[GRASS-SVN] r47533 - grass/trunk/include
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 10 12:49:20 EDT 2011
Author: martinl
Date: 2011-08-10 09:49:20 -0700 (Wed, 10 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 47533
G3d.h renamed to raster3d.h
function moved to raster3ddefs.h
Deleted: grass/trunk/include/G3d.h
--- grass/trunk/include/G3d.h 2011-08-10 16:45:08 UTC (rev 47532)
+++ grass/trunk/include/G3d.h 2011-08-10 16:49:20 UTC (rev 47533)
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef GRASS_G3D_H
-#define GRASS_G3D_H
-#include <grass/gis.h>
-#include <grass/raster.h>
-#define G3D_TILE_SAME_AS_FILE 2
-#define G3D_COMPRESSION 1
-#define G3D_USE_LZW 1
-#define G3D_NO_LZW 0
-#define G3D_USE_RLE 1
-#define G3D_NO_RLE 0
-#define G3D_MAX_PRECISION -1
-#define G3D_NO_CACHE 0
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_X -2
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_Y -3
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_Z -4
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XY -5
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XZ -6
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_YZ -7
-#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XYZ -8
-#define G3D_DIRECTORY "grid3"
-#define G3D_CELL_ELEMENT "cell"
-#define G3D_CATS_ELEMENT "cats"
-#define G3D_RANGE_ELEMENT "range"
-#define G3D_HEADER_ELEMENT "cellhd"
-#define G3D_HISTORY_ELEMENT "hist"
-#define G3D_COLOR_ELEMENT "color"
-#define G3D_COLOR2_DIRECTORY "colr2"
-#define G3D_MASK_MAP "G3D_MASK"
-#define G3D_WINDOW_DATABASE "windows3d"
-typedef struct
- double north, south;
- double east, west;
- double top, bottom;
- /* dimension of data in "cells"; rows == #x; cols == #y; depths == #z */
- int rows, cols, depths;
- double ns_res, ew_res, tb_res;
- int proj; /* Projection (see gis.h) */
- int zone; /* Projection zone (see gis.h) */
-} G3D_Region;
-struct G3D_Map;
-typedef void resample_fn(struct G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
-typedef struct G3D_Map
- char *fileName;
- char *tempName;
- char *mapset;
- /* operation performed on map */
- int operation; /* G3D_WRITE_DATA or G3D_READ_DATA */
- /* region */
- G3D_Region region;
- /* window for map */
- G3D_Region window;
- /* resmapling function used for map. default is nearest neighbor */
- resample_fn *resampleFun;
- /* units */
- char *unit;
- /* dimension of a single tile in "cells" */
- int tileX, tileY, tileZ;
- /* # of tiles in x, y, and z direction */
- int nx, ny, nz;
- /* data file specific information */
- /* file descriptor */
- int data_fd; /* file descriptor */
- /* type in which data is stored on file */
- int type; /* DCELL_TYPE or FCELL_TYPE */
- /* data concering the compression */
- int precision; /* G3D_MAX_PRECISION or, 0 .. 23 for float,
- 0 .. 52 for double */
- int compression; /* G3D_NO_COMPRESSION or G3D_USE_COMPRESSION */
- int useLzw; /* G3D_USE_LZW or G3D_NO_LZW */
- int useRle; /* G3D_USE_RLE or G3D_NO_RLE */
- int useXdr; /* G3D_USE_XDR or G3D_NO_XDR */
- /* pointer to first tile in file */
- int offset;
- /* pointer to the first index entry in file */
- long indexOffset;
- /* sizeof (long) of the system on which the file is/was written */
- int indexLongNbytes;
- /* max # bytes used in the representation of indices; this is equal to */
- /* # bytes used in the representation of "indexOffset" */
- int indexNbytesUsed;
- /* pointer to the last entry in the file */
- int fileEndPtr;
- /* indicates if index is stored in file; used for G3D_READ_DATA only */
- int hasIndex; /* G3D_HAS_INDEX or G3D_NO_INDEX */
- /* information concerning internal storage of data */
- /* index specific information */
- /* index[i] == the offset of tile "i" in the data file */
- long *index;
- /* tileLength[i] == # bytes used to store tile "i" */
- int *tileLength;
- /* tile specific information */
- /* type in which data is stored in memory */
- int typeIntern; /* DCELL_TYPE or FCELL_TYPE */
- /* in non-cache mode the "data" array is used to store one tile */
- char *data;
- /* index of tile currently stored in "data"; -1 if none */
- int currentIndex;
- /* cache related variables */
- int useCache; /* 1 if cache is used */
- void *cache; /* pointer to cache structure */
- int cacheFD; /* file discriptor of cache file -- write mode only */
- char *cacheFileName; /* filename of cache file -- write mode only */
- long cachePosLast; /* position of last entry in cache file -- write */
- /* mode only */
- /* range info */
- struct FPRange range;
- /* some constants stored for efficiency */
- /* number of bytes required to store a single value of "type" */
- int numLengthExtern;
- /* number of bytes required to store a single value of "typeIntern" */
- int numLengthIntern;
- /* see header.c for details */
- int clipX, clipY, clipZ;
- int tileXY, tileSize;
- int nxy, nTiles;
- /* mask related information */
- int useMask; /* 1 if mask is used; 0 otherwise */
-} G3D_Map;
-typedef struct
- char *elts; /* ptr to array of elts */
- int nofElts; /* size of "elts" */
- int eltSize; /* size of elt in "elts" */
- int *names; /* name[i] is the name of elts[i] */
- char *locks; /* lock[i] == 1 iff elts[i] is locked
- lock[i] == 0 iff elts[i] is unlocked but active
- lock[i] == 2 iff elts[i] doesn't contain valid data */
- int autoLock; /* 1 if auto locking is turned on */
- int nofUnlocked; /* nof tiles which are unlocked */
- int minUnlocked; /* min nof elts which have to remain unlocked. min = 1 */
- int *next, *prev; /* prev/next pointers for fifo */
- int first, last; /* index (into next) of first and last elt in fifo */
- /* first == -1 iff fifo is empty */
