[GRASS-SVN] r39281 - grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 22 10:42:16 EDT 2009

Author: mmetz
Date: 2009-09-22 10:42:16 -0400 (Tue, 22 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 39281

new r.stream.extract

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/Makefile
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/Makefile	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+PGM = r.stream.extract
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make
+default: cmd

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/close.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/close.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/close.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include <grass/dbmi.h>
+#include <grass/Vect.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+int close_streamvect(char *stream_vect)
+    int i, r, c, r_nbr, c_nbr, done;
+    int stream_id, next_node;
+    unsigned int thisindex;
+    struct sstack
+    {
+	int stream_id;
+	int next_trib;
+    } *nodestack;
+    int top = 0, stack_step = 1000;
+    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    struct ddir draindir, *founddir;
+    struct Map_info Out;
+    static struct line_pnts *Points;
+    struct line_cats *Cats;
+    dbDriver *driver;
+    dbHandle handle;
+    dbString table_name, dbsql, valstr;
+    struct field_info *Fi;
+    char *cat_col_name = "cat", buf[2000];
+    struct Cell_head window;
+    double north_offset, west_offset, ns_res, ew_res;
+    int next_cat;
+    G_message(_("write vector maps"));
+    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, stream_vect, 0)) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), stream_vect);
+    }
+    nodestack = (struct sstack *)G_malloc(stack_step * sizeof(struct sstack));
+    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
+    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
+    G_get_set_window(&window);
+    ns_res = window.ns_res;
+    ew_res = window.ew_res;
+    north_offset = window.north - 0.5 * ns_res;
+    west_offset = window.west + 0.5 * ew_res;
+    next_cat = n_stream_nodes + 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < n_outlets; i++, next_cat++) {
+	G_percent(i, n_outlets, 2);
+	r = outlets[i].r;
+	c = outlets[i].c;
+	thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	stream_id = stream[thisindex];
+	Vect_reset_line(Points);
+	Vect_reset_cats(Cats);
+	/* outlet */
+	Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, stream_id);
+	Vect_cat_set(Cats, 2, 2);
+	Vect_append_point(Points, west_offset + c * ew_res,
+			  north_offset - r * ns_res, 0);
+	Vect_write_line(&Out, GV_POINT, Points, Cats);
+	/* add root node to stack */
+	G_debug(3, "add root node");
+	top = 0;
+	nodestack[top].stream_id = stream_id;
+	nodestack[top].next_trib = 0;
+	/* depth first post order traversal */
+	G_debug(3, "traverse");
+	while (top >= 0) {
+	    done = 1;
+	    stream_id = nodestack[top].stream_id;
+	    G_debug(3, "stream_id %d", stream_id);
+	    if (nodestack[top].next_trib < stream_node[stream_id].n_trib) {
+		/* add to stack */
+		next_node =
+		    stream_node[stream_id].trib[nodestack[top].next_trib];
+		G_debug(3, "add to stack: next %d, trib %d, n trib %d",
+			next_node, nodestack[top].next_trib,
+			stream_node[stream_id].n_trib);
+		nodestack[top].next_trib++;
+		top++;
+		if (top >= stack_step) {
+		    /* need more space */
+		    stack_step += 1000;
+		    nodestack =
+			(struct sstack *)G_realloc(nodestack,
+						   stack_step *
+						   sizeof(struct sstack));
+		}
+		nodestack[top].next_trib = 0;
+		nodestack[top].stream_id = next_node;
+		done = 0;
+		G_debug(3, "go further down");
+	    }
+	    if (done) {
+		G_debug(3, "write stream segment");
+		Vect_reset_line(Points);
+		Vect_reset_cats(Cats);
+		r_nbr = stream_node[stream_id].r;
+		c_nbr = stream_node[stream_id].c;
+		draindir.pos = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, stream_id);
+		if (stream_node[stream_id].n_trib == 0)
+		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 2, 0);
+		else
+		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 2, 1);
+		Vect_append_point(Points, west_offset + c_nbr * ew_res,
+				  north_offset - r_nbr * ns_res, 0);
+		Vect_write_line(&Out, GV_POINT, Points, Cats);
+		while ((founddir = rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+		    r_nbr = r_nbr + asp_r[(int)founddir->dir];
+		    c_nbr = c_nbr + asp_c[(int)founddir->dir];
+		    if (stream[founddir->pos] != stream_id) {
+			/* append first point of parent stream */
+			Vect_append_point(Points,
+					  west_offset + c_nbr * ew_res,
+					  north_offset - r_nbr * ns_res, 0);
+			break;
+		    }
+		    draindir.pos = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    if (stream[INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr)] <= 0)
+			G_fatal_error("stream id not set");
+		    Vect_append_point(Points, west_offset + c_nbr * ew_res,
+				      north_offset - r_nbr * ns_res, 0);
+		}
+		Vect_write_line(&Out, GV_LINE, Points, Cats);
+		top--;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(n_outlets, n_outlets, 1);	/* finish it */
+    G_message(_("write vector attribute table"));
+    /* Prepeare strings for use in db_* calls */
+    db_init_string(&dbsql);
+    db_init_string(&valstr);
+    db_init_string(&table_name);
+    db_init_handle(&handle);
+    /* Preparing database for use */
+    /* Create database for new vector map */
+    Fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE);
+    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
+    if (driver == NULL) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to start driver <%s>"), Fi->driver);
+    }
+    G_debug(1, "table: %s", Fi->table);
+    G_debug(1, "driver: %s", Fi->driver);
+    G_debug(1, "database: %s", Fi->database);
+    sprintf(buf,
+	    "create table %s (%s integer, stream_type varchar(20), type_code integer)",
+	    Fi->table, cat_col_name);
+    db_set_string(&dbsql, buf);
+    if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &dbsql) != DB_OK) {
+	db_close_database(driver);
+	db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+	G_fatal_error(_("Cannot create table: %s"), db_get_string(&dbsql));
+    }
+    if (db_create_index2(driver, Fi->table, cat_col_name) != DB_OK)
+	G_warning(_("Cannot create index"));
+    if (db_grant_on_table(driver, Fi->table, DB_PRIV_SELECT,
+	G_fatal_error(_("Cannot grant privileges on table %s"), Fi->table);
+    db_begin_transaction(driver);
+    /* stream nodes */
+    for (i = 1; i <= n_stream_nodes; i++) {
+	sprintf(buf, "insert into %s values ( %d, \'%s\', %d )",
+		Fi->table, i,
+		(stream_node[i].n_trib > 0 ? "start" : "intermediate"),
+		(stream_node[i].n_trib > 0));
+	db_set_string(&dbsql, buf);
+	if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &dbsql) != DB_OK) {
+	    db_close_database(driver);
+	    db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot insert new row: %s"),
+			  db_get_string(&dbsql));
+	}
+    }
+    G_message(_("close vector"));
+    db_commit_transaction(driver);
+    db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver);
+    Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, 1, NULL, Fi->table,
+			cat_col_name, Fi->database, Fi->driver);
+    G_message(_("close vector"));
+    Vect_hist_command(&Out);
+    Vect_build(&Out);
+    Vect_close(&Out);
+    G_free(nodestack);
+    return 1;
+int close_maps(char *stream_rast, char *stream_vect, char *dir_rast)
+    int stream_fd, dir_fd, r, c, i;
+    CELL *cell_buf1, *cell_buf2;
+    unsigned int thisindex;
+    struct History history;
+    struct ddir draindir, *founddir;
+    /* cheating... */
+    stream_fd = dir_fd = -1;
+    cell_buf1 = cell_buf2 = NULL;
+    G_message(_("write raster maps"));
+    /* write requested output rasters */
+    if (stream_rast) {
+	stream_fd = G_open_raster_new(stream_rast, CELL_TYPE);
+	cell_buf1 = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+    }
+    if (dir_rast) {
+	dir_fd = G_open_raster_new(dir_rast, CELL_TYPE);
+	cell_buf2 = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+    }
+    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
+	G_percent(r, nrows, 2);
+	if (stream_rast)
+	    G_set_c_null_value(cell_buf1, ncols);	/* reset row to all NULL */
+	if (dir_rast)
+	    G_set_c_null_value(cell_buf2, ncols);	/* reset row to all NULL */
+	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
+	    thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	    if (stream[thisindex] > 0) {
+		if (stream_rast)
+		    cell_buf1[c] = stream[thisindex];
+		if (dir_rast) {
+		    draindir.pos = thisindex;
+		    if ((founddir =
+			 rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+			cell_buf2[c] = founddir->dir;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			cell_buf2[c] = 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (stream_rast)
+	    G_put_raster_row(stream_fd, cell_buf1, CELL_TYPE);
+	if (dir_rast)
+	    G_put_raster_row(dir_fd, cell_buf2, CELL_TYPE);
+    }
+    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 2);	/* finish it */
+    if (stream_rast) {
+	G_close_cell(stream_fd);
+	G_free(cell_buf1);
+	G_short_history(stream_rast, "raster", &history);
+	G_command_history(&history);
+	G_write_history(stream_rast, &history);
+    }
+    if (dir_rast) {
+	G_close_cell(dir_fd);
+	G_free(cell_buf2);
+	G_short_history(dir_rast, "raster", &history);
+	G_command_history(&history);
+	G_write_history(dir_rast, &history);
+    }
+    /* close stream vector */
+    if (stream_vect) {
+	if (close_streamvect(stream_vect) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write vector map <%s>"), stream_vect);
+    }
+    /* rearranging desk chairs on the Titanic... */
+    rbtree_destroy(draintree);
+    G_free(outlets);
+    /* free stream nodes */
+    for (i = 1; i <= n_stream_nodes; i++) {
+	if (stream_node[i].n_alloc > 0) {
+	    G_free(stream_node[i].trib);
+	    G_free(stream_node[i].acc);
+	}
+    }
+    G_free(stream_node);
+    return 1;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/description.html
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/description.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/description.html	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+<em>r.stream.extract</em> extracts streams in both raster and vector
+format from a required input <em>elevation</em> map and optional input
+<em>accumulation map</em>.
+<dd>Input map, required: Elevation on which entire analysis is based.
+NULL (nodata) cells are ignored, zero and negative values are valid
+elevation data. Gaps in the elevation map that are located within the
+area of interest must be filled beforehand, e.g. with
+<em>r.fillnulls</em>, to avoid distortions.
+<dd>Input map, optional: Accumulation values of the provided
+<em>accumulation</em> map are used and not calculated from the input
+<em>elevation</em> map. If <em>accumulation</em> is given,
+<em>elevation</em> must be exactly the same map used to calculate
+<em>accumulation</em>. If <em>accumulation</em> was calculated with
+<a href="r.terraflow.html">r.terraflow</a>, the filled elevation output
+of r.terraflow must be used. Further on, the current region's resolution
+should be identical to the <em>accumulation map</em>. Flow direction is
+first calculated from <em>elevation</em> and then adjusted to
+<em>accumulation</em>. It is not necessary to provide <em>accumulation</em>
+as the number of cells, it can also be (adjusted) total contributing
+area in square meters or any other unit. 
