw'].has_key('resolution'):
-                    data['draw']['resolution'] = {}
-                if not data['draw']['resolution'].has_key('update'):
-                    data['draw']['resolution']['update'] = None
-                data['draw']['resolution'][control[4:]] = value
-                continue
-            if control == 'wire-color':
-                value = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
-            elif control in ('mode', 'style', 'shading'):
-                if not data['draw'].has_key('mode'):
-                    data['draw']['mode'] = {}
-                continue
-            data['draw'][control] = { 'value' : value }
-            data['draw'][control]['update'] = None
-        value, desc = self.GetDrawMode(UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'mode']),
-                                       UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'style']),
-                                       UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'shading']))
-        data['draw']['mode'] = { 'value' : value,
-                                 'desc' : desc, 
-                                 'update': None }
-    def SetVolumeDefaultProp(self, data):
-        """Set default volume data properties"""
-        #
-        # draw
-        #
-        for control, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume', subkey='draw').iteritems():
-            if control == 'mode':
-                continue
-            if control == 'shading':
-                sel = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'shading'])
-                value, desc = self.GetDrawMode(shade=sel, string=False)
-                data['draw']['shading'] = { 'value' : value,
-                                            'desc' : desc['shading'] }
-            elif control == 'mode':
-                sel = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume', subkey=['draw', 'mode'])
-                if sel == 0:
-                    desc = 'isosurface'
-                else:
-                    desc = 'slice'
-                data['draw']['mode'] = { 'value' : sel,
-                                         'desc' : desc, }
-            else:
-                data['draw'][control] = { 'value' : value }
-            if not data['draw'][control].has_key('update'):
-                data['draw'][control]['update'] = None
-        #
-        # isosurface attributes
-        #
-        for attrb in ('shine', ):
-            data['attribute'][attrb] = {}
-            for key, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume',
-                                               subkey=attrb).iteritems():
-                data['attribute'][attrb][key] = value
-    def SetVectorDefaultProp(self, data):
-        """Set default vector data properties"""
-        self.SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(data['lines'])
-        self.SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(data['points'])
-    def SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(self, data):
-        """Set default vector properties -- lines"""
-        # width
-        data['width'] = {'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                    subkey=['lines', 'width']) }
-        # color
-        value = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                 subkey=['lines', 'color'])
-        color = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
-        data['color'] = { 'value' : color }
-        # mode
-        if UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                            subkey=['lines', 'flat']):
-            type = 'flat'
-            map  = None
-        else:
-            rasters = self.GetLayerNames('raster')
-            if len(rasters) > 0:
-                type = 'surface'
-                map  = rasters[0]
-            else:
-                type = 'flat'
-                map = None
-        data['mode'] = {}
-        data['mode']['type'] = type
-        data['mode']['update'] = None
-        if map:
-            data['mode']['surface'] = map
-        # height
-        data['height'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                      subkey=['lines', 'height']) }
-        if data.has_key('object'):
-            for attrb in ('color', 'width', 'mode', 'height'):
-                data[attrb]['update'] = None
-    def SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(self, data):
-        """Set default vector properties -- points"""
-        # size
-        data['size'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                    subkey=['points', 'size']) }
-        # width
-        data['width'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                     subkey=['points', 'width']) }
-        # marker
-        data['marker'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                      subkey=['points', 'marker']) }
-        # color
-        value = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                 subkey=['points', 'color'])
-        color = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
-        data['color'] = { 'value' : color }
-        # mode
-        data['mode'] = { 'type' : 'surface',
-                         'surface' : '', }
-        rasters = self.GetLayerNames('raster')
-        if len(rasters) > 0:
-            data['mode']['surface'] = rasters[0]
-        # height
-        data['height'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
-                                                      subkey=['points', 'height']) }
-        if data.has_key('object'):
-            for attrb in ('size', 'width', 'marker',
-                          'color', 'surface', 'height'):
-                data[attrb]['update'] = None
     def Reset(self):
         """Reset (unload data)"""
         for item in self.layers:
@@ -1079,10 +845,10 @@
         if data['draw']['mode'].has_key('update'):
             if data['draw']['mode']['value'] < 0: # need to calculate
                 data['draw']['mode']['value'] = \
-                    self.GetDrawMode(mode=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['mode'],
-                                        style=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['style'],
-                                        shade=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['shading'],
-                                        string=True)
+                    self.nvizDefault.GetDrawMode(mode=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['mode'],
+                                                 style=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['style'],
+                                                 shade=data['draw']['mode']['desc']['shading'],
+                                                 string=True)
             style = data['draw']['mode']['value']
             if data['draw']['all']:
                 self.nvizClass.SetSurfaceStyle(-1, style)
@@ -1119,8 +885,8 @@
         if data['draw']['shading'].has_key('update'):
             if data['draw']['shading']['value'] < 0: # need to calculate
                 data['draw']['shading']['value'] = \
