[GRASS-SVN] r47499 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis:
libmodis r.modis.download r.modis.import
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 8 19:08:41 EDT 2011
Author: lucadelu
Date: 2011-08-08 16:08:41 -0700 (Mon, 08 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 47499
fix typos, some changes in funtions and classes
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/modis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/modis.py 2011-08-08 18:50:17 UTC (rev 47498)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/modis.py 2011-08-08 23:08:41 UTC (rev 47499)
@@ -426,7 +426,18 @@
# return the code of tile for conf file
self.code = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[1].split('.')[-2]
self.path = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[0]
+ ## lists of parameters accepted by resample MRT software
+ # projections
+ self.proj_list = ('GEO', 'HAM', 'IGH', 'ISIN', 'LA', 'LCC', 'MOL', 'PS',
+ 'SIN','TM', 'UTM', 'MERCAT')
+ # resampling
+ self.resam_list_swath = ('NN', 'BI', 'CC')
+ # datum
+ self.datum_list = ('NONE', 'NAD27', 'NAD83', 'WGS66', 'WGS72', 'WGS84')
+ self.sphere_list = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)
def __str__(self):
"""Print the file without xml tags"""
retString = ""
@@ -552,12 +563,14 @@
meStat = mespc.find('QAStats')
qastat = {}
for i in meStat.getiterator():
- qastat[i.tag] = i.text
+ if i.tag != 'QAStats':
+ qastat[i.tag] = i.text
value['QAStats'] = qastat
meFlag = mespc.find('QAFlags')
flagstat = {}
- for i in meStat.getiterator():
- flagstat[i.tag] = i.text
+ for i in meFlag.getiterator():
+ if i.tag != 'QAFlags':
+ flagstat[i.tag] = i.text
value['QAFlags'] = flagstat
return value
@@ -589,7 +602,8 @@
value = []
for i in self.granule.find('InputGranule').getiterator():
- value.append(i.text)
+ if i.tag != 'InputGranule':
+ value.append(i.text)
return value
def retBrowseProduct(self):
@@ -629,14 +643,6 @@
projpar = a list of projection parameters
- ## lists of parameters accepted by resample MRT software
- # projections
- proj_list = ('GEO', 'HAM', 'IGH', 'ISIN', 'LA', 'LCC', 'MOL', 'PS', 'SIN',
- 'TM', 'UTM')
- # resampling
- # datum
- datum_list = ('NONE', 'NAD27', 'NAD83', 'WGS66', 'WGS72', 'WGS84')
# output name
if not output:
fileout = self.tifname
@@ -661,20 +667,20 @@
conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % fileout)
# if resampl is in resam_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
- if resampl in resam_list:
+ if resampl in self.resam_list:
conFile.write("RESAMPLING_TYPE = %s\n" % resampl)
raise IOError('The resampling type %s is not supportet.\n' \
'The resampling type supported are %s' % (resampl,resam_list))
# if projtype is in proj_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
- if projtype in proj_list:
+ if projtype in self.proj_list:
conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_TYPE = %s\n" % projtype)
raise IOError('The projection type %s is not supported.\n' \
'The projections supported are %s' % (projtype,proj_list))
conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = %s\n" % projpar)
# if datum is in datum_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
- if datum in datum_list:
+ if datum in self.datum_list:
conFile.write("DATUM = %s\n" % datum)
raise IOError('The datum %s is not supported.\n' \
@@ -688,6 +694,349 @@
return filename
+ def confResample_swath(self, sds, geoloc, res, output = None,
+ sphere = '8', resampl = 'NN', projtype = 'GEO', utm = None,
+ projpar = '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0',
+ ):
+ """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create
+ tif file
+ sds = Name of band/s (Science Data Set) to resample
+ geoloc = Name geolocation file (example MOD3, MYD3)
+ res = the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map