- int (*eltRemoveFun) (); /* callback activated if the contents of an
- elt needs to be removed */
- void *eltRemoveFunData; /* pointer to user data passed along with
- eltRemoveFun */
- int (*eltLoadFun) (); /* callback activated to load contents of an elt */
- void *eltLoadFunData; /* pointer to user data passed along with
- eltLoadFun */
- void *hash; /* ptr to hashTable used to relate external names to
- internal indices (elts) */
-} G3D_cache;
-typedef struct
- int nofNames;
- int *index;
- char *active;
- int lastName;
- int lastIndex;
- int lastIndexActive;
-} G3d_cache_hash;
-/*Structures */
-typedef struct _d_interval
- double low, high;
- int inf;
- struct _d_interval *next;
-} d_Interval;
-typedef struct _d_mask
- d_Interval *list;
-} d_Mask;
-typedef int write_fn(int, const void *, void *);
-typedef int read_fn(int, void *, void *);
-/* cache.c */
-void G3d_cache_reset(G3D_cache *);
-void G3d_cache_dispose(G3D_cache *);
-void *G3d_cache_new(int, int, int, write_fn *, void *, read_fn *, void *);
-void G3d_cache_set_removeFun(G3D_cache *, write_fn *, void *);
-void G3d_cache_set_loadFun(G3D_cache *, read_fn *, void *);
-void *G3d_cache_new_read(int, int, int, read_fn *, void *);
-int G3d_cache_lock(G3D_cache *, int);
-void G3d_cache_lock_intern(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_unlock(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_unlock_all(G3D_cache *);
-int G3d_cache_lock_all(G3D_cache *);
-void G3d_cache_autolock_on(G3D_cache *);
-void G3d_cache_autolock_off(G3D_cache *);
-void G3d_cache_set_minUnlock(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_remove_elt(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_flush(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_remove_all(G3D_cache *);
-int G3d_cache_flush_all(G3D_cache *);
-void *G3d_cache_elt_ptr(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_load(G3D_cache *, int);
-int G3d_cache_get_elt(G3D_cache *, int, void *);
-int G3d_cache_put_elt(G3D_cache *, int, const void *);
-/* cachehash.c */
-void G3d_cache_hash_reset(G3d_cache_hash *);
-void G3d_cache_hash_dispose(G3d_cache_hash *);
-void *G3d_cache_hash_new(int);
-void G3d_cache_hash_remove_name(G3d_cache_hash *, int);
-void G3d_cache_hash_load_name(G3d_cache_hash *, int, int);
-int G3d_cache_hash_name2index(G3d_cache_hash *, int);
-/* changeprecision.c */
-void G3d_changePrecision(void *, int, const char *);
-/* changetype.c */
-void G3d_changeType(void *, const char *);
-/* filecompare.c */
-void G3d_compareFiles(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
-/* filename.c */
-void G3d_filename(char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
-/* find_grid3.c */
-char *G_find_grid3(const char *, const char *);
-/* fpcompress.c */
-void G_fpcompress_printBinary(char *, int);
-void G_fpcompress_dissectXdrDouble(unsigned char *);
-int G_fpcompress_writeXdrNums(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int, int);
-int G_fpcompress_writeXdrFloats(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int);
-int G_fpcompress_writeXdrDouble(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int);
-int G_fpcompress_readXdrNums(int, char *, int, int, int, char *, int);
-int G_fpcompress_readXdrFloats(int, char *, int, int, int, char *);
-int G_fpcompress_readXdrDoubles(int, char *, int, int, int, char *);
-/* g3dalloc.c */
-void *G3d_malloc(int);
-void *G3d_realloc(void *, int);
-void G3d_free(void *);
-/* g3dcache.c */
-int G3d_initCache(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_disposeCache(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_flushAllTiles(G3D_Map *);
-/* g3dcats.c */
-int G3d_writeCats(const char *, struct Categories *);
-int G3d_readCats(const char *, const char *, struct Categories *);
-/* g3dclose.c */
-int G3d_closeCell(G3D_Map *);
-/* g3dcolor.c */
-int G3d_removeColor(const char *);
-int G3d_readColors(const char *, const char *, struct Colors *);
-int G3d_writeColors(const char *, const char *, struct Colors *);
-/* g3ddefaults.c */
-void G3d_setCompressionMode(int, int, int, int);
-void G3d_getCompressionMode(int *, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_setCacheSize(int);
-int G3d_getCacheSize(void);
-void G3d_setCacheLimit(int);
-int G3d_getCacheLimit(void);
-void G3d_setFileType(int);
-int G3d_getFileType(void);
-void G3d_setTileDimension(int, int, int);
-void G3d_getTileDimension(int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_setErrorFun(void (*)(const char *));
-void G3d_setUnit(const char *);
-void G3d_initDefaults(void);
-/* g3ddoubleio.c */
-int G3d_writeDoubles(int, int, const double *, int);
-int G3d_readDoubles(int, int, double *, int);
-/* g3derror.c */
-void G3d_skipError(const char *);
-void G3d_printError(const char *);
-void G3d_fatalError(const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)))
- __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-void G3d_fatalError_noargs(const char *) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-void G3d_error(const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)));
-/* g3dfpxdr.c */
-int G3d_isXdrNullNum(const void *, int);
-int G3d_isXdrNullFloat(const float *);
-int G3d_isXdrNullDouble(const double *);
-void G3d_setXdrNullNum(void *, int);
-void G3d_setXdrNullDouble(double *);
-void G3d_setXdrNullFloat(float *);
-int G3d_initFpXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_initCopyToXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_copyToXdr(const void *, int);
-int G3d_initCopyFromXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_copyFromXdr(int, void *);
-/* g3dhistory.c */
