[GRASS-SVN] r43647 - grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.path
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 23 07:05:45 EDT 2010
Author: rashadkm
Date: 2010-09-23 11:05:45 +0000 (Thu, 23 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 43647
fixed for grass6.4.0RC6 and grass6.5 (need some cleanup)
Modified: grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.path/wx.path.py
--- grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.path/wx.path.py 2010-09-23 10:09:03 UTC (rev 43646)
+++ grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.path/wx.path.py 2010-09-23 11:05:45 UTC (rev 43647)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import math
import tempfile
import copy
+import time
gbase = os.getenv("GISBASE")
pypath = os.path.join(gbase,'etc','wxpython','gui_modules')
@@ -57,7 +58,16 @@
from preferences import globalSettings as UserSettings
from icon import Icons
from mapdisp import Command
-from mapdisp import BufferedWindow
+grassversion = os.getenv("GRASS_VERSION")
+if grassversion.rfind("6.4") != 0:
+ from mapdisp_window import BufferedWindow
+ from mapdisp_window import MapWindow as MapWindow
+ from mapdisp import BufferedWindow
+ from mapdisp import MapWindow as MapWindow
from mapdisp import MapFrame
from debug import Debug
import images
@@ -79,6 +89,7 @@
Map=None, auimgr=None):
+ self._layerManager = gismgr
self.Map = Map
self.gismanager = gismgr # GIS Manager object
self.Map = Map # instance of render.Map
@@ -135,67 +146,106 @@
self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(number=4, style=0)
self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-5, -2, -1, -1])
- self.toggleStatus = wx.Choice(self.statusbar, wx.ID_ANY,
- choices = globalvar.MAP_DISPLAY_STATUSBAR_MODE)
- self.toggleStatus.SetSelection(UserSettings.Get(group='display', key='statusbarMode', subkey='selection'))
- self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnToggleStatus, self.toggleStatus)
+ self.statusbarWin = dict()
+ self.statusbarWin['toggle'] = wx.Choice(self.statusbar, wx.ID_ANY,
+ choices = globalvar.MAP_DISPLAY_STATUSBAR_MODE)
+ self.statusbarWin['toggle'].SetSelection(UserSettings.Get(group='display',
+ key='statusbarMode',
+ subkey='selection'))
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnToggleStatus, self.statusbarWin['toggle'])
# auto-rendering checkbox
- self.autoRender = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
- label=_("Render"))
- self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleRender, self.autoRender)
- self.autoRender.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group='display', key='autoRendering', subkey='enabled'))
- self.autoRender.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Enable/disable auto-rendering")))
+ self.statusbarWin['render'] = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ label=_("Render"))
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleRender, self.statusbarWin['render'])
+ self.statusbarWin['render'].SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group='display',
+ key='autoRendering',
+ subkey='enabled'))
+ self.statusbarWin['render'].SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Enable/disable auto-rendering")))
# show region
- self.showRegion = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
- label=_("Show computational extent"))
- self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleShowRegion, self.showRegion)
+ self.statusbarWin['region'] = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ label=_("Show computational extent"))
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleShowRegion, self.statusbarWin['region'])
- self.showRegion.SetValue(False)
- self.showRegion.Hide()
- self.showRegion.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Show/hide computational "
- "region extent (set with g.region). "
- "Display region drawn as a blue box inside the "
- "computational region, "
- "computational region inside a display region "
- "as a red box).")))
+ self.statusbarWin['region'].SetValue(False)
+ self.statusbarWin['region'].Hide()
+ self.statusbarWin['region'].SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Show/hide computational "
+ "region extent (set with g.region). "
+ "Display region drawn as a blue box inside the "
+ "computational region, "
+ "computational region inside a display region "
+ "as a red box).")))
# set resolution
- self.compResolution = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
- label=_("Constrain display resolution to computational settings"))
- self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleResolution, self.compResolution)
- self.compResolution.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group='display', key='compResolution', subkey='enabled'))
- self.compResolution.Hide()
- self.compResolution.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Constrain display resolution "
- "to computational region settings. "
- "Default value for new map displays can "
- "be set up in 'User GUI settings' dialog.")))