+ unit of output projection system. The software will use the original
+ resolution of input file if res it isn't set
+ output = the output name, if it doesn't set will use the prefix name of
+ input hdf file
+ sphere = Output sphere number. Valid options are:
+ 0=Clarke 1866, 1=Clarke 1880, 2=Bessel, 3=International 1967,
+ 4=International 1909, 5=WGS 72, 6=Everest, 7=WGS 66,
+ 8=GRS1980/WGS 84, 9=Airy, 10=Modified Everest, 11=Modified Airy,
+ 12=Walbeck, 13=Southeast Asia, 14=Australian National,
+ 15=Krassovsky, 16=Hough, 17=Mercury1960, 18=Modified Mercury1968,
+ 19=Sphere 19 (Radius 6370997), 20=MODIS Sphere (Radius 6371007.181)
+ resampl = the type of resampling, the valid values are: NN (nearest
+ neighbor), BI (bilinear), CC (cubic convolution)
+ projtype = the output projection system, the valid values are:
+ AEA (Albers Equal Area), ER (Equirectangular),
+ GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude), HAM (Hammer),
+ ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal),IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine),
+ LA (Lambert Azimuthal), LCC (LambertConformal Conic),
+ MERCAT (Mercator), MOL (Mollweide), PS (Polar Stereographic),
+ SIN ()Sinusoidal), UTM (Universal TransverseMercator)
+ utm = the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
+ projpar = a list of projection parameters
+ """
+ # output name
+ if not output:
+ fileout = self.tifname
+ else:
+ fileout = output
+ # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software
+ filename = os.path.join(self.path,'%s_mrt_resample.prm' % self.code)
+ # if the file already exists it remove it
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ os.remove(filename)
+ # open the file
+ conFile = open(filename, 'w')
+ conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % self.hdfname)
+ conFile.write("GEOLOCATION_FILENAME = %s\n" % geoloc)
+ conFile.write("INPUT_SDS_NAME = %s\n" % sds)
+ # return the boundary from the input xml file
+ bound = self.retBoundary()
+ # Order: UL: N W - LR: S E
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_UPPER_LEFT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = %f %f\n" % (bound['max_lat'],
+ bound['min_lon']))
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = %f %f\n" % (bound['min_lat'],
+ bound['max_lon']))
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % fileout)
+ # if resampl is in resam_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
+ if resampl in self.resam_list_swath:
+ conFile.write("KERNEL_TYPE (CC/BI/NN) = %s\n" % resampl)
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The resampling type %s is not supportet.\n' \
+ 'The resampling type supported are %s' % (resampl,self.resam_list_swath))
+ # if projtype is in proj_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
+ if projtype in self.proj_list:
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_NUMBER = %s\n" % projtype)
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The projection type %s is not supported.\n' \
+ 'The projections supported are %s' % (projtype,proj_list))
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETER = %s\n" % projpar)
+ # if sphere is in sphere_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
+ if int(sphere) in self.sphere_list:
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_SPHERE = %s\n" % sphere)
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The sphere %s is not supported.\n' \
+ 'The spheres supported are %s' % (sphere,self.sphere_list))
+ # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file
+ if utm:
+ if utm < '-60' or utm > '60':
+ raise IOError('The valid UTM zone are -60 to 60')
+ else:
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_ZONE = %s\n" % utm)
+ # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file
+ if res:
+ conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = %f\n" % res)