-int G3d_writeHistory(const char *, struct History *);
-int G3d_readHistory(const char *, const char *, struct History *);
-/* g3dintio.c */
-int G3d_writeInts(int, int, const int *, int);
-int G3d_readInts(int, int, int *, int);
-/* g3dkeys.c */
-int G3d_keyGetInt(struct Key_Value *, const char *, int *);
-int G3d_keyGetDouble(struct Key_Value *, const char *, double *);
-int G3d_keyGetString(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char **);
-int G3d_keyGetValue(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char *, char *, int,
- int, int *);
-int G3d_keySetInt(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const int *);
-int G3d_keySetDouble(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const double *);
-int G3d_keySetString(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char *const *);
-int G3d_keySetValue(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const char *,
- const char *, int, int, const int *);
-/* g3dlong.c */
-int G3d_longEncode(long *, unsigned char *, int);
-void G3d_longDecode(unsigned char *, long *, int, int);
-/* g3dmapset.c */
-void G3d_makeMapsetMapDirectory(const char *);
-/* g3dmask.c */
-int G3d_maskClose(void);
-int G3d_maskFileExists(void);
-int G3d_maskOpenOld(void);
-int G3d_maskReopen(int);
-int G3d_isMasked(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-void G3d_maskNum(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
-void G3d_maskFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, float *);
-void G3d_maskDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, double *);
-void G3d_maskTile(G3D_Map *, int, void *, int);
-void G3d_maskOn(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_maskOff(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_maskIsOn(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_maskIsOff(G3D_Map *);
-const char *G3d_maskFile(void);
-int G3d_maskMapExists(void);
-/* maskfn.c */
-int G3d_mask_d_select(DCELL *, d_Mask *);
-DCELL G3d_mask_match_d_interval(DCELL, d_Interval *);
-void G3d_parse_vallist(char **, d_Mask **);
-/* g3dmisc.c */
-int G3d_g3dType2cellType(int);
-void G3d_copyFloat2Double(const float *, int, double *, int, int);
-void G3d_copyDouble2Float(const double *, int, float *, int, int);
-void G3d_copyValues(const void *, int, int, void *, int, int, int);
-int G3d_length(int);
-int G3d_externLength(int);
-/* g3dnull.c */
-int G3d_isNullValueNum(const void *, int);
-void G3d_setNullValue(void *, int, int);
-/* g3dopen2.c */
-void *G3d_openNewParam(const char *, int , int, G3D_Region *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
-/* g3dopen.c */
-void *G3d_openCellOldNoHeader(const char *, const char *);
-void *G3d_openCellOld(const char *, const char *, G3D_Region *, int, int);
-void *G3d_openCellNew(const char *, int, int, G3D_Region *);
-void *G3d_openNewOptTileSize(const char *, int , G3D_Region * , int , int );
-/* g3dparam.c */
-void G3d_setStandard3dInputParams(void);
-int G3d_getStandard3dParams(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
- int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_setWindowParams(void);
-char *G3d_getWindowParams(void);
-/* g3drange.c */
-void G3d_range_updateFromTile(G3D_Map *, const void *, int, int, int, int,
- int, int, int, int);
-int G3d_readRange(const char *, const char *, struct FPRange *);
-int G3d_range_load(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_range_min_max(G3D_Map *, double *, double *);
-int G3d_range_write(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_range_init(G3D_Map *);
-/* g3dregion.c */
-void G3d_getRegionValue(G3D_Map *, double, double, double, void *, int);
-void G3d_adjustRegion(G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_regionCopy(G3D_Region *, G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_incorporate2dRegion(struct Cell_head *, G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_regionFromToCellHead(struct Cell_head *, G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_adjustRegionRes(G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_extract2dRegion(G3D_Region *, struct Cell_head *);
-void G3d_regionToCellHead(G3D_Region *, struct Cell_head *);
-int G3d_readRegionMap(const char *, const char *, G3D_Region *);
-int G3d_isValidLocation(G3D_Region *, double, double, double);
-void G3d_location2coord(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_location2coord2(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_coord2location(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, double *, double *, double *);
-/* g3dresample.c */
-void G3d_nearestNeighbor(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
-void G3d_setResamplingFun(G3D_Map *, void (*)());
-void G3d_getResamplingFun(G3D_Map *, void (**)());
-void G3d_getNearestNeighborFunPtr(void (**)());
-/* g3dvolume.c */
-void G3d_getVolumeA(void *, double[2][2][2][3], int, int, int, void *, int);
-void G3d_getVolume(void *, double, double, double, double, double, double,
- double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int,
- int, void *, int);
-void G3d_getAlignedVolume(void *, double, double, double, double, double,
- double, int, int, int, void *, int);
-void G3d_makeAlignedVolumeFile(void *, const char *, double, double, double,
- double, double, double, int, int, int);
-/* g3dwindow.c */
-void G3d_getValue(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
-float G3d_getFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-double G3d_getDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-void G3d_getWindowValue(G3D_Map *, double, double, double, void *, int);