+<dd>Input map, optional: Map used as <em>weight</em> for accumulation
+values. If local accumulation multiplied by local weight reaches or
+exceeds treshold, a new stream is initiated. If both
+<em>accumulation</em> and <em>weight</em> are given, memory can be safed
+by multiplying accumulation with <em>weight</em> first using
+<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>, and then only giving the new
+accumulation map as input, <em>weight</em> is now already built in. This
+option allows e.g. to decrease the number of streams in dry areas and
+increase the number of streams in wet areas by setting <em>weight</em>
+to smaller than 1 in dry areas and larger than 1 in wet areas.
+<dd>Required: <em>threshold</em> for stream initiation by overland flow:
+the minumum (optionally modifed) flow accumulation value that will initiate
+a new stream. If Montgomery's method for channel initiation is used, the
+cell value of the accumulation input map is multiplied by
+(tan(local slope))<sup>mexp</sup> and then compared to <em>threshold</em>.
+<dd>Minimum amount of overland flow (accumulation) when SFD (D8) will be
+used instead of MFD (FD8) to calculate flow accumulation. Only applies
+if no accumulation map is provided. Setting to 0 disables MFD completely.
+<dd>Use the method of Montgomery and Foufoula-Georgiou (1993) to
+initiate a stream with exponent <em>mexp</em>. The cell value of the
+accumulation input map is multiplied by (tan(local slope))<sup>mexp</sup>
+and then compared to <em>threshold</em>. If threshold is reached or
+exceeded, a new stream is initiated. The default value 0 disables
+Montgomery. Montgomery and Foufoula-Georgiou (1993) generally recommend
+to use 2.0 as exponent. <em>mexp</em> values closer to 0 will produce
+streams more similar to streams extracted with Montgomery disabled.
+Larger <em>mexp</em> values decrease the number of streams in flat areas
+and increase the number of streams in steep areas. If <em>weight</em> is
+given, the weight is applied first.
+<dd>Output raster map with extracted streams. Cell values encode unique
+ID for each stream segment.
+<dd>Output vector map with extracted stream segments and points. Points
+are written at the start location of each stream segment and at the
+outlet of a stream network. In layer 1, categories are unique IDs,
+identical to the cell value of the raster output. The attribute table
+for layer 1 holds information about the type of stream segment: start
+segment, or intermediate segment with tributaries. Columns are cat int,
+stream_type varchar(), type_code int. The encoding for type_code is 0 =
+start, 1 = intermediate. In layer 2, categories are identical to
+type_code in layer 1 with additional category 2 = outlet for outlet
+points. Points with category 1 = intermediate in layer 2 are at the
+location of confluences.
+<dd>Output raster map with flow direction for extracted streams. Flow
+direction is of D8 type with a range of 1 to 8. Multiplying values with
+45 gives degrees CCW from East. Flow direction was adjusted during
+thinning, taking shortcuts and skipping cells that were eliminated by
+the thinning procedure. Non-stream cells are set to NULL. A full,
+corrected flow direction map can be created by patching the
+<em>direction</em> output map with the flow direction map of r.watershed.
+<h4>Stream extraction</h4>
+If no accumulation input map is provided, flow accumulation is
+determined with a hydrological anaylsis similar to
+<a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a>. The algorithm is
+MFD (FD8) after Holmgren 1994, as for
+<a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a>. The <em>threshold</em>
+option determines the number of streams and detail of stream networks.
+Whenever (optionally weighed) flow accumulation reaches
+<em>threshold</em>, a new stream is started and traced downstream to its
+outlet point. As for <a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a>,
+flow accumulation is calculated as the number of cells draining through
+a cell.
+<h4>Stream output</h4>
+The <em>stream_rast</em> output raster and vector contains stream
+segments with unique IDs. Note that these IDs are different from the IDs
+assigned by <a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a>. The vector
+output also contains points at the location of the start of a stream
+segment, at confluences and at stream network outlet locations.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="r.watershed.html">r.watershed</a>,
+<a href="r.terraflow.html">r.terraflow</a>,
+<a href="r.thin.html">r.thin</a>,
+<a href="r.to.vect.html">r.to.vect</a>
+Ehlschlaeger, C. (1989). <i>Using the A<sup>T</sup> Search Algorithm
+to Develop Hydrologic Models from Digital Elevation Data</i>,
+<b>Proceedings of International Geographic Information Systems (IGIS)
+Symposium '89</b>, pp 275-281 (Baltimore, MD, 18-19 March 1989).<br>
+URL: <a href="http://faculty.wiu.edu/CR-Ehlschlaeger2/older/IGIS/paper.html">
+Holmgren, P. (1994). <i>Multiple flow direction algorithms for runoff 
+modelling in grid based elevation models: An empirical evaluation.</i>
+<b>Hydrological Processes</b> Vol 8(4), pp 327-334.<br>
+DOI: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hyp.3360080405">10.1002/hyp.3360080405</a>
+Montgomery, D.R., Foufoula-Georgiou, E. (1993). <i>Channel network source
+representation using digital elevation models.</i>
+<b>Water Resources Research</b> Vol 29(12), pp 3925-3934. 
+Markus Metz
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2008-05-16 21:09:06 +0200 (Fri, 16 May 2008) $</i>

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/do_astar.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/do_astar.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/do_astar.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+unsigned int get_parent(unsigned int c)
+    return (unsigned int)((c) - 2) / 3 + 1;
+unsigned int get_child(unsigned int p)
+    return (unsigned int)(p) * 3 - 1;
+unsigned int heap_drop(void);
+int do_astar(void)
+    int r, c, r_nbr, c_nbr, ct_dir;
+    struct ast_point astp;
+    int count, is_in_list;
+    int nextdr[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
+    int nextdc[8] = { 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
+    CELL ele_val, ele_up;
+    char asp_val;
+    unsigned int thisindex, nindex;
+    count = 0;
+    first_cum = n_points;
+    G_message(_("A* Search..."));
+    while (heap_size > 0) {
+	G_percent(count++, n_points, 1);
+	if (count > n_points)
+	    G_fatal_error("broken A* Search, %d surplus points", heap_size);
+	if (heap_size > n_points)
+	    G_fatal_error
+		("broken A* Search, too many points in heap %d, should be %d",
+		 heap_size, n_points);
+	astp = astar_pts[1];
+	heap_drop();
+	/* set flow accumulation order */
+	astar_pts[first_cum] = astp;
+	first_cum--;
+	r = astp.r;
+	c = astp.c;
+	thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	ele_val = ele[thisindex];
+	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+	    /* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+	    r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+	    c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+	    /* check that neighbour is within region */
+	    if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 && c_nbr < ncols) {
+		is_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		if (is_in_list == 0) {
+		    nindex = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    ele_up = ele[nindex];
+		    asp_val = drain[r_nbr - r + 1][c_nbr - c + 1];
+		    heap_add(r_nbr, c_nbr, ele_up, asp_val);
+		    FLAG_SET(in_list, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		}
+	    }
+	}			/* end neighbours */
+	FLAG_SET(worked, r, c);
+    }				/* end A* search */
+    G_percent(n_points, n_points, 1);	/* finish it */
+    flag_destroy(in_list);
+    G_free(astar_added);
+    return 1;
+ * compare function for heap
+ * returns 1 if point1 < point2 else 0
+ */
+int heap_cmp(CELL ele1, unsigned int index1, CELL ele2, unsigned int index2)
+    if (ele1 < ele2)
+	return 1;
+    else if (ele1 == ele2) {
+	if (index1 < index2)
+	    return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int sift_up(unsigned int start, CELL elec)
+    unsigned int child, child_added, parent, nindex;
+    CELL elep;
+    struct ast_point childp;
+    child = start;
+    child_added = astar_added[child];
+    childp = astar_pts[child];
+    while (child > 1) {
+	parent = get_parent(child);
+	nindex = INDEX(astar_pts[parent].r, astar_pts[parent].c);
+	elep = ele[nindex];
+	/* child < parent */
+	if (heap_cmp(elec, child_added, elep, astar_added[parent]) == 1) {
+	    /* push parent point down */
+	    astar_added[child] = astar_added[parent];
+	    astar_pts[child] = astar_pts[parent];
+	    child = parent;
+	}
+	else
+	    /* no more sifting up, found new slot for child */
+	    break;
+    }
+    /* set heap_index for child */
+    if (child < start) {
+	astar_added[child] = child_added;
+	astar_pts[child] = childp;
+	return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * add item to heap
+ * returns heap_size
+ */
+unsigned int heap_add(int r, int c, CELL ele, char asp)
+    FLAG_SET(in_list, r, c);
+    /* add point to next free position */
+    heap_size++;
+    if (heap_size > n_points)
+	G_fatal_error(_("heapsize too large"));
+    astar_added[heap_size] = nxt_avail_pt;
+    astar_pts[heap_size].r = r;
+    astar_pts[heap_size].c = c;
+    astar_pts[heap_size].asp = asp;
+    nxt_avail_pt++;
+    /* sift up: move new point towards top of heap */
+    sift_up(heap_size, ele);
+    return heap_size;
+ * drop item from heap
+ * returns heap size
+ */
+unsigned int heap_drop(void)
+    unsigned int child, childr, parent;
+    int i;
+    CELL elec, eler;
+    if (heap_size == 1) {
+	astar_added[1] = -1;
+	heap_size = 0;
+	return heap_size;
+    }
+    parent = 1;
+    while ((child = get_child(parent)) <= heap_size) {
+	elec = ele[INDEX(astar_pts[child].r, astar_pts[child].c)];
+	if (child < heap_size) {
+	    childr = child + 1;
+	    i = child + 3;	/* change the number, GET_CHILD() and GET_PARENT() to play with different d-ary heaps */
+	    while (childr <= heap_size && childr < i) {
+		eler = ele[INDEX(astar_pts[childr].r, astar_pts[childr].c)];
+		if (heap_cmp
+		    (eler, astar_added[childr], elec,
+		     astar_added[child]) == 1) {
+		    child = childr;
+		    elec = eler;
+		}
+		childr++;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* move hole down */
+	astar_added[parent] = astar_added[child];
+	astar_pts[parent] = astar_pts[child];
+	parent = child;
+    }
+    /* hole is in lowest layer, move to heap end */
+    if (parent < heap_size) {
+	astar_added[parent] = astar_added[heap_size];
+	astar_pts[parent] = astar_pts[heap_size];
+	elec = ele[INDEX(astar_pts[parent].r, astar_pts[parent].c)];
+	/* sift up last swapped point, only necessary if hole moved to heap end */
+	sift_up(parent, elec);
+    }
+    /* the actual drop */
+    heap_size--;
+    return heap_size;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag.h
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag.h	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#ifndef __FLAG_H__
+#define __FLAG_H__
+/* flag.[ch] is a set of routines which will set up an array of bits
+ ** that allow the programmer to "flag" cells in a raster map.
