[GRASS-SVN] r39314 - in grass-addons/vector: . v.in.geoplot
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Sep 28 10:03:17 EDT 2009
Author: benducke
Date: 2009-09-28 10:03:16 -0400 (Mon, 28 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 39314
Added v.in.geoplot
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/Makefile
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/Makefile 2009-09-28 14:03:16 UTC (rev 39314)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+PGM = v.in.geoplot
+EXTRA_CFLAGS = -I../../include
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make
+default: cmd
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/TODO
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/TODO (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/TODO 2009-09-28 14:03:16 UTC (rev 39314)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- default options of v.in.geoplot should match default setttings
+ of geoplot's export dialog box
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/description.html
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/description.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/description.html 2009-09-28 14:03:16 UTC (rev 39314)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+A module for easy import of Geoplot 3.0 ASCII data. Note that Geoplot data is in a local, non-geodetic reference system.
+Another tool such as <EM><A HREF="v.transform.html">v.transform</A></EM> will commonly be necessary to georeference and integrate it with existing data.
+Geoplot is produced by and copyright of <a href="http://www.geoscan-research.co.uk">Geoscan Research</a>.
+This module provides a way to import Geoplot data at full resolution and precision into GRASS GIS in a straight-forward manner.
+It is assumed that the user has already fully post-processed the raw data, applying filters, normalizing value ranges etc. as needed in Geoplot.
+Data should then be exported from Geoplot as ASCII values so they can be read and converted to a vector map with this module.
+The result of the import operation will be a new vector points map with each point representing exactly one record of the input file.
+Each record's nanotesla value will be stored in the double precision type field "nt" of the result map's attribute table.
+In addition, the original (local grid) coordinates of the record will be preserved as attribute fields "x" and "y".
+Geoplot is capable of producing a variety of different ASCII formats. The recommended way is to export "XYZ" files.
+However, lists of only Z values can also be imported, in which case the <em>xincrement=</em>, <em>yincrement=</em> and <em>length=</em> options have to be specified.
+All other export options, specifically the delimiter character, the NULL value representation and the "reference corner" are matched by equivalent options of <em>v.in.geoplot</em>.
+If no value is given fort <em>null=</em>, all records will be imported.
+Given a Geoplot XYZ ASCII file named "readings.xyz" with the following structure:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+0 0 1.374888
+.125 0 1.074888
+.25 0 .9748878
+.375 0 .8748878
+.5 0 .6748878
+.625 0 .2748878
+.75 0 .3748878
+.875 0 .5748878
+1 0 .8748878
+The correct syntax is:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+v.in.geoplot in=readings.xyz out=readings null=2047.5
+This will create a new vector map "readings" with the import result.
+Benjamin Ducke, benjamin.ducke AT oadigital.net
+<i>Last changed: Mon Sep 28 2009</i>
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/main.c
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/main.c (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.geoplot/main.c 2009-09-28 14:03:16 UTC (rev 39314)
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+ MODULE: v.in.geplot
+ AUTHOR: Benjamin Ducke
+ PURPOSE: Import Geoplot 3 data into a GRASS vector map.
+ COPYRIGHT: (c) 2009 Benjamin Ducke
+ benjamin.ducke at oadigital.net
+ This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ for details.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/Vect.h>
+#include <grass/dbmi.h>
+#define PROGVERSION 1.0
+extern int errno;
+int cachesize;
+int debug_mode = 0; /* 1 to enable writing debug output to logfile */
+void read_data ( char *input, char *output, char *format, char *delim,
+ char *cref, char *_xref, char *_yref,
+ char *_xinc, char *_yinc,
+ char *_len, char *_null, int quiet) {
+ FILE *fp;
+ int i,k;
+ int matches;
+ struct Cell_head region;
+ char data [2048];
+ struct Map_info out_vect_map;
+ struct line_pnts *vect_points;
+ struct line_cats *vect_cats;
+ float x,y,z;
+ double xd, yd, zd;
+ dbString sql;
+ dbDriver *driver;
+ struct field_info *f;
+ char buf[2048];
+ double xref;
+ double yref;
+ double xinc;
+ double yinc;
+ double len;
+ float null = 0.0;
+ int null_data;
+ /* convert arguments */
+ xref = atof ( _xref );
+ yref = atof ( _yref );
+ if ( _xinc != NULL ) {
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "z" ) ) {
+ G_fatal_error ("Option 'xincrement=' is required for Z format input file.\n");
+ }
+ xinc = atof ( _xinc );
+ }
+ if ( _yinc != NULL ) {
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "z" ) ) {
+ G_fatal_error ("Option 'yincrement=' is required for Z format input file.\n");
+ }
+ yinc = atof ( _yinc );
+ }
+ if ( _len != NULL ) {
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "z" ) ) {
