[GRASS-SVN] r39604 - grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/seg

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Oct 21 11:53:30 EDT 2009

Author: mmetz
Date: 2009-10-21 11:53:30 -0400 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 39604

more accurate stream extraction

Added: grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/seg/do_stream.c
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/seg/do_stream.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/seg/do_stream.c	2009-10-21 15:53:30 UTC (rev 39604)
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#include "Gwater.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+int do_stream(void)
+    int r, c, dr, dc;
+    char is_swale;
+    DCELL value, *wat_nbr;
+    WAT_ALT wa;
+    POINT point;
+    int killer, threshold, count;
+    /* Breadth First Search */
+    int stream_cells, swale_cells;
+    int r_nbr, c_nbr, r_max, c_max, ct_dir, np_side;
+    CELL ele, *ele_nbr, asp_val, asp_val_down;
+    double max_acc;
+    int edge;
+    char *flag_nbr, this_flag_value, flag_value;
+    int workedon;
+    SHORT asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    SHORT asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    G_message(_("SECTION 4: Extracting Streams."));
+    flag_nbr = (char *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(char));
+    wat_nbr = (DCELL *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(DCELL));
+    ele_nbr = (CELL *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(CELL));
+    workedon = 0;
+    count = 0;
+    if (bas_thres <= 0)
+	threshold = 60;
+    else
+	threshold = bas_thres;
+    for (killer = 0; killer < do_points; killer++) {
+	G_percent(count++, do_points, 1);
+	seg_get(&astar_pts, (char *)&point, 0, killer);
+	r = point.r;
+	c = point.c;
+	cseg_get(&asp, &asp_val, r, c);
+	if (asp_val) {
+	    dr = r + asp_r[ABS(asp_val)];
+	    dc = c + asp_c[ABS(asp_val)];
+	}
+	else
+	    dr = dc = -1;
+	if (dr >= 0 && dr < nrows && dc >= 0 && dc < ncols) {
+	    bseg_get(&bitflags, &this_flag_value, r, c);
+	    /* do not continue streams along edges, this causes artifacts */
+	    if (FLAG_GET(this_flag_value, EDGEFLAG)) {
+		is_swale = FLAG_GET(this_flag_value, SWALEFLAG);
+		if (is_swale && asp_val > 0) {
+		    /* find first neighbour that is NULL or outside region */
+		    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+			r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+			c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+			/* check if neighbour is within region */
+			if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
+			    c_nbr < ncols) {
+			    bseg_get(&bitflags, &flag_value, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+			    if (FLAG_GET(flag_value, NULLFLAG)) {
+				asp_val = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
+				break;
+			    }
+			}
+			else {
+			    asp_val = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		    cseg_put(&asp, &asp_val, r, c);
+		}
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
+	    value = wa.wat;
+	    if (point.guessed && value > 0)
+		value = -value;
+	    r_max = dr;
+	    c_max = dc;
+	    np_side = -1;
+	    stream_cells = 0;
+	    swale_cells = 0;
+	    max_acc = -1;
+	    ele = wa.ele;
+	    edge = 0;
+	    /* visit all neighbours */
+	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+		wat_nbr[ct_dir] = 0;
+		ele_nbr[ct_dir] = 0;
+		FLAG_SET(flag_nbr[ct_dir], WORKEDFLAG);
+		if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr)
+		    np_side = ct_dir;
+		/* check if neighbour is within region */
+		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
+		    c_nbr < ncols) {
+		    /* check for swale or stream cells */
+		    bseg_get(&bitflags, &flag_nbr[ct_dir], r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    is_swale = FLAG_GET(flag_nbr[ct_dir], SWALEFLAG);
+		    if (is_swale)
+			swale_cells++;
+		    seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    wat_nbr[ct_dir] = wa.wat;
+		    if (fabs(wat_nbr[ct_dir]) >= threshold)
+			stream_cells++;
+		    if (!FLAG_GET(flag_nbr[ct_dir], WORKEDFLAG)) {
+			ele_nbr[ct_dir] = wa.ele;
+			edge = FLAG_GET(flag_nbr[ct_dir], NULLFLAG);
+			if (!edge && ele_nbr[ct_dir] <= ele) {
+			    /* set main drainage direction */
+			    if (fabs(wat_nbr[ct_dir]) >= max_acc) {
+				max_acc = fabs(wat_nbr[ct_dir]);
+				r_max = r_nbr;
+				c_max = c_nbr;
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		    else if (ct_dir == np_side && !edge) {
+			/* check for consistency with main drainage direction */
+			workedon++;
+		    }
+		}
+		else
+		    edge = 1;
+		if (edge)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    /* do not continue streams along edges, this causes artifacts */
+	    if (edge) {
+		is_swale = FLAG_GET(this_flag_value, SWALEFLAG);
+		if (is_swale && asp_val > 0) {
+		    asp_val = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
+		    cseg_put(&asp, &asp_val, r, c);
+		}
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    /* adjust main drainage direction to A* path if possible */
+	    if (fabs(wat_nbr[np_side]) >= max_acc) {
+		max_acc = fabs(wat_nbr[ct_dir]);
+		r_max = dr;
+		c_max = dc;
+	    }
+	    /* update asp */
+	    if (dr != r_max || dc != c_max) {
+		if (asp_val > 0) {
+		    asp_val = drain[r - r_max + 1][c - c_max + 1];
+		    cseg_put(&asp, &asp_val, r, c);
+		}
+	    }
+	    is_swale = FLAG_GET(this_flag_value, SWALEFLAG);
+	    /* start new stream */
+	    value = fabs(value) + 0.5;
+	    if (!is_swale && (int)value >= threshold && stream_cells < 4 &&
+		swale_cells < 1) {
+		FLAG_SET(this_flag_value, SWALEFLAG);
+		is_swale = 1;
+	    }
+	    /* update asp for depression */
+	    if (is_swale && pit_flag) {
+		cseg_get(&asp, &asp_val_down, dr, dc);
+		if (asp_val > 0 && asp_val_down == 0) {
+		    asp_val = -asp_val;
+		    cseg_put(&asp, &asp_val, r, c);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /* continue stream */
+	    if (is_swale) {
+		bseg_get(&bitflags, &flag_value, r_max, c_max);
+		FLAG_SET(flag_value, SWALEFLAG);
+		bseg_put(&bitflags, &flag_value, r_max, c_max);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		if (er_flag && !is_swale && !FLAG_GET(this_flag_value, RUSLEBLOCKFLAG))
+		    slope_length(r, c, r_max, c_max);
+	    }
+	    FLAG_SET(this_flag_value, WORKEDFLAG);
+	    bseg_put(&bitflags, &this_flag_value, r, c);
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(count, do_points, 1);	/* finish it */
+    if (workedon)
+	G_warning(_("MFD: A * path already processed when extracting streams: %d of %d cells"),
+		  workedon, do_points);
+    seg_close(&astar_pts);
+    G_free(wat_nbr);
+    G_free(ele_nbr);
+    G_free(flag_nbr);
+    return 0;

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