+ **
+ ** FLAG *
+ ** flag_create(nrows,ncols)
+ ** int nrows, ncols;
+ **     opens the structure flag.  
+ **     The flag structure will be a two dimensional array of bits the
+ **     size of nrows by ncols.  Will initalize flags to zero (unset).
+ **
+ ** flag_destroy(flags)
+ ** FLAG *flags;
+ **     closes flags and gives the memory back to the system.
+ **
+ ** flag_clear_all(flags)
+ ** FLAG *flags;
+ **     sets all values in flags to zero.
+ **
+ ** flag_unset(flags, row, col)
+ ** FLAG *flags;
+ ** int row, col;
+ **     sets the value of (row, col) in flags to zero.
+ **
+ ** flag_set(flags, row, col)
+ ** FLAG *flags;
+ ** int row, col;
+ **     will set the value of (row, col) in flags to one.
+ **
+ ** int
+ ** flag_get(flags, row, col)
+ ** FLAG *flags;
+ ** int row, col;
+ **     returns the value in flags that is at (row, col).
+ **
+ ** idea by Michael Shapiro
+ ** code by Chuck Ehlschlaeger
+ ** April 03, 1989
+ */
+#define FLAG struct _flagsss_
+    int nrows, ncols, leng;
+    unsigned char **array;
+#define FLAG_UNSET(flags,row,col) \
+	(flags)->array[(row)][(col)>>3] &= ~(1<<((col) & 7))
+#define FLAG_SET(flags,row,col) \
+	(flags)->array[(row)][(col)>>3] |= (1<<((col) & 7))
+#define FLAG_GET(flags,row,col) \
+	(flags)->array[(row)][(col)>>3] & (1<<((col) & 7))
+/* flag_clr_all.c */
+int flag_clear_all(FLAG *);
+/* flag_create.c */
+FLAG *flag_create(int, int);
+/* flag_destroy.c */
+int flag_destroy(FLAG *);
+/* flag_get.c */
+int flag_get(FLAG *, int, int);
+/* flag_set.c */
+int flag_set(FLAG *, int, int);
+/* flag_unset.c */
+int flag_unset(FLAG *, int, int);
+#endif /* __FLAG_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_clr_all.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_clr_all.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_clr_all.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "flag.h"
+int flag_clear_all(FLAG * flags)
+    register int r, c;
+    for (r = 0; r < flags->nrows; r++) {
+	for (c = 0; c < flags->leng; c++) {
+	    flags->array[r][c] = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_create.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_create.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_create.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include "flag.h"
+FLAG *flag_create(int nrows, int ncols)
+    unsigned char *temp;
+    FLAG *new_flag;
+    register int i;
+    new_flag = (FLAG *) G_malloc(sizeof(FLAG));
+    new_flag->nrows = nrows;
+    new_flag->ncols = ncols;
+    new_flag->leng = (ncols + 7) / 8;
+    new_flag->array =
+	(unsigned char **)G_malloc(nrows * sizeof(unsigned char *));
+    temp =
+	(unsigned char *)G_malloc(nrows * new_flag->leng *
+				  sizeof(unsigned char));
+    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
+	new_flag->array[i] = temp;
+	temp += new_flag->leng;
+    }
+    return (new_flag);

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_destroy.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_destroy.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_destroy.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include "flag.h"
+int flag_destroy(FLAG * flags)
+    G_free(flags->array[0]);
+    G_free(flags->array);
+    G_free(flags);
+    return 0;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_get.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_get.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_get.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#include "flag.h"
+int flag_get(FLAG * flags, int row, int col)
+    return (flags->array[row][col >> 3] & (1 << (col & 7)));

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_set.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_set.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_set.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "flag.h"
+int flag_set(FLAG * flags, int row, int col)
+    flags->array[row][col >> 3] |= (1 << (col & 7));
+    return 0;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_unset.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_unset.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/flag_unset.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "flag.h"
+int flag_unset(FLAG * flags, int row, int col)
+    flags->array[row][col >> 3] &= ~(1 << (col & 7));
+    return 0;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/load.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/load.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/load.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+/* need elevation map, do A* search on elevation like for r.watershed */
+int ele_round(double x)
+    int n;
+    if (x >= 0.0)
+	n = x + .5;
+    else {
+	n = -x + .5;
+	n = -n;
+    }
+    return n;
+ * loads elevation and optional flow accumulation map to memory and
+ * gets start points for A* Search
+ * start points are edges
+ */
+int load_maps(int ele_fd, int acc_fd, int weight_fd)
+    int r, c, thisindex;
+    char asp_value;
+    void *ele_buf, *ptr, *acc_buf = NULL, *acc_ptr = NULL, *weight_buf =
+	NULL, *weight_ptr = NULL;
+    CELL *loadp, ele_value;
+    DCELL dvalue;
+    int nextdr[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
+    int nextdc[8] = { 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
+    int r_nbr, c_nbr, ct_dir;
+    int is_worked;
+    size_t ele_size, acc_size = 0, weight_size = 0;
+    int ele_map_type, acc_map_type = 0, weight_map_type = 0;
+    CELL *streamp;
+    DCELL *accp, *weightp;
+    if (acc_fd < 0 && weight_fd < 0)
+	G_message(_("load elevation map and get start points"));
+    else
+	G_message(_("load input maps and get start points"));
+    n_search_points = n_points = 0;
+    G_debug(1, "get buffers");
+    ele_map_type = G_get_raster_map_type(ele_fd);
+    ele_size = G_raster_size(ele_map_type);
+    ele_buf = G_allocate_raster_buf(ele_map_type);
+    if (ele_buf == NULL) {
+	G_warning(_("could not allocate memory"));
+	return -1;
+    }
+    if (acc_fd >= 0) {
+	acc_map_type = G_get_raster_map_type(acc_fd);
+	acc_size = G_raster_size(acc_map_type);
+	acc_buf = G_allocate_raster_buf(acc_map_type);
+	if (acc_buf == NULL) {
+	    G_warning(_("could not allocate memory"));
+	    return -1;
+	}
+    }
+    if (weight_fd >= 0) {
+	weight_map_type = G_get_raster_map_type(weight_fd);
+	weight_size = G_raster_size(weight_map_type);
+	weight_buf = G_allocate_raster_buf(weight_map_type);
+	if (weight_buf == NULL) {
+	    G_warning(_("could not allocate memory"));
+	    return -1;
+	}
+    }
+    ele_scale = 1;
+    if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE || ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE)
+	ele_scale = 1000;	/* should be enough to do the trick */
+    worked = flag_create(nrows, ncols);
+    in_list = flag_create(nrows, ncols);
+    loadp = ele;
+    streamp = stream;
+    accp = acc;
+    weightp = accweight;
+    G_debug(1, "start loading %d rows, %d cols", nrows, ncols);
+    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
+	G_percent(r, nrows, 2);
+	if (G_get_raster_row(ele_fd, ele_buf, r, ele_map_type) < 0) {
+	    G_warning(_("could not read raster maps at row <%d>"), r);
+	    return -1;
+	}
+	ptr = ele_buf;
+	if (acc_fd >= 0) {
+	    if (G_get_raster_row(acc_fd, acc_buf, r, acc_map_type) < 0) {
+		G_warning(_("could not read raster maps at row <%d>"), r);
+		return -1;
+	    }
+	    acc_ptr = acc_buf;
+	}
+	if (weight_fd >= 0) {
+	    if (G_get_raster_row(weight_fd, weight_buf, r, weight_map_type) <
+		0) {
+		G_warning(_("could not read raster maps at row <%d>"), r);
+		return -1;
+	    }
+	    weight_ptr = weight_buf;
+	}
+	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
+	    FLAG_UNSET(worked, r, c);
+	    FLAG_UNSET(in_list, r, c);
+	    *streamp = 0;
+	    /* check for masked and NULL cells */
+	    if (G_is_null_value(ptr, ele_map_type)) {
+		FLAG_SET(worked, r, c);
+		FLAG_SET(in_list, r, c);
+		G_set_c_null_value(loadp, 1);
+		*accp = 0;
+		if (weight_fd >= 0)
+		    *weightp = 0;
+	    }
+	    else {
+		if (ele_map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
+		    *loadp = *((CELL *) ptr);
+		}
+		else if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
+		    dvalue = *((FCELL *) ptr);
+		    dvalue *= ele_scale;
+		    *loadp = ele_round(dvalue);
+		}
+		else if (ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
+		    dvalue = *((DCELL *) ptr);
+		    dvalue *= ele_scale;
+		    *loadp = ele_round(dvalue);
+		}
+		if (acc_fd < 0)
+		    *accp = 1;
+		else {
+		    if (acc_map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
+			*accp = *((CELL *) acc_ptr);
+		    }
+		    else if (acc_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
+			*accp = *((FCELL *) acc_ptr);
+		    }
+		    else if (acc_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
+			*accp = *((DCELL *) acc_ptr);
+		    }
+		}
+		if (weight_fd >= 0) {
+		    if (weight_map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
+			*weightp = *((CELL *) weight_ptr);
+		    }
+		    else if (weight_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
+			*weightp = *((FCELL *) weight_ptr);
+		    }
+		    else if (weight_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
+			*weightp = *((DCELL *) weight_ptr);
+		    }
+		}
+		n_points++;
+	    }
+	    loadp++;
+	    accp++;
+	    streamp++;
+	    ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, ele_size);
+	    if (acc_fd >= 0)
+		acc_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(acc_ptr, acc_size);
+	    if (weight_fd >= 0) {
+		weight_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(weight_ptr, weight_size);
+		weightp++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */
+    G_close_cell(ele_fd);
+    G_free(ele_buf);
+    if (acc_fd >= 0) {
+	G_close_cell(acc_fd);
+	G_free(acc_buf);
+    }
+    if (weight_fd >= 0) {
+	G_close_cell(weight_fd);
+	G_free(weight_buf);
+    }
+    astar_pts =
+	(struct ast_point *)G_malloc((n_points + 1) *
+				     sizeof(struct ast_point));
+    /* astar_heap will track astar_pts in ternary min-heap */
+    /* astar_heap is one-based */
+    astar_added =
+	(unsigned int *)G_malloc((n_points + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
+    nxt_avail_pt = heap_size = 0;
+    /* load edge cells to A* heap */
+    G_message(_("set edge points"));
+    loadp = ele;
+    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
+	G_percent(r, nrows, 2);
+	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
+	    is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r, c);
+	    if (is_worked)
+		continue;
+	    if (r == 0 || r == nrows - 1 || c == 0 || c == ncols - 1) {
+		asp_value = 0;
+		if (r == 0 && c == 0)
+		    asp_value = -7;
+		else if (r == 0 && c == ncols - 1)
+		    asp_value = -5;
+		else if (r == nrows - 1 && c == 0)
+		    asp_value = -1;
+		else if (r == nrows - 1 && c == ncols - 1)
+		    asp_value = -3;
+		else if (r == 0)
+		    asp_value = -2;
+		else if (c == 0)
+		    asp_value = -4;
+		else if (r == nrows - 1)
+		    asp_value = -6;
+		else if (c == ncols - 1)
+		    asp_value = -8;