+ G_fatal_error ("Option 'length=' is required for Z format input file.\n");
+ }
+ len = atof ( _len );
+ }
+ if ( _null != NULL ) {
+ null = (float) atof ( _null );
+ }
+ /* get current region */
+ G_get_window (®ion);
+ /* attempt to create new file for output */
+ Vect_set_open_level (2);
+ if (0 > Vect_open_new (&out_vect_map, output, 0) ) {
+ G_fatal_error ("Could not open output vector map.\n");
+ }
+ /* open input ASCII file */
+ if ( quiet != 1 ) {
+ fprintf (stderr,"Analysing input file..." );
+ }
+ fp = fopen ( input, "r");
+ if ( fp == NULL ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ("Error opening input file: %s\n", strerror ( errno ));
+ }
+ /* get total number of data points and null data points */
+ k = 0;
+ null_data = 0;
+ while ( fgets ( data, 2048, fp) != NULL ) {
+ k ++;
+ matches = 0;
+ if (!strcmp ( format, "xyz" ) ) {
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "tab" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f\t%f\t%f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "space" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "comma" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( matches < 3 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_warning ("Got only %i data items on line %i, expected 3.\n"
+ , matches, k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ xd = (double) x;
+ yd = (double) y;
+ zd = (double) z;
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "z" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f", &z );
+ if ( matches < 1 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_warning ("Got no data on line %i.\n", k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ zd = (double) z;
+ }
+ if ( _null != NULL ) {
+ if ( zd == null ) {
+ null_data ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( k < 1 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ("No lines in input file.\n");
+ }
+ if ( quiet != 1 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ fprintf (stderr,"Reading data and writing %i vector points...", k - (null_data) );
+ }
+ rewind ( fp );
+ vect_points = Vect_new_line_struct ();
+ /* create new field to store nT readings */
+ vect_cats = Vect_new_cats_struct ();
+ db_init_string ( &sql );
+ Vect_hist_command ( &out_vect_map );
+ f = Vect_default_field_info ( &out_vect_map, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE );
+ Vect_map_add_dblink ( &out_vect_map, 1, NULL, f->table, "cat", f->database, f->driver);
+ db_zero_string (&sql);
+ sprintf ( buf, "create table %s ( ", f->table );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, buf);
+ db_append_string ( &sql, "cat integer" );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ", nt double precision" );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ", x double precision" );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ", y double precision" );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ")" );
+ G_debug ( 1, db_get_string ( &sql ) );
+ driver = db_start_driver_open_database ( f->driver, f->database );
+ if ( driver == NULL ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ( "Cannot open database %s by driver %s", f->database,f->driver );
+ }
+ if (db_execute_immediate (driver, &sql) != DB_OK ) {
+ db_close_database(driver);
+ db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ( "Cannot create table: %s", db_get_string ( &sql ) );
+ }
+ /* while !EOF */
+ i = 0;
+ while ( fgets ( data, 2048, fp) != NULL ) {
+ i ++;
+ /* build point */
+ x = 0.0;
+ y = 0.0;
+ z = 0.0;
+ matches = 0;
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "xyz" ) ) {
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "tab" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f\t%f\t%f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "space" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( delim, "comma" ) ) {
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z );
+ }
+ if ( matches < 3 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_warning ("Got only %i data items on line %i, expected 3.\n"
+ , matches, i + 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ xd = (double) x;
+ yd = (double) y;
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp ( format, "z" ) ) {
+ /* create coordinates */
+ xd = 0.0;
+ yd = 0.0;
+ matches = sscanf ( data, "%f", &z );
+ if ( matches < 1 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_warning ("Got no data on line %i.\n", i+1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ zd = (double) z;
+ Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts (vect_points, &xd, &yd, NULL, 1);
+ Vect_reset_line ( vect_points );
+ Vect_reset_cats ( vect_cats );
+ Vect_cat_set ( vect_cats, 1, i );
+ /* filter out NULL data points if user wants it so */
+ if ( _null != NULL ) {
+ if ( zd != null ) {
+ Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, GV_POINT, vect_points, vect_cats );
+ /* write nT value and coords into attribute table */
+ db_zero_string ( &sql );
+ sprintf (buf, "insert into %s values ( %d ", f->table, i );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, buf);
+ sprintf (buf, ", %f, %f, %f", zd, xd, yd );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, buf);
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ")" );
+ G_debug ( 3, db_get_string ( &sql ) );
+ if (db_execute_immediate (driver, &sql) != DB_OK ) {
+ db_close_database(driver);