+ self.statusbarWin['resolution'] = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ label=_("Constrain display resolution to computational settings"))
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnToggleResolution, self.statusbarWin['resolution'])
+ self.statusbarWin['resolution'].SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group='display', key='compResolution', subkey='enabled'))
+ self.statusbarWin['resolution'].Hide()
+ self.statusbarWin['resolution'].SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Constrain display resolution "
+ "to computational region settings. "
+ "Default value for new map displays can "
+ "be set up in 'User GUI settings' dialog.")))
# map scale
- self.mapScale = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
- value="", style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER,
- size=(150, -1))
- self.mapScale.Hide()
- self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnChangeMapScale, self.mapScale)
+ self.statusbarWin['mapscale'] = wx.ComboBox(parent = self.statusbar, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+ style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER,
+ size=(150, -1))
+ self.statusbarWin['mapscale'].SetItems(['1:1000',
+ '1:5000',
+ '1:10000',
+ '1:25000',
+ '1:50000',
+ '1:100000',
+ '1:1000000'])
+ self.statusbarWin['mapscale'].Hide()
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnChangeMapScale, self.statusbarWin['mapscale'])
+ self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChangeMapScale, self.statusbarWin['mapscale'])
+ # go to
+ self.statusbarWin['goto'] = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ value="", style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER,
+ size=(300, -1))
+ self.statusbarWin['goto'].Hide()
+# self.statusbar.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnGoTo, self.statusbarWin['goto'])
+ # projection
+ self.statusbarWin['projection'] = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ label=_("Use defined projection"))
+ self.statusbarWin['projection'].SetValue(False)
+ size = self.statusbarWin['projection'].GetSize()
+ self.statusbarWin['projection'].SetMinSize((size[0] + 150, size[1]))
+ self.statusbarWin['projection'].SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip (_("Reproject coordinates displayed "
+ "in the statusbar. Projection can be "
+ "defined in GUI preferences dialog "
+ "(tab 'Display')")))
+ self.statusbarWin['projection'].Hide()
# mask
- self.maskInfo = wx.StaticText(parent = self.statusbar, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+ self.statusbarWin['mask'] = wx.StaticText(parent = self.statusbar, id = wx.ID_ANY,
label = '')
- self.maskInfo.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0))
+ self.statusbarWin['mask'].SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0))
# on-render gauge
- self.onRenderGauge = wx.Gauge(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ self.statusbarWin['progress'] = wx.Gauge(parent=self.statusbar, id=wx.ID_ANY,
range=0, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL)
- self.onRenderGauge.Hide()
+ self.statusbarWin['progress'].Hide()
self.StatusbarReposition() # reposition statusbar
# Init map display (buffered DC & set default cursor)
- self.MapWindow2D = BufferedWindow(self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
- Map=self.Map, tree=self.tree, gismgr=self.gismanager)
+ self.MapWindow2D = BufferedWindow2(self, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+ Map=self.Map, tree=self.tree, lmgr=self.gismanager)
# default is 2D display mode
self.MapWindow = self.MapWindow2D
- self.MapWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ if grassversion.rfind("6.4") != 0:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MapWindow.OnMotion)
+ # else:
+# self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MapWindow.OnMotion2)
+ # self.MapWindow.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MapWindow.OnMotion)
# used by Nviz (3D display mode)
self.MapWindow3D = None
@@ -205,14 +255,16 @@
# initialize region values
- self.__InitDisplay()
+ self.width, self.height = self.GetClientSize()
+ self.Map.ChangeMapSize(self.GetClientSize())
+ self.Map.region = self.Map.GetRegion()
# Bind various events
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnFocus)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
- self.Bind(render.EVT_UPDATE_PRGBAR, self.OnUpdateProgress)
+ # self.Bind(render.EVT_UPDATE_PRGBAR, self.OnUpdateProgress)
