[GRASS-SVN] r37863 - in grass/trunk: . lib/init

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jun 13 13:47:36 EDT 2009

Author: glynn
Date: 2009-06-13 13:47:36 -0400 (Sat, 13 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 37863

Convert grass70 script to Python

Modified: grass/trunk/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/Makefile	2009-06-13 15:12:00 UTC (rev 37862)
+++ grass/trunk/Makefile	2009-06-13 17:47:36 UTC (rev 37863)
@@ -217,7 +217,8 @@
 	test -d ${INST_DIR} || ${MAKE_DIR_CMD} ${INST_DIR}
 	test -d ${BINDIR} || ${MAKE_DIR_CMD} ${BINDIR}
 ifneq ($(strip $(MINGW)),)

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile	2009-06-13 15:12:00 UTC (rev 37862)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile	2009-06-13 17:47:36 UTC (rev 37863)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 FILES = \
 	$(ETC)/Init.sh \
 	$(ETC)/functions.sh \
@@ -60,41 +61,47 @@
 default: $(FILES)
-$(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP): init.sh grass.src
+$(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP).sh: grass.src
 	@test -d $(ARCH_BINDIR) || (echo 'ARCH_BINDIR($(ARCH_BINDIR))' not found; exit 1)
 	@test -w $(ARCH_BINDIR) || (echo 'ARCH_BINDIR($(ARCH_BINDIR))' not writeable; exit 1)
-	rm -f $(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP) ; true
-	$(SHELL) -c "sed \
-	-e \"s#GISBASE_VALUE#$(GISBASE)#\" \
-	grass.src > $(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP) 2>/dev/null ; true"
-	chmod a+x $(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP)
+	rm -f $@ ; true
+	sed -e 's#GISBASE_VALUE#$(GISBASE)#' $< > $@
+	chmod a+x $@
-$(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP).bat: init.bat grass.bat
+$(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP).bat: grass.bat
 	@test -d $(ARCH_BINDIR) || (echo 'ARCH_BINDIR($(ARCH_BINDIR))' not found; exit 1)
 	@test -w $(ARCH_BINDIR) || (echo 'ARCH_BINDIR($(ARCH_BINDIR))' not writeable; exit 1)
-	rm -f $@ ; true
-	$(SHELL) -c "sed \
-	grass.bat | \
-	tr '/' '\\\' > $@"
+	rm -f $@
+	sed -e 's#GISBASE_VALUE#$(RUN_GISBASE)#' $< | tr '/' '\\' > $@
 	chmod a+x $@
+$(ARCH_BINDIR)/$(START_UP): grass.py
+	rm -f $@
+	sed \
+	-e 's#@GISBASE@#$(GISBASE)#' \
+	-e 's#@START_UP@#$(START_UP)#' \
+	$< > $@
+	chmod +x $@
 $(ETC)/Init.sh: init.sh
 	rm -f $@
-	$(SHELL) -c "sed \
-	-e \"s#@START_UP@#$(START_UP)#\" \
-	init.sh > $@"
+	sed \
+	-e 's#@START_UP@#$(START_UP)#' \
+	$< > $@
 	chmod +x $@
 $(ETC)/Init.bat: init.bat
 	rm -f $@
-	$(SHELL) -c "sed \
-	$< > $@"
+	sed \
+	$< > $@
 	chmod +x $@
 $(ETC)/functions.sh: functions.sh

Added: grass/trunk/lib/init/grass.py
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/grass.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/grass.py	2009-06-13 17:47:36 UTC (rev 37863)
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:   	GRASS Initialization
+# AUTHOR(S):	Original author unknown - probably CERL
+#               Andreas Lange - Germany - andreas.lange at rhein-main.de
+#   	    	Huidae Cho - Korea - grass4u at gmail.com
+#   	    	Justin Hickey - Thailand - jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
+#   	    	Markus Neteler - Germany/Italy - neteler at itc.it
+#		Hamish Bowman - New Zealand - hamish_nospam at yahoo,com
+#		Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
+# PURPOSE:  	The source file for this shell script is in
+#   	    	src/general/init/init.sh. It sets up some environment
+#   	    	variables and the lock file. It also parses any remaining
+#   	    	command line options for setting the GISDBASE, LOCATION, and/or
+#   	    	MAPSET. Finally it starts GRASS with the appropriate user
+#   	    	interface and cleans up after it is finished.
+# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2000-2009 by the GRASS Development Team
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#   	    	License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#   	    	for details.
+import sys
+import os
+import atexit
+import string
+import subprocess
+# Variables substituted during build process
+# Set the GISBASE variable
+gisbase = "@GISBASE@"
+cmd_name = "@START_UP@"
+grass_version = "@GRASS_VERSION_NUMBER@"
+ld_library_path_var = '@LD_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR@'
+config_projshare = "@CONFIG_PROJSHARE@"
+tmpdir = None
+lockfile = None
+location = None
+create_new = None
+grass_gui = None
+def try_remove(path):
+    try:
+	os.remove(path)
+    except:
+	pass
+def try_rmdir(path):
+    try:
+	os.rmdir(path)
+    except:
+	pass
+def cleanup_dir(dir):
+    if not dir:
+	return
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, topdown = False):
+	for name in files:
+		try_remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+	for name in dirs:
+		try_rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+def cleanup():
+    tmpdir, lockfile
+    # all exits after setting up $tmpdir should also tidy it up
+    cleanup_dir(tmpdir)
+    if lockfile:
+	try_remove(lockfile)
+def fatal(msg):
+    sys.exit(msg)
+def message(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+def readfile(path):
+    f = open(path, 'r')
+    s = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    return s
+def writefile(path, s):
+    f = open(path, 'w')
+    f.write(s)
+    f.close()
+def call(cmd, **kwargs):
+    if windows:
+	kwargs['shell'] = True
+    return subprocess.call(cmd, **kwargs)
+def gfile(*args):
+    return os.path.join(gisbase, *args)
+help_text = r"""
+  $CMD_NAME [-h | -help | --help] [-v | --version] [-c]
+	  [-text | -gui | -wxpython | -wx]
+  -h or -help or --help          print this help message
+  -v or --version                show version information and exit
+  -c                             create given mapset if it doesn\'t exist
+  -text                          use text based interface
+                                   and set as default
+  -gui                           use graphical user interface ($DEFAULT_GUI by default)
+                                   and set as default
+  -wxpython or -wx               use wxPython based graphical user interface
+                                   and set as default
+  GISDBASE                       initial database (path to GIS data)
+  LOCATION_NAME                  initial location
+  MAPSET                         initial mapset
+  GISDBASE/LOCATION_NAME/MAPSET  fully qualified initial mapset directory
+Environment variables relevant for startup:
+  GRASS_GUI                      select GUI (text, gui, wxpython)
+  GRASS_WISH                     set wish shell name to override 'wish'
+  GRASS_HTML_BROWSER             set html web browser for help pages
+  GRASS_ADDON_PATH               set additional path(s) to local GRASS modules
+  GRASS_BATCH_JOB                shell script to be processed as batch job
+  GRASS_PYTHON                   set python shell name to override 'python'
+def help_message():
+    t = string.Template(help_text)
+    s = t.substitute(CMD_NAME = cmd_name, DEFAULT_GUI = default_gui)
+    sys.stderr.write(s)
+def create_tmp():
+    global tmpdir
+    ## use $TMPDIR if it exists, then $TEMP, otherwise /tmp
+    tmp = os.getenv('TMPDIR')
+    if not tmp:
+	tmp = os.getenv('TEMP')
+    if not tmp:
+	tmp = '/tmp'
+    tmpdir = os.path.join(tmp, "grass7-%s-%s" % (user, gis_lock))
+    try:
+	os.mkdir(tmpdir, 0700)
+    except:
+	fatal("Cannot create temporary directory! Exiting.")
