[GRASS-SVN] r40477 - in grass/trunk: imagery/i.evapo.time_integration raster/r.cost raster/r.in.mat raster/r.in.xyz raster/r.li/r.li.patchdensity raster/r.statistics raster3d/r3.cross.rast raster3d/r3.gwflow raster3d/r3.out.vtk vector/v.hull

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jan 16 18:18:55 EST 2010

Author: hamish
Date: 2010-01-16 18:18:54 -0500 (Sat, 16 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 40477

add spaces around '=' for r.mapcalc examples

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time_integration/i.evapo.time_integration.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time_integration/i.evapo.time_integration.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.evapo.time_integration/i.evapo.time_integration.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 for ETo_val in Eto[1] Eto[2] ...
-	r.mapcalc eto$n=$ETo_val 
+	r.mapcalc "eto$n = $ETo_val" 
 	`expr n = n + 1'

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.cost/r.cost.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
   g.region rast=roads -p
-  r.mapcalc "area.one=1"
+  r.mapcalc "area.one = 1"
   r.cost -k input=area.one output=distance start_rast=roads
   d.rast distance
   d.rast.num distance
   #transform to metric distance from cell distance using the raster resolution:
-  r.mapcalc "dist_meters=distance * (ewres()+nsres())/2."
+  r.mapcalc "dist_meters = distance * (ewres()+nsres())/2."
   d.rast dist_meters

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.mat/r.in.mat.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 map is loaded into GRASS you can convert it back to an integer map with the 
 following command:
 <div class="code"><pre>
-r.mapcalc int_map="int(MATFile_map)"
+r.mapcalc "int_map = int(MATFile_map)"
 <tt>NaN</tt> values in either floating point or double-precision floating point

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.in.xyz/r.in.xyz.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 <li> <em>n</em> map <tt>percent=100</tt> and <tt>percent=xx</tt> maps
   differ slightly (point will fall above/below the segmentation line)
-  <br>Investigate with "<tt>r.mapcalc diff=bin_n.100 - bin_n.33</tt>" etc.
+  <br>Investigate with "<tt>r.mapcalc diff = bin_n.100 - bin_n.33</tt>" etc.
   <br>Cause unknown.
 <li> "<tt>nan</tt>" can leak into <em>coeff_var</em> maps.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.patchdensity/r.li.patchdensity.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.patchdensity/r.li.patchdensity.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.li/r.li.patchdensity/r.li.patchdensity.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 g.region rast=landcover.30m -p
 # extract forested areas:
 r.category landcover.30m
-r.mapcalc "forests=if(landcover.30m >= 41 && landcover.30m <=43,1,null())"
+r.mapcalc "forests = if(landcover.30m >= 41 && landcover.30m <=43,1,null())"
 # patch density (7x7 moving window defined in r.li.setup):
 r.li.patchdensity forests conf=movwindow7 out=forests_p_dens7

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.statistics/r.statistics.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 r.statistics base=fields cover=elevation.dem out=elevstats method=average
 r.category elevstats
-r.mapcalc "fieldelev=@elevstats"
+r.mapcalc "fieldelev = @elevstats"
 r.univar fieldelev

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.cross.rast/r3.cross.rast.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 g.region res=150 res3=150 t=1000 b=0 tbres=100
 # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
-r3.mapcalc "map3d=sin(row())+sin(col())+sin(depth()*depth())"
+r3.mapcalc "map3d = sin(row())+sin(col())+sin(depth()*depth())"
 #create a cutplane map
 r.mapcalc "cutplane = col()*10"

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.gwflow/r3.gwflow.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
 g.region res=25 res3=25 t=100 b=0 n=1000 s=0 w=0 e=1000
 #now create the input raster maps for a confined aquifer
-r3.mapcalc "phead=if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 50, 40)"
-r3.mapcalc "status=if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 2, 1)"
-r3.mapcalc "well=if(row() == 20 && col() == 20 , -0.00025, 0)"
-r3.mapcalc "hydcond=0.00025"
-r3.mapcalc "syield=0.0001"
-r.mapcalc  "recharge=0.0"
+r3.mapcalc "phead = if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 50, 40)"
+r3.mapcalc "status = if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 2, 1)"
+r3.mapcalc "well = if(row() == 20 && col() == 20 , -0.00025, 0)"
+r3.mapcalc "hydcond = 0.00025"
+r3.mapcalc "syield = 0.0001"
+r.mapcalc  "recharge = 0.0"
 r3.gwflow --o -s solver=cg phead=phead status=status hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond  \
 hc_z=hydcond q=well s=syield r=recharge output=gwresult dt=8640000 velocity=gwresult_velocity

Modified: grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html
--- grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/raster3d/r3.out.vtk/r3.out.vtk.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region -d
 g.region res=150 res3=150 t=80 b=0 tbres=10
-r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
+r.mapcalc "bottom = 1800. - elevation.10m"
 # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
-r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
+r3.mapcalc "map3d = row()+col()+depth()"
 #export of volume to VTK:
 r3.out.vtk -s input=map3d top=elevation.10m bottom=bottom output=/tmp/out.vtk
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@
 g.region n=4926970 s=4914857 w=591583 e=607793 res=50 res3=50 t=80 b=0 tbres=10
 #create a bottom surface
-r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
+r.mapcalc "bottom = 1800. - elevation.10m"
 # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
-r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
+r3.mapcalc "map3d = row()+col()+depth()"
 #get some satellite images with r.in.onearth
 r.in.onearth -l output=Sat tmband=Red
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@
 g.region n=4926970 s=4914857 w=591583 e=607793 res=50 res3=50 t=80 b=0 tbres=10
 # create a bottom surface
-r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
+r.mapcalc "bottom = 1800. - elevation.10m"
 # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
-r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
+r3.mapcalc "map3d = row()+col()+depth()"
 # synthetic vector data, could be groundwater stream vectors
-r3.mapcalc "x_part =sin(row())"
-r3.mapcalc "y_part =cos(col())"
-r3.mapcalc "z_part =sin(depth())"
+r3.mapcalc "x_part = sin(row())"
+r3.mapcalc "y_part = cos(col())"
+r3.mapcalc "z_part = sin(depth())"
 # export the stuff data to VTK:
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 #reduce resolution:
 g.region -dp3 res=1000 res3=1000
-r.mapcalc "bottom=100"
+r.mapcalc "bottom = 100"
 #export of volume to VTK:
 r3.out.vtk -s in=precip3d.500z50 top=dem500 bottom=bottom out=/tmp/slovakia3d.vtk

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html	2010-01-16 22:57:02 UTC (rev 40476)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.hull/v.hull.html	2010-01-16 23:18:54 UTC (rev 40477)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 Example of <em>v.hull</em> 3D output (using two random 3D point clouds):
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rural_1m -p
-r.mapcalc zero=0
+r.mapcalc "zero = 0"
 v.random -z out=random3d_a n=10 zmin=0 zmax=200
 v.random -z out=random3d_b n=15 zmin=400 zmax=600
 v.hull random3d_a out=random3d_a_hull

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