+		thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+		ele_value = ele[thisindex];
+		heap_add(r, c, ele_value, asp_value);
+		FLAG_SET(in_list, r, c);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    /* any neighbour NULL ? */
+	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		if (is_worked) {
+		    asp_value = drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
+		    thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+		    ele_value = ele[thisindex];
+		    heap_add(r, c, ele_value, asp_value);
+		    FLAG_SET(in_list, r, c);
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 2);	/* finish it */
+    G_debug(1, "%d edge cells", heap_size);
+    G_debug(1, "%d non-NULL cells", n_points);
+    return 1;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/local_proto.h
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/local_proto.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/local_proto.h	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#ifndef __LOCAL_PROTO_H__
+#define __LOCAL_PROTO_H__
+#include "flag.h"
+#include "rbtree.h"
+#define INDEX(r, c) ((r) * ncols + (c))
+#define MAXDEPTH 1000     /* maximum supported tree depth of stream network */
+struct ddir
+    int pos;
+    int dir;
+struct ast_point
+    int r, c;
+    char asp;
+struct point
+    int r, c;
+struct snode
+    int r, c;
+    int id;
+    int n_trib;           /* number of tributaries */
+    int n_trib_total;     /* number of all upstream stream segments */
+    int n_alloc;          /* n allocated tributaries */
+    int *trib;
+    double *acc;
+} *stream_node;
+int nrows, ncols;
+struct ast_point *astar_pts;
+unsigned int n_search_points, n_points, nxt_avail_pt;
+unsigned int heap_size, *astar_added;
+unsigned int n_stream_nodes, n_alloc_nodes;
+struct point *outlets;
+unsigned int n_outlets, n_alloc_outlets;
+DCELL *acc, *accweight;
+CELL *ele;
+CELL *stream;
+int *strahler, *horton;   /* strahler and horton order */
+FLAG *worked, *in_list;
+extern char drain[3][3];
+unsigned int first_cum;
+char sides;
+int c_fac;
+int ele_scale;
+struct RB_TREE *draintree;
+/* load.c */
+int load_maps(int, int, int);
+/* do_astar.c */
+int do_astar(void);
+unsigned int heap_add(int, int, CELL, char);
+/* thin.c */
+int thin_streams(void);
+/* streams.c */
+int do_accum(double);
+int extract_streams(double, double, int);
+/* close.c */
+int close_maps(char *, char *, char *);
+#endif /* __LOCAL_PROTO_H__ */

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/main.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/main.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ *
+ * MODULE:       r.stream.extract
+ * AUTHOR(S):    Markus Metz <markus.metz.giswork gmail.com>
+ * PURPOSE:      Hydrological analysis
+ *               Extracts stream networks from accumulation raster with
+ *               given threshold
+ * COPYRIGHT:    (C) 1999-2009 by the GRASS Development Team
+ *
+ *               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ *               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ *               for details.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+char drain[3][3] = { {7, 6, 5}, {8, 0, 4}, {1, 2, 3} };
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    struct
+    {
+	struct Option *ele, *acc, *weight;
+	struct Option *threshold, *d8cut;
+	struct Option *mont_exp;
+    } input;
+    struct
+    {
+	struct Option *stream_rast;
+	struct Option *stream_vect;
+	struct Option *dir_rast;
+    } output;
+    struct GModule *module;
+    int ele_fd, acc_fd, weight_fd;
+    double threshold, d8cut, mont_exp;
+    char *mapset;
+    G_gisinit(argv[0]);
+    /* Set description */
+    module = G_define_module();
+    module->keywords = _("raster");
+    module->description = _("Stream network extraction");
+    input.ele = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
+    input.ele->key = "elevation";
+    input.ele->label = _("Elevation map");
+    input.ele->description = _("Elevation on which entire analysis is based");
+    input.acc = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
+    input.acc->key = "accumulation";
+    input.acc->label = _("Accumulation map");
+    input.acc->required = NO;
+    input.acc->description =
+	_("Stream extraction will use provided accumulation instead of calculating it anew");
+    input.weight = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
+    input.weight->key = "weight";
+    input.weight->label = _("Weight map for accumulation");
+    input.weight->required = NO;
+    input.weight->description =
+	_("Map used as weight for flow accumulation when initiating streams");
+    input.threshold = G_define_option();
+    input.threshold->key = "threshold";
+    input.threshold->label = _("Minimum flow accumulation for streams");
+    input.threshold->description = _("Must be > 0");
+    input.threshold->required = YES;
+    input.threshold->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+    input.d8cut = G_define_option();
+    input.d8cut->key = "d8cut";
+    input.d8cut->label = _("Use SFD above this threshold");
+    input.d8cut->description =
+	_("If accumulation is larger than d8cut, SFD is used instead of MFD."
+	  " Applies only if no accumulation map is given.");
+    input.d8cut->required = NO;
+    input.d8cut->answer = "infinity";
+    input.d8cut->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+    input.mont_exp = G_define_option();
+    input.mont_exp->key = "mexp";
+    input.mont_exp->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+    input.mont_exp->required = NO;
+    input.mont_exp->answer = "0";
+    input.mont_exp->label =
+	_("Montgomery exponent for slope, disabled with 0");
+    input.mont_exp->description =
+	_("Montgomery: accumulation is multiplied with pow(slope,mexp) and then compared with threshold.");
+    output.stream_rast = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
+    output.stream_rast->key = "stream_rast";
+    output.stream_rast->description =
+	_("Output raster map with unique stream ids");
+    output.stream_rast->required = NO;
+    output.stream_rast->guisection = _("Output options");
+    output.stream_vect = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
+    output.stream_vect->key = "stream_vect";
+    output.stream_vect->description =
+	_("Output vector with unique stream ids");
+    output.stream_vect->required = NO;
+    output.stream_vect->guisection = _("Output options");
+    output.dir_rast = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
+    output.dir_rast->key = "direction";
+    output.dir_rast->description =
+	_("Output raster map with flow direction for streams");
+    output.dir_rast->required = NO;
+    output.dir_rast->guisection = _("Output options");
+    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
+    /***********************/
+    /*    check options    */
+    /***********************/
+    /* input maps exist ? */
+    if (!G_find_cell(input.ele->answer, ""))
+	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), input.ele->answer);
+    if (input.acc->answer) {
+	if (!G_find_cell(input.acc->answer, ""))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), input.acc->answer);
+    }
+    if (input.weight->answer) {
+	if (!G_find_cell(input.weight->answer, ""))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"),
+			  input.weight->answer);
+    }
+    /* threshold makes sense */
+    threshold = atof(input.threshold->answer);
+    if (threshold <= 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Threshold must be > 0 but is %f"), threshold);
+    /* d8cut */
+    if (strcmp(input.d8cut->answer, "infinity") == 0) {
+	d8cut = DBL_MAX;
+    }
+    else {
+	d8cut = atof(input.d8cut->answer);
+	if (d8cut < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("d8cut must be positive or zero but is %f"),
+			  d8cut);
+    }
+    /* Montgomery stream initiation */
+    if (input.mont_exp->answer) {
+	mont_exp = atof(input.mont_exp->answer);
+	if (mont_exp < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Montgomery exponent must be positive or zero but is %f"),
+			  mont_exp);
+	if (mont_exp > 3)
+	    G_warning(_("Montgomery exponent is %f, recommended range is 0.0 - 3.0"),
+		      mont_exp);
+    }
+    else
+	mont_exp = 0;
+    /* Check for some output map */
+    if ((output.stream_rast->answer == NULL)
+	&& (output.stream_vect->answer == NULL)) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Sorry, you must choose at least one output map."));
+    }
+    /*********************/
+    /*    preparation    */
+    /*********************/
+    /* open input maps */
+    mapset = G_find_cell2(input.ele->answer, "");
+    ele_fd = G_open_cell_old(input.ele->answer, mapset);
+    if (ele_fd < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("could not open input map %s"), input.ele->answer);
+    if (input.acc->answer) {
+	mapset = G_find_cell2(input.acc->answer, "");
+	acc_fd = G_open_cell_old(input.acc->answer, mapset);
+	if (acc_fd < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("could not open input map %s"),
+			  input.acc->answer);
+    }
+    else
+	acc_fd = -1;
+    if (input.weight->answer) {
+	mapset = G_find_cell2(input.weight->answer, "");
+	weight_fd = G_open_cell_old(input.weight->answer, mapset);
+	if (weight_fd < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("could not open input map %s"),
+			  input.weight->answer);
+    }
+    else
+	weight_fd = -1;
+    /* set global variables */
+    nrows = G_window_rows();
+    ncols = G_window_cols();
+    sides = 8;			/* not a user option */
+    c_fac = 5;			/* not a user option, MFD covergence factor 5 gives best results  */
+    /* allocate memory */
+    ele = (CELL *) G_malloc(nrows * ncols * sizeof(CELL));
+    acc = (DCELL *) G_malloc(nrows * ncols * sizeof(DCELL));
+    stream = (CELL *) G_malloc(nrows * ncols * sizeof(CELL));
+    if (input.weight->answer)
+	accweight = (DCELL *) G_malloc(nrows * ncols * sizeof(DCELL));
+    else
+	accweight = NULL;
+    /* load maps */
+    if (load_maps(ele_fd, acc_fd, weight_fd) < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("could not load input map(s)"));
+    /********************/
+    /*    processing    */
+    /********************/
+    /* sort elevation and get initial stream direction */
+    if (do_astar() < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("could not sort elevation map"));
+    /* extract streams */
+    if (acc_fd < 0) {
+	if (do_accum(d8cut) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("could not calculate flow accumulation"));
+	if (extract_streams
+	    (threshold, mont_exp, (input.weight->answer != NULL)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("could not extract streams"));
+    }
+    else {
+	if (extract_streams
+	    (threshold, mont_exp, (input.weight->answer != NULL)) < 0)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("could not extract streams"));
+    }
+    G_free(ele);
+    G_free(acc);
+    if (input.weight->answer)
+	G_free(accweight);
+    /* thin streams */
