[GRASS-SVN] r36474 -
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svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 25 02:37:23 EDT 2009
Author: cmbarton
Date: 2009-03-25 02:37:22 -0400 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 36474
Edited heavily for clarity. But needs reformatting and to have the flag/argument descripitions moved to main.c
Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/vector/lidar/v.surf.bspline/description.html
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/vector/lidar/v.surf.bspline/description.html 2009-03-25 03:37:23 UTC (rev 36473)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/vector/lidar/v.surf.bspline/description.html 2009-03-25 06:37:22 UTC (rev 36474)
@@ -1,166 +1,170 @@
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+<em><b>v.surf.bspline</b></em> - Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.
+vector, interpolation
+<b>v.surf.bspline help</b><br>
+<b>v.surf.bspline</b> [-<b>c</b>] <b>input</b>=<em>name</em> [<b>sparse</b>=<em>name</em>] [<b>output</b>=<em>name</em>] [<b>raster</b>=<em>name</em>] [<b>sie</b>=<em>float</em>] [<b>sin</b>=<em>float</em>] [<b>type</b>=<em>string</em>] [<b>lambda_i</b>=<em>float</em>] [<b>layer</b>=<em>integer</em>] [<b>column</b>=<em>string</em>] [--<b>overwrite</b>] [--<b>verbose</b>] [--<b>quiet</b>]
+<dd>Find the best Tykhonov regularizing parameter using a "leave-one-out" cross validation method. Note that cross validation can run very slowly if more than 100 observations are used (for more information see "description")</dd>
+<dd>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</dd>
+<dd>Verbose module output</dd>
+<dd>Quiet module output</dd>
+<dd>Name of input vector map containing point observations to be interpolated</dd>
+<dd>Name of an input vector map of "sparse points". The "sparse points" vector map indicates the location of <b><i>output</i></b> vector points (see below). </dd>
+<dd>Not available for vectors using the dbf database driver. Name of an output map of interpolated vector points. If a <b><i>sparse</i></b> points map is <b>not</b> specified (see above), the points in the output vector are in the same locations as the points in the input map, but have interpolated values rather than observed values. If a <b><i>sparse</i></b> points map <b>is</b> specified, the output vector points will have the same locations as the <b><i>sparse</i></b> points, and their values will be that of the inerpolated raster surface at those locations (see below)</dd>
+<dd>Name of the interpolated output raster surface map</dd>
+<dd>Length of each spline step in the east-west direction (see below)</dd>
+<dd>Default: <em>4</em></dd>
+<dd>Length of each spline step in the north-south direction (see below)</dd>
+<dd>Default: <em>4</em></dd>
+<dd>Spline interpolation algorithm</dd>
+<dd>Options: <em>bilinear, bicubic</em></dd>
+<dd>Default: <em>bilinear</em></dd>
+<dd>Tykhonov regularization parameter (affects smoothing)</dd>
+<dd>Default: <em>1</em></dd>
+<dd>Vector layer used for input observations</dd>
+<dd>If layer = 0 and the map is a 3D vector, the z coordinates are used.</dd>
+<dd>Default: <em>0</em></dd>
+<dd>If layer > 0, specify the attribute table column with values to interpolate (2D or 3D map)</dd>
-<em>v.surf.bspline</em> makes a bilinear/bicubic spline interpolation
-with Tykhonov regularization. The required input is an only 3d points
-vector map that will be used to interpolate a reference surface.
-Interpolation is carried out by adjusting a Least-Squares (LS) system
-in which the parameters to estime are spline functions. The number of
-splines doesn't depend on the resolution region, but it depends on the
-spline steps values in the north-south and west-east directions. These
-spline steps are set by "<b><i>sin=</i></b>" and "<b><i>sie=</i></b>",
-respectively. If the number of splines is bigger than the number of
-points, the LS system is bad conditioned because there are more unkowns
-than observations. In that case the LS normal matrix can't be inverted.