+def create_gisrc():
+    global gisrc, gisrcrc
+    # Set the session grassrc file
+    gisrc = os.path.join(tmpdir, "gisrc")
+    os.environ['GISRC'] = gisrc
+    # remove invalid GISRC file to avoid disturbing error messages:
+    try:
+	s = readfile(gisrcrc)
+	if "UNKNOWN" in s:
+	    try_remove(gisrcrc)
+	    s = None
+    except:
+	s = None
+    # Copy the global grassrc file to the session grassrc file
+    if s:
+	writefile(gisrc, s)
+def read_gisrc():
+    kv = {}
+    f = open(gisrc, 'r')
+    for line in f:
+	k, v = line.split(':', 1)
+	kv[k.strip()] = v.strip()
+    f.close()
+    return kv
+def write_gisrc(kv):
+    f = open(gisrc, 'w')
+    for k, v in kv.iteritems():
+	f.write("%s: %s\n" % (k, v))
+    f.close()
+def read_gui():
+    global grass_gui
+    # At this point the GRASS user interface variable has been set from the
+    # command line, been set from an external environment variable, or is 
+    # not set. So we check if it is not set
+    if not grass_gui:
+	# Check for a reference to the GRASS user interface in the grassrc file
+	kv = read_gisrc()
+	if 'GRASS_GUI' not in kv:
+	    # Set the GRASS user interface to the default if needed
+	    grass_gui = default_gui
+    if grass_gui == 'gui':
+	grass_gui = default_gui
+    # FIXME oldtcltk, gis.m, d.m no longer exist
+    if grass_gui in ['d.m', 'gis.m', 'oldtcltk', 'tcltk']:
+	grass_gui = default_gui
+def get_locale():
+    global locale
+    locale = None
+    for var in ['LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG']:
+	loc = os.getenv(var)
+	if loc:
+	    locale = loc[0:2]
+	return
+def path_prepend(dir, var):
+    path = os.getenv(var)
+    if path:
+	path = dir + os.pathsep + path
+    else:
+	path = dir
+    os.environ[var] = path
+def path_append(dir, var):
+    path = os.getenv(var)
+    if path:
+	path = path + os.pathsep + dir
+    else:
+	path = dir
+    os.environ[var] = path
+def set_paths():
+    addon_path = os.getenv('GRASS_ADDON_PATH')
+    if addon_path:
+	path_prepend(addon_path, 'PATH')
+    path_prepend(gfile('scripts'), 'PATH')
+    path_prepend(gfile('bin'), 'PATH')
+    # Set PYTHONPATH to find GRASS Python modules
+    path_prepend(gfile('etc', 'python'), 'PYTHONPATH')
+    # Add .py (Python) to list of executable extensions to search for in MS-Windows PATH
+    if windows:
+	path_append('.PY', 'PATHEXT')
+def find_exe(pgm):
+    for dir in os.getenv('PATH').split(os.pathsep):
+	path = os.path.join(dir, pgm)
+	if os.access(path, os.X_OK):
+	    return path
+    return None
+def set_defaults():
+    if not os.getenv('GRASS_PAGER'):
+	if find_exe("more"):
+	    pager = "more"
+	elif find_exe("less"):
+	    pager = "less"
+	elif windows:
+	    pager = "more"
+	else:
+	    pager = "cat"
+	os.environ['GRASS_PAGER'] = pager
+    if not os.getenv('GRASS_WISH'):
+	os.environ['GRASS_WISH'] = "wish"
+    if not os.getenv('GRASS_PYTHON'):
+	if windows:
+	    os.environ['GRASS_PYTHON'] = "pythonw.exe"
+	else:
+	    os.environ['GRASS_PYTHON'] = "python"
+    if not os.getenv('GRASS_GNUPLOT'):
+	os.environ['GRASS_GNUPLOT'] = "gnuplot -persist"
+    if not os.getenv('GRASS_PROJSHARE'):
+	os.environ['GRASS_PROJSHARE'] = config_projshare
+def set_browser():
+    browser = os.getenv('GRASS_HTML_BROWSER')
+    if not browser:
+	if macosx:
+	    # OSX doesn't execute browsers from the shell PATH - route thru a script
+	    browser = gfile('etc', "html_browser_mac.sh")
+	    os.environ['GRASS_HTML_BROWSER_MACOSX'] = "-b com.apple.helpviewer"
+	if windows or cygwin:
+	    # MinGW startup moved to into init.bat
+	    iexplore = os.path.join(os.getenv('ProgramFiles'),"Internet Explorer","iexplore.exe")
+	    if os.access(iexplore, os.F_OK):
+		browser = iexplore
+	    else:
+		browser = "iexplore"
+	else:
+	    # the usual suspects
+	    browsers = ["htmlview", "konqueror", "mozilla", "mozilla-firefox", "firefox", "opera", "netscape", "dillo"]
+	    for b in browsers:
+		if find_exe(b):
+		    browser = b
+		    break
+    if macosx and browser:
+	# OSX doesn't execute browsers from the shell PATH - route thru a script
+	browser = gfile('etc', "html_browser_mac.sh")
+	os.environ['GRASS_HTML_BROWSER_MACOSX'] = "-b com.apple.helpviewer"
+    if not browser:
+	message("WARNING: Searched for a web browser, but none found.")