+    if (thin_streams() < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("could not extract streams"));
+    /* write output maps */
+    if (close_maps(output.stream_rast->answer, output.stream_vect->answer,
+		   output.dir_rast->answer) < 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("could not write output maps"));
+    G_free(stream);
+    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ * \file rbtree.c
+ *
+ * \brief binary search tree 
+ *
+ * Generic balanced binary search tree (Red Black Tree) implementation
+ *
+ * (C) 2009 by the GRASS Development Team
+ *
+ * This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+ * (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+ *
+ * \author Original author Julienne Walker 2003, 2008
+ *         GRASS implementation Markus Metz, 2009
+ */
+/* balanced binary search tree implementation
+ * 
+ * this one is a Red Black Tree, the bare version, no parent pointers, no threads
+ * The core code comes from Julienne Walker's tutorials on binary search trees
+ * original license: public domain
+ * http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/datastructures/jsw_tut_rbtree.aspx
+ * some ideas come from libavl (GPL >= 2)
+ * I could have used some off-the-shelf solution, but that's boring
+ *
+ * Red Black Trees are used to maintain a data structure with
+ * search, insertion and deletion in O(log N) time
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "rbtree.h"
+/* internal functions */
+void rbtree_destroy2(struct RB_NODE *);
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_single(struct RB_NODE *, int);
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_double(struct RB_NODE *, int);
+void *rbtree_first(struct RB_TRAV *);
+void *rbtree_next(struct RB_TRAV *);
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_make_node(size_t, void *);
+int is_red(struct RB_NODE *);
+/* create new tree and initialize
+ * returns pointer to new tree, NULL for memory allocation error
+ */
+struct RB_TREE *rbtree_create(rb_compare_fn *compare, size_t rb_datasize)
+    struct RB_TREE *tree = G_malloc(sizeof(*tree));
+    if (tree == NULL) {
+	G_warning("RB tree: Out of memory!");
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    assert(compare);
+    tree->datasize = rb_datasize;
+    tree->rb_compare = compare;
+    tree->count = 0;
+    tree->root = NULL;
+    return tree;
+/* add an item to a tree
+ * non-recursive top-down insertion
+ * the algorithm does not allow duplicates and also does not warn about a duplicate
+ * returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
+ */
+int rbtree_insert(struct RB_TREE *tree, void *data)
+    assert(tree && data);
+    if (tree->root == NULL) {
+	/* create a new root node for tree */
+	tree->root = rbtree_make_node(tree->datasize, data);
+	if (tree->root == NULL)
+	    return 0;
+    }
+    else {
+	struct RB_NODE head = {0}; /* False tree root */
+	struct RB_NODE *g, *t;     /* Grandparent & parent */
+	struct RB_NODE *p, *q;     /* Iterator & parent */
+	int dir = 0, last = 0;
+	/* Set up helpers */
+	t = &head;
+	g = p = NULL;
+	q = t->link[1] = tree->root;
+	/* Search down the tree */
+	for ( ; ; ) {
+	    if (q == NULL) {
+		/* Insert new node at the bottom */
+		p->link[dir] = q = rbtree_make_node(tree->datasize, data);
+		if (q == NULL)
+		    return 0;
+	    }
+	    else if (is_red(q->link[0]) && is_red(q->link[1])) {
+		/* Color flip */
+		q->red = 1;
+		q->link[0]->red = 0;
+		q->link[1]->red = 0;
+	    }
+	    /* Fix red violation */
+	    if (is_red(q) && is_red(p)) {
+		int dir2 = t->link[1] == g;
+		if (q == p->link[last])
+		    t->link[dir2] = rbtree_single(g, !last);
+		else
+		    t->link[dir2] = rbtree_double(g, !last);
+	    }
+	    last = dir;
+	    dir = tree->rb_compare(q->data, data);
+	    /* Stop if found. This check also disallows duplicates in the tree */
+	    if (dir == 0)
+		break;
+	    dir = dir < 0;
+	    /* Move the helpers down */
+	    if (g != NULL)
+		t = g;
+	    g = p, p = q;
+	    q = q->link[dir];
+	}
+	/* Update root */
+	tree->root = head.link[1];
+    }
+    /* Make root black */
+    tree->root->red = 0;
+    tree->count++;
+    return 1;
+/* remove an item from a tree that matches given data
+ * non-recursive top-down removal
+ * returns 1 on successful removal
+ * returns 0 if data item was not found
+ */
+int rbtree_remove(struct RB_TREE *tree, const void *data)
+    struct RB_NODE head = {0}; /* False tree root */
+    struct RB_NODE *q, *p, *g; /* Helpers */
+    struct RB_NODE *f = NULL;  /* Found item */
+    int dir = 1, removed = 0;
+    assert(tree && data);
+    if (tree->root == NULL) {
+	return 0; /* empty tree, nothing to remove */
+    }
+    /* Set up helpers */
+    q = &head;
+    g = p = NULL;
+    q->link[1] = tree->root;
+    /* Search and push a red down */
+    while (q->link[dir] != NULL) {
+	int last = dir;
+	/* Update helpers */
+	g = p, p = q;
+	q = q->link[dir];
+	dir = tree->rb_compare(q->data, data);
+	/* Save found node */
+	if (dir == 0)
+	    f = q;
+	dir = dir < 0;
+	/* Push the red node down */
+	if (!is_red(q) && !is_red(q->link[dir])) {
+	    if (is_red(q->link[!dir]))
+		p = p->link[last] = rbtree_single(q, dir);
+	    else if (!is_red(q->link[!dir])) {
+		struct RB_NODE *s = p->link[!last];
+		if (s != NULL) {
+		    if (!is_red(s->link[!last]) &&
+		        !is_red(s->link[last])) {
+			/* Color flip */
+			p->red = 0;
+			s->red = 1;
+			q->red = 1;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			int dir2 = g->link[1] == p;
+			if (is_red(s->link[last]))
+			    g->link[dir2] = rbtree_double(p, last);
+			else if (is_red(s->link[!last]))
+			    g->link[dir2] = rbtree_single(p, last);
+			/* Ensure correct coloring */
+			q->red = g->link[dir2]->red = 1;
+			g->link[dir2]->link[0]->red = 0;
+			g->link[dir2]->link[1]->red = 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* Replace and remove if found */
+    if (f != NULL) {
+	G_free(f->data);
+	f->data = q->data;
+	p->link[p->link[1] == q] = q->link[q->link[0] == NULL];
+	G_free(q);
+	tree->count--;
+	removed = 1;
+    }
+    else
+	G_debug(2, "RB tree: data not found in search tree");
+    /* Update root and make it black */
+    tree->root = head.link[1];
+    if ( tree->root != NULL)
+	tree->root->red = 0;
+    return removed;
+/* find data item in tree
+ * returns pointer to data item if found else NULL
+ */
+void *rbtree_find(struct RB_TREE *tree, const void *data)
+    struct RB_NODE *curr_node = tree->root;
+    int cmp = 0;
+    assert(tree && data);
+    while (curr_node != NULL) {
+	cmp = tree->rb_compare(curr_node->data, data);
+	if (cmp == 0)
+	    return curr_node->data;   /* found */
+	else {
+	    curr_node = curr_node->link[cmp < 0];
+	}
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/* initialize tree traversal
+ * (re-)sets trav structure
+ * returns 0
+ */
+int rbtree_init_trav(struct RB_TRAV *trav, struct RB_TREE *tree)
+    assert(trav && tree);
+    trav->tree = tree;
+    trav->curr_node = tree->root;
+    trav->first = 1;
+    trav->top = 0;
+    return 0;
+/* traverse the tree in ascending order
+ * useful to get all items in the tree non-recursively
+ * struct RB_TRAV *trav needs to be initialized first
+ * returns pointer to data, NULL when finished
+ */
+void *rbtree_traverse(struct RB_TRAV *trav)
+    assert(trav);
+    if (trav->curr_node == NULL) {
+	if (trav->first)
+	    G_debug(1, "RB tree: empty tree");
+	else
+	    G_debug(1, "RB tree: finished traversing");
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!trav->first)
+	return rbtree_next(trav);
+    else {
+	trav->first = 0;
+	return rbtree_first(trav);
+    }
+/* find start point to traverse the tree in ascending order
+ * useful to get a selection of items in the tree
+ * magnitudes faster than traversing the whole tree
+ * may return first item that's smaller or first item that's larger
+ * struct RB_TRAV *trav needs to be initialized first
+ * returns pointer to data, NULL when finished
+ */
+void *rbtree_traverse_start(struct RB_TRAV *trav, const void *data)
+    int dir = 0;
+    assert(trav && data);
+    if (trav->curr_node == NULL) {
+	if (trav->first)
+	    G_warning("RB tree: empty tree");
+	else
+	    G_warning("RB tree: finished traversing");
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!trav->first)
+	return rbtree_next(trav);
+    /* else first time, get start node */
+    trav->first = 0;
+    trav->top = 0;
+    while (trav->curr_node != NULL) {
+	dir = trav->tree->rb_compare(trav->curr_node->data, data);
+	/* exact match, great! */
+	if (dir == 0)
+	    return trav->curr_node->data;
+	else {
+	    dir = dir < 0;
+	    /* end of branch, also reached if
+	     * smallest item is larger than search template or
+	     * largest item is smaller than search template */
+	    if (trav->curr_node->link[dir] == NULL)
+		return trav->curr_node->data;
+	    trav->up[trav->top++] = trav->curr_node;
+	    trav->curr_node = trav->curr_node->link[dir];
+	}
+    }
+    return NULL; /* should not happen */
+/* two functions needed to fully traverse the tree: initialize and continue
+ * useful to get all items in the tree non-recursively
+ * this one here uses a stack
+ * parent pointers or threads would also be possible
+ * but these would need to be added to RB_NODE
+ * -> more memory needed for standard operations
+ */
+/* start traversing the tree
+ * returns pointer to smallest data item
+ */
+void *rbtree_first(struct RB_TRAV *trav)
+    /* get smallest item */
+    while (trav->curr_node->link[0] != NULL) {
+	trav->up[trav->top++] = trav->curr_node;
+	trav->curr_node = trav->curr_node->link[0];
+    }
+    return trav->curr_node->data; /* return smallest item */
+/* continue traversing the tree in ascending order
+ * returns pointer to data item, NULL when finished
+ */
+void *rbtree_next(struct RB_TRAV *trav)
+    if (trav->curr_node->link[1] != NULL) {
+	/* something on the right side: larger item */
+	trav->up[trav->top++] = trav->curr_node;
+	trav->curr_node = trav->curr_node->link[1];
+	/* go down, find smallest item in this branch */
+	while (trav->curr_node->link[0] != NULL) {
+	    trav->up[trav->top++] = trav->curr_node;
+	    trav->curr_node = trav->curr_node->link[0];
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+	/* at smallest item in this branch, go back up */
+	struct RB_NODE *last;
+	do {
+	    if (trav->top == 0) {
+		trav->curr_node = NULL;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    last = trav->curr_node;
+	    trav->curr_node = trav->up[--trav->top];
+	} while (last == trav->curr_node->link[1]);
+    }
+    if (trav->curr_node != NULL) {
+	return trav->curr_node->data;
+    }
+    else	
+	return NULL; /* finished traversing */
+/* destroy the tree */
+void rbtree_destroy(struct RB_TREE *tree) {
+    rbtree_destroy2(tree->root);
+    G_free(tree);
+void rbtree_destroy2(struct RB_NODE *root)
+    if (root != NULL) {
+	rbtree_destroy2(root->link[0]);
+	rbtree_destroy2(root->link[1]);
+	G_free(root->data);
+	G_free(root);
+    }
+/* used for debugging: check for errors in tree structure */
+int rbtree_debug(struct RB_TREE *tree, struct RB_NODE *root)