-To allow the inversion of the normal matrix a Tykhonov regularization
-is done. The minimizing function is the gradient in the case of a bilinear
-interpolation, and the curvature in the bicubic interpolation. The
-lambda_i parameter associated with the regularization smooths the
-interpolation. The higher the lambda_i parameter, the smoother the
-The number of splines has a great influence on two things, mainly. The
-first thing is the module's execution time. The second is the RAM use.
-The higher the number of splines, the longer the time of execution and
-the higher RAM use. A numerical example: 100 splines in each direction
-imply 10e4 splines in total, that is, a square LS normal matrix of 10e4
-size. Inverting this matrix means inverting 100 millions elements!
-To improve this problems a Tcholebsky method with triangulars matrixes
-is used in the normal matrix inversion. It has also fixed a maximum number
-of splines for each direction. However, it is also possible running the
-module with a higher number of splines. For a number of spline higher than
-the fixed maximum, the whole region is divided into smaller regions. Each
-subregion is 150x150 splines wide. To avoid contour problems, the subregions
-are overlaped one to each other. To estimate a single value within the
-overlaped zones, a weighted mean considering the point positions into each
-subregion is carried out.
-The required input is a 3d points vector. If nothing is specified z-coordinates
-will be used in the interpolation. It could be also possible to consider
-an attribute value by specifying "<b><i>layer=</i></b>" and "<b><i>column=</i></b>"
-parameters. If a vector map with another type of features is used, only
-points will be considered. If the "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector is
-used, the "<b><i>input=</i></b>" vector map will be used to create a
-reference surface. This surface will be used to make an estimation on the
-points within the "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>". In this case a vector output
-("<b><i>output=</i></b>") must be specify. If the "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>"
-is not supplied, the final interpolation output will be the interpolated
-reference surface from the "<b><i>input=</i></b>" vector map. In this case,
-one of both the raster or vector output format can be choosen. For raster
-format ("<b><i>raster=</i></b>"), the point estimation will be done
-on a regular grid with a resolution equal to the GRASS region. For vector
-format, the estimation will be done on the sparse points of the
-"<b><i>input=</i></b>" vector supplied. Both, vector and raster output,
-are not allowed simultaneously.
-A cross validation method has been implemented. It helps to find the optimal
-lambda_i value that fits the data. It shows the <i>mean</i> and <i>rms</i>
-of the residuals from the true point value and the estimated from the
-interpolation made with all the data without the point itself. This procedure
-is done for fixed lambda_i values. The results of the cross validation will
-appear in the stdout and no vector nor raster output will be created. The
-external input ("<b><i>sparse=</i></b>") will be not considered. Due to
-the nature of the algorithm, it is advised the user no to try the cross-
-validation with more than 100 points at a time because it will take too long.
-The execution time could be reduced by considering a lower number of splines.
-Although, as seen, it is possible to use a high number of splines, more than
-150x150 splines is not recommended.
-In a raster map output ("<b><i>raster=</i></b>"), region resolution implying
-more than 2000x2000 (4 mill) cells are not allowed. If the user tries with a
-more than those cells an error message will ask for a lower region resolution.
+<em>v.surf.bspline</em> performs a bilinear/bicubic spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization. The input is a 2D or 3D vector points map. Values to interpolate can be the z values of 3D points or the values in a user-specified attribue column in a 2D or 3D map. Output can be a raster or vector map. Optionally, a "sparse point" vector map can be input specify vector points output.
+<br> <br>
+From a theoretical perspective, the interpolating procedure takes place in two parts: the first is an estimate of the linear coefficients of a spline function is derived from the observation points using a least squares regression; the second is the computation of the interpolated surface (or interpolated vector points). As used here, the splines are 2D piece-wise non-zero polynomial functions calculated within a limited, 2D area. The length of each spline step is defined by <b><i>sie</i></b> for the east-west direction and <b><i>sin</i></b> for the north-south direction. For optimum performance, the length of spline step should be no less than the distance between observation points. Each vector point observation is modeled as a linear function of the non-zero splines in the area around the observation. The least squares regression predicts the the coefficients of these linear functions. Regularization, avoids the need to have one one observation and one coefficient for each spline (in order to avoid instability).