# Update fancy gui style
@@ -274,10 +326,47 @@
self.coords = []
self.points = []
+ def OnMotion2(self, event):
+ """
+ Mouse moved
+ Track mouse motion and update status bar
+ """
+ # update statusbar if required
+ if self.toggleStatus.GetSelection() == 0: # Coordinates
+ e, n = self.MapWindow.Pixel2Cell(event.GetPositionTuple())
+ if self.toolbars['vdigit'] and \
+ self.toolbars['vdigit'].GetAction() == 'addLine' and \
+ self.toolbars['vdigit'].GetAction('type') in ('line', 'boundary') and \
+ len(self.MapWindow.polycoords) > 0:
+ # for linear feature show segment and total length
+ distance_seg = self.MapWindow.Distance(self.MapWindow.polycoords[-1],
+ (e, n), screen=False)[0]
+ distance_tot = distance_seg
+ for idx in range(1, len(self.MapWindow.polycoords)):
+ distance_tot += self.MapWindow.Distance(self.MapWindow.polycoords[idx-1],
+ self.MapWindow.polycoords[idx],
+ screen=False )[0]
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("%.2f, %.2f (seg: %.2f; tot: %.2f)" % \
+ (e, n, distance_seg, distance_tot), 0)
+ else:
+ if self.Map.projinfo['proj'] == 'll':
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("%s" % utils.Deg2DMS(e, n), 0)
+ else:
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("%.2f, %.2f" % (e, n), 0)
+ event.Skip()
+ def StatusbarReposition(self):
+ """Reposition checkbox in statusbar"""
+ # reposition checkbox
+ widgets = 0
+ def StatusbarUpdate(self):
+ """Update statusbar content"""
+ widgets = 0
def OnButtonDClick(self,event):
@@ -302,7 +391,7 @@
command=["v.net.path", 'input=roads', 'output=path','file=tmp','--overwrite']
- gcmd.CommandThread(command,stout=None,stderr=None).run()
+ gcmd.CommandThread(command,stdout=None,stderr=None).run()
self.mapname = 'path@'+ grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
@@ -315,34 +404,442 @@
- def __InitDisplay(self):
+class BufferedWindow2(BufferedWindow):
+ """!A Buffered window class.
+ When the drawing needs to change, you app needs to call the
+ UpdateMap() method. Since the drawing is stored in a bitmap, you
+ can also save the drawing to file by calling the
+ SaveToFile(self,file_name,file_type) method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+ Map = None, tree = None, lmgr = None,
+ style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, **kwargs):
+ MapWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, Map, tree, lmgr, **kwargs)
+ wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, style = style, **kwargs)
+ # flags
+ self.resize = False # indicates whether or not a resize event has taken place
+ self.dragimg = None # initialize variable for map panning
+ self.tree = tree
+ self.Map = Map
+ # variables for drawing on DC
+ self.pen = None # pen for drawing zoom boxes, etc.
+ self.polypen = None # pen for drawing polylines (measurements, profiles, etc)
+ # List of wx.Point tuples defining a polyline (geographical coordinates)
+ self.polycoords = []
+ # ID of rubber band line
+ self.lineid = None
+ # ID of poly line resulting from cumulative rubber band lines (e.g. measurement)
+ self.plineid = None
+ # event bindings
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
+ ### self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MouseActions)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.MouseActions)
+ if grassversion.rfind("6.4") != 0:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ #else:
+ #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MapWindow.OnMotion2)
+ self.processMouse = True
+ # render output objects
+ self.mapfile = None # image file to be rendered
+ self.img = None # wx.Image object (self.mapfile)
+ # used in digitization tool (do not redraw vector map)
+ self.imgVectorMap = None
+ # decoration overlays
+ self.overlays = {}
+ # images and their PseudoDC ID's for painting and dragging
+ self.imagedict = {}
+ self.select = {} # selecting/unselecting decorations for dragging
+ self.textdict = {} # text, font, and color indexed by id
+ self.currtxtid = None # PseudoDC id for currently selected text
+ # zoom objects
+ self.zoomhistory = [] # list of past zoom extents
+ self.currzoom = 0 # current set of extents in zoom history being used
+ self.zoomtype = 1 # 1 zoom in, 0 no zoom, -1 zoom out
+ self.hitradius = 10 # distance for selecting map decorations
+ self.dialogOffset = 5 # offset for dialog (e.g. DisplayAttributesDialog)
+ # OnSize called to make sure the buffer is initialized.
+ # This might result in OnSize getting called twice on some
+ # platforms at initialization, but little harm done.