-G3D_Region *G3d_windowPtr(void);
-void G3d_setWindow(G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_setWindowMap(G3D_Map *, G3D_Region *);
-void G3d_getWindow(G3D_Region *);
-/* g3dwindowio.c */
-void G3d_useWindowParams(void);
-int G3d_readWindow(G3D_Region *, const char *);
-/* int G3d_writeWindow (G3D_Region *, char *); */
-/* getblock.c */
-void G3d_getBlockNocache(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *,
- int);
-void G3d_getBlock(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *, int);
-/* header.c */
-int G3d_readHeader(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, double *, double *, double *,
- double *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int *,
- double *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
- int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, char **);
-int G3d_writeHeader(G3D_Map *, int, int, double, double, double, double,
- double, double, int, int, int, double, double, double,
- int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
- char *);
-int G3d_cacheSizeEncode(int, int);
-int G3d__computeCacheSize(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_fillHeader(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
- int, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double, double,
- double, double, double, int, int, int, double, double,
- double, char *);
-/* headerinfo.c */
-void G3d_getCoordsMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_getCoordsMapWindow(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_getNofTilesMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_getRegionMap(G3D_Map *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
- double *, double *);
-void G3d_getWindowMap(G3D_Map *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
- double *, double *);
-void G3d_getTileDimensionsMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
-int G3d_tileTypeMap(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_fileTypeMap(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_tilePrecisionMap(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_tileUseCacheMap(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_printHeader(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_getRegionStructMap(G3D_Map *, G3D_Region *);
-/* index.c */
-int G3d_flushIndex(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_initIndex(G3D_Map *, int);
-/* retile.c */
-void G3d_retile(void *, const char *, int, int, int);
-/* rle.c */
-int G_rle_count_only(char *, int, int);
-void G_rle_encode(char *, char *, int, int);
-void G_rle_decode(char *, char *, int, int, int *, int *);
-/* tilealloc.c */
-void *G3d_allocTilesType(G3D_Map *, int, int);
-void *G3d_allocTiles(G3D_Map *, int);
-void G3d_freeTiles(void *);
-/* tileio.c */
-void *G3d_getTilePtr(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_tileLoad(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d__removeTile(G3D_Map *, int);
-float G3d_getFloatRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-double G3d_getDoubleRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-void G3d_getValueRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
-/* tilemath.c */
-void G3d_computeOptimalTileDimension(G3D_Region *, int, int *, int *, int *, int);
-void G3d_tileIndex2tile(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *);
-int G3d_tile2tileIndex(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-void G3d_tileCoordOrigin(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_tileIndexOrigin(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *);
-void G3d_coord2tileCoord(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int *,
- int *, int *);
-void G3d_coord2tileIndex(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *);
-int G3d_coordInRange(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-int G3d_tileIndexInRange(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_tileInRange(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
-int G3d_computeClippedTileDimensions(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *,
- int *, int *, int *);
-/* tilenull.c */
-void G3d_setNullTileType(G3D_Map *, void *, int);
-void G3d_setNullTile(G3D_Map *, void *);
-/* tileread.c */
-int G3d_readTile(G3D_Map *, int, void *, int);
-int G3d_readTileFloat(G3D_Map *, int, void *);
-int G3d_readTileDouble(G3D_Map *, int, void *);
-int G3d_lockTile(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_unlockTile(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_unlockAll(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_autolockOn(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_autolockOff(G3D_Map *);
-void G3d_minUnlocked(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_beginCycle(G3D_Map *);
-int G3d_endCycle(G3D_Map *);
-/* tilewrite.c */
-int G3d_writeTile(G3D_Map *, int, const void *, int);
-int G3d_writeTileFloat(G3D_Map *, int, const void *);
-int G3d_writeTileDouble(G3D_Map *, int, const void *);
-int G3d_flushTile(G3D_Map *, int);
-int G3d_flushTileCube(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
-int G3d_flushTilesInCube(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
-int G3d_putFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, float);
-int G3d_putDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, double);
-int G3d_putValue(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, const void *, int);
-/* writeascii.c */
-void G3d_writeAscii(void *, const char *);
-#endif /* #ifndef GRASS_G3D_H */
Copied: grass/trunk/include/raster3d.h (from rev 47529, grass/trunk/include/G3d.h)
