[GRASS-SVN] r45831 - grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Apr 3 06:09:55 EDT 2011

Author: annakrat
Date: 2011-04-03 03:09:55 -0700 (Sun, 03 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 45831

wxGUI/psmap: set max resolution

Modified: grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap.py
--- grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap.py	2011-04-03 07:53:36 UTC (rev 45830)
+++ grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap.py	2011-04-03 10:09:55 UTC (rev 45831)
@@ -841,10 +841,16 @@
                     resol = grass.parse_key_val(resol, val_type = float)
                     RunCommand('g.region', nsres = resol['nsres'], ewres = resol['ewres'])
                     # change current raster in raster legend
                 if 'rasterLegend' in self.openDialogs:
                 id = self.instruction.FindInstructionByType('map').id
+                #check resolution
+                if itype == 'raster':
+                    SetResolution(dpi = self.instruction[id]['resolution'], 
+                                    width = self.instruction[id]['rect'].width,
+                                    height = self.instruction[id]['rect'].height)   
                 rectCanvas = self.canvas.CanvasPaperCoordinates(rect = self.instruction[id]['rect'],
                                                                     canvasToPaper = False)
@@ -1235,20 +1241,13 @@
                 rectPaper = self.CanvasPaperCoordinates(rect = rectTmp, canvasToPaper = True)                
-##                dlg = MapDialog(parent = self.parent, id = [None, None, None], settings = self.instruction, 
-##                                         rect = rectPaper)
-##                dlg.ShowModal()
                 dlg = MapDialog(parent = self.parent, id = [None, None, None], settings = self.instruction, 
                                          rect = rectPaper)
                 self.openDialogs['map'] = dlg
-##                if  self.instruction.FindInstructionByType('map'):
-##                    #redraw objects to lower map to the bottom
                 self.mouse['use'] = self.parent.mouseOld
@@ -1256,8 +1255,6 @@
                 self.parent.toolbar.ToggleTool(self.parent.toolbar.action['id'], False)
                 self.parent.toolbar.action['id'] = self.parent.actionOld
-##                self.pdcTmp.RemoveId(self.idZoomBoxTmp)
-##                self.Refresh() 
             # resize resizable objects (only map sofar)
@@ -1294,6 +1291,10 @@
                     elif self.instruction[mapId]['scaleType'] == 3:
                         ComputeSetRegion(self, mapDict = self.instruction[mapId].GetInstruction())
+                    #check resolution
+                    SetResolution(dpi = self.instruction[mapId]['resolution'],
+                                    width = self.instruction[mapId]['rect'].width,
+                                    height = self.instruction[mapId]['rect'].height)
                     self.Zoom(zoomFactor = 1, view = (0, 0))

Modified: grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap_dialogs.py
--- grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap_dialogs.py	2011-04-03 07:53:36 UTC (rev 45830)
+++ grass-addons/gui/wxpython/wx.psmap/gui_modules/psmap_dialogs.py	2011-04-03 10:09:55 UTC (rev 45831)
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@
         w = units.convert(value = mapRect.Get()[2], fromUnit = 'inch', toUnit = 'meter') / toM
         map['scale'] = w / abs((region['w'] - region['e']))
+        SetResolution(dpi = 300, width = map['rect'].width, height = map['rect'].height)
         # read file again, now with information about map bounds
         isBuffer = False
         buffer = []
@@ -626,7 +628,7 @@
         # default values
         self.defaultInstruction = dict( map = None, mapType = None, drawMap = True, region = None,
                                         rect = wx.Rect2D(), scaleType = 0, scale = None, center = None,
-                                        border = 'y', width = 1, color = '0:0:0') 
+                                        resolution = 300, border = 'y', width = 1, color = '0:0:0') 
         # current values
         self.instruction = dict(self.defaultInstruction)
@@ -2020,6 +2022,19 @@
         sizerC.Add(self.centerSizer, proportion = 1, flag = wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, border = 5)
         gridBagSizer.Add(sizerC, pos = (3, 0), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND, border = 0)
+        #resolution
+        flexSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(rows = 1, cols = 2, hgap = 5, vgap = 5)
+        resolutionText = wx.StaticText(self, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Map max resolution (dpi):"))
+        self.resolutionSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self, id = wx.ID_ANY, min = 1, max = 1000, initial = 300)
+        flexSizer.Add(resolutionText, proportion = 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border = 0)
+        flexSizer.Add(self.resolutionSpin, proportion = 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border = 0)
+        self.resolutionSpin.SetValue(self.mapFrameDict['resolution'])
+        gridBagSizer.Add(flexSizer, pos = (4, 0), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND, border = 0)
         sizer.Add(gridBagSizer, proportion = 1, flag = wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, border = 5)
         border.Add(item = sizer, proportion = 0, flag = wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
@@ -2185,7 +2200,8 @@
     def update(self):
         """!Save changes"""
         mapFrameDict = dict(self.mapFrameDict)
+        # resolution
+        mapFrameDict['resolution'] = self.resolutionSpin.GetValue()
         scaleType = self.scaleType
         mapFrameDict['scaleType'] = scaleType
@@ -2258,6 +2274,9 @@
                         RunCommand('g.region', vect = mapFrameDict['map'], rast = self.instruction[rasterId]['raster'])
                         RunCommand('g.region', vect = mapFrameDict['map'])
                 wx.MessageBox(message = _("No map selected!"),
                                     caption = _('Invalid input'), style = wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
@@ -2327,6 +2346,9 @@
             ComputeSetRegion(self, mapDict = mapFrameDict)
+        # check resolution
+        SetResolution(dpi = mapFrameDict['resolution'], width = mapFrameDict['rect'].width,
+                                                        height = mapFrameDict['rect'].height)
         # border
         mapFrameDict['border'] = 'y' if self.borderCheck.GetValue() else 'n'
         if mapFrameDict['border'] == 'y':
@@ -5260,6 +5282,20 @@
     cN = (currRegionDict['n'] + currRegionDict['s'])/2
     return scale, (cE, cN), wx.Rect2D(x, y, rWNew, rHNew) #inch
+def SetResolution(dpi, width, height):
+    """!If resolution is too high, lower it
+    @param dpi max DPI
+    @param width map frame width
+    @param height map frame height
+    """
+    region = grass.region()
+    if region['cols'] > width * dpi or region['rows'] > height * dpi:
+        rows = height * dpi
+        cols = width * dpi
+        RunCommand('g.region', rows = rows, cols = cols)
 def ComputeSetRegion(self, mapDict):
     """!Computes and sets region from current scale, map center coordinates and map rectangle"""

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