+ ### self.OnSize(None)
+ if grassversion.rfind("6.4") != 0:
+ self.DefinePseudoDC()
+ else:
+ self.pdc = wx.PseudoDC()
+ # used for digitization tool
+ self.pdcVector = None
+ # decorations (region box, etc.)
+ self.pdcDec = wx.PseudoDC()
+ # pseudoDC for temporal objects (select box, measurement tool, etc.)
+ self.pdcTmp = wx.PseudoDC()
+ # redraw all pdc's, pdcTmp layer is redrawn always (speed issue)
+ self.redrawAll = True
+ # will store an off screen empty bitmap for saving to file
+ self._buffer = ''
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda x:None)
+# self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN , Bufferedwindow.OnKeyDown)
+ # vars for handling mouse clicks
+ self.dragid = -1
+ self.lastpos = (0, 0)
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ """!
+ Draw PseudoDC's to buffered paint DC
+ self.pdc for background and decorations
+ self.pdcVector for vector map which is edited
+ self.pdcTmp for temporaly drawn objects (self.polycoords)
+ If self.redrawAll is False on self.pdcTmp content is re-drawn
- Initialize map display, set dimensions and map region
+ Debug.msg(4, "BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=%s" % self.redrawAll)
+ dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.buffer)
+ ### dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush("White"))
+ dc.Clear()
+ # use PrepareDC to set position correctly
+ self.PrepareDC(dc)
+ # create a clipping rect from our position and size
+ # and update region
+ rgn = self.GetUpdateRegion().GetBox()
+ dc.SetClippingRect(rgn)
+ switchDraw = False
+ if self.redrawAll is None:
+ self.redrawAll = True
+ switchDraw = True
+ if self.redrawAll: # redraw pdc and pdcVector
+ # draw to the dc using the calculated clipping rect
+ self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)
+ # draw vector map layer
+ if self.pdcVector:
+ # decorate with GDDC (transparency)
+ try:
+ gcdc = wx.GCDC(dc)
+ self.pdcVector.DrawToDCClipped(gcdc, rgn)
+ except NotImplementedError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ self.pdcVector.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)
+ self.bufferLast = None
+ else: # do not redraw pdc and pdcVector
+ if self.bufferLast is None:
+ # draw to the dc
+ self.pdc.DrawToDC(dc)
+ if self.pdcVector:
+ # decorate with GDDC (transparency)
+ try:
+ gcdc = wx.GCDC(dc)
+ self.pdcVector.DrawToDC(gcdc)
+ except NotImplementedError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ self.pdcVector.DrawToDC(dc)
+ # store buffered image
+ # self.bufferLast = wx.BitmapFromImage(self.buffer.ConvertToImage())
+ self.bufferLast = dc.GetAsBitmap(wx.Rect(0, 0, self.Map.width, self.Map.height))
+ pdcLast = self.PseudoDC(vdigit = False)
+ pdcLast.DrawBitmap(self.bufferLast, 0, 0, False)
+ pdcLast.DrawToDC(dc)
+ # draw decorations (e.g. region box)
+ try:
+ gcdc = wx.GCDC(dc)
+ self.pdcDec.DrawToDC(gcdc)
+ except NotImplementedError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ self.pdcDec.DrawToDC(dc)
+ # draw temporary object on the foreground
+ ### self.pdcTmp.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)
+ self.pdcTmp.DrawToDC(dc)
+ if switchDraw:
+ self.redrawAll = False
+ self.polypen = wx.Pen(colour="RED", width=1, style=wx.SOLID)
+ self.pdc.BeginDrawing()
+ self.pdc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.CYAN, wx.TRANSPARENT))
+ self.pdc.SetPen(self.polypen)
+ if (len(self.parent.coords) < 2):
+ return
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(self.parent.coords):
+ self.pdc.DrawLinePoint(wx.Point(self.parent.coords[i-1][0], self.parent.coords[i-1][1]),
+ wx.Point(self.parent.coords[i][0], self.parent.coords[i][1]))
+ i += 1
+ self.pdc.EndDrawing()
+ self.polypen = wx.Pen(colour="GREEN", width=1, style=wx.SOLID)
+ self.pdc.BeginDrawing()
+ self.pdc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.CYAN, wx.TRANSPARENT))
+ self.pdc.SetPen(self.polypen)
+ if (len(self.parent.coor) < 2):
+ return
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(self.parent.coor):
+ self.pdc.DrawLinePoint(wx.Point(self.parent.coor[i-1][0], self.parent.coor[i-1][1]),
+ wx.Point(self.parent.coor[i][0], self.parent.coor[i][1]))
+ i += 1
+ self.pdc.EndDrawing()
+ self.Refresh()
+ def UpdateMap(self, render=True, renderVector=True):
+ """!