--- grass/trunk/include/raster3d.h (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/include/raster3d.h 2011-08-10 16:49:20 UTC (rev 47533)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/raster.h>
+#define G3D_TILE_SAME_AS_FILE 2
+#define G3D_COMPRESSION 1
+#define G3D_USE_LZW 1
+#define G3D_NO_LZW 0
+#define G3D_USE_RLE 1
+#define G3D_NO_RLE 0
+#define G3D_MAX_PRECISION -1
+#define G3D_NO_CACHE 0
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_X -2
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_Y -3
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_Z -4
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XY -5
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XZ -6
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_YZ -7
+#define G3D_USE_CACHE_XYZ -8
+#define G3D_DIRECTORY "grid3"
+#define G3D_CELL_ELEMENT "cell"
+#define G3D_CATS_ELEMENT "cats"
+#define G3D_RANGE_ELEMENT "range"
+#define G3D_HEADER_ELEMENT "cellhd"
+#define G3D_HISTORY_ELEMENT "hist"
+#define G3D_COLOR_ELEMENT "color"
+#define G3D_COLOR2_DIRECTORY "colr2"
+#define G3D_MASK_MAP "G3D_MASK"
+#define G3D_WINDOW_DATABASE "windows3d"
+typedef struct
+ double north, south;
+ double east, west;
+ double top, bottom;
+ /* dimension of data in "cells"; rows == #x; cols == #y; depths == #z */
+ int rows, cols, depths;
+ double ns_res, ew_res, tb_res;
+ int proj; /* Projection (see gis.h) */
+ int zone; /* Projection zone (see gis.h) */
+} G3D_Region;
+struct G3D_Map;
+typedef void resample_fn(struct G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
+typedef struct G3D_Map
+ char *fileName;
+ char *tempName;
+ char *mapset;
+ /* operation performed on map */
+ int operation; /* G3D_WRITE_DATA or G3D_READ_DATA */
+ /* region */
+ G3D_Region region;
+ /* window for map */
+ G3D_Region window;
+ /* resmapling function used for map. default is nearest neighbor */
+ resample_fn *resampleFun;
+ /* units */
+ char *unit;
+ /* dimension of a single tile in "cells" */
+ int tileX, tileY, tileZ;
+ /* # of tiles in x, y, and z direction */
+ int nx, ny, nz;
+ /* data file specific information */
+ /* file descriptor */
+ int data_fd; /* file descriptor */
+ /* type in which data is stored on file */
+ int type; /* DCELL_TYPE or FCELL_TYPE */
+ /* data concering the compression */
+ int precision; /* G3D_MAX_PRECISION or, 0 .. 23 for float,
+ 0 .. 52 for double */
+ int compression; /* G3D_NO_COMPRESSION or G3D_USE_COMPRESSION */
+ int useLzw; /* G3D_USE_LZW or G3D_NO_LZW */
+ int useRle; /* G3D_USE_RLE or G3D_NO_RLE */
+ int useXdr; /* G3D_USE_XDR or G3D_NO_XDR */
+ /* pointer to first tile in file */
+ int offset;
+ /* pointer to the first index entry in file */
+ long indexOffset;
+ /* sizeof (long) of the system on which the file is/was written */
+ int indexLongNbytes;
+ /* max # bytes used in the representation of indices; this is equal to */
+ /* # bytes used in the representation of "indexOffset" */
+ int indexNbytesUsed;
+ /* pointer to the last entry in the file */
+ int fileEndPtr;
+ /* indicates if index is stored in file; used for G3D_READ_DATA only */
+ int hasIndex; /* G3D_HAS_INDEX or G3D_NO_INDEX */
+ /* information concerning internal storage of data */
+ /* index specific information */
+ /* index[i] == the offset of tile "i" in the data file */
+ long *index;
+ /* tileLength[i] == # bytes used to store tile "i" */
+ int *tileLength;
+ /* tile specific information */
+ /* type in which data is stored in memory */
+ int typeIntern; /* DCELL_TYPE or FCELL_TYPE */
+ /* in non-cache mode the "data" array is used to store one tile */
+ char *data;
+ /* index of tile currently stored in "data"; -1 if none */
+ int currentIndex;
+ /* cache related variables */
+ int useCache; /* 1 if cache is used */
+ void *cache; /* pointer to cache structure */
+ int cacheFD; /* file discriptor of cache file -- write mode only */
+ char *cacheFileName; /* filename of cache file -- write mode only */
+ long cachePosLast; /* position of last entry in cache file -- write */
+ /* mode only */
+ /* range info */
+ struct FPRange range;
+ /* some constants stored for efficiency */
+ /* number of bytes required to store a single value of "type" */
+ int numLengthExtern;
+ /* number of bytes required to store a single value of "typeIntern" */
+ int numLengthIntern;
+ /* see header.c for details */
+ int clipX, clipY, clipZ;
+ int tileXY, tileSize;
+ int nxy, nTiles;
+ /* mask related information */
+ int useMask; /* 1 if mask is used; 0 otherwise */
+} G3D_Map;
+typedef struct
+ char *elts; /* ptr to array of elts */
+ int nofElts; /* size of "elts" */
+ int eltSize; /* size of elt in "elts" */
+ int *names; /* name[i] is the name of elts[i] */
+ char *locks; /* lock[i] == 1 iff elts[i] is locked
+ lock[i] == 0 iff elts[i] is unlocked but active
+ lock[i] == 2 iff elts[i] doesn't contain valid data */
+ int autoLock; /* 1 if auto locking is turned on */
+ int nofUnlocked; /* nof tiles which are unlocked */
+ int minUnlocked; /* min nof elts which have to remain unlocked. min = 1 */
+ int *next, *prev; /* prev/next pointers for fifo */
+ int first, last; /* index (into next) of first and last elt in fifo */
+ /* first == -1 iff fifo is empty */
+ int (*eltRemoveFun) (); /* callback activated if the contents of an
+ elt needs to be removed */
+ void *eltRemoveFunData; /* pointer to user data passed along with
+ eltRemoveFun */
+ int (*eltLoadFun) (); /* callback activated to load contents of an elt */
+ void *eltLoadFunData; /* pointer to user data passed along with
+ eltLoadFun */
+ void *hash; /* ptr to hashTable used to relate external names to
