[GRASS-SVN] r39364 - in grass/trunk: include include/vect lib/vector/Vlib vector/v.in.ascii vector/v.out.ascii

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 30 16:32:12 EDT 2009

Author: martinl
Date: 2009-09-30 16:32:12 -0400 (Wed, 30 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 39364

move read/write GRASS ASCII vector format functionality to Vlib

Modified: grass/trunk/include/vect/dig_defines.h
--- grass/trunk/include/vect/dig_defines.h	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/include/vect/dig_defines.h	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -223,4 +223,8 @@
 /*! \brief Maximum category value */
+/*! \brief GRASS ASCII vector format */
+#define GV_ASCII_FORMAT_ALL   1
 #define HEADSTR	50

Modified: grass/trunk/include/vector.h
--- grass/trunk/include/vector.h	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/include/vector.h	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -407,6 +407,14 @@
 void Vect_spatial_index_del_item(struct spatial_index *, int, const struct bound_box *);
 int Vect_spatial_index_select(const struct spatial_index *, const struct bound_box *, struct ilist *);
+/* GRASS ASCII vector format */
+int Vect_read_ascii(FILE *, struct Map_info *);
+int Vect_read_ascii_head(FILE *, struct Map_info *);
+int Vect_write_ascii(FILE *, FILE *, struct Map_info *, int,
+		     int, int, char *, int,
+		     int, char*, char **);
+void Vect_write_ascii_head(FILE *, struct Map_info *);
  * Internal functions, MUST NOT be used in modules