-                    self.GetDrawMode(shade=data['draw']['shading'],
-                                     string=False)
+                    self.nvizDefault.GetDrawMode(shade=data['draw']['shading'],
+                                                 string=False)

Modified: grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_tools.py
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_tools.py	2009-06-11 17:46:26 UTC (rev 37829)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/nviz_tools.py	2009-06-11 20:00:50 UTC (rev 37830)
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
         shade = self.FindWindowById(self.win['surface']['draw']['shading']).GetSelection()
-        value, desc = self.mapWindow.GetDrawMode(mode, style, shade)
+        value, desc = self.mapWindow.nvizDefault.GetDrawMode(mode, style, shade)
         return value, desc

Modified: grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/workspace.py
--- grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/workspace.py	2009-06-11 17:46:26 UTC (rev 37829)
+++ grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/workspace.py	2009-06-11 20:00:50 UTC (rev 37830)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  - ProcessWorkspaceFile
+ - Nviz
  - WriteWorkspaceFile
  - ProcessGrcFile
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
 import os
+import sys
 import wx
@@ -30,8 +32,15 @@
 from xml.sax import make_parser
+import globalvar
 from preferences import globalSettings as UserSettings
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCWXDIR, "nviz"))
+    import grass6_wxnviz as wxnviz
+except ImportError:
+    wxnviz = None
 class ProcessWorkspaceFile(HandlerBase):
     A SAX handler for the GXW XML file, as
@@ -68,6 +77,8 @@
         self.cmd    = []
         self.displayIndex = -1 # first display has index '0'
+        self.nvizDefault = Nviz()
     def __filterValue(self, value):
         """Translate value"""
         value = value.replace('&lt;', '<')
@@ -165,17 +176,15 @@
         # Nviz section
         elif name == 'nviz':
-            # init nviz layer properties
+            # init nviz layer properties (use default values)
             self.layerNviz = {}
             if self.layerType == 'raster':
-                self.layerNviz['surface'] = {}
-                for sec in ('attribute', 'draw', 'mask', 'position'):
-                    self.layerNviz['surface'][sec] = {}
+                self.layerNviz['surface'] = \
+                    self.nvizDefault.SetSurfaceDefaultProp()
             elif self.layerType == 'vector':
-                self.layerNviz['vector'] = {}
-                for sec in ('lines', 'points'):
-                    self.layerNviz['vector'][sec] = {}
+                self.layerNviz['vector'] = \
+                    self.nvizDefault.SetVectorDefaultProp()
         elif name == 'attribute':
             if self.inTag['nviz'] and self.inTag['surface']:
                 tagName = str(name)
@@ -299,27 +308,33 @@
         elif name == 'color':
             if self.inTag['nviz']:
                 if self.inTag['vlines']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['color'] = str(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['color'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['color']['value'] = str(self.value)
                 elif self.inTag['vpoints']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['color'] = str(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['color'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['color']['value'] = str(self.value)
         elif name == 'width':
             if self.inTag['nviz']:
                 if self.inTag['vlines']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['width'] = int(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['width'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['width']['value'] = int(self.value)
                 elif self.inTag['vpoints']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['width'] = int(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['width'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['width']['value'] = int(self.value)
         elif name == 'height':
             if self.inTag['nviz']:
                 if self.inTag['vlines']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['height'] = int(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['height'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['lines']['height']['value'] = int(self.value)
                 elif self.inTag['vpoints']:
-                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['height'] = int(self.value)
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['height'] = dict()
+                    self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['height']['value'] = int(self.value)
         elif name == 'size':
             if self.inTag['nviz'] and self.inTag['vpoints']:
-                self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['size'] = int(self.value)
+                self.layerNviz['vector']['points']['size']['value'] = int(self.value)
         elif name == 'map':
             if self.inTag['nviz']:
@@ -341,6 +356,250 @@
             self.value += ch
+class Nviz:
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Default 3D settings"""
+        pass
+    def SetSurfaceDefaultProp(self):
+        """Set default surface data properties"""
+        data = dict()
+        for sec in ('attribute', 'draw', 'mask', 'position'):
+            data[sec] = {}
+        #
+        # attributes
+        #
+        for attrb in ('shine', ):
+            data['attribute'][attrb] = {}
+            for key, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume',
+                                               subkey=attrb).iteritems():
+                data['attribute'][attrb][key] = value
+            data['attribute'][attrb]['update'] = None
+        #
+        # draw
+        #
+        data['draw']['all'] = False # apply only for current surface
+        for control, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey='draw').iteritems():
+            if control[:3] == 'res':
+                if not data['draw'].has_key('resolution'):
+                    data['draw']['resolution'] = {}
+                if not data['draw']['resolution'].has_key('update'):
+                    data['draw']['resolution']['update'] = None
+                data['draw']['resolution'][control[4:]] = value
+                continue
+            if control == 'wire-color':
+                value = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
+            elif control in ('mode', 'style', 'shading'):
+                if not data['draw'].has_key('mode'):
+                    data['draw']['mode'] = {}
+                continue
+            data['draw'][control] = { 'value' : value }
+            data['draw'][control]['update'] = None
+        value, desc = self.GetDrawMode(UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'mode']),
+                                       UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'style']),
+                                       UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'shading']))