+	# even so we set konqueror to make lib/gis/parser.c happy:
+	browser = "konqueror"
+    os.environ['GRASS_HTML_BROWSER'] = browser
+def grass_intro():
+    path = gfile("locale", locale, "etc", "grass_intro")
+    if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+	path = gfile("etc", "grass_intro")
+    f = open(path, 'r')
+    for line in f:
+	sys.stderr.write(line)
+    f.close()
+    sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("Hit RETURN to continue")
+    sys.stdin.readline()
+    #for convenience, define pwd as GISDBASE:
+    s = r"""GISDBASE: %s
+""" % os.getcwd()
+    writefile(gisrc, s)
+def check_gui():
+    global grass_gui, wxpython_base
+    # Check if we are running X windows by checking the DISPLAY variable
+    if os.getenv('DISPLAY') or windows:
+	# Check if python is working properly
+	if grass_gui == 'wxpython':
+	    nul = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+	    p = subprocess.Popen([os.environ['GRASS_PYTHON']],
+				 stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
+				 stdout = nul, stderr = nul)
+	    nul.close()
+	    p.stdin.write("variable=True")
+	    p.stdin.close()
+	    p.wait()
+	    if p.returncode == 0:
+		# Set the wxpython base directory
+		wxpython_base = gfile("etc","wxpython")
+	    else:
+		# Python was not found - switch to text interface mode
+		message(
+r"""WARNING: The python command does not work as expected!
+Please check your GRASS_PYTHON environment variable.
+Use the -help option for details.
+Switching to text based interface mode.
+Hit RETURN to continue.""")
+		sys.stdin.readline()
+		grass_gui = 'text'
+    else:
+	# Display a message if a graphical interface was expected
+	if grass_gui != 'text':
+	    # Set the interface mode to text
+	    message(
+r"""WARNING: It appears that the X Windows system is not active.
+A graphical based user interface is not supported.
+Switching to text based interface mode.