+ conFile.close()
+ return filename
+class parseModisMulti:
+ """A class to some variable for the xml file of a mosaic
+ """
+ def __init__(self,hdflist):
+ from xml.etree import ElementTree
+ self.ElementTree = ElementTree
+ self.hdflist = hdflist
+ self.parModis = []
+ self.nfiles = 0
+ for i in hdflist:
+ self.parModis.append(parseModis(i))
+ self.nfiles += 1
+ def _checkval(self,vals):
+ if vals.count(vals[0]) == self.nfiles:
+ return [vals[0]]
+ else:
+ outvals = []
+ for i in vals:
+ if outvals.count(i) == 0:
+ outvals.append(i)
+ return outvals
+ def _checkvaldict(self,vals):
+ keys = vals[0].keys()
+ outvals = {}
+ for k in keys:
+ valtemp = []
+ for v in vals:
+ valtemp.append(v[k])
+ if valtemp.count(valtemp[0]) == self.nfiles:
+ outvals[k] = valtemp[0]
+ else:
+ raise IOError('Something wrong reading XML files')
+ return outvals
+ def _minval(self, vals):
+ outval = vals[0]
+ for i in range(1,len(vals)):
+ if outval > i:
+ outval = i
+ return outval
+ def _maxval(self, vals):
+ outval = vals[0]
+ for i in range(1,len(vals)):
+ if outval < i:
+ outval = i
+ return outval
+ def _cicle_values(self, ele,values):
+ """Function to add values from a dictionary"""
+ for k,v in values.iteritems():
+ elem = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ele,k)
+ elem.text = v
+ def valDTD(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retDTD())
+ for i in self._checkval(values):
+ dtd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'DTDVersion')
+ dtd.text = i
+ def valDataCenter(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retDataCenter())
+ for i in self._checkval(values):
+ dci = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'DataCenterId')
+ dci.text = i
+ def valGranuleUR(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retGranuleUR())
+ for i in self._checkval(values):
+ gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'GranuleUR')
+ gur.text = i
+ def valDbID(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retDbID())
+ for i in self._checkval(values):
+ dbid = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'DbID')
+ dbid.text = i
+ def valInsTime(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retInsertTime())
+ obj.text = self._minval(values)
+ def valCollectionMetaData(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retCollectionMetaData())
+ self._cicle_values(obj,self._checkvaldict(values))
+ def valDataFiles(self, obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retDataFiles())
+ for i in values:
+ dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataFileContainer')
+ self._cicle_values(dfc,i)
+ def valPGEVersion(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retPGEVersion())
+ for i in self._checkval(values):
+ pge = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'PGEVersion')
+ pge.text = i
+ def valRangeTime(self,obj):
+ values = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ values.append(i.retRangeTime())
+ self._cicle_values(obj,self._checkvaldict(values))
+ def valBound(self):
+ boundary = self.parModis[0].retBoundary()
+ for i in range(1,len(self.parModis)):
+ bound = self.parModis[i].retBoundary()
+ if bound['min_lat'] < boundary['min_lat']:
+ boundary['min_lat'] = bound['min_lat']
+ if bound['min_lon'] < boundary['min_lon']:
+ boundary['min_lon'] = bound['min_lon']
+ if bound['max_lat'] > boundary['max_lat']:
+ boundary['max_lat'] = bound['max_lat']
+ if bound['max_lon'] > boundary['max_lon']:
+ boundary['max_lon'] = bound['max_lon']
+ self.boundary = boundary
+ def valMeasuredParameter(self,obj):
+ valuesQAStats = []
+ valuesQAFlags = []
+ valuesParameter = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ valuesQAStats.append(i.retMeasure()['QAStats'])
+ valuesQAFlags.append(i.retMeasure()['QAFlags'])
+ valuesParameter.append(i.retMeasure()['ParameterName'])