+ internal indices (elts) */
+} G3D_cache;
+typedef struct
+ int nofNames;
+ int *index;
+ char *active;
+ int lastName;
+ int lastIndex;
+ int lastIndexActive;
+} G3d_cache_hash;
+/*Structures */
+typedef struct _d_interval
+ double low, high;
+ int inf;
+ struct _d_interval *next;
+} d_Interval;
+typedef struct _d_mask
+ d_Interval *list;
+} d_Mask;
+typedef int write_fn(int, const void *, void *);
+typedef int read_fn(int, void *, void *);
+/*============================== Prototypes ================================*/
+#include <grass/raster3ddefs.h>
+#endif /* #ifndef GRASS_RASTER3D_H */
Added: grass/trunk/include/raster3ddefs.h
--- grass/trunk/include/raster3ddefs.h (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/include/raster3ddefs.h 2011-08-10 16:49:20 UTC (rev 47533)
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+/* cache.c */
+void G3d_cache_reset(G3D_cache *);
+void G3d_cache_dispose(G3D_cache *);
+void *G3d_cache_new(int, int, int, write_fn *, void *, read_fn *, void *);
+void G3d_cache_set_removeFun(G3D_cache *, write_fn *, void *);
+void G3d_cache_set_loadFun(G3D_cache *, read_fn *, void *);
+void *G3d_cache_new_read(int, int, int, read_fn *, void *);
+int G3d_cache_lock(G3D_cache *, int);
+void G3d_cache_lock_intern(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_unlock(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_unlock_all(G3D_cache *);
+int G3d_cache_lock_all(G3D_cache *);
+void G3d_cache_autolock_on(G3D_cache *);
+void G3d_cache_autolock_off(G3D_cache *);
+void G3d_cache_set_minUnlock(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_remove_elt(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_flush(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_remove_all(G3D_cache *);
+int G3d_cache_flush_all(G3D_cache *);
+void *G3d_cache_elt_ptr(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_load(G3D_cache *, int);
+int G3d_cache_get_elt(G3D_cache *, int, void *);
+int G3d_cache_put_elt(G3D_cache *, int, const void *);
+/* cachehash.c */
+void G3d_cache_hash_reset(G3d_cache_hash *);
+void G3d_cache_hash_dispose(G3d_cache_hash *);
+void *G3d_cache_hash_new(int);
+void G3d_cache_hash_remove_name(G3d_cache_hash *, int);
+void G3d_cache_hash_load_name(G3d_cache_hash *, int, int);
+int G3d_cache_hash_name2index(G3d_cache_hash *, int);
+/* changeprecision.c */
+void G3d_changePrecision(void *, int, const char *);
+/* changetype.c */
+void G3d_changeType(void *, const char *);
+/* filecompare.c */
+void G3d_compareFiles(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
+/* filename.c */
+void G3d_filename(char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
+/* find_grid3.c */
+char *G_find_grid3(const char *, const char *);
+/* fpcompress.c */
+void G_fpcompress_printBinary(char *, int);
+void G_fpcompress_dissectXdrDouble(unsigned char *);
+int G_fpcompress_writeXdrNums(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int, int);
+int G_fpcompress_writeXdrFloats(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int);
+int G_fpcompress_writeXdrDouble(int, char *, int, int, char *, int, int);
+int G_fpcompress_readXdrNums(int, char *, int, int, int, char *, int);
+int G_fpcompress_readXdrFloats(int, char *, int, int, int, char *);
+int G_fpcompress_readXdrDoubles(int, char *, int, int, int, char *);
+/* g3dalloc.c */
+void *G3d_malloc(int);
+void *G3d_realloc(void *, int);
+void G3d_free(void *);
+/* g3dcache.c */
+int G3d_initCache(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_disposeCache(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_flushAllTiles(G3D_Map *);
+/* g3dcats.c */
+int G3d_writeCats(const char *, struct Categories *);
+int G3d_readCats(const char *, const char *, struct Categories *);
+/* g3dclose.c */
+int G3d_closeCell(G3D_Map *);
+/* g3dcolor.c */
+int G3d_removeColor(const char *);
+int G3d_readColors(const char *, const char *, struct Colors *);
+int G3d_writeColors(const char *, const char *, struct Colors *);
+/* g3ddefaults.c */
+void G3d_setCompressionMode(int, int, int, int);
+void G3d_getCompressionMode(int *, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_setCacheSize(int);
+int G3d_getCacheSize(void);
+void G3d_setCacheLimit(int);
+int G3d_getCacheLimit(void);
+void G3d_setFileType(int);
+int G3d_getFileType(void);
+void G3d_setTileDimension(int, int, int);
+void G3d_getTileDimension(int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_setErrorFun(void (*)(const char *));
+void G3d_setUnit(const char *);
+void G3d_initDefaults(void);
+/* g3ddoubleio.c */
+int G3d_writeDoubles(int, int, const double *, int);
+int G3d_readDoubles(int, int, double *, int);
+/* g3derror.c */
+void G3d_skipError(const char *);
+void G3d_printError(const char *);
+void G3d_fatalError(const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)))
+ __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+void G3d_fatalError_noargs(const char *) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+void G3d_error(const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)));
+/* g3dfpxdr.c */
+int G3d_isXdrNullNum(const void *, int);
+int G3d_isXdrNullFloat(const float *);
+int G3d_isXdrNullDouble(const double *);
+void G3d_setXdrNullNum(void *, int);
+void G3d_setXdrNullDouble(double *);
+void G3d_setXdrNullFloat(float *);
+int G3d_initFpXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_initCopyToXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_copyToXdr(const void *, int);
+int G3d_initCopyFromXdr(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_copyFromXdr(int, void *);
+/* g3dhistory.c */