Added: grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/ascii.c
--- grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/ascii.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/ascii.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+  \file vector/Vlib/ascii.c
+  \brief Vector library - GRASS ASCII vector format
+  Higher level functions for reading/writing/manipulating vectors.
+  (C) 2001-2009 by the GRASS Development Team
+  This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+  (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+  \author Original author CERL
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <grass/vector.h>
+#include <grass/dbmi.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#define BUFFSIZE 128
+static int srch(const void *, const void *);
+  \brief Read data in GRASS ASCII vector format
+  \param ascii pointer to the ASCII file
+  \param Map   pointer to Map_info structure
+  \return 0
+int Vect_read_ascii(FILE *ascii, struct Map_info *Map)
+    char ctype;
+    char buff[BUFFSIZE];
+    double *xarray;
+    double *yarray;
+    double *zarray;
+    double *x, *y, *z;
+    int i, n_points, n_coors, n_cats;
+    int type;
+    int alloc_points;
+    int end_of_file;
+    struct line_pnts *Points;
+    struct line_cats *Cats;
+    int catn;
+    int cat;
+    /* Must always use this to create an initialized  line_pnts structure */
+    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
+    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
+    end_of_file = 0;
+    /*alloc_points     = 1000 ; */
+    alloc_points = 1;
+    xarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
+    yarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
+    zarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
+    while (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) != 0) {
+	n_cats = 0;
+	if (buff[0] == '\0') {
+	    G_debug(3, "a2b: skipping blank line");
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (sscanf(buff, "%1c%d%d", &ctype, &n_coors, &n_cats) < 2 ||
+	    n_coors < 0 || n_cats < 0) {
+	    if (ctype == '#') {
+		G_debug(2, "a2b: skipping commented line");
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (bad type) [%s]"),
+			  buff);
+	}
+	if (ctype == '#') {
+	    G_debug(2, "a2b: Skipping commented line");
+	    continue;
+	}
+	switch (ctype) {
+	case 'A':
+	    type = GV_BOUNDARY;
+	    break;
+	case 'B':
+	    type = GV_BOUNDARY;
+	    break;
+	case 'C':
+	    type = GV_CENTROID;
+	    break;
+	case 'L':
+	    type = GV_LINE;
+	    break;
+	case 'P':
+	    type = GV_POINT;
+	    break;
+	case 'F':
+	    type = GV_FACE;
+	    break;
+	case 'K':
+	    type = GV_KERNEL;
+	    break;
+	case 'a':
+	case 'b':
+	case 'c':
+	case 'l':
+	case 'p':
+	    type = 0;		/* dead -> ignore */
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (unknown type) [%s]"),
+			  buff);
+	}
+	G_debug(5, "feature type = %d", type);
+	n_points = 0;
+	x = xarray;
+	y = yarray;
+	z = zarray;
+	/* Collect the points */
+	for (i = 0; i < n_coors; i++) {
+	    if (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) == 0)
+		G_fatal_error(_("End of ASCII file reached before end of coordinates"));
+	    if (buff[0] == '\0') {
+		G_debug(3, "a2b: skipping blank line while reading vertices");
+		i--;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    *z = 0;
+	    if (sscanf(buff, "%lf%lf%lf", x, y, z) < 2)
+		G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (bad point) [%s]"),
+			      buff);
+	    G_debug(5, "coor in: %s -> x = %f y = %f z = %f", G_chop(buff),
+		    *x, *y, *z);
+	    n_points++;
+	    x++;
+	    y++;
+	    z++;
+	    if (n_points >= alloc_points) {
+		alloc_points = n_points + 1000;
+		xarray =
+		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)xarray,
+					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
+		yarray =
+		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)yarray,
+					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
+		zarray =
+		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)zarray,
+					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
+		x = xarray + n_points;
+		y = yarray + n_points;
+		z = zarray + n_points;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Collect the cats */
+	for (i = 0; i < n_cats; i++) {
+	    if (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) == 0)
+		G_fatal_error(_("End of ASCII file reached before end of categories"));
+	    if (buff[0] == '\0') {
+		G_debug(3,
+			"a2b: skipping blank line while reading category info");
+		i--;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    if (sscanf(buff, "%u%u", &catn, &cat) != 2)
+		G_fatal_error(_("Error reading categories: [%s]"), buff);
+	    Vect_cat_set(Cats, catn, cat);
+	}
+	/* Allocation is handled for line_pnts */
+	if (0 >
+	    Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts(Points, xarray, yarray, zarray, n_points))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));
+	if (type > 0)
+	    Vect_write_line(Map, type, Points, Cats);
+	Vect_reset_cats(Cats);
+    }
+    return 0;
+  \brief Read header of GRASS ASCII vector format
+  \param dascii pointer to the ASCII file
+  \param Map    pointer to Map_info structure
+  \return 0 on success
+  \return -1 on error
+int Vect_read_ascii_head(FILE *dascii, struct Map_info *Map)
+    char buff[1024];
+    char *ptr;
+    for (;;) {
+	if (0 == G_getl2(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, dascii))
+	    return (0);
+	/* Last line of header */
+	if (strncmp(buff, "VERTI:", 6) == 0)
+	    return (0);
+	if (!(ptr = G_index(buff, ':')))
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Unexpected data in vector head:\n[%s]"), buff);
+	ptr++;			/* Search for the start of text */
+	while (*ptr == ' ')
+	    ptr++;
+	if (strncmp(buff, "ORGANIZATION:", 12) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_organization(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT DATE:", 11) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_date(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT NAME:", 11) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_person(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP NAME:", 9) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_map_name(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP DATE:", 9) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_map_date(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP SCALE:", 10) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_scale(Map, atoi(ptr));
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "OTHER INFO:", 11) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_comment(Map, ptr);
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "ZONE:", 5) == 0 ||
+		 strncmp(buff, "UTM ZONE:", 9) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_zone(Map, atoi(ptr));
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "WEST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "EAST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "SOUTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "NORTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP THRESH:", 11) == 0)
+	    Vect_set_thresh(Map, atof(ptr));
+	else {
+	    G_warning(_("Unknown keyword <%s> in vector head"), buff);
+	}
+    }
+    /* NOTREACHED */
+  \brief Write data to GRASS ASCII vector format
+  \param dascii pointer to the ASCII file
+  \param Map    pointer to Map_info structure
+  \return 0 on sucess
+  \return -1 on error
+int Vect_write_ascii(FILE *ascii,
+		     FILE *att, struct Map_info *Map, int ver,
+		     int format, int dp, char *fs, int region_flag,
+		     int field, char* where, char **columns)
+    int type, ctype, i, cat, proj;
+    double *xptr, *yptr, *zptr, x, y;
+    static struct line_pnts *Points;
+    struct line_cats *Cats;
+    char *xstring = NULL, *ystring = NULL, *zstring = NULL;
+    struct Cell_head window;
+    struct ilist *fcats;
+    /* where */
+    struct field_info *Fi;
+    dbDriver *driver;
+    dbValue value = {0};
+    dbHandle handle;
+    int *cats, ncats;
+    /* get the region */
+    G_get_window(&window);
+    ncats = 0;
+    cats = NULL;
+    if (where || columns) {
+	Fi = Vect_get_field(Map, field);
+	if (!Fi) {
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),
+			  field);
+	}
+	driver = db_start_driver(Fi->driver);
+	if (!driver)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to start driver <%s>"), Fi->driver);