+ for i in self._checkval(valuesParameter):
+ pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'ParameterName')
+ pn.text = i
+ def valInputPointer(self,obj):
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ for v in i.retInputGranule():
+ ip = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'InputPointer')
+ ip.text = v
+ def addPoint(self,obj,lon,lat):
+ pt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Point')
+ ptlon = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLongitude')
+ ptlon.text = str(self.boundary[lon])
+ ptlat = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLatitude')
+ ptlat.text = str(self.boundary[lat])
+ def valPlatform(self, obj):
+ valuesSName = []
+ valuesInstr = []
+ valuesSensor = []
+ for i in self.parModis:
+ valuesSName.append(i.retPlatform()['PlatformShortName'])
+ valuesInstr.append(i.retPlatform()['InstrumentShortName'])
+ valuesSensor.append(i.retPlatform()['SensorShortName'])
+ for i in self._checkval(valuesSName):
+ pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'PlatformShortName')
+ pn.text = i
+ valInstr = self._checkval(valuesInstr)
+ valSens = self._checkval(valuesSensor)
+ if len(valInstr) != len(valSens):
+ raise IOError('Something wrong reading XML files')
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(valInstr)):
+ ins = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj,'Instrument')
+ pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins,'InstrumentShortName')
+ pn.text = valInstr[i]
+ sens = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins,'Sensor')
+ ps = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sens,'SensorShortName')
+ ps.text = valSens[i]
+ def writexml(self,outputname):
+ """Return a xml file for a mosaic"""
+ # the root element
+ granule = self.ElementTree.Element('GranuleMetaDataFile')
+ # add DTDVersion
+ self.valDTD(granule)
+ # add DataCenterId
+ self.valDataCenter(granule)
+ # add GranuleURMetaData
+ gurmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(granule,'GranuleURMetaData')
+ # add GranuleUR
+ self.valGranuleUR(gurmd)
+ # add dbID
+ self.valDbID(gurmd)
+ # TODO ADD InsertTime LastUpdate
+ # add CollectionMetaData
+ cmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'CollectionMetaData')
+ self.valCollectionMetaData(cmd)
+ # add DataFiles
+ df = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'DataFiles')
+ self.valDataFiles(df)
+ # TODO ADD ECSDataGranule
+ # add PGEVersionClass
+ pgevc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'PGEVersionClass')
+ self.valPGEVersion(pgevc)
+ # add RangeDateTime
+ rdt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'RangeDateTime')
+ self.valRangeTime(rdt)
+ # SpatialDomainContainer
+ sdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'SpatialDomainContainer')
+ hsdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sdc,'HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
+ gp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(hsdc,'GPolygon')
+ bound = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gp,'Boundary')
+ self.valBound()
+ self.addPoint(bound,'min_lon','max_lat')
+ self.addPoint(bound,'max_lon','max_lat')
+ self.addPoint(bound,'min_lon','min_lat')
+ self.addPoint(bound,'max_lon','min_lat')
+ # add MeasuredParameter
+ mp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'MeasuredParameter')
+ mpc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(mp,'MeasuredParameterContainer')
+ self.valMeasuredParameter(mpc)
+ # TODO ADD qstats qflags
+ # Platform
+ pl = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'Platform')
+ self.valPlatform(pl)
+ # add PSAs
+ psas = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'PSAs')
+ # TODO ADD all PSA
+ # add InputGranule and InputPointer
+ ig = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'InputGranule')
+ self.valInputPointer(ig)