+int G3d_writeHistory(const char *, struct History *);
+int G3d_readHistory(const char *, const char *, struct History *);
+/* g3dintio.c */
+int G3d_writeInts(int, int, const int *, int);
+int G3d_readInts(int, int, int *, int);
+/* g3dkeys.c */
+int G3d_keyGetInt(struct Key_Value *, const char *, int *);
+int G3d_keyGetDouble(struct Key_Value *, const char *, double *);
+int G3d_keyGetString(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char **);
+int G3d_keyGetValue(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char *, char *, int,
+ int, int *);
+int G3d_keySetInt(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const int *);
+int G3d_keySetDouble(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const double *);
+int G3d_keySetString(struct Key_Value *, const char *, char *const *);
+int G3d_keySetValue(struct Key_Value *, const char *, const char *,
+ const char *, int, int, const int *);
+/* g3dlong.c */
+int G3d_longEncode(long *, unsigned char *, int);
+void G3d_longDecode(unsigned char *, long *, int, int);
+/* g3dmapset.c */
+void G3d_makeMapsetMapDirectory(const char *);
+/* g3dmask.c */
+int G3d_maskClose(void);
+int G3d_maskFileExists(void);
+int G3d_maskOpenOld(void);
+int G3d_maskReopen(int);
+int G3d_isMasked(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+void G3d_maskNum(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
+void G3d_maskFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, float *);
+void G3d_maskDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, double *);
+void G3d_maskTile(G3D_Map *, int, void *, int);
+void G3d_maskOn(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_maskOff(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_maskIsOn(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_maskIsOff(G3D_Map *);
+const char *G3d_maskFile(void);
+int G3d_maskMapExists(void);
+/* maskfn.c */
+int G3d_mask_d_select(DCELL *, d_Mask *);
+DCELL G3d_mask_match_d_interval(DCELL, d_Interval *);
+void G3d_parse_vallist(char **, d_Mask **);
+/* g3dmisc.c */
+int G3d_g3dType2cellType(int);
+void G3d_copyFloat2Double(const float *, int, double *, int, int);
+void G3d_copyDouble2Float(const double *, int, float *, int, int);
+void G3d_copyValues(const void *, int, int, void *, int, int, int);
+int G3d_length(int);
+int G3d_externLength(int);
+/* g3dnull.c */
+int G3d_isNullValueNum(const void *, int);
+void G3d_setNullValue(void *, int, int);
+/* g3dopen2.c */
+void *G3d_openNewParam(const char *, int , int, G3D_Region *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+/* g3dopen.c */
+void *G3d_openCellOldNoHeader(const char *, const char *);
+void *G3d_openCellOld(const char *, const char *, G3D_Region *, int, int);
+void *G3d_openCellNew(const char *, int, int, G3D_Region *);
+void *G3d_openNewOptTileSize(const char *, int , G3D_Region * , int , int );
+/* g3dparam.c */
+void G3d_setStandard3dInputParams(void);
+int G3d_getStandard3dParams(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
+ int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_setWindowParams(void);
+char *G3d_getWindowParams(void);
+/* g3drange.c */
+void G3d_range_updateFromTile(G3D_Map *, const void *, int, int, int, int,
+ int, int, int, int);
+int G3d_readRange(const char *, const char *, struct FPRange *);
+int G3d_range_load(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_range_min_max(G3D_Map *, double *, double *);
+int G3d_range_write(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_range_init(G3D_Map *);
+/* g3dregion.c */
+void G3d_getRegionValue(G3D_Map *, double, double, double, void *, int);
+void G3d_adjustRegion(G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_regionCopy(G3D_Region *, G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_incorporate2dRegion(struct Cell_head *, G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_regionFromToCellHead(struct Cell_head *, G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_adjustRegionRes(G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_extract2dRegion(G3D_Region *, struct Cell_head *);
+void G3d_regionToCellHead(G3D_Region *, struct Cell_head *);
+int G3d_readRegionMap(const char *, const char *, G3D_Region *);
+int G3d_isValidLocation(G3D_Region *, double, double, double);
+void G3d_location2coord(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_location2coord2(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_coord2location(G3D_Region *, double, double, double, double *, double *, double *);
+/* g3dresample.c */
+void G3d_nearestNeighbor(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
+void G3d_setResamplingFun(G3D_Map *, void (*)());
+void G3d_getResamplingFun(G3D_Map *, void (**)());
+void G3d_getNearestNeighborFunPtr(void (**)());
+/* g3dvolume.c */
+void G3d_getVolumeA(void *, double[2][2][2][3], int, int, int, void *, int);
+void G3d_getVolume(void *, double, double, double, double, double, double,
+ double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int,
+ int, void *, int);
+void G3d_getAlignedVolume(void *, double, double, double, double, double,
+ double, int, int, int, void *, int);
+void G3d_makeAlignedVolumeFile(void *, const char *, double, double, double,
+ double, double, double, int, int, int);
+/* g3dwindow.c */
+void G3d_getValue(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
+float G3d_getFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+double G3d_getDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+void G3d_getWindowValue(G3D_Map *, double, double, double, void *, int);
+G3D_Region *G3d_windowPtr(void);