+	db_init_handle(&handle);
+	db_set_handle(&handle, Fi->database, NULL);
+	if (db_open_database(driver, &handle) != DB_OK)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
+			  Fi->database, Fi->driver);
+	/* select cats (sorted array) */
+	ncats = db_select_int(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, where, &cats);
+	G_debug(3, "%d categories selected from table <%s>", ncats, Fi->table);
+	if (!columns) {
+	    db_close_database(driver);
+	    db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+	}
+    }
+    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();	/* init line_pnts struct */
+    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
+    fcats = Vect_new_list();
+    proj = Vect_get_proj(Map);
+    /* by default, read_next_line will NOT read Dead lines */
+    /* but we can override that (in Level I only) by specifying */
+    /* the type  -1, which means match all line types */
+    Vect_rewind(Map);
+    while (1) {
+	if (-1 == (type = Vect_read_next_line(Map, Points, Cats))) {
+	    if (columns) {
+		db_close_database(driver);
+		db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+	    }
+	    return -1;
+	}
+	if (type == -2)	{	/* EOF */
+	    if (columns) {
+		db_close_database(driver);
+		db_shutdown_driver(driver);
+	    }
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	if (format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT && !(type & GV_POINTS))
+	    continue;
+	if (cats) {
+	    /* check category */
+	    for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
+		if ((int *)bsearch((void *) &(Cats->cat[i]), cats, ncats, sizeof(int),
+				   srch)) {
+		    /* found */
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (i == Cats->n_cats) 
+		continue;
+	}
+	if (ver < 5) {
+	    Vect_cat_get(Cats, 1, &cat);
+	}
+	switch (type) {
+	    if (ver == 5)
+		ctype = 'B';
+	    else
+		ctype = 'A';
+	    break;
+	    if (ver < 5) {
+		if (att != NULL) {
+		    if (cat > 0) {
+			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
+			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
+			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
+			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
+			fprintf(att, "A %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
+		    }
+		}
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    ctype = 'C';
+	    break;
+	case GV_LINE:
+	    ctype = 'L';
+	    break;
+	case GV_POINT:
+	    ctype = 'P';
+	    break;
+	case GV_FACE:
+	    ctype = 'F';
+	    break;
+	case GV_KERNEL:
+	    ctype = 'K';
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    ctype = 'X';
+	    G_warning(_("got type %d"), (int)type);
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT) {
+	    /*fprintf(ascii, "%c", ctype); */
+	    if (region_flag) {
+		if ((window.east < Points->x[0]) ||
+		    (window.west > Points->x[0]))
+		    continue;
+	    }
+	    G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
+	    G_trim_decimal(xstring);
+	    if (region_flag) {
+		if ((window.north < Points->y[0]) ||
+		    (window.south > Points->y[0]))
+		    continue;
+	    }
+	    G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
+	    G_trim_decimal(ystring);
+	    if (Map->head.with_z && ver == 5) {
+		if (region_flag) {
+		    if ((window.top < Points->z[0]) ||
+			(window.bottom > Points->z[0]))
+			continue;
+		}
+		G_asprintf(&zstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->z[0]);
+		G_trim_decimal(zstring);
+		fprintf(ascii, "%s%s%s%s%s", xstring, fs, ystring, fs,
+			zstring);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		fprintf(ascii, "%s%s%s", xstring, fs, ystring);
+	    }
+	    Vect_field_cat_get(Cats, field, fcats);
+	    if (fcats->n_values > 0) {
+		if (fcats->n_values > 1) {
+		    G_warning(_("Feature has more categories. Only first category (%d) "
+				"is exported."), fcats->value[0]);
+		}
+		fprintf(ascii, "%s%d", fs, fcats->value[0]);
+		/* print attributes */
+		if (columns) {
+		    for(i = 0; columns[i]; i++) {
+			if (db_select_value(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, fcats->value[0],
+					    columns[i], &value) < 0)
+			    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select record from table <%s> (key %s, column %s)"),
+					  Fi->table, Fi->key, columns[i]);
+			if (db_test_value_isnull(&value)) {
+			    fprintf(ascii, "%s", fs);
+			}
+			else {
+			    switch(db_column_Ctype(driver, Fi->table, columns[i]))
+			    {
+			    case DB_C_TYPE_INT: {
+				fprintf(ascii, "%s%d", fs, db_get_value_int(&value));
+				break;
+			    }
+			    case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE: {
+				fprintf(ascii, "%s%.*f", fs, dp, db_get_value_double(&value));
+				break;
+			    }
+			    case DB_C_TYPE_STRING: {
+				fprintf(ascii, "%s%s", fs, db_get_value_string(&value));
+				break;
+			    }
+			    case DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME: {
+				break;
+			    }
+			    case -1:
+				G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"),
+					      columns[i], Fi->table);
+			    default: G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s>: unsupported data type"),
+						   columns[i]);
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    fprintf(ascii, "\n");
+	}
+	else {
+	    if (ver == 5 && Cats->n_cats > 0)
+		fprintf(ascii, "%c  %d %d\n", ctype, Points->n_points,
+			Cats->n_cats);
+	    else
+		fprintf(ascii, "%c  %d\n", ctype, Points->n_points);
+	    xptr = Points->x;
+	    yptr = Points->y;
+	    zptr = Points->z;
+	    while (Points->n_points--) {
+		G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, *xptr++);
+		G_trim_decimal(xstring);
+		G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, *yptr++);
+		G_trim_decimal(ystring);
+		if (ver == 5) {
+		    if (Map->head.with_z) {
+			G_asprintf(&zstring, "%.*f", dp, *zptr++);
+			G_trim_decimal(zstring);
+			fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s %-12s\n", xstring,
+				ystring, zstring);
+		    }
+		    else {
+			fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s\n", xstring, ystring);
+		    }
+		}		/*Version 4 */
+		else {
+		    fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s\n", ystring, xstring);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (ver == 5) {
+		for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
+		    fprintf(ascii, " %-5d %-10d\n", Cats->field[i],
+			    Cats->cat[i]);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		if (cat > 0) {
+		    if (type == GV_POINT) {
+			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
+			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
+			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
+			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
+			fprintf(att, "P %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
+		    }
+		    else {
+			x = (Points->x[1] + Points->x[0]) / 2;
+			y = (Points->y[1] + Points->y[0]) / 2;
+			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, x);
+			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
+			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, y);
+			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
+			fprintf(att, "L %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* not reached */
+int srch(const void *pa, const void *pb)
+    int *p1 = (int *)pa;
+    int *p2 = (int *)pb;
+    if (*p1 < *p2)
+	return -1;
+    if (*p1 > *p2)
+	return 1;
+    return 0;
+  \brief Write data to GRASS ASCII vector format
+  \param dascii pointer to the ASCII file
+  \param Map    pointer to Map_info structure
+void Vect_write_ascii_head(FILE *dascii, struct Map_info *Map)
+    fprintf(dascii, "ORGANIZATION: %s\n", Vect_get_organization(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "DIGIT DATE:   %s\n", Vect_get_date(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "DIGIT NAME:   %s\n", Vect_get_person(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "MAP NAME:     %s\n", Vect_get_map_name(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "MAP DATE:     %s\n", Vect_get_map_date(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "MAP SCALE:    %d\n", Vect_get_scale(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "OTHER INFO:   %s\n", Vect_get_comment(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "ZONE:         %d\n", Vect_get_zone(Map));
+    fprintf(dascii, "MAP THRESH:   %f\n", Vect_get_thresh(Map));