+ # TODO ADD BrowseProduct
+ output = open(outputname, 'w')
+ output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
+ output.write('<!DOCTYPE GranuleMetaDataFile SYSTEM "http://ecsinfo.gsfc.nasa.gov/ECSInfo/ecsmetadata/dtds/DPL/ECS/ScienceGranuleMetadata.dtd">')
+ output.write(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule))
+ output.close()
class convertModis:
"""A class to convert modis data from hdf to tif using resample (from MRT tools)
@@ -751,7 +1100,8 @@
- subset = False):
+ subset = False
+ ):
# check if the hdf file exists
if os.path.exists(listfile):
self.basepath = os.path.split(listfile)[0]
@@ -778,127 +1128,18 @@
self.outxml = os.path.join(self.basepath, self.out + '.xml')
self.subset = subset
- def boundaries(self):
- """Return the max extend for the mosaic"""
- pm = parseModis(os.path.join(self.basepath,self.HDFfiles[0].strip()))
- boundary = pm.retBoundary()
- for i in range(1,len(self.HDFfiles)):
- pm = parseModis(os.path.join(self.basepath,self.HDFfiles[i].strip()))
- bound = pm.retBoundary()
- if bound['min_lat'] < boundary['min_lat']:
- boundary['min_lat'] = bound['min_lat']
- if bound['min_lon'] < boundary['min_lon']:
- boundary['min_lon'] = bound['min_lon']
- if bound['max_lat'] > boundary['max_lat']:
- boundary['max_lat'] = bound['max_lat']
- if bound['max_lon'] > boundary['max_lon']:
- boundary['max_lon'] = bound['max_lon']
- return boundary
def write_mosaic_xml(self):
- """Return a xml file for a mosaic"""
- from xml.etree import ElementTree
+ listHDF = []
+ for i in self.HDFfiles:
+ if i.find(self.basepath) == -1:
+ print "Attection maybe you have the not full path in the HDF file list"
+ listHDF.append(os.path.join(self.basepath,i.strip()))
+ else:
+ listHDF.append(i.strip())
+ pmm = parseModisMulti(listHDF)
+ pmm.writexml(self.outxml)
- def cicle_values(ele,values):
- """Function to add values from a dictionary"""
- for k,v in values.iteritems():
- elem = ElementTree.SubElement(ele,k)
- elem.text = v
- # take the data similar for different files from the first
- pm = parseModis(os.path.join(self.basepath,self.HDFfiles[0].strip()))
- # the root element
- granule = ElementTree.Element('GranuleMetaDataFile')
- # add DTDVersion
- dtd = ElementTree.SubElement(granule,'DTDVersion')
- dtd.text = pm.retDTD()
- # add DataCenterId
- dci = ElementTree.SubElement(granule,'DataCenterId')
- dci.text = pm.retDataCenter()
- # add GranuleURMetaData
- gurmd = ElementTree.SubElement(granule,'GranuleURMetaData')
- #gur = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'GranuleUR')
- #gur.text = pm.retGranuleUR()
- # TODO ADD GranuleUR DbID InsertTime LastUpdate
- # add CollectionMetaData
- coll = pm.retCollectionMetaData()
- cmd = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'CollectionMetaData')
- cicle_values(cmd,coll)
- ## DA RIVEDERE DataFileContainer
- #dataf = pm.retDataFiles()
- #df = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'CollectionMetaData')
- #dfc = ElementTree.SubElement(df,'DataFileContainer')
- #cicle_values(dfc,dataf)
- # add PGEVersionClass
- pgevc = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'PGEVersionClass')
- pgevc.text = pm.retPGEVersion()
- # add RangeDateTime
- datime = pm.retRangeTime()
- rdt = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'RangeDateTime')
- cicle_values(rdt,datime)
- # SpatialDomainContainer
- maxbound = self.boundaries()
- sdc = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'SpatialDomainContainer')
- hsdc = ElementTree.SubElement(sdc,'HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
- gp = ElementTree.SubElement(hsdc,'GPolygon')
- bound = ElementTree.SubElement(gp,'Boundary')
- pt1 = ElementTree.SubElement(bound, 'Point')
- pt1lon = ElementTree.SubElement(pt1, 'PointLongitude')
- pt1lon.text = str(maxbound['min_lon'])
- pt1lat = ElementTree.SubElement(pt1, 'PointLatitude')