+void G3d_setWindow(G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_setWindowMap(G3D_Map *, G3D_Region *);
+void G3d_getWindow(G3D_Region *);
+/* g3dwindowio.c */
+void G3d_useWindowParams(void);
+int G3d_readWindow(G3D_Region *, const char *);
+/* int G3d_writeWindow (G3D_Region *, char *); */
+/* getblock.c */
+void G3d_getBlockNocache(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *,
+ int);
+void G3d_getBlock(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *, int);
+/* header.c */
+int G3d_readHeader(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, double *, double *, double *,
+ double *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int *,
+ double *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
+ int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, char **);
+int G3d_writeHeader(G3D_Map *, int, int, double, double, double, double,
+ double, double, int, int, int, double, double, double,
+ int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
+ char *);
+int G3d_cacheSizeEncode(int, int);
+int G3d__computeCacheSize(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_fillHeader(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
+ int, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double, double,
+ double, double, double, int, int, int, double, double,
+ double, char *);
+/* headerinfo.c */
+void G3d_getCoordsMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_getCoordsMapWindow(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_getNofTilesMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_getRegionMap(G3D_Map *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
+ double *, double *);
+void G3d_getWindowMap(G3D_Map *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
+ double *, double *);
+void G3d_getTileDimensionsMap(G3D_Map *, int *, int *, int *);
+int G3d_tileTypeMap(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_fileTypeMap(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_tilePrecisionMap(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_tileUseCacheMap(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_printHeader(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_getRegionStructMap(G3D_Map *, G3D_Region *);
+/* index.c */
+int G3d_flushIndex(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_initIndex(G3D_Map *, int);
+/* retile.c */
+void G3d_retile(void *, const char *, int, int, int);
+/* rle.c */
+int G_rle_count_only(char *, int, int);
+void G_rle_encode(char *, char *, int, int);
+void G_rle_decode(char *, char *, int, int, int *, int *);
+/* tilealloc.c */
+void *G3d_allocTilesType(G3D_Map *, int, int);
+void *G3d_allocTiles(G3D_Map *, int);
+void G3d_freeTiles(void *);
+/* tileio.c */
+void *G3d_getTilePtr(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_tileLoad(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d__removeTile(G3D_Map *, int);
+float G3d_getFloatRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+double G3d_getDoubleRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+void G3d_getValueRegion(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, void *, int);
+/* tilemath.c */
+void G3d_computeOptimalTileDimension(G3D_Region *, int, int *, int *, int *, int);
+void G3d_tileIndex2tile(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *);
+int G3d_tile2tileIndex(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+void G3d_tileCoordOrigin(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_tileIndexOrigin(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *);
+void G3d_coord2tileCoord(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int *,
+ int *, int *);
+void G3d_coord2tileIndex(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int *, int *);
+int G3d_coordInRange(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+int G3d_tileIndexInRange(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_tileInRange(G3D_Map *, int, int, int);
+int G3d_computeClippedTileDimensions(G3D_Map *, int, int *, int *, int *,
+ int *, int *, int *);
+/* tilenull.c */
+void G3d_setNullTileType(G3D_Map *, void *, int);
+void G3d_setNullTile(G3D_Map *, void *);
+/* tileread.c */
+int G3d_readTile(G3D_Map *, int, void *, int);
+int G3d_readTileFloat(G3D_Map *, int, void *);
+int G3d_readTileDouble(G3D_Map *, int, void *);
+int G3d_lockTile(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_unlockTile(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_unlockAll(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_autolockOn(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_autolockOff(G3D_Map *);
+void G3d_minUnlocked(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_beginCycle(G3D_Map *);
+int G3d_endCycle(G3D_Map *);
+/* tilewrite.c */
+int G3d_writeTile(G3D_Map *, int, const void *, int);
+int G3d_writeTileFloat(G3D_Map *, int, const void *);
+int G3d_writeTileDouble(G3D_Map *, int, const void *);
+int G3d_flushTile(G3D_Map *, int);
+int G3d_flushTileCube(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+int G3d_flushTilesInCube(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+int G3d_putFloat(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, float);
+int G3d_putDouble(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, double);
+int G3d_putValue(G3D_Map *, int, int, int, const void *, int);
+/* writeascii.c */
+void G3d_writeAscii(void *, const char *);
+#endif /* RASTER3DDEFS */
Property changes on: grass/trunk/include/raster3ddefs.h
Added: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-chdr
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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