+ db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ( "Cannot insert new row: %s", db_get_string ( &sql ));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, GV_POINT, vect_points, vect_cats );
+ /* write nT value into attribute table */
+ db_zero_string ( &sql );
+ sprintf (buf, "insert into %s values ( %d ", f->table, i );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, buf);
+ sprintf (buf, ", %f", zd );
+ db_append_string ( &sql, buf);
+ db_append_string ( &sql, ")" );
+ G_debug ( 3, db_get_string ( &sql ) );
+ if (db_execute_immediate (driver, &sql) != DB_OK ) {
+ db_close_database(driver);
+ db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ G_fatal_error ( "Cannot insert new row: %s", db_get_string ( &sql ));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( quiet != 1 ) {
+ G_percent(i,k,1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to create new header ? */
+ /* Vect_copy_head_data (&in_vect_map, &out_vect_map); */
+ if ( quiet != 1 ) {
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ fprintf (stdout, "Building topology for output map...");
+ }
+ db_close_database_shutdown_driver ( driver );
+ Vect_build (&out_vect_map);
+ Vect_close (&out_vect_map);
+ if ( quiet != 1 ) {
+ fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
+ fflush ( stdout );
+ fprintf ( stdout, "DONE.\n" );
+ }
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct GModule *module;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct Option *input; /* name of input ASCII file */
+ struct Option *output; /* name of output vector map */
+ struct Option *format;
+ struct Option *delim;
+ struct Option *cref;
+ struct Option *xref;
+ struct Option *yref;
+ struct Option *xinc;
+ struct Option *yinc;
+ struct Option *len;
+ struct Option *null;
+ }
+ parm;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct Flag *quiet;
+ }
+ flag;
+ /* setup some basic GIS stuff */
+ G_gisinit (argv[0]);
+ module = G_define_module ();
+ module->description = "Creates vector points map from a Geoplot export file";
+ /* do not pause after a warning message was displayed */
+ G_sleep_on_error (0);
+ /* Module Parameters: */
+ parm.input = G_define_option ();
+ parm.input->key = "input";
+ parm.input->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.input->required = YES;
+ parm.input->description = "Geoplot ASCII export file";
+ /* name of output map */
+ parm.output = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
+ parm.output->key = "output";
+ parm.output->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.output->required = YES;
+ parm.output->description = "Vector map to store data points";
+ /* format of geoplot file */
+ parm.format = G_define_option ();
+ parm.format->key ="format";
+ parm.format->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.format->required = NO;
+ parm.format->description = "Format of geoplot data file";
+ parm.format->options = "xyz,z";
+ parm.format->answer = "xyz";
+ parm.delim = G_define_option ();
+ parm.delim->key = "delimiter";
+ parm.delim->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.delim->required = NO;
+ parm.delim->description = "Data delimiter";
+ parm.delim->options = "tab,space,comma";
+ parm.delim->answer = "tab";
+ parm.cref = G_define_option ();
+ parm.cref->key = "creference";
+ parm.cref->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.cref->required = NO;
+ parm.cref->description = "Reference corner (top-left or bottom-left)";
+ parm.cref->options = "tl,bl";
+ parm.cref->answer = "bl";
+ parm.xref = G_define_option ();
+ parm.xref->key = "xreference";
+ parm.xref->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.xref->required = NO;
+ parm.xref->description = "Easting of first data point";
+ parm.xref->answer = "0.0";
+ parm.yref = G_define_option ();
+ parm.yref->key = "yreference";
+ parm.yref->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.yref->required = NO;
+ parm.yref->description = "Northing of first data point";
+ parm.yref->answer = "0.0";
+ parm.xinc= G_define_option ();
+ parm.xinc->key = "xincrement";
+ parm.xinc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.xinc->required = NO;
+ parm.xinc->description = "Spacing between measurements";
+ parm.yinc = G_define_option ();
+ parm.yinc->key = "yincrement";
+ parm.yinc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.yinc->required = NO;
+ parm.yinc->description = "Spacing between lines";
+ parm.len = G_define_option ();
+ parm.len->key = "length";
+ parm.len->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.len->required = NO;
+ parm.len->description = "number of measurements on one line";
+ parm.null = G_define_option ();
+ parm.null->key = "null";
+ parm.null->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ parm.null->required = NO;
+ parm.null->description = "NULL data value to filter out";
+ flag.quiet = G_define_flag ();
+ flag.quiet->key = 'q';
+ flag.quiet->description = "Quiet operation: no progress display";
+ /* parse command line */
+ if (G_parser (argc, argv))
+ {
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ read_data ( parm.input->answer, parm.output->answer, parm.format->answer, parm.delim->answer,
+ parm.cref->answer, parm.xref->answer, parm.yref->answer,
+ parm.xinc->answer, parm.yinc->answer,
+ parm.len->answer, parm.null->answer, flag.quiet->answer );
+ return (1);
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