- pt1lat.text = str(maxbound['max_lat'])
- pt2 = ElementTree.SubElement(bound, 'Point')
- pt2lon = ElementTree.SubElement(pt2, 'PointLongitude')
- pt2lon.text = str(maxbound['max_lon'])
- pt2lat = ElementTree.SubElement(pt2, 'PointLatitude')
- pt2lat.text = str(maxbound['max_lat'])
- pt3 = ElementTree.SubElement(bound, 'Point')
- pt3lon = ElementTree.SubElement(pt3, 'PointLongitude')
- pt3lon.text = str(maxbound['min_lon'])
- pt3lat = ElementTree.SubElement(pt3, 'PointLatitude')
- pt3lat.text = str(maxbound['min_lat'])
- pt4 = ElementTree.SubElement(bound, 'Point')
- pt4lon = ElementTree.SubElement(pt4, 'PointLongitude')
- pt4lon.text = str(maxbound['max_lon'])
- pt4lat = ElementTree.SubElement(pt4, 'PointLatitude')
- pt4lat.text = str(maxbound['min_lat'])
- # add MeasuredParameter
- mp = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'MeasuredParameter')
- mpc = ElementTree.SubElement(mp,'MeasuredParameterContainer')
- pn = ElementTree.SubElement(mpc,'ParameterName')
- measure = pm.retMeasure()
- pn.text = measure['ParameterName']
- # TODO ADD qstats qflags
- # add Platform
- platvalues = pm.retPlatform()
- plat = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'Platform')
- psn = ElementTree.SubElement(plat,'PlatformShortName')
- psn.text = platvalues['PlatformShortName']
- ins = ElementTree.SubElement(plat,'Instrument')
- isn = ElementTree.SubElement(ins,'InstrumentShortName')
- isn.text = platvalues['InstrumentShortName']
- sens = ElementTree.SubElement(ins,'Sensor')
- ssn = ElementTree.SubElement(sens,'SensorShortName')
- ssn.text = platvalues['SensorShortName']
- # add PSAs
- psas = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'PSAs')
- # TODO ADD all PSA
- ig = ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd,'InputGranule')
- for i in self.HDFfiles:
- ip = ElementTree.SubElement(ig,'InputPointer')
- ip.text = i
- # TODO ADD BrowseProduct
- output = open(self.outxml, 'w')
- output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
- output.write('<!DOCTYPE GranuleMetaDataFile SYSTEM "http://ecsinfo.gsfc.nasa.gov/ECSInfo/ecsmetadata/dtds/DPL/ECS/ScienceGranuleMetadata.dtd">')
- output.write(ElementTree.tostring(granule))
- output.close()
def executable(self):
"""Return the executable of mrtmosaic MRT software
@@ -925,3 +1166,63 @@
subprocess.call([execut,'-i',self.listfiles,'-o',self.out], stderr =
return "The mosaic file %s is created" % self.out
+class processModis:
+ """A class to process raw modis data from hdf to tif using swath2grid (from MRT Swath tools)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ hdfname, confile, mrtpath,
+ inputhdf = None, outputhdf = None, geolocfile = None
+ ):
+ """Initialization function :
+ hdfname = the full path to the hdf file
+ confile = the full path to the paramater file
+ mrtpath = the full path to mrt directory where inside you have bin and
+ data directories
+ """
+ # check if the hdf file exists
+ if os.path.exists(hdfname):
+ self.name = hdfname
+ else:
+ raise IOError('%s not exists' % hdfname)
+ # check if confile exists
+ if os.path.exists(confile):
+ self.conf = confile
+ else:
+ raise IOError('%s not exists' % confile)
+ # check if mrtpath and subdirectories exists and set environment variables
+ if os.path.exists(mrtpath):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin')):
+ self.mrtpathbin = os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin')
+ os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (os.environ['PATH'],os.path.join(mrtpath,
+ 'data'))
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')):
+ self.mrtpathdata = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
+ os.environ['MRTDATADIR'] = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
+ else:
+ raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % mrtpath)
+ def executable(self):