+    int lh, rh;
+    if (root == NULL)
+	return 1;
+    else {
+	struct RB_NODE *ln = root->link[0];
+	struct RB_NODE *rn = root->link[1];
+	int lcmp = 0, rcmp = 0;
+	/* Consecutive red links */
+	if (is_red(root)) {
+	    if (is_red(ln) || is_red(rn)) {
+		G_warning("Red Black Tree debugging: Red violation");
+		return 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	lh = rbtree_debug(tree, ln);
+	rh = rbtree_debug(tree, rn);
+	if (ln) {
+	    lcmp = tree->rb_compare(ln->data, root->data);
+	}
+	if (rn) {
+	    rcmp = tree->rb_compare(rn->data, root->data);
+	}
+	/* Invalid binary search tree:
+	 * left node >= parent or right node <= parent */
+	if ((ln != NULL && lcmp > -1)
+	 || (rn != NULL && rcmp < 1)) {
+	    G_warning("Red Black Tree debugging: Binary tree violation" );
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	/* Black height mismatch */
+	if (lh != 0 && rh != 0 && lh != rh) {
+	    G_warning("Red Black Tree debugging: Black violation");
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	/* Only count black links */
+	if (lh != 0 && rh != 0)
+	    return is_red(root) ? lh : lh + 1;
+	else
+	    return 0;
+    }
+ *                                                     *
+ *  internal functions for Red Black Tree maintenance  *
+ *                                                     *
+ *******************************************************/
+/* add a new node to the tree */
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_make_node(size_t datasize, void *data)
+    struct RB_NODE *new_node = G_malloc(sizeof(*new_node));
+    if (new_node == NULL)
+	G_fatal_error("RB Search Tree: Out of memory!");
+    new_node->data = G_malloc(datasize);
+    if (new_node->data == NULL)
+	G_fatal_error("RB Search Tree: Out of memory!");
+    memcpy(new_node->data, data, datasize);
+    new_node->red = 1;            /* 1 is red, 0 is black */
+    new_node->link[0] = NULL;
+    new_node->link[1] = NULL;
+    return new_node;
+/* check for red violation */
+int is_red(struct RB_NODE *root)
+    if (root)
+	return root->red == 1;
+    return 0;
+/* single rotation */
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_single(struct RB_NODE *root, int dir)
+    struct RB_NODE *newroot = root->link[!dir];
+    root->link[!dir] = newroot->link[dir];
+    newroot->link[dir] = root;
+    root->red = 1;
+    newroot->red = 0;
+    return newroot;
+/* double rotation */
+struct RB_NODE *rbtree_double(struct RB_NODE *root, int dir)
+    root->link[!dir] = rbtree_single(root->link[!dir], !dir);
+    return rbtree_single(root, dir);

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.h
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/rbtree.h	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ *                          USAGE                            *
+ *************************************************************
+ *
+ * NOTE: duplicates are not supported
+ *
+ * custom compare function
+ * extern int my_compare_fn(const void *, const void *);
+ * int my_compare_fn(const void *a, const void *b) {
+ *   if ((mydatastruct *) a < (mydatastruct *) b)
+ *     return -1;
+ *   else if ((mydatastruct *) a > (mydatastruct *) b)
+ *     return 1;
+ *   else if ((mydatastruct *) a == (mydatastruct *) b)
+ *     return 0;
+ * }
+ * 
+ * create and initialize tree:
+ * struct RB_TREE *mytree = rbtree_create(my_compare_fn, item_size);
+ *
+ * insert items to tree:
+ * struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+ * if (rbtree_insert(mytree, &data) == 0)
+ * 	 G_warning("could not insert data");
+ *
+ * find item in tree:
+ * struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+ * if (rbtree_find(mytree, &data) == 0)
+ * 	 G_message("data not found");
+ *
+ * delete item from tree:
+ * struct mydatastruct data = <some data>;
+ * if (rbtree_remove(mytree, &data) == 0)
+ * 	  G_warning("could not find data in tree");
+ *
+ * traverse tree (get all items in tree in ascending order):
+ * struct RB_TRAV trav;
+ * rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
+ * while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
+ *   if (my_compare_fn(data, threshold_data) == 0) break;
+ * 	   <do something with data>;
+ *  }
+ *
+ * get a selection of items: all data > data1 and < data2
+ * start in tree where data is last smaller or first larger compared to data1
+ * struct RB_TRAV trav;
+ * rbtree_init_trav(&trav, tree);
+ * data = rbtree_traverse_start(&trav, &data1);
+ * 	 <do something with data>;
+ * while ((data = rbtree_traverse(&trav)) != NULL) {
+ *	 if (data > data2) break;
+ *   <do something with data>;
+ * }
+ *
+ * destroy tree:
+ * rbtree_destroy(mytree);
+ *
+ * debug the whole tree with
+ * rbtree_debug(mytree, mytree->root);
+ * 
+ *************************************************************/
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* maximum RB Tree height */
+#define RBTREE_MAX_HEIGHT 64        /* should be more than enough */
+/* routine to compare data items
+ * return -1 if rb_a < rb_b
+ * return  0 if rb_a == rb_b
+ * return  1 if rb_a > rb_b
+ */
+typedef int rb_compare_fn(const void *rb_a, const void *rb_b);
+struct RB_NODE
+    unsigned char red;              /* 0 = black, 1 = red */
+    void *data;                     /* any kind of data */
+    struct RB_NODE *link[2];        /* link to children: link[0] for smaller, link[1] for larger */
+struct RB_TREE
+    struct RB_NODE *root;           /* root node */
+    size_t datasize;                /* item size */
+    size_t count;                   /* number of items in tree. */
+    rb_compare_fn *rb_compare;      /* function to compare data */
+struct RB_TRAV
+    struct RB_TREE *tree;           /* tree being traversed */
+    struct RB_NODE *curr_node;      /* current node */
+    struct RB_NODE *up[RBTREE_MAX_HEIGHT];  /* stack of parent nodes */
+    int top;                        /* index for stack */
+    int first;                      /* little helper flag */
+/* tree functions */
+struct RB_TREE *rbtree_create(rb_compare_fn *, size_t);
+void rbtree_destroy(struct RB_TREE *);
+int rbtree_insert(struct RB_TREE *, void *);
+int rbtree_remove(struct RB_TREE *, const void *);
+void *rbtree_find(struct RB_TREE *, const void *);
+/* tree traversal functions */
+int rbtree_init_trav(struct RB_TRAV *, struct RB_TREE *);
+void* rbtree_traverse(struct RB_TRAV *);
+void *rbtree_traverse_start(struct RB_TRAV *, const void *);
+/* debug tree from given node downwards */
+int rbtree_debug(struct RB_TREE *, struct RB_NODE *);

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/streams.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/streams.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/streams.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+ * compare function for search tree
+ * returns 1 if a > b
+ * returns -1 if a < b
+ * returns 0 if a == b
+ */
+int draindir_compare(const void *itema, const void *itemb)
+    struct ddir *a = (struct ddir *)itema;
+    struct ddir *b = (struct ddir *)itemb;
+    if (a->pos > b->pos)
+	return 1;
+    else if (a->pos < b->pos)
+	return -1;
+    return 0;
+double mfd_pow(double base)
+    int x;
+    double result;
+    result = base;
+    if (c_fac == 1)
+	return result;
+    for (x = 2; x <= c_fac; x++) {
+	result *= base;
+    }
+    return result;
+int continue_stream(CELL is_swale, int r, int c, int r_max, int c_max,
+		    unsigned int thisindex, int *stream_no)
+    char aspect;
+    int curr_stream;
+    int r_nbr, c_nbr, ct_dir;
+    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    int nextdr[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
+    int nextdc[8] = { 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
+    int stream_node_step = 1000;
+    struct ddir draindir, *founddir;
+    G_debug(3, "continue stream");
+    /* set drainage direction */
+    aspect = drain[r - r_max + 1][c - c_max + 1];
+    /* add to search tree */
+    draindir.pos = thisindex;
+    draindir.dir = aspect;
+    rbtree_insert(draintree, &draindir);
+    curr_stream = stream[INDEX(r_max, c_max)];
+    if (curr_stream < 0)
+	curr_stream = 0;
+    /* confluence */
+    if (curr_stream <= 0) {
+	/* no confluence, just continue */
+	G_debug(2, "no confluence, just continue stream");
+	stream[INDEX(r_max, c_max)] = is_swale;
+    }
+    else {
+	G_debug(2, "confluence");
+	/* new confluence */
+	if (stream_node[curr_stream].r != r_max ||
+	    stream_node[curr_stream].c != c_max) {
+	    G_debug(2, "new confluence");
+	    /* set new stream id */
+	    curr_stream = stream[INDEX(r_max, c_max)] = ++(*stream_no);
+	    /* add stream node */
+	    if (*stream_no >= n_alloc_nodes - 1) {
+		n_alloc_nodes += stream_node_step;
+		stream_node =
+		    (struct snode *)G_realloc(stream_node,
+					      n_alloc_nodes *
+					      sizeof(struct snode));
+	    }
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].r = r_max;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].c = c_max;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].id = *stream_no;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].n_trib = 0;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].n_trib_total = 0;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].n_alloc = 0;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].trib = NULL;
+	    stream_node[*stream_no].acc = NULL;
+	    n_stream_nodes++;
+	    /* debug */
+	    if (n_stream_nodes != *stream_no)
+		G_warning(_("stream_no %d and n_stream_nodes %d out of sync"),
+			  *stream_no, n_stream_nodes);
+	    /* add all tributaries */
+	    G_debug(2, "add all tributaries");
+	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+		/* get r_nbr, c_nbr for neighbours */
+		r_nbr = r_max + nextdr[ct_dir];
+		c_nbr = c_max + nextdc[ct_dir];
+		/* check that neighbour is within region */
+		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
+		    c_nbr < ncols) {
+		    draindir.pos = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    if ((founddir =
+			 rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+			if (r_nbr + asp_r[(int)founddir->dir] == r_max &&
+			    c_nbr + asp_c[(int)founddir->dir] == c_max) {
+			    /* add tributary to stream node */
+			    if (stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib >=
+				stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc) {
+				size_t new_size;
+				stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc += 2;
+				new_size =
+				    stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc *
+				    sizeof(int);
+				stream_node[curr_stream].trib =
+				    (int *)G_realloc(stream_node[curr_stream].
+						     trib, new_size);
+				new_size =
+				    stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc *
+				    sizeof(double);
+				stream_node[curr_stream].acc =
+				    (double *)
+				    G_realloc(stream_node[curr_stream].acc,
+					      new_size);
+			    }
+			    stream_node[curr_stream].
+				trib[stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib] =
+				stream[draindir.pos];
+			    stream_node[curr_stream].