+Hit RETURN to continue""")
+	    sys.stdin.readline()
+	    grass_gui = 'text'
+    # Save the user interface variable in the grassrc file - choose a temporary
+    # file name that should not match another file
+    if os.access(gisrc, os.F_OK):
+	kv = read_gisrc()
+	kv['GRASS_GUI'] = grass_gui
+	write_gisrc(kv)
+def non_interactive(arg):
+    global gisdbase, location_name, mapset, location
+    # Try non-interactive startup
+    l = None
+    if arg == '-':
+	if location:
+	    l = location
+    else:
+	l = arg
+    if l:
+	if l == '.':
+	    l = os.getcwd()
+	elif not os.path.isabs(l):
+	    l = os.path.abspath(l)
+	l, mapset = os.path.split(l)
+	l, location_name = os.path.split(l)
+	gisdbase = l
+    if gisdbase and location_name and mapset:
+	location = os.path.join(gisdbase, location_name, mapset)
+	if not os.access(os.path.join(location, "WIND"), os.R_OK):
+	    if location_name == "PERMANENT":
+		fatal("%s: Not a valid GRASS location" % location)
+	    else:
+		# the user wants to create mapset on the fly
+		if create_new:
+		    if not os.access(os.path.join(os.path.join(gisdbase, location_name, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND")), os.F_OK):
+			fatal("The LOCATION \"%s\" does not exist. Please create it first" % location_name)
+		    else:
+			os.mkdirs(location)
+			# copy PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND to <mapset>/WIND
+			s = readfile(os.path.join(gisdbase, location_name, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND"))
+			writefile(os.path.join(location, "WIND"), s)
+			message("Missing WIND file fixed")
+		else:
+		    fatal("%s: Not a valid GRASS location" % location)
+	if os.access(gisrc, os.R_OK):
+	    kv = read_gisrc()
+	else:
+	    kv = {}
+	kv['GISDBASE'] = gisdbase
+	kv['LOCATION_NAME'] = location_name
+	kv['MAPSET'] = mapset
+	write_gisrc(kv)
+    else:
+	fatal("GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME and MAPSET variables not set properly.\n" +
+	      "Interactive startup needed.")
+def set_data():
+    # User selects LOCATION and MAPSET if not set
+    if not location:
+	# Check for text interface
+	if grass_gui == 'text':
+	    pass
+	# Check for GUI
+	elif grass_gui == 'wxpython':
+	    gui_startup()
+	else:
+	    # Shouldn't need this but you never know
+	    fatal("ERROR: Invalid user interface specified - <%s>.\n" % grass_gui +
+		  "Use the --help option to see valid interface names.")
+def gui_startup():
+    if grass_gui == 'wxpython':
+	# eval `foo` will return subshell return code and not app foo return code!!!
+	#	eval '"$GRASS_PYTHON" "$WXPYTHONGRASSBASE/gis_set.py"'
+	thetest = call([os.getenv('GRASS_PYTHON'), os.path.join(wxpython_base, "gis_set.py")])
+    if thetest == 0:
+	pass
+    elif thetest == 1:
+	# The startup script printed an error message so wait
+	# for user to read it
+	message(
+Error in GUI startup. If necessary, please
+report this error to the GRASS developers.
+Switching to text mode now.
+Hit RETURN to continue...""")
+	sys.stdin.readline()
+	os.execlp(cmd_name, "-text")
+	sys.exit(1)
+    elif thetest == 2:
+	# User wants to exit from GRASS
+	message("Received EXIT message from GUI.\n" + "GRASS is not started. Bye.")
+	sys.exit(0)
+    else:
+	fatal("ERROR: Invalid return code from GUI startup script.\n" +
+	      "Please advise GRASS developers of this error.")
+def load_gisrc():
+    global gisdbase, location_name, mapset, location
+    kv = read_gisrc()
+    gisdbase = kv.get('GISDBASE')
+    location_name = kv.get('LOCATION_NAME')
+    mapset = kv.get('MAPSET')
+    if not gisdbase or not location_name or not mapset:
+	message(
+r"""ERROR: Reading data path information from g.gisenv.
+Check the <%s> file.""" % (gisdbase, location_name, mapset, gisrcrc))
+	sys.exit(1)
+    location = os.path.join(gisdbase, location_name, mapset)
+def check_lock():
+    global lockfile
+    # Check for concurrent use
+    lockfile = os.path.join(location, ".gislock")
+    ret = call([gfile("etc", "lock"),
+		lockfile,
+		"%d" % os.getpid()])
+    if ret == 0:
+	pass
+    elif ret == 1:
+	fatal("%s is currently running GRASS in selected mapset (file %s found). Concurrent use not allowed."
+	      % (user, lockfile))
+    else:
+	fatal("Unable to properly access \"%s\"\n" % lockfile +
+	      "Please notify system personel.")
+def make_fontcap():
+    fc = os.getenv('GRASS_FONT_CAP')
+    if fc and not os.access(fc, os.R_OK):
+	message("Building user fontcap ...")