+ Updates the canvas anytime there is a change to the
+ underlaying images or to the geometry of the canvas.
+ @param render re-render map composition
+ @param renderVector re-render vector map layer enabled for editing (used for digitizer)
- self.width, self.height = self.GetClientSize()
+ start = time.clock()
+ self.resize = False
+ # if len(self.Map.GetListOfLayers()) == 0:
+ # return False
+ if self.img is None:
+ render = True
+ #
+ # initialize process bar (only on 'render')
+ #
+ if render is True or renderVector is True:
+ self.parent.statusbarWin['progress'].Show()
+ if self.parent.statusbarWin['progress'].GetRange() > 0:
+ self.parent.statusbarWin['progress'].SetValue(1)
+ #
+ # render background image if needed
+ #
+ # update layer dictionary if there has been a change in layers
+ if self.tree and self.tree.reorder == True:
+ self.tree.ReorderLayers()
+ # reset flag for auto-rendering
+ if self.tree:
+ self.tree.rerender = False
+ if render:
+ # update display size
+ self.Map.ChangeMapSize(self.GetClientSize())
+ if self.parent.statusbarWin['resolution'].IsChecked():
+ # use computation region resolution for rendering
+ windres = True
+ else:
+ windres = False
+ self.mapfile = self.Map.Render(force=True, mapWindow=self.parent,
+ windres=windres)
+ else:
+ self.mapfile = self.Map.Render(force=False, mapWindow=self.parent)
+ self.img = self.GetImage() # id=99
+ #
+ # clear pseudoDcs
+ #
+ for pdc in (self.pdc,
+ self.pdcDec,
+ self.pdcTmp):
+ pdc.Clear()
+ pdc.RemoveAll()
+ #
+ # draw background map image to PseudoDC
+ #
+ if not self.img:
+ self.Draw(self.pdc, pdctype='clear')
+ else:
+ try:
+ id = self.imagedict[self.img]['id']
+ except:
+ return False
- Debug.msg(2, "MapFrame.__InitDisplay():")
- self.Map.ChangeMapSize(self.GetClientSize())
- self.Map.region = self.Map.GetRegion() # g.region -upgc
- # self.Map.SetRegion() # adjust region to match display window
- def GetLayerManager(self):
- return self
+ self.Draw(self.pdc, self.img, drawid=id)
+ #
+ # render vector map layer
+ #
- def AddToolbar(self, name):
- """!Add defined toolbar to the window
+ # render overlays
+ #
+ for img in self.GetOverlay():
+ # draw any active and defined overlays
+ if self.imagedict[img]['layer'].IsActive():
+ id = self.imagedict[img]['id']
+ self.Draw(self.pdc, img=img, drawid=id,
+ pdctype=self.overlays[id]['pdcType'], coords=self.overlays[id]['coords'])
+ for id in self.textdict.keys():
+ self.Draw(self.pdc, img=self.textdict[id], drawid=id,
+ pdctype='text', coords=[10, 10, 10, 10])
+ # optionally draw computational extent box
+ self.DrawCompRegionExtent()
+ #
+ # redraw pdcTmp if needed
+ #
+ if len(self.polycoords) > 0:
+ self.DrawLines(self.pdcTmp)
+ #
+ # clear measurement
+ #
+ stop = time.clock()
+ #
+ # hide process bar
+ #
+ self.parent.statusbarWin['progress'].Hide()
+ #
+ # update statusbar
+ #
+ ### self.Map.SetRegion()
+ self.parent.StatusbarUpdate()
+ if grass.find_file(name = 'MASK', element = 'cell')['name']:
+ # mask found
+ self.parent.statusbarWin['mask'].SetLabel(_('MASK'))
+ else:
+ self.parent.statusbarWin['mask'].SetLabel('')
+ Debug.msg (2, "BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=%s, renderVector=%s -> time=%g" % \
+ (render, renderVector, (stop-start)))
+ return True
+ def OnMotion(self, event):
+ """!Mouse moved
+ Track mouse motion and update status bar
- # default toolbar
- self.toolbars['map'] = toolbars.MapToolbar(self, self.Map)