+With regularly distributed data points, a spline step corresponding to the maximum distance between two points in both the east and north directions is sufficient. But often data points are not regularly distributed and require statistial regularization or estimation. In such cases, v.surf.bspline will attempt to minimize the gradient of bilinear splines or the curvature of bicubic splines in areas lacking point observations. As a general rule, spline step length should be greater than the mean distance between observation points (twice the distance between points is a good starting point). Separate east-west and north-south spline step length arguments allows the user to account for some degree of anisotropy in the distribution of observation points. Short spline step lengths--especially spline step lengths that are less than the distance between observation points--can greatly increase processing time.
+Moreover, the maximum number of splines for each direction at each time is fixed, regardless of the spline step length. As the total number of splines used increases (i.e., with small spline step lengths), the region is automatically into subregions for interpolation. Each subregion can contain no more than 150x150 splines. To avoid subregion boundary problems, subregions are created to partially overlap each other. A weighted mean of observations, based on point locations, is calculated within each subregion.
+The Tykhonov regularization parameter ("<b><i>lambda_i</i></b>") acts to smooth the interpolation. With a small <b><i>lambda_i</i></b>, the interpolated surface closely follows observation points; a larger value will produce a smoother interpolation.
+The input can be a 2D pr 3D vector points map. If "<b><i>layer =</i></b>" 0 the z-value of a 3D map is used for interpolation. If layer > 0, the user must specify an attribute column to used for interpolation using the "<b><i>column=</i></b>" argument (2D or 3D map).
+v.surf.bspline can produce a raster OR a vector output (NOT simultaneously). However, a vector output cannot be obtained using the default GRASS dbf driver.
+If output is a vector points map and a "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector points map is not specified, the output vector map will contain points at the same locations as observation points in the input map, but the values of the output points are interpolated values. If a "<b><i>sparse=</i></b>" vector points map is specified, the output vector map will contain points at the same locations as the sparse vector map points, and values will be those of the interpolated raster surface at those points.
+A cross validation "leave-one-out" analysis is available to help to determine the optimal <b><i>lambda_i</i></b> value that produces an interpolation that best fits the original observation data. The more points used for cross-validation, the longer the time needed for computation. Empirical testing indicates a threshold of a maximum of 100 points is recommended. The cross-validation output reports <i>mean</i> and <i>rms</i> of the residuals from the true point value and the estimated from the interpolation for a fixed series of <b><i>lambda_i</i></b> values. No vector nor raster output will be created when cross-validation is selected.
+A raster output map ("<b><i>raster=</i></b>") of more than 2000x2000 (4 mill) cells is not allowed. If an output map would exceed this size, an error message is generated.
<h4>Basic interpolation</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.surf.bspline input=point_vector output=interpolate_surface type=bicubic
+<div class="code"><pre>v.surf.bspline input=point_vector output=interpolate_surface type=bicubic
-In this case, a bicubic spline interpolation will be done and an
-estimation on the points of point_vector will be the output.
+A bicubic spline interpolation will be done and a vector points map with estimated (i.e., interpolated) values will be created.
-<h4>Basic interpolation and raster output with a long spline step</h4>
+<h4>Basic interpolation and raster output with a longer spline step</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.surf.bspline input=point_vector raster=interpolate_surface sie=25 sin=25
+<div class="code"><pre>v.surf.bspline input=point_vector raster=interpolate_surface sie=25 sin=25
-Now, a bilinear spline interpolation will be done on a grid. The spline steps
-are set to 25. It doesn't mean that the grid will have a resolution equal to 25,
-but that each 25 units there will be a spline.
+A bilinear spline interpolation will be done with a spline step length of 25 map units. An interpolated raster map will be created at the current region resolution.