+ """Return the executable of resample MRT software
+ """
+ if sys.platform.count('linux') != -1:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid')):
+ return os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid')
+ elif sys.platform.count('win32') != -1:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid.exe')):
+ return os.path.join(self.mrtpath,'swath2grid.exe')
+ def run(self):
+ """Exec the process"""
+ import subprocess
+ execut = self.executable()
+ if not os.path.exists(execut):
+ raise IOError('The path %s not exists, could be an erroneus path or '\
+ + 'software') % execut
+ else:
+ subprocess.call([execut,'-pf=%s' % self.conf])
+ return "The hdf file %s was converted" % self.name
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py 2011-08-08 18:50:17 UTC (rev 47498)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py 2011-08-08 23:08:41 UTC (rev 47499)
@@ -58,23 +58,38 @@
'ndvi_terra_sixte':{'url':urlbase, 'folder':'MOLT/MOD13Q1.005','res':250,
'spec':'( 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )','spec_qa':'( 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )'}
+ self.products_swath = {
+ 'lstemi_terra_daily':{'url':urlbase,'folder':'MOLT/MOD11_L2.005',
+ 'spec':'LST; QC; Error_LST; Emis_31; Emis_32; View_angle; View_time'}, 'lstemi_aqua_daily':{'url':urlbase,'folder':'MOLA/MYD11_L2.005',
+ 'spec':'LST; QC; Error_LST; Emis_31; Emis_32; View_angle; View_time'}
+ }
def returned(self):
- return self.products[self.prod]
+ if self.products.keys().count(self.prod) == 1:
+ return self.products[self.prod]
+ elif self.products_swath.keys().count(self.prod) == 1:
+ return self.products_swath[self.prod]
+ else:
+ grass.fatal(_("The code insert is not supported yet. Consider to ask " \
+ + "on the grass-dev mailing list for future support"))
def fromcode(self,code):
import string
for k,v in self.products.iteritems():
if string.find(v['folder'],code) != -1:
return self.products[k]
- return "The code insert is not supported yet. Consider to ask on the grass-dev "\
- + "mailing list for future support"
+ for k,v in self.products_swath.iteritems():
+ if string.find(v['folder'],code) != -1:
+ return self.products_swath[k]
+ grass.fatal(_("The code insert is not supported yet. Consider to ask " \
+ "on the grass-dev mailing list for future support"))
def __str__(self):
prod = self.returned()
- string = "url: " + prod['url'] + ", folder: " + prod['folder'] + \
- ", spectral subset: " + prod['spec'] + ", spectral subset qa:" + \
- prod['spec_qa']
+ string = "url: " + prod['url'] + ", folder: " + prod['folder']
+ if prod.keys().count('spec') == 1:
+ string += ", spectral subset: " + prod['spec']
+ if prod.keys().count('spec_qa') == 1:
+ string += ", spectral subset qa:" + prod['spec_qa']
return string
class resampling:
@@ -100,6 +115,13 @@
self.datumlist = {'none':'NONE', 'nad27':'NAD27', 'nad83':'NAD83',
'wgs66':'WGS66', 'wgs72':'WGS72', 'wgs84':'WGS84'}
+ self.datumlist_swath = {'Clarke 1866' : 0, 'Clarke 1880' : 1, 'bessel' : 2
+ , 'International 1967' : 3, 'International 1909': 4, 'wgs72' : 5,
+ 'Everest' : 6, 'wgs66' : 7, 'wgs84' : 8, 'Airy' : 9,
+ 'Modified Everest' : 10, 'Modified Airy' : 11, 'Walbeck' : 12,
+ 'Southeast Asia' : 13, 'Australian National' : 14, 'Krassovsky' : 15,
+ 'Hough' : 16, 'Mercury1960' : 17, 'Modified Mercury1968' : 18,
+ 'Sphere 19 (Radius 6370997)' : 19, 'MODIS Sphere (Radius 6371007.181)' : 20}
def returned(self):
"""Return the projection in the MRT style"""
@@ -112,10 +134,18 @@
SMinor = 0.0
- def return_params(self):
+ def _outpar(self, SMajor, SMinor, Val, Factor, CentMer, TrueScale, FE, FN,swath):
+ if swath:
+ return '%i %i %d %d %d %d %d %d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' % (
+ SMajor, SMinor, Val, Factor, CentMer, TrueScale, FE, FN )
+ else:
+ return '( %i %i %d %d %d %d %d %d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )' % (