+ if self.parent.statusbarWin['toggle'].GetSelection() == 0: # Coordinates
+ precision = int(UserSettings.Get(group = 'projection', key = 'format',
+ subkey = 'precision'))
+ format = UserSettings.Get(group = 'projection', key = 'format',
+ subkey = 'll')
+ try:
+ e, n = self.Pixel2Cell(event.GetPositionTuple())
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText("", 0)
+ return
+ if self.parent.toolbars['vdigit'] and \
+ self.parent.toolbars['vdigit'].GetAction() == 'addLine' and \
+ self.parent.toolbars['vdigit'].GetAction('type') in ('line', 'boundary') and \
+ len(self.polycoords) > 0:
+ # for linear feature show segment and total length
+ distance_seg = self.Distance(self.polycoords[-1],
+ (e, n), screen=False)[0]
+ distance_tot = distance_seg
+ for idx in range(1, len(self.polycoords)):
+ distance_tot += self.Distance(self.polycoords[idx-1],
+ self.polycoords[idx],
+ screen=False )[0]
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText("%.*f, %.*f (seg: %.*f; tot: %.*f)" % \
+ (precision, e, precision, n,
+ precision, distance_seg,
+ precision, distance_tot), 0)
+ else:
+ if self.parent.statusbarWin['projection'].IsChecked():
+ if not UserSettings.Get(group='projection', key='statusbar', subkey='proj4'):
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText(_("Projection not defined (check the settings)"), 0)
+ else:
+ proj, coord = utils.ReprojectCoordinates(coord = (e, n),
+ projOut = UserSettings.Get(group='projection',
+ key='statusbar',
+ subkey='proj4'),
+ flags = 'd')
+ if coord:
+ e, n = coord
+ if proj in ('ll', 'latlong', 'longlat') and format == 'DMS':
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText(utils.Deg2DMS(e, n, precision = precision),
+ 0)
+ else:
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText("%.*f; %.*f" % \
+ (precision, e, precision, n), 0)
+ else:
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText(_("Error in projection (check the settings)"), 0)
+ else:
+ if self.parent.Map.projinfo['proj'] == 'll' and format == 'DMS':
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText(utils.Deg2DMS(e, n, precision = precision),
+ 0)
+ else:
+ self.parent.statusbar.SetStatusText("%.*f; %.*f" % \
+ (precision, e, precision, n), 0)
+ event.Skip()
- self._mgr.AddPane(self.toolbars['map'].toolbar,
- wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().
- Name("maptoolbar").Caption(_("Map Toolbar")).
- ToolbarPane().Top().
- LeftDockable(False).RightDockable(False).
- BottomDockable(False).TopDockable(True).
- CloseButton(False).Layer(2).
- BestSize((self.toolbars['map'].GetToolbar().GetSize())))
+ def OnLeftUp(self, event):
+ """!Left mouse button released
+ """
+ Debug.msg (5, "BufferedWindow.OnLeftUp(): use=%s" % \
+ self.mouse["use"])
+ self.mouse['end'] = event.GetPositionTuple()[:]
+ if self.mouse['use'] in ["zoom", "pan"]:
+ # set region in zoom or pan
+ begin = self.mouse['begin']
+ end = self.mouse['end']
+ if self.mouse['use'] == 'zoom':
+ # set region for click (zero-width box)
+ if begin[0] - end[0] == 0 or \
+ begin[1] - end[1] == 0:
+ # zoom 1/2 of the screen (TODO: settings)
+ begin = (end[0] - self.Map.width / 4,
+ end[1] - self.Map.height / 4)
+ end = (end[0] + self.Map.width / 4,
+ end[1] + self.Map.height / 4)
+ self.Zoom(begin, end, self.zoomtype)
+ # redraw map
+ self.UpdateMap(render=True)
+ # update statusbar
+ self.parent.StatusbarUpdate()
class PathApp(wx.App):
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