[GRASS-SVN] r47642 - grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.stream/gui_modules

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 15 09:34:26 EDT 2011

Author: madi
Date: 2011-08-15 06:34:26 -0700 (Mon, 15 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 47642

Widget for sliding and visualizing previews

Added: grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.stream/gui_modules/ImageViewer.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.stream/gui_modules/ImageViewer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/gui/wxpython/wx.stream/gui_modules/ImageViewer.py	2011-08-15 13:34:26 UTC (rev 47642)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ at package rstream.py
+ at brief GUI for r.stream.* modules
+See http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Wx.stream_GSoC_2011
+ - ImgFrame
+ - ListImg
+ - ImgPanel
+(C) 2011 by Margherita Di Leo, and the GRASS Development Team
+This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+ at author Margherita Di Leo (GSoC student 2011)
+import wx
+import glob
+class ImgPanel(wx.Panel):
+    """!Display selected image in the main window
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent, img):
+        """"""
+        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        self.staticBitmap = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, img)
+        self.PhotoMaxSize = 240
+        self.sizer.Add(self.staticBitmap, 1, wx.EXPAND)        
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Layout()
+class ListImg(wx.Listbook):
+    """!Load png files *from current folder* and convert to bitmap"""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        """"""
+        wx.Listbook.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.BK_BOTTOM)
+        self.pages = []
+        pathname = "*.png"
+        self.ImL = wx.ImageList(32, 32)
+        for imID, filename in enumerate(glob.glob(pathname)):
+            bmp = wx.Bitmap(filename, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
+            img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
+            img.Rescale(32, 32)
+            bmp_scaled = img.ConvertToBitmap()
+            self.ImL.Add(bmp_scaled)
+            self.pages.append(ImgPanel(self, bmp))
+            self.AddPage(self.pages[-1], "", imageId=imID)
+        self.AssignImageList(self.ImL)
+        # Binders    
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnPageChanged)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging)
+    def OnPageChanged(self, event):
+        old = event.GetOldSelection()
+        new = event.GetSelection()
+        sel = self.GetSelection()
+        print 'OnPageChanged,  old:%d, new:%d, sel:%d\n' % (old, new, sel)
+        event.Skip()
+    def OnPageChanging(self, event):
+        old = event.GetOldSelection()
+        new = event.GetSelection()
+        sel = self.GetSelection()
+        print 'OnPageChanging, old:%d, new:%d, sel:%d\n' % (old, new, sel)
+        event.Skip()
+class ImgFrame(wx.Frame):
+    """!Main frame
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """"""
+        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY,
+                          "Image Viewer",
+                          size=(800,600)
+                          )
+        panel = wx.Panel(self)
+        previews = ListImg(panel)
+        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        sizer.Add(previews, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
+        panel.SetSizer(sizer)
+        self.Layout()
+        self.Show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    app = wx.PySimpleApp()
+    frame = ImgFrame()
+    app.MainLoop()

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