+        data['draw']['mode'] = { 'value' : value,
+                                 'desc' : desc, 
+                                 'update': None }
+        return data
+    def SetVolumeDefaultProp(self):
+        """Set default volume data properties"""
+        data = dict()
+        for sec in ('attribute', 'draw', 'position'):
+            data[sec] = dict()
+            for sec in ('isosurface', 'slice'):
+                    data[sec] = list()
+        #
+        # draw
+        #
+        for control, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume', subkey='draw').iteritems():
+            if control == 'mode':
+                continue
+            if control == 'shading':
+                sel = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='surface', subkey=['draw', 'shading'])
+                value, desc = self.GetDrawMode(shade=sel, string=False)
+                data['draw']['shading'] = { 'value' : value,
+                                            'desc' : desc['shading'] }
+            elif control == 'mode':
+                sel = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume', subkey=['draw', 'mode'])
+                if sel == 0:
+                    desc = 'isosurface'
+                else:
+                    desc = 'slice'
+                data['draw']['mode'] = { 'value' : sel,
+                                         'desc' : desc, }
+            else:
+                data['draw'][control] = { 'value' : value }
+            if not data['draw'][control].has_key('update'):
+                data['draw'][control]['update'] = None
+        #
+        # isosurface attributes
+        #
+        for attrb in ('shine', ):
+            data['attribute'][attrb] = {}
+            for key, value in UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='volume',
+                                               subkey=attrb).iteritems():
+                data['attribute'][attrb][key] = value
+        return data
+    def SetVectorDefaultProp(self):
+        """Set default vector data properties"""
+        data = dict()
+        for sec in ('lines', 'points'):
+            data[sec] = {}
+        self.SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(data['lines'])
+        self.SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(data['points'])
+        return data
+    def SetVectorLinesDefaultProp(self, data):
+        """Set default vector properties -- lines"""
+        # width
+        data['width'] = {'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                    subkey=['lines', 'width']) }
+        # color
+        value = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                 subkey=['lines', 'color'])
+        color = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
+        data['color'] = { 'value' : color }
+        # mode
+        if UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                            subkey=['lines', 'flat']):
+            type = 'flat'
+            map  = None
+        else:
+            type = 'flat'
+            map = None
+        data['mode'] = {}
+        data['mode']['type'] = type
+        data['mode']['update'] = None
+        if map:
+            data['mode']['surface'] = map
+        # height
+        data['height'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                      subkey=['lines', 'height']) }
+        if data.has_key('object'):
+            for attrb in ('color', 'width', 'mode', 'height'):
+                data[attrb]['update'] = None
+    def SetVectorPointsDefaultProp(self, data):
+        """Set default vector properties -- points"""
+        # size
+        data['size'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                    subkey=['points', 'size']) }
+        # width
+        data['width'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                     subkey=['points', 'width']) }
+        # marker
+        data['marker'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                      subkey=['points', 'marker']) }
+        # color
+        value = UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                 subkey=['points', 'color'])
+        color = str(value[0]) + ':' + str(value[1]) + ':' + str(value[2])
+        data['color'] = { 'value' : color }
+        # mode
+        data['mode'] = { 'type' : 'surface',
+                         'surface' : '', }
+        # height
+        data['height'] = { 'value' : UserSettings.Get(group='nviz', key='vector',
+                                                      subkey=['points', 'height']) }
+        if data.has_key('object'):
+            for attrb in ('size', 'width', 'marker',
+                          'color', 'surface', 'height'):
+                data[attrb]['update'] = None
+    def GetDrawMode(self, mode=None, style=None, shade=None, string=False):
+        """Get surface draw mode (value) from description/selection
+        @param mode,style,shade modes
+        @param string if True input parameters are strings otherwise
+        selections
+        """
+        if not wxnviz:
+            return None
+        value = 0
+        desc = {}
+        if string:
+            if mode is not None:
+                if mode == 'coarse':
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE
+                elif mode == 'fine':
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_POLY
+                else: # both
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE_POLY
+            if style is not None:
+                if style == 'wire':
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_WIRE
+                else: # surface
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_SURF
+            if shade is not None:
+                if shade == 'flat':
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_FLAT
+                else: # surface
+                    value |= wxnviz.DM_GOURAUD
+            return value
+        # -> string is False
+        if mode is not None:
+            if mode == 0: # coarse
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE
+                desc['mode'] = 'coarse'
+            elif mode == 1: # fine
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_POLY
+                desc['mode'] = 'fine'
+            else: # both
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_WIRE_POLY
+                desc['mode'] = 'both'
+        if style is not None:
+            if style == 0: # wire
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_WIRE
+                desc['style'] = 'wire'
+            else: # surface
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_GRID_SURF
+                desc['style'] = 'surface'
+        if shade is not None:
+            if shade == 0:
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_FLAT
+                desc['shading'] = 'flat'
+            else: # surface
+                value |= wxnviz.DM_GOURAUD
+                desc['shading'] = 'gouraud'
+        return (value, desc)
 class WriteWorkspaceFile(object):
     """Generic class for writing workspace file"""
     def __init__(self, lmgr, file):

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