+	call(["g.mkfontcap"])
+def check_shell():
+    global sh, shellname
+    # cygwin has many problems with the shell setup
+    # below, so i hardcoded everything here.
+    if os.getenv('CYGWIN'):
+        sh = "cygwin"
+        shellname = "GNU Bash (Cygwin)"
+	os.environ['SHELL'] = "/usr/bin/bash.exe"
+        os.environ['OSTYPE'] = "cygwin"
+    else:
+        sh = os.path.basename(os.getenv('SHELL'))
+	if sh == "ksh":
+	    shellname = "Korn Shell"
+        elif sh == "csh":
+	    shellname = "C Shell" 
+        elif sh == "tcsh":
+	    shellname = "TC Shell" 
+        elif sh == "bash":
+	    shellname = "Bash Shell" 
+        elif sh == "sh":
+	    shellname = "Bourne Shell"
+	else:
+	    shellname = "shell"
+    # check for SHELL
+    if not os.getenv('SHELL'):
+        fatal("ERROR: The SHELL variable is not set")
+def check_batch_job():
+    global batch_job
+    # hack to process batch jobs:
+    batch_job = os.getenv('GRASS_BATCH_JOB')
+    if batch_job:
+	# defined, but ...
+	if not os.access(batch_job, os.F_OK):
+          # wrong file
+          fatal(
+r"""Job file '%s' has been defined in
+the 'GRASS_BATCH_JOB' variable but not found. Exiting.
+Use 'unset GRASS_BATCH_JOB' to disable batch job processing.
+""" % batch_job)
+        elif not os.access(batch_job, os.X_OK):
+	    # right file, but ...
+	    fatal("ERROR: change file permission to 'executable' for '%s'" % batch_job)
+	else:
+	    message("Executing '$GRASS_BATCH_JOB' ...")
+	    grass_gui = "text"
+	    shell = batch_job
+def start_gui():
+    # Start the chosen GUI but ignore text
+    if grass_debug:
+	message("GRASS GUI should be %s" % grass_gui)
+    # Check for gui interface
+    if grass_gui == "wxpython":
+	call([gfile("etc", "wxpython", "scripts", "wxgui")])
+def clear_screen():
+    if windows:
+	pass
+    # TODO: uncomment when PDCurses works.
+    #	cls
+    else:
+	if not os.getenv('GRASS_BATCH_JOB') and not grass_debug:
+	    call(["tput", "clear"])
+def show_banner():
+    sys.stderr.write(r"""
+          __________  ___   __________    _______________
+         / ____/ __ \/   | / ___/ ___/   / ____/  _/ ___/
+        / / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_  \   / / __ / / \__ \ 
+       / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ /  / /_/ // / ___/ / 
+       \____/_/ |_/_/  |_/____/____/   \____/___//____/  
+def say_hello():
+    if locale:
+	path = gfile("locale", locale, "etc", "welcome")
+	if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+	    path = gfile("etc", "welcome")
+    else:
+	path = gfile("etc", "welcome")
+    s = readfile(path)
+    sys.stderr.write(s)
+def show_info():
+    sys.stderr.write(
+GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.osgeo.org/
+This version running through:            %s (%s)
+Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i
+See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
+""" % (shellname, os.getenv('SHELL')))
+    if grass_gui == 'wxpython':
+        message("If required, restart the GUI with:       g.gui wxpython")
+    else:
+        message("Start the GUI with:                      g.gui %s" % default_gui)
+    message("When ready to quit enter:                exit")
+    message("")
+def csh_startup():
+    global exit_val
+    userhome = os.getenv('HOME')      # save original home
+    home = location