+ SMajor, SMinor, Val, Factor, CentMer, TrueScale, FE, FN )
+ def return_params(self, swath = False):
""" Return the 13 paramaters for parameter file """
if self.val == 'll' or self.val == 'utm':
- return '( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )'
+ return self._outpar(0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, swath)
elif self.val == 'lcc':
SMajor = self._par('+a')
SMinor = self._par('+b')
@@ -125,9 +155,8 @@
CentLat = self._par('+lat_0')
FE = self._par('+x_0')
FN = self._par('+y_0')
- st = '( %i %i %d %d %d %d %d %d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )' % (
- SMajor, SMinor, STDPR1, STDPR2, CentMer, CentLat, FE, FN )
- return st
+ return self._outpar(SMajor, SMinor, STDPR1, STDPR2, CentMer,
+ CentLat, FE, FN, swath)
elif self.val == 'merc' or self.val == 'polar' or self.val == 'tmerc':
SMajor = self._par('+a')
SMinor = self._par('+b')
@@ -139,9 +168,8 @@
TrueScale = self._par('+lat_ts')
FE = self._par('+x_0')
FN = self._par('+y_0')
- st = '( %i %i %d 0.0 %d %d %d %d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )' % (
- SMajor, SMinor, Factor, CentMer, TrueScale, FE, FN )
- return st
+ return self._outpar(SMajor, SMinor, 0.0, Factor, CentMer,
+ TrueScale, FE, FN, swath)
grass.fatal(_('Projection not supported, please contact the' \
'GRASS-dev mailing list'))
@@ -150,6 +178,9 @@
"""Return the datum in the MRT style"""
return self.datumlist[self.dat]
+ def datumswath(self):
+ return self.datumlist_swath[self.dat]
def utmzone(self):
"""Return the utm zone number"""
return self.proj['zone']
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py 2011-08-08 18:50:17 UTC (rev 47498)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py 2011-08-08 23:08:41 UTC (rev 47499)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# MODULE: r.in.modis.download
# AUTHOR(S): Luca Delucchi
-# PURPOSE: r.in.modis.download is an internafe to pyModis to download
+# PURPOSE: r.in.modis.download is an interface to pyModis for download
# several tiles of MODIS produts from NASA ftp
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2011 by Luca Delucchi
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py 2011-08-08 18:50:17 UTC (rev 47498)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py 2011-08-08 23:08:41 UTC (rev 47499)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# MODULE: r.modis.import
# AUTHOR(S): Luca Delucchi
-# PURPOSE: r.modis.import is an internafe to pyModis to download
-# several tiles of MODIS produts from NASA ftp
+# PURPOSE: r.modis.import is an interface to pyModis for import into GRASS
+# GIS level 3 MODIS produts
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2011 by Luca Delucchi
@@ -170,6 +170,8 @@
prefix = os.path.split(hdf)[1].rstrip('.hdf')
# list of tif files
tifiles = glob.glob1(basedir, prefix + "*.tif")
+ if not tifiles:
+ grass.fatal(_('Error during the conversion'))
# check if is in latlong location to set flag l
if projection().val == 'll':
f = "l"
@@ -209,6 +211,9 @@
return grass.message(_('All files imported correctly'))
+#def createXMLmosaic(listfiles):
+ #modis.
def mosaic(options,remove,qa):
"""Create a daily mosaic of hdf files convert to tif and import it
@@ -272,10 +277,10 @@
return 0
# return an error if both dns and files option are set or not
if options['dns'] == '' and options['files'] == '':
- grass.fatal(_('You have to choese one of "dns" or "spectral" option'))
+ grass.fatal(_('You have to choose one of "dns" or "files" options'))
return 0
elif options['dns'] != '' and options['files'] != '':
- grass.fatal(_('It is not possible set "dns" and "spectral" option together'))
+ grass.fatal(_('It is not possible set "dns" and "files" options together'))
return 0
# check the version
version = grass.core.version()
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