+				acc[stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib++] =
+				acc[draindir.pos];
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    /* update stream IDs downstream */
+	    G_debug(2, "update stream IDs downstream");
+	    r_nbr = r_max;
+	    c_nbr = c_max;
+	    draindir.pos = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+	    while ((founddir = rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+		if (asp_r[(int)founddir->dir] == 0 &&
+		    asp_c[(int)founddir->dir] == 0)
+		    G_fatal_error("no valid stream direction");
+		r_nbr = r_nbr + asp_r[(int)founddir->dir];
+		c_nbr = c_nbr + asp_c[(int)founddir->dir];
+		draindir.pos = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		if (stream[INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr)] <= 0)
+		    G_fatal_error("stream id not set");
+		else
+		    stream[INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr)] = curr_stream;
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    /* stream node already existing here */
+	    G_debug(2, "existing confluence");
+	    /* add new tributary to stream node */
+	    if (stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib >=
+		stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc) {
+		size_t new_size;
+		stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc += 2;
+		new_size = stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc * sizeof(int);
+		stream_node[curr_stream].trib =
+		    (int *)G_realloc(stream_node[curr_stream].trib, new_size);
+		new_size = stream_node[curr_stream].n_alloc * sizeof(double);
+		stream_node[curr_stream].acc =
+		    (double *)G_realloc(stream_node[curr_stream].acc,
+					new_size);
+	    }
+	    stream_node[curr_stream].trib[stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib++] =
+		stream[thisindex];
+	}
+	/* end new confluence */
+	G_debug(2, "%d tribs", stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib);
+	if (stream_node[curr_stream].n_trib == 1)
+	    G_warning("stream node %d only 1 trib: %d", curr_stream,
+		      stream_node[curr_stream].trib[0]);
+    }
+    return 1;
+ * extracts streams for threshold
+ */
+int do_accum(double d8cut)
+    int r, c, dr, dc;
+    CELL ele_val, ele_nbr;
+    DCELL value, valued;
+    int count;
+    struct Cell_head window;
+    int mfd_cells, astar_not_set, is_null;
+    double *dist_to_nbr, *weight, sum_weight, max_weight;
+    double dx, dy;
+    int r_nbr, c_nbr, r_max, c_max, ct_dir, np_side;
+    int is_worked;
+    char aspect;
+    double max_acc, prop;
+    int edge;
+    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    int nextdr[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
+    int nextdc[8] = { 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
+    unsigned int thisindex, nindex, workedon, killer;
+    G_message(_("calculate flow accumulation..."));
+    count = 0;
+    /* distances to neighbours */
+    dist_to_nbr = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
+    weight = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
+    G_get_set_window(&window);
+    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+	/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+	r_nbr = nextdr[ct_dir];
+	c_nbr = nextdc[ct_dir];
+	/* account for rare cases when ns_res != ew_res */
+	dy = abs(r_nbr) * window.ns_res;
+	dx = abs(c_nbr) * window.ew_res;
+	if (ct_dir < 4)
+	    dist_to_nbr[ct_dir] = dx + dy;
+	else
+	    dist_to_nbr[ct_dir] = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+    }
+    /* reset worked flag */
+    flag_clear_all(worked);
+    for (killer = 1; killer <= n_points; killer++) {
+	G_percent(killer, n_points, 1);
+	r = astar_pts[killer].r;
+	c = astar_pts[killer].c;
+	aspect = astar_pts[killer].asp;
+	thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	/* do not distribute flow along edges */
+	if (aspect < 0) {
+	    G_debug(3, "edge");
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (aspect) {
+	    dr = r + asp_r[abs((int)aspect)];
+	    dc = c + asp_c[abs((int)aspect)];
+	}
+	else {
+	    dr = r;
+	    dc = c;
+	}
+	r_max = dr;
+	c_max = dc;
+	value = acc[thisindex];
+	/***************************************/
+	/*  get weights for flow distribution  */
+	/***************************************/
+	max_weight = 0;
+	sum_weight = 0;
+	np_side = -1;
+	mfd_cells = 0;
+	astar_not_set = 1;
+	ele_val = ele[thisindex];
+	is_null = 0;
+	edge = 0;
+	/* this loop is needed to get the sum of weights */
+	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+	    /* get r_nbr, c_nbr for neighbours */
+	    r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+	    c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+	    weight[ct_dir] = -1;
+	    /* check that neighbour is within region */
+	    if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 && c_nbr < ncols) {
+		nindex = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		if (is_worked == 0) {
+		    ele_nbr = ele[nindex];
+		    is_null = G_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr);
+		    edge = is_null;
+		    if (!is_null && ele_nbr <= ele_val) {
+			if (ele_nbr < ele_val) {
+			    weight[ct_dir] =
+				mfd_pow((ele_val -
+					 ele_nbr) / dist_to_nbr[ct_dir]);
+			}
+			if (ele_nbr == ele_val) {
+			    weight[ct_dir] =
+				mfd_pow(0.5 / dist_to_nbr[ct_dir]);
+			}
+			sum_weight += weight[ct_dir];
+			mfd_cells++;
+			if (weight[ct_dir] > max_weight) {
+			    max_weight = weight[ct_dir];
+			}
+			if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr) {
+			    astar_not_set = 0;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr)
+		    np_side = ct_dir;
+	    }
+	    else
+		edge = 1;
+	    if (edge)
+		break;
+	}
+	/* do not distribute flow along edges, this causes artifacts */
+	if (edge) {
+	    G_debug(3, "edge");
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* honour A * path 
+	 * mfd_cells == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
+	 * mfd_cells == 1 && astar_not_set == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
+	 * mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1: A * path not included, add to mfd_cells
+	 */
+	/************************************/
+	/*  distribute and accumulate flow  */
+	/************************************/
+	/* MFD, A * path not included, add to mfd_cells */
+	if (mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1) {
+	    mfd_cells++;
+	    sum_weight += max_weight;
+	    weight[np_side] = max_weight;
+	}
+	/* use SFD (D8) if d8cut threshold exceeded */
+	if (fabs(value) > d8cut)
+	    mfd_cells = 0;
+	max_acc = -1;
+	if (mfd_cells > 1) {
+	    prop = 0.0;
+	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+		/* check that neighbour is within region */
+		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
+		    c_nbr < ncols && weight[ct_dir] > -0.5) {
+		    is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		    if (is_worked == 0) {
+			weight[ct_dir] = weight[ct_dir] / sum_weight;
+			/* check everything sums up to 1.0 */
+			prop += weight[ct_dir];
+			nindex = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+			valued = acc[nindex];
+			valued += value * weight[ct_dir];
+			acc[nindex] = valued;
+		    }
+		    else if (ct_dir == np_side) {
+			/* check for consistency with A * path */
+			workedon++;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (fabs(prop - 1.0) > 5E-6f) {
+		G_warning(_("MFD: cumulative proportion of flow distribution not 1.0 but %f"),
+			  prop);
+	    }
+	}
+	/* get out of depression in SFD mode */
+	else {
+	    nindex = INDEX(dr, dc);
+	    valued = acc[INDEX(dr, dc)];
+	    valued += value;
+	    acc[INDEX(dr, dc)] = valued;
+	}
+	FLAG_SET(worked, r, c);
+    }
+    G_free(dist_to_nbr);
+    G_free(weight);
+    return 1;
+ * extracts streams for threshold, accumulation is provided
+ */
+int extract_streams(double threshold, double mont_exp, int use_weight)
+    int r, c, dr, dc;
+    CELL is_swale, ele_val, ele_nbr;
+    DCELL value, valued;
+    struct Cell_head window;
+    int mfd_cells, stream_cells, swale_cells, astar_not_set, is_null;
+    double *dist_to_nbr;
+    double dx, dy;
+    int r_nbr, c_nbr, r_max, c_max, ct_dir, np_side, max_side;
+    int is_worked;
+    char aspect;
+    double max_acc;
+    int edge, flat;
+    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    int nextdr[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
+    int nextdc[8] = { 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
+    /* sides */
+    /*
+     *  | 7 | 1 | 4 |
+     *  | 2 |   | 3 |
+     *  | 5 | 0 | 6 |
+     */
+    unsigned int thisindex, nindex, workedon, killer;
+    int stream_no = 0, stream_node_step = 1000;
+    double slope, diag;
+    G_message(_("extract streams..."));
+    /* init BST for drainage direction */
+    draintree = rbtree_create(draindir_compare, sizeof(struct ddir));
+    /* init stream nodes */
+    n_alloc_nodes = stream_node_step;
+    stream_node =
+	(struct snode *)G_malloc(n_alloc_nodes * sizeof(struct snode));
+    n_stream_nodes = 0;
+    /* init outlet nodes */
+    n_alloc_outlets = stream_node_step;
+    outlets =
+	(struct point *)G_malloc(n_alloc_outlets * sizeof(struct point));
+    n_outlets = 0;
+    /* distances to neighbours */
+    dist_to_nbr = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
+    G_get_set_window(&window);
+    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+	/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
+	r_nbr = nextdr[ct_dir];
+	c_nbr = nextdc[ct_dir];
+	/* account for rare cases when ns_res != ew_res */
+	dy = abs(r_nbr) * window.ns_res;
+	dx = abs(c_nbr) * window.ew_res;
+	if (ct_dir < 4)
+	    dist_to_nbr[ct_dir] = dx + dy;
+	else
+	    dist_to_nbr[ct_dir] = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+    }
+    diag = sqrt(2);
+    /* reset worked flag */
+    flag_clear_all(worked);
+    workedon = 0;
+    for (killer = 1; killer <= n_points; killer++) {
+	G_percent(killer, n_points, 1);
+	r = astar_pts[killer].r;
+	c = astar_pts[killer].c;
+	aspect = astar_pts[killer].asp;
+	thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	/* do not distribute flow along edges */
+	if (aspect < 0) {
+	    G_debug(3, "edge");
+	    is_swale = stream[thisindex];
+	    if (is_swale) {
+		G_debug(2, "edge outlet");
+		/* add outlet point */
+		if (n_outlets >= n_alloc_outlets) {
+		    n_alloc_outlets += stream_node_step;
+		    outlets =
+			(struct point *)G_realloc(outlets,
+						  n_alloc_outlets *
+						  sizeof(struct point));
+		}
+		outlets[n_outlets].r = r;
+		outlets[n_outlets].c = c;
+		n_outlets++;
+	    }
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (aspect) {
+	    dr = r + asp_r[abs((int)aspect)];
+	    dc = c + asp_c[abs((int)aspect)];
+	}
+	else {
+	    dr = r;
+	    dc = c;
+	}
+	r_max = dr;
+	c_max = dc;
+	value = acc[thisindex];
+	/************************************/
+	/*  find main drainage direction  */