+    os.environ['HOME'] = home
+    cshrc = os.path.join(home, ".cshrc")
+    tcshrc = os.path.join(home, ".tcshrc")
+    try_remove(cshrc)
+    try_remove(tcshrc)
+    f = open(cshrc, 'w')
+    f.write("set home = %s" % userhome)
+    f.write("set history = 3000 savehist = 3000  noclobber ignoreeof")
+    f.write("set histfile = %s" % os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), ".history"))
+    f.write("set prompt = '\\")
+    f.write("Mapset <%s> in Location <%s> \\" % (mapset, location_name))
+    f.write("GRASS %s > '" % grass_version)
+    f.write("set BOGUS=``;unset BOGUS")
+    path = os.path.join(userhome, ".grass.cshrc")
+    if os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+	f.write(readfile(path))
+    mail_re = re.compile(r"^ *set  *mail *= *")
+    for filename in [".cshrc", ".tcshrc", ".login"]:
+	path = os.path.join(userhome, filename)
+	if os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+	    s = readfile(path)
+	    lines = s.splitlines()
+	    for l in lines:
+		if mail_re.match(l):
+		    f.write(l)
+    path = os.getenv('PATH').split(':')
+    f.write("set path = ( %s ) " % ' '.join(path))
+    f.close()
+    writefile(tcshrc, readfile(cshrc))
+    exit_val = call([gfile("etc", "run"), os.getenv('SHELL')])
+    os.environ['HOME'] = userhome
+def bash_startup():
+    global exit_val
+    # save command history in mapset dir and remember more
+    os.environ['HISTFILE'] = os.path.join(location, ".bash_history")
+    if not os.getenv('HISTSIZE') and not os.getenv('HISTFILESIZE'):
+	os.environ['HISTSIZE'] = "3000"
+    # instead of changing $HOME, start bash with: --rcfile "$LOCATION/.bashrc" ?
+    #   if so, must care be taken to explicity call .grass.bashrc et al for
+    #   non-interactive bash batch jobs?
+    userhome = os.getenv('HOME')      # save original home
+    home = location		      # save .bashrc in $LOCATION
+    os.environ['HOME'] = home
+    bashrc = os.path.join(home, ".bashrc")
+    try_remove(bashrc)
+    f = open(bashrc, 'w')
+    f.write("test -r ~/.alias && . ~/.alias")
+    f.write("PS1='GRASS %s (%s):\w > '" % (grass_version, location_name))
+    f.write("PROMPT_COMMAND=%s" % gfile("etc", "prompt.sh"))
+    path = os.path.join(userhome, ".grass.bashrc")
+    if os.access(path, os.R_OK):
+	f.write(readfile(path))
+    f.write("export PATH=\"%s\"" % os.getenv('PATH'))
+    f.write("export HOME=\"%s\"" % userhome) # restore user home path
+    f.close()
+    exit_val = call([gfile("etc", "run"), os.getenv('SHELL')])
+    os.environ['HOME'] = userhome
+def default_startup():
+    global exit_val
+    os.environ['PS1'] = "GRASS %s (%s):\w > " % (grass_version, location_name)
+    if windows:
+	# "$ETC/run" doesn't work at all???
+	exit_val = call([os.getenv('SHELL')])
+	cleanup_dir(os.path.join(location, ".tmp"))  # remove GUI session files from .tmp
+    else:
+	exit_val = call([gfile("etc", "run"), os.getenv('SHELL')])
+def done_message():
+    if batch_job and os.access(batch_job, os.X_OK):
+	message("Batch job '%s' (defined in GRASS_BATCH_JOB variable) was executed." % batch_job)
+        message("Goodbye from GRASS GIS")
+	sys.exit(exit_val)
+    else:
+        message("Done.")
+        message("")
+        message("Goodbye from GRASS GIS")
+        message("")
+def clean_temp():
+    message("Cleaning up temporary files ...")