Property changes on: grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/ascii.c
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-csrc
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Property changes on: grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/merge_lines.c
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-csrc
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/a2b.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/a2b.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/a2b.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <grass/gis.h>
-#include <grass/vector.h>
-#include <grass/glocale.h>
-#define BUFFSIZE 128
-int asc_to_bin(FILE * ascii, struct Map_info *Map)
-    char ctype;
-    char buff[BUFFSIZE];
-    double *xarray;
-    double *yarray;
-    double *zarray;
-    double *x, *y, *z;
-    int i, n_points, n_coors, n_cats;
-    int type;
-    int alloc_points;
-    int end_of_file;
-    struct line_pnts *Points;
-    struct line_cats *Cats;
-    int catn;
-    int cat;
-    /* Must always use this to create an initialized  line_pnts structure */
-    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
-    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
-    end_of_file = 0;
-    /*alloc_points     = 1000 ; */
-    alloc_points = 1;
-    xarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
-    yarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
-    zarray = (double *)G_calloc(alloc_points, sizeof(double));
-    while (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) != 0) {
-	n_cats = 0;
-	if (buff[0] == '\0') {
-	    G_debug(3, "a2b: skipping blank line");
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (sscanf(buff, "%1c%d%d", &ctype, &n_coors, &n_cats) < 2 ||
-	    n_coors < 0 || n_cats < 0) {
-	    if (ctype == '#') {
-		G_debug(2, "a2b: skipping commented line");
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (bad type) [%s]"),
-			  buff);
-	}
-	if (ctype == '#') {
-	    G_debug(2, "a2b: Skipping commented line");
-	    continue;
-	}
-	switch (ctype) {
-	case 'A':
-	    type = GV_BOUNDARY;
-	    break;
-	case 'B':
-	    type = GV_BOUNDARY;
-	    break;
-	case 'C':
-	    type = GV_CENTROID;
-	    break;
-	case 'L':
-	    type = GV_LINE;
-	    break;
-	case 'P':
-	    type = GV_POINT;
-	    break;
-	case 'F':
-	    type = GV_FACE;
-	    break;
-	case 'K':
-	    type = GV_KERNEL;
-	    break;
-	case 'a':
-	case 'b':
-	case 'c':
-	case 'l':
-	case 'p':
-	    type = 0;		/* dead -> ignore */
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (unknown type) [%s]"),
-			  buff);
-	}
-	G_debug(5, "feature type = %d", type);
-	n_points = 0;
-	x = xarray;
-	y = yarray;
-	z = zarray;
-	/* Collect the points */
-	for (i = 0; i < n_coors; i++) {
-	    if (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) == 0)
-		G_fatal_error(_("End of ASCII file reached before end of coordinates"));
-	    if (buff[0] == '\0') {
-		G_debug(3, "a2b: skipping blank line while reading vertices");
-		i--;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    *z = 0;
-	    if (sscanf(buff, "%lf%lf%lf", x, y, z) < 2)
-		G_fatal_error(_("Error reading ASCII file: (bad point) [%s]"),
-			      buff);
-	    G_debug(5, "coor in: %s -> x = %f y = %f z = %f", G_chop(buff),
-		    *x, *y, *z);
-	    n_points++;
-	    x++;
-	    y++;
-	    z++;
-	    if (n_points >= alloc_points) {
-		alloc_points = n_points + 1000;
-		xarray =
-		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)xarray,
-					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
-		yarray =
-		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)yarray,
-					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
-		zarray =
-		    (double *)G_realloc((void *)zarray,
-					alloc_points * sizeof(double));
-		x = xarray + n_points;
-		y = yarray + n_points;
-		z = zarray + n_points;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Collect the cats */
-	for (i = 0; i < n_cats; i++) {
-	    if (G_getl2(buff, BUFFSIZE - 1, ascii) == 0)
-		G_fatal_error(_("End of ASCII file reached before end of categories"));
-	    if (buff[0] == '\0') {
-		G_debug(3,
-			"a2b: skipping blank line while reading category info");
-		i--;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (sscanf(buff, "%u%u", &catn, &cat) != 2)
-		G_fatal_error(_("Error reading categories: [%s]"), buff);
-	    Vect_cat_set(Cats, catn, cat);
-	}
-	/* Allocation is handled for line_pnts */
-	if (0 >
-	    Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts(Points, xarray, yarray, zarray, n_points))
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));
-	if (type > 0)
-	    Vect_write_line(Map, type, Points, Cats);
-	Vect_reset_cats(Cats);
-    }
-    return 0;

Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/head.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/head.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/head.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <grass/vector.h>
-#include <grass/gis.h>
-#include <grass/glocale.h>
-int read_head(FILE * dascii, struct Map_info *Map)
-    char buff[1024];
-    char *ptr;
-    for (;;) {
-	if (0 == G_getl2(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, dascii))
-	    return (0);
-	/* Last line of header */
-	if (strncmp(buff, "VERTI:", 6) == 0)
-	    return (0);
-	if (!(ptr = G_index(buff, ':')))
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Unexpected data in vector head:\n[%s]"), buff);
-	ptr++;			/* Search for the start of text */
-	while (*ptr == ' ')
-	    ptr++;
-	if (strncmp(buff, "ORGANIZATION:", 12) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_organization(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT DATE:", 11) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_date(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT NAME:", 11) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_person(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP NAME:", 9) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_map_name(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP DATE:", 9) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_map_date(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP SCALE:", 10) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_scale(Map, atoi(ptr));
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "OTHER INFO:", 11) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_comment(Map, ptr);
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "ZONE:", 5) == 0 ||
-		 strncmp(buff, "UTM ZONE:", 9) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_zone(Map, atoi(ptr));
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "WEST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "EAST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "SOUTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "NORTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP THRESH:", 11) == 0)
-	    Vect_set_thresh(Map, atof(ptr));
-	else {
-	    G_warning(_("Unknown keyword <%s> in vector head"), buff);
-	}
-    }
-    /* NOTREACHED */