-<h4> Estimation of lambda_i parameter with a cross validation proccess</h4>
+<h4>Estimation of <b><i>lambda_i</i></b> parameter with a cross validation proccess</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.surf.bspline -c input=point_vector
+<div class="code"><pre>v.surf.bspline -c input=point_vector
<h4>Estimation on sparse points</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.surf.bspline input=point_vector sparse=sparse_points output=interpolate_surface
+<div class="code"><pre>v.surf.bspline input=point_vector sparse=sparse_points output=interpolate_surface
-In this last case, an estimation on the points of the sparse_points vector
-will be done. The reference surface used for this estimation will be that
-interpolated using the point_vector vector.
+An output map of vector points will be created, corresponding to the sparse vector map, with interpolated values.
<h4>Using attribute values instead Z-coordinates</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-v.surf.bspline input=point_vector raster=interpolate_surface layer=1 column=attrib_column
+<div class="code"><pre>v.surf.bspline input=point_vector raster=interpolate_surface layer=1 column=attrib_column
-This last case, the module uses the attribute values in attrib_column
-in the table associated to layer 1.
+The interpolation will be done using the values in attrib_column, in the table associated with layer 1.
Known issues:
-In order to avoid RAM memory problems, an auxiliar table will be needed for
-recording some intermediate calculi. Since the "<b>GROUP BY</b>" SQL function is used,
-which is not supported by the "<b>dbf</b>" driver, this driver is not
-allowed with the vector map output "<b><i>output=</i></b>". There is no problem
-with the raster map output.
-At this time, using the external vector input ("<b><i>sparse=</i></b>") implies
-interpoling with Z-coordinates. Updates to allow using attribute values
-will be done in a near future (I hope).
+In order to avoid RAM memory problems, an auxiliary table is needed for recording some intermediate calculations. This requires the "<b>GROUP BY</b>" SQL function is used, which is not supported by the "<b>dbf</b>" driver. For this reason, vector map output "<b><i>output=</i></b>" is not permitted with the dbf driver. There are no problems with the raster map output from the dbf driver.
+At this time, sparse vector input ("<b><i>sparse=</i></b>") can only be used with interpolation from 3D vector z-coordinates.
<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a HREF="v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a></em>
+<em><a href="http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/v.surf.rst.html">v.surf.rst</a></em>
Original version in GRASS 5.4: (s.bspline.reg)
Maria Antonia Brovelli, Massimiliano Cannata, Ulisse Longoni, Mirko Reguzzoni
Update for GRASS 6.X and improvements:
Roberto Antolin
-Brovelli M. A., Cannata M., and Longoni U.M., 2004, LIDAR Data Filtering and DTM Interpolation Within GRASS, Transactions in GIS, April 2004, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 155-174(20), Blackwell Publishing Ltd
+Brovelli M. A., Cannata M., and Longoni U.M., 2004, LIDAR Data
+Filtering and DTM Interpolation Within GRASS, Transactions in GIS,
+April 2004, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 155-174(20), Blackwell Publishing Ltd
+<br>Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model
+reconstruction in urban areas from airborne laser scanning data: the
+method and an example for Pavia (Northern Italy). Computers and
+Geosciences 30, pp.325-331
-Brovelli M. A. and Cannata M., 2004, Digital Terrain model reconstruction in urban areas from airborne laser scanning data: the method and an example for Pavia (Northern Italy). Computers and Geosciences 30, pp.325-331
+<br>Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di
+dati LIDAR, Rivista dell'Agenzia del Territorio, n. 3-2003, pp. 11-22
+(ISSN 1593-2192)
-Brovelli M. A e Longoni U.M., 2003, Software per il filtraggio di dati LIDAR, Rivista dell'Agenzia del Territorio, n. 3-2003, pp. 11-22 (ISSN 1593-2192)
-Brovelli M. A., Cannata M. and Longoni U.M., 2002, DTM LIDAR in area urbana, Bollettino SIFET N.2, 2002, pp. 7-26
+Antolin R. and Brovelli M.A., 2007, LiDAR data Filtering with GRASS GIS for the Determination of Digital Terrain Models.
+Proceedings of Jornadas de SIG Libre, Girona, España. CD ISBN: 978-84-690-3886-9 <br>
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