+    nul = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+    call([gfile("etc", "clean_temp")], stdout = nul, stderr = nul)
+    nul.close()
+def get_username():
+    global user
+    if windows:
+	user = os.getenv('USERNAME')
+	if not user:
+	    user = "user_name"
+    else:
+	user = os.getenv('USER')
+	if not user:
+	    user = os.getenv('LOGNAME')
+	if not user:
+	    try:
+		p = subprocess.Popen(['whoami'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+		s = p.stdout.read()
+		p.wait()
+		user = s.strip()
+	    except:
+		pass
+	if not user:
+	    user = "user_%d" % os.getuid()
+def parse_cmdline():
+    global args, grass_gui, create_new
+    args = []
+    for i in sys.argv[1:]:
+	# Check if the user asked for the version
+	if i in ["-v","--version"]:
+	    message(readfile(gfile("etc", "license")))
+	    sys.exit()
+	# Check if the user asked for help
+	elif i in ["help","-h","-help","--help"]:
+	    help_message()
+	    sys.exit()
+	# Check if the -text flag was given
+	elif i == "-text":
+	    grass_gui = 'text'
+	# Check if the -gui flag was given
+	elif i == "-gui":
+	    grass_gui = default_gui
+	# Check if the -wxpython flag was given
+	elif i in ["-wxpython","-wx"]:
+	    grass_gui = 'wxpython'
+	# Check if the user wants to create a new mapset
+	elif i == "-c":
+	    create_new = True
+	else:
+	    args.append(i)
+### MAIN script starts here
+# Get the system name
+windows = sys.platform == 'win32'
+cygwin = "cygwin" in sys.platform
+macosx = "darwin" in sys.platform
+os.environ['GISBASE'] = gisbase
+# Set default GUI
+default_gui = "wxpython"
+# the following is only meant to be an internal variable for debugging this script.
+#  use 'g.gisenv set="DEBUG=[0-5]"' to turn GRASS debug mode on properly.
+grass_debug = os.getenv('GRASS_DEBUG')
+# GRASS_SH is normally just for Windows when not started from a bourne 
+# shell. But when starting from Init.sh is still needed for GRASS_GUI (still true for GRASS 7?)
+os.environ['GRASS_SH'] = "/bin/sh"
+# Set GRASS version number for R interface etc (must be an env_var for MS-Windows)
+os.environ['GRASS_VERSION'] = grass_version
+# Set the GIS_LOCK variable to current process id
+gis_lock = str(os.getpid())
+os.environ['GIS_LOCK'] = gis_lock
+# Set the global grassrc file
+batch_job = os.getenv('GRASS_BATCH_JOB')
+if batch_job:
+    gisrcrc = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), ".grassrc7.%s" % os.uname()[1])
+    if not os.access(gisrcrc, os.R_OK):
+	gisrcrc = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), ".grassrc7")
+    gisrcrc = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), ".grassrc7")
+# Set the username and working directory
+# Parse the command-line options
+# Create the temporary directory and session grassrc file
+# Create the session grassrc file
+# Ensure GRASS_GUI is set
+# Get Locale name
+# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (etc) to find GRASS shared libraries
+path_prepend(gfile("lib"), ld_library_path_var)
+#predefine monitor size for certain architectures
+if os.getenv('HOSTTYPE') == 'arm':
+    #small monitor on ARM (iPAQ, zaurus... etc)
+    os.environ['GRASS_HEIGHT'] = "320"
+    os.environ['GRASS_WIDTH'] = "240"
+# First time user - GISRC is defined in the GRASS script
+if not os.access(gisrc, os.F_OK):
+    grass_intro()
+    clean_temp()
+message("Starting GRASS ...")
+# Check that the GUI works
+# Parsing argument to get LOCATION
+if args == []:
+    # Try interactive startup
+    location = None
+    non_interactive(args[0])
+# User selects LOCATION and MAPSET if not set
+# Check .gislock file
+# build user fontcap if specified but not present
+# predefine default driver if DB connection not defined
+#  is this really needed?? Modules should call this when/if required.
+if not os.access(os.path.join(location, "VAR"), os.F_OK):
+    call(['db.connect', '-c', '--quiet'])
+# Display the version and license info
+if batch_job:
+    say_hello()
+    show_banner()
+    say_hello()
+    show_info()
+if sh in ['csh', 'tcsh']:
+    csh_startup()
+elif sh in ['bash', 'msh', 'cygwin']:
+    bash_startup()
+    default_startup()
+# Save GISRC
+s = readfile(gisrc)
+writefile(gisrcrc, s)
+#### after this point no more grass modules may be called ####

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