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/local_proto.h
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/local_proto.h	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/local_proto.h	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
 #ifndef __LOCAL_PROTO_H__
 #define __LOCAL_PROTO_H__
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <grass/gis.h>
 #include <grass/dbmi.h>
-#define FORMAT_POINT 0
-#define FORMAT_ALL   1
 int points_analyse(FILE *, FILE *, char *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int **,
 		   int **, int, int, int, int);
 int points_to_bin(FILE *, int, struct Map_info *, dbDriver *,
 		  char *, char *, int, int, int *, int, int, int, int, int);
-int read_head(FILE *, struct Map_info *);
-int asc_to_bin(FILE *, struct Map_info *);
 #endif /* __LOCAL_PROTO_H__ */

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/main.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/main.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.in.ascii/main.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@
     if (format_opt->answer[0] == 'p')
-	format = FORMAT_POINT;
-	format = FORMAT_ALL;
     skip_lines = atoi(skip_opt->answer);
     if (skip_lines < 0)
 	G_fatal_error(_("Please specify reasonable number of lines to skip"));
-    if (zcoorf->answer && format == FORMAT_POINT && !zcol_opt->answer)
+    if (zcoorf->answer && format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT && !zcol_opt->answer)
 	G_fatal_error(_("Please specify z column"));
     xcol = atoi(xcol_opt->answer) - 1;
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
     if (zcol >= 0 && !zcoorf->answer)
 	zcoorf->answer = TRUE;
-    if (zcoorf->answer && format == FORMAT_POINT && zcol < 0)
+    if (zcoorf->answer && format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT && zcol < 0)
 	G_fatal_error(_("Please specify reasonable z column"));
     catcol = atoi(catcol_opt->answer) - 1;
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
-    if (format == FORMAT_POINT) {
+    if (format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT) {
 	int i, rowlen, ncols, minncols, *coltype, *coltype2, *collen, nrows;
 	int n_int = 0, n_double = 0, n_string = 0;
 	char buf[1000];
@@ -529,9 +529,9 @@
     else {			/* FORMAT_ALL (standard mode) */
 	if (!noheader_flag->answer)
-	    read_head(ascii, &Map);
+	    Vect_read_ascii_head(ascii, &Map);
-	asc_to_bin(ascii, &Map);
+	Vect_read_ascii(ascii, &Map);
     if (ascii != stdin)

Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/b2a.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/b2a.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/b2a.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-#include <grass/vector.h>
-#include <grass/gis.h>
-#include <grass/dbmi.h>
-#include <grass/glocale.h>
-#include "local_proto.h"
-static int srch(const void *pa, const void *pb);
-int bin_to_asc(FILE *ascii,
-	       FILE *att, struct Map_info *Map, int ver,
-	       int format, int dp, char *fs, int region_flag,
-	       int field, char* where, char **columns)
-    int type, ctype, i, cat, proj;
-    double *xptr, *yptr, *zptr, x, y;
-    static struct line_pnts *Points;
-    struct line_cats *Cats;
-    char *xstring = NULL, *ystring = NULL, *zstring = NULL;
-    struct Cell_head window;
-    struct ilist *fcats;
-    /* where */
-    struct field_info *Fi;
-    dbDriver *driver;
-    dbValue value = {0};
-    dbHandle handle;
-    int *cats, ncats;
-    /* get the region */
-    G_get_window(&window);
-    ncats = 0;
-    cats = NULL;
-    if (where || columns) {
-	Fi = Vect_get_field(Map, field);
-	if (!Fi) {
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),
-			  field);
-	}
-	driver = db_start_driver(Fi->driver);
-	if (!driver)
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to start driver <%s>"), Fi->driver);
-	db_init_handle(&handle);
-	db_set_handle(&handle, Fi->database, NULL);
-	if (db_open_database(driver, &handle) != DB_OK)
-	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
-			  Fi->database, Fi->driver);
-	/* select cats (sorted array) */
-	ncats = db_select_int(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, where, &cats);
-	G_debug(3, "%d categories selected from table <%s>", ncats, Fi->table);
-	if (!columns) {
-	    db_close_database(driver);
-	    db_shutdown_driver(driver);
-	}
-    }
-    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();	/* init line_pnts struct */
-    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
-    fcats = Vect_new_list();
-    proj = Vect_get_proj(Map);
-    /* by default, read_next_line will NOT read Dead lines */
-    /* but we can override that (in Level I only) by specifying */
-    /* the type  -1, which means match all line types */
-    Vect_rewind(Map);
-    while (1) {
-	if (-1 == (type = Vect_read_next_line(Map, Points, Cats))) {
-	    if (columns) {
-		db_close_database(driver);
-		db_shutdown_driver(driver);
-	    }
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	if (type == -2)	{	/* EOF */
-	    if (columns) {
-		db_close_database(driver);
-		db_shutdown_driver(driver);
-	    }
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	if (format == FORMAT_POINT && !(type & GV_POINTS))
-	    continue;
-	if (cats) {
-	    /* check category */
-	    for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
-		if ((int *)bsearch((void *) &(Cats->cat[i]), cats, ncats, sizeof(int),
-				   srch)) {
-		    /* found */
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (i == Cats->n_cats) 
-		continue;
-	}
-	if (ver < 5) {
-	    Vect_cat_get(Cats, 1, &cat);
-	}
-	switch (type) {
-	    if (ver == 5)
-		ctype = 'B';
-	    else
-		ctype = 'A';
-	    break;
-	    if (ver < 5) {
-		if (att != NULL) {
-		    if (cat > 0) {
-			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
-			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
-			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
-			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
-			fprintf(att, "A %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
-		    }
-		}
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    ctype = 'C';
-	    break;
-	case GV_LINE:
-	    ctype = 'L';
-	    break;
-	case GV_POINT:
-	    ctype = 'P';
-	    break;
-	case GV_FACE:
-	    ctype = 'F';
-	    break;
-	case GV_KERNEL:
-	    ctype = 'K';
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    ctype = 'X';
-	    G_warning(_("got type %d"), (int)type);
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (format == FORMAT_POINT) {
-	    /*fprintf(ascii, "%c", ctype); */
-	    if (region_flag) {
-		if ((window.east < Points->x[0]) ||
-		    (window.west > Points->x[0]))
-		    continue;
-	    }
-	    G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
-	    G_trim_decimal(xstring);
-	    if (region_flag) {
-		if ((window.north < Points->y[0]) ||
-		    (window.south > Points->y[0]))
-		    continue;
-	    }
-	    G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
-	    G_trim_decimal(ystring);
-	    if (Map->head.with_z && ver == 5) {
-		if (region_flag) {
-		    if ((window.top < Points->z[0]) ||
-			(window.bottom > Points->z[0]))
-			continue;
-		}
-		G_asprintf(&zstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->z[0]);
-		G_trim_decimal(zstring);
-		fprintf(ascii, "%s%s%s%s%s", xstring, fs, ystring, fs,
-			zstring);
-	    }
-	    else {
-		fprintf(ascii, "%s%s%s", xstring, fs, ystring);
-	    }
-	    Vect_field_cat_get(Cats, field, fcats);
-	    if (fcats->n_values > 0) {
-		if (fcats->n_values > 1) {
-		    G_warning(_("Feature has more categories. Only first category (%d) "
-				"is exported."), fcats->value[0]);
-		}
-		fprintf(ascii, "%s%d", fs, fcats->value[0]);
-		/* print attributes */
-		if (columns) {
-		    for(i = 0; columns[i]; i++) {
-			if (db_select_value(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, fcats->value[0],
-					    columns[i], &value) < 0)
-			    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select record from table <%s> (key %s, column %s)"),
-					  Fi->table, Fi->key, columns[i]);
-			if (db_test_value_isnull(&value)) {
-			    fprintf(ascii, "%s", fs);
-			}
-			else {
-			    switch(db_column_Ctype(driver, Fi->table, columns[i]))
-			    {
-			    case DB_C_TYPE_INT: {
-				fprintf(ascii, "%s%d", fs, db_get_value_int(&value));
-				break;
-			    }
-			    case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE: {
-				fprintf(ascii, "%s%.*f", fs, dp, db_get_value_double(&value));
-				break;
-			    }
-			    case DB_C_TYPE_STRING: {
-				fprintf(ascii, "%s%s", fs, db_get_value_string(&value));
-				break;
-			    }
-			    case DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME: {
-				break;
-			    }
-			    case -1:
-				G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"),
-					      columns[i], Fi->table);
-			    default: G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s>: unsupported data type"),
-						   columns[i]);
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    fprintf(ascii, "\n");
-	}
-	else {
-	    if (ver == 5 && Cats->n_cats > 0)
-		fprintf(ascii, "%c  %d %d\n", ctype, Points->n_points,
-			Cats->n_cats);
-	    else
-		fprintf(ascii, "%c  %d\n", ctype, Points->n_points);
-	    xptr = Points->x;
-	    yptr = Points->y;
-	    zptr = Points->z;
-	    while (Points->n_points--) {
-		G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, *xptr++);
-		G_trim_decimal(xstring);
-		G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, *yptr++);
-		G_trim_decimal(ystring);
-		if (ver == 5) {
-		    if (Map->head.with_z) {
-			G_asprintf(&zstring, "%.*f", dp, *zptr++);
-			G_trim_decimal(zstring);
-			fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s %-12s\n", xstring,
-				ystring, zstring);
-		    }
-		    else {
-			fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s\n", xstring, ystring);
-		    }
-		}		/*Version 4 */
-		else {
-		    fprintf(ascii, " %-12s %-12s\n", ystring, xstring);
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (ver == 5) {
-		for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
-		    fprintf(ascii, " %-5d %-10d\n", Cats->field[i],
-			    Cats->cat[i]);
-		}
-	    }
-	    else {
-		if (cat > 0) {
-		    if (type == GV_POINT) {
-			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, Points->x[0]);
-			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
-			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, Points->y[0]);
-			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
-			fprintf(att, "P %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
-		    }
-		    else {
-			x = (Points->x[1] + Points->x[0]) / 2;
-			y = (Points->y[1] + Points->y[0]) / 2;
-			G_asprintf(&xstring, "%.*f", dp, x);
-			G_trim_decimal(xstring);
-			G_asprintf(&ystring, "%.*f", dp, y);
-			G_trim_decimal(ystring);
-			fprintf(att, "L %s %s %d\n", xstring, ystring, cat);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* not reached */
-int srch(const void *pa, const void *pb)
-    int *p1 = (int *)pa;
-    int *p2 = (int *)pb;
-    if (*p1 < *p2)
-	return -1;
-    if (*p1 > *p2)
-	return 1;
-    return 0;

Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/head.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/head.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/head.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <grass/vector.h>
-#include <grass/gis.h>
-int write_head(FILE * dascii, struct Map_info *Map)
-    fprintf(dascii, "ORGANIZATION: %s\n", Vect_get_organization(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "DIGIT DATE:   %s\n", Vect_get_date(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "DIGIT NAME:   %s\n", Vect_get_person(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "MAP NAME:     %s\n", Vect_get_map_name(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "MAP DATE:     %s\n", Vect_get_map_date(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "MAP SCALE:    %d\n", Vect_get_scale(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "OTHER INFO:   %s\n", Vect_get_comment(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "ZONE:         %d\n", Vect_get_zone(Map));
-    fprintf(dascii, "MAP THRESH:   %f\n", Vect_get_thresh(Map));
-    return (0);

Deleted: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/local_proto.h
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/local_proto.h	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/local_proto.h	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#define FORMAT_POINT 0
-#define FORMAT_ALL   1
-/* b2a.c */
-int bin_to_asc(FILE *, FILE *, struct Map_info *, int ver, int format, int dp,
-	       char *, int, int, char *, char **);
-/* head.c */
-int write_head(FILE * dascii, struct Map_info *Map);

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/main.c
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/main.c	2009-09-30 19:27:00 UTC (rev 39363)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.out.ascii/main.c	2009-09-30 20:32:12 UTC (rev 39364)
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include <grass/gis.h>
 #include <grass/vector.h>
 #include <grass/glocale.h>
-#include "local_proto.h"
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -105,11 +104,11 @@
     field = atoi(field_opt->answer);
     if (format_opt->answer[0] == 'p')
-	format = FORMAT_POINT;
-	format = FORMAT_ALL;
-    if (format == FORMAT_ALL && column_opt->answer) {
+    if (format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_ALL && column_opt->answer) {
 	G_warning(_("Parameter '%s' ignored in standard mode"),
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@
     if (verf->answer)
 	ver = 4;
-    if (ver == 4 && format == FORMAT_POINT) {
+    if (ver == 4 && format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_POINT) {
 	G_fatal_error(_("Format 'point' is not supported for old version"));
@@ -167,8 +166,8 @@
 	ascii = stdout;
-    if (format == FORMAT_ALL) {
-	write_head(ascii, &Map);
+    if (format == GV_ASCII_FORMAT_ALL) {
+	Vect_write_ascii_head(ascii, &Map);
 	fprintf(ascii, "VERTI:\n");
@@ -183,9 +182,9 @@
-    bin_to_asc(ascii, att, &Map, ver, format, dp, fs,
-	       region_flag->answer, field, where_opt->answer,
-	       column_opt->answers);
+    Vect_write_ascii(ascii, att, &Map, ver, format, dp, fs,
+		     region_flag->answer, field, where_opt->answer,
+		     column_opt->answers);
     if (ascii != NULL)

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