+	/************************************/
+	max_acc = -1;
+	max_side = np_side = -1;
+	mfd_cells = 0;
+	stream_cells = 0;
+	swale_cells = 0;
+	astar_not_set = 1;
+	ele_val = ele[thisindex];
+	is_null = 0;
+	edge = 0;
+	flat = 1;
+	/* this loop is needed to get the sum of weights */
+	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
+	    /* get r_nbr, c_nbr for neighbours */
+	    r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
+	    c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
+	    /* check that neighbour is within region */
+	    if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 && c_nbr < ncols) {
+		if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr)
+		    np_side = ct_dir;
+		nindex = INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		/* check for swale cells */
+		is_swale = stream[nindex];
+		if (is_swale > 0)
+		    swale_cells++;
+		/* check for stream cells */
+		valued = fabs(acc[nindex]);
+		if (valued >= threshold)
+		    stream_cells++;
+		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
+		if (is_worked == 0) {
+		    ele_nbr = ele[nindex];
+		    if (ele_nbr != ele_val)
+			flat = 0;
+		    edge = G_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr);
+		    if (!edge && ele_nbr <= ele_val) {
+			mfd_cells++;
+			/* set main drainage direction */
+			if (valued >= max_acc) {
+			    max_acc = valued;
+			    r_max = r_nbr;
+			    c_max = c_nbr;
+			    max_side = ct_dir;
+			}
+			if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr) {
+			    astar_not_set = 0;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		else if (ct_dir == np_side) {
+		    /* check for consistency with A * path */
+		    workedon++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+		edge = 1;
+	    if (edge)
+		break;
+	}
+	is_swale = stream[thisindex];
+	/* do not distribute flow along edges, this causes artifacts */
+	if (edge) {
+	    G_debug(3, "edge");
+	    if (is_swale) {
+		G_debug(2, "edge outlet");
+		/* add outlet point */
+		if (n_outlets >= n_alloc_outlets) {
+		    n_alloc_outlets += stream_node_step;
+		    outlets =
+			(struct point *)G_realloc(outlets,
+						  n_alloc_outlets *
+						  sizeof(struct point));
+		}
+		outlets[n_outlets].r = r;
+		outlets[n_outlets].c = c;
+		n_outlets++;
+	    }
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* honour A * path 
+	 * mfd_cells == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
+	 * mfd_cells == 1 && astar_not_set == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
+	 * mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1: A * path not included, add to mfd_cells
+	 */
+	/* MFD, A * path not included, add to mfd_cells */
+	if (mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1) {
+	    mfd_cells++;
+	    /* get main drainage direction */
+	    nindex = INDEX(dr, dc);
+	    if (fabs(acc[nindex]) >= max_acc) {
+		max_acc = fabs(acc[nindex]);
+		r_max = dr;
+		c_max = dc;
+		max_side = np_side;
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (mfd_cells == 0) {
+	    flat = 0;
+	    max_side = np_side;
+	}
+	is_swale = stream[thisindex];
+	/**********************/
+	/*  start new stream  */
+	/**********************/
+	/* weight map has precedence over Montgomery */
+	if (use_weight) {
+	    value *= accweight[thisindex];
+	}
+	/* Montgomery's stream initiation acc * (tan(slope))^mont_exp */
+	/* uses whatever unit is accumulation */
+	if (mont_exp > 0) {
+	    if (r_max == r && c_max == c)
+		G_warning
+		    ("Can't use Montgomery's method, no stream direction found");
+	    else {
+		ele_nbr = ele[INDEX(r_max, c_max)];
+		slope = (double)(ele_val - ele_nbr) / ele_scale;
+		if (max_side > 3)
+		    slope /= diag;
+		value *= pow(fabs(slope), mont_exp);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (is_swale < 1 && flat == 0 && fabs(value) >= threshold &&
+	    stream_cells < 4 && swale_cells < 1) {
+	    G_debug(2, "start new stream");
+	    is_swale = stream[thisindex] = ++stream_no;
+	    /* add stream node */
+	    if (stream_no >= n_alloc_nodes - 1) {
+		n_alloc_nodes += stream_node_step;
+		stream_node =
+		    (struct snode *)G_realloc(stream_node,
+					      n_alloc_nodes *
+					      sizeof(struct snode));
+	    }
+	    stream_node[stream_no].r = r;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].c = c;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].id = stream_no;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].n_trib = 0;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].n_trib_total = 0;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].n_alloc = 0;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].trib = NULL;
+	    stream_node[stream_no].acc = NULL;
+	    n_stream_nodes++;
+	    /* debug */
+	    if (n_stream_nodes != stream_no)
+		G_warning(_("stream_no %d and n_stream_nodes %d out of sync"),
+			  stream_no, n_stream_nodes);
+	}
+	/*********************/
+	/*  continue stream  */
+	/*********************/
+	/* can't continue stream, add outlet point */
+	if (is_swale > 0 && r_max == r && c_max == c) {
+	    G_debug(2, "can't continue stream at %d %d", r, c);
+	    if (n_outlets >= n_alloc_outlets) {
+		n_alloc_outlets += stream_node_step;
+		outlets =
+		    (struct point *)G_malloc(n_alloc_outlets *
+					     sizeof(struct point));
+	    }
+	    outlets[n_outlets].r = r;
+	    outlets[n_outlets].c = c;
+	    n_outlets++;
+	}
+	else if (is_swale > 0) {
+	    continue_stream(is_swale, r, c, r_max, c_max, thisindex,
+			    &stream_no);
+	}
+	FLAG_SET(worked, r, c);
+    }
+    if (workedon)
+	G_warning(_("MFD: A * path already processed when distributing flow: %d of %d cells"),
+		  workedon, n_points);
+    flag_destroy(worked);
+    G_free(dist_to_nbr);
+    G_debug(1, "%d outlets", n_outlets);
+    G_debug(1, "%d nodes", n_stream_nodes);
+    G_debug(1, "%d streams", stream_no);
+    return 1;

Added: grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/thin.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/thin.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.stream.extract/thin.c	2009-09-22 14:42:16 UTC (rev 39281)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+int thin_seg(int stream_id)
+    int thinned = 0;
+    int r, c, r_nbr, c_nbr, last_r, last_c;
+    unsigned int thisindex, lastindex;
+    struct ddir draindir, *founddir;
+    int curr_stream;
+    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
+    r = stream_node[stream_id].r;
+    c = stream_node[stream_id].c;
+    thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+    curr_stream = stream[thisindex];
+    if (curr_stream != stream_id)
+	G_fatal_error(_("stream node and stream not identical: stream id %d, stream node id %d, stream %d"),
+		      stream_id, stream_node[stream_id].id, curr_stream);
+    draindir.pos = thisindex;
+    if ((founddir = rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+	/* get downstream point */
+	last_r = r + asp_r[(int)founddir->dir];
+	last_c = c + asp_c[(int)founddir->dir];
+	curr_stream = stream[INDEX(last_r, last_c)];
+	if (curr_stream != stream_id)
+	    return thinned;
+	/* get next downstream point */
+	draindir.pos = INDEX(last_r, last_c);
+	while ((founddir = rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir)) != NULL) {
+	    r_nbr = last_r + asp_r[(int)founddir->dir];
+	    c_nbr = last_c + asp_c[(int)founddir->dir];
+	    if (r_nbr == last_r && c_nbr == last_c)
+		return thinned;
+	    if (r_nbr < 0 || r_nbr >= nrows || c_nbr < 0 || c_nbr >= ncols)
+		return thinned;
+	    if ((curr_stream = stream[INDEX(r_nbr, c_nbr)]) != stream_id)
+		return thinned;
+	    if (abs(r_nbr - r) < 2 && abs(c_nbr - c) < 2) {
+		/* eliminate last point */
+		lastindex = INDEX(last_r, last_c);
+		stream[lastindex] = 0;
+		draindir.pos = lastindex;
+		rbtree_remove(draintree, &draindir);
+		/* update start point */
+		draindir.pos = thisindex;
+		founddir = rbtree_find(draintree, &draindir);
+		founddir->dir = drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
+		last_r = r_nbr;
+		last_c = c_nbr;
+		draindir.pos = INDEX(last_r, last_c);
+		thinned = 1;
+	    }
+	    else {
+		/* nothing to eliminate, continue from last point */
+		r = last_r;
+		c = last_c;
+		last_r = r_nbr;
+		last_c = c_nbr;
+		thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+		draindir.pos = INDEX(last_r, last_c);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return thinned;
+int thin_streams(void)
+    int i, j, r, c, done;
+    int stream_id, next_node;
+    unsigned int thisindex;
+    struct sstack
+    {
+	int stream_id;
+	int next_trib;
+    } *nodestack;
+    int top = 0, stack_step = 1000;
+    int n_trib_total;
+    G_message(_("thin stream segments"));
+    nodestack = (struct sstack *)G_malloc(stack_step * sizeof(struct sstack));
+    for (i = 0; i < n_outlets; i++) {
+	G_percent(i, n_outlets, 2);
+	r = outlets[i].r;
+	c = outlets[i].c;
+	thisindex = INDEX(r, c);
+	stream_id = stream[thisindex];
+	/* add root node to stack */
+	G_debug(2, "add root node");
+	top = 0;
+	nodestack[top].stream_id = stream_id;
+	nodestack[top].next_trib = 0;
+	/* depth first post order traversal */
+	G_debug(2, "traverse");
+	while (top >= 0) {
+	    done = 1;
+	    stream_id = nodestack[top].stream_id;
+	    G_debug(3, "stream_id %d, top %d", stream_id, top);
+	    if (nodestack[top].next_trib < stream_node[stream_id].n_trib) {
+		/* add to stack */
+		G_debug(3, "get next node");
+		next_node =
+		    stream_node[stream_id].trib[nodestack[top].next_trib];
+		G_debug(3, "add to stack: next %d, trib %d, n trib %d",
+			next_node, nodestack[top].next_trib,
+			stream_node[stream_id].n_trib);
+		nodestack[top].next_trib++;
+		top++;
+		if (top >= stack_step) {
+		    /* need more space */
+		    stack_step += 1000;
+		    nodestack =
+			(struct sstack *)G_realloc(nodestack,
+						   stack_step *
+						   sizeof(struct sstack));
+		}
+		nodestack[top].next_trib = 0;
+		nodestack[top].stream_id = next_node;
+		done = 0;
+		G_debug(3, "go further down");
+	    }
+	    if (done) {
+		/* thin stream segment */
+		G_debug(3, "thin stream segment %d", stream_id);
+		if (thin_seg(stream_id) == 0)
+		    G_debug(3, "segment %d not thinned", stream_id);
+		else
+		    G_debug(3, "segment %d thinned", stream_id);
+		top--;
+		/* count tributaries */
+		if (top >= 0) {
+		    n_trib_total = 0;
+		    stream_id = nodestack[top].stream_id;
+		    for (j = 0; j < stream_node[stream_id].n_trib; j++) {
+			/* intermediate */
+			if (stream_node[stream_node[stream_id].trib[j]].
+			    n_trib > 0)
+			    n_trib_total +=
+				stream_node[stream_node[stream_id].trib[j]].
+				n_trib_total;
+			/* start */
+			else
+			    n_trib_total++;
+		    }
+		    stream_node[stream_id].n_trib_total = n_trib_total;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(n_outlets, n_outlets, 1);	/* finish it */
+    G_free(nodestack);
+    return 1;

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