[GRASS-SVN] r47698 - grass/trunk/raster/r.texture

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 17 08:45:12 EDT 2011

Author: mmetz
Date: 2011-08-17 05:45:12 -0700 (Wed, 17 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 47698

r.texture: code optimization

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.c
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.c	2011-08-17 12:36:58 UTC (rev 47697)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.c	2011-08-17 12:45:12 UTC (rev 47698)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/raster.h>
 #include <grass/glocale.h>
 #define RADIX 2.0
@@ -44,316 +45,303 @@
 #define F11 "Difference Entropy    "
 #define F12 "Measure of Correlation-1 "
 #define F13 "Measure of Correlation-2 "
-#define F14 "Max Correlation Coeff "
 #define SIGN(x,y) ((y)<0 ? -fabs(x) : fabs(x))
 #define SWAP(a,b) {y=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=y;}
 #define PGM_MAXMAXVAL 255
+#define MAX_MATRIX_SIZE 512
-void results(), hessenberg(), mkbalanced(), reduction(), simplesrt();
-float f1_asm(), f2_contrast(), f3_corr(), f4_var(), f5_idm(),
-f6_savg(), f7_svar(), f8_sentropy(), f9_entropy(), f10_dvar(),
-f11_dentropy(), f12_icorr(), f13_icorr(), f14_maxcorr(), *vector(),
+float **matrix(int nr, int nc);
+float *vector(int n);
+float f1_asm(float **P, int Ng);
+float f2_contrast(float **P, int Ng);
+float f3_corr(float **P, int Ng);
+float f4_var(float **P, int Ng);
+float f5_idm(float **P, int Ng);
+float f6_savg(float **P, int Ng);
+float f7_svar(float **P, int Ng, double S);
+float f8_sentropy(float **P, int Ng);
+float f9_entropy(float **P, int Ng);
+float f10_dvar(float **P, int Ng);
+float f11_dentropy(float **P, int Ng);
+float f12_icorr(float **P, int Ng);
+float f13_icorr(float **P, int Ng);
+static float **P_matrix = NULL;
 static float **P_matrix0 = NULL;
 static float **P_matrix45 = NULL;
 static float **P_matrix90 = NULL;
 static float **P_matrix135 = NULL;
 int tone[PGM_MAXMAXVAL + 1];
+static int tones = 0;
+static float sentropy = 0.0;
+static float *px, *py;
+static float Pxpys[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL + 2];
+static float Pxpyd[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL + 2];
-float h_measure(int **grays, int rows, int cols, int t_m, int t_d)
+void alloc_vars(int size, int dist)
-    int R0, R45, R90, angle, d, x, y;
-    int row, col;
-    int itone, jtone, tones;
-    static int memory_all = 0;
-    float sentropy[4];
+    int Ng;
-    d = t_d;
+    /* Allocate memory for gray-tone spatial dependence matrix */
+    P_matrix0 = matrix(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1, MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1);
+    P_matrix45 = matrix(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1, MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1);
+    P_matrix90 = matrix(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1, MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1);
+    P_matrix135 = matrix(MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1, MAX_MATRIX_SIZE + 1);
+    if (size * size < 256)
+	Ng = size * size;
+    else
+	Ng = 256;
+    px = vector(Ng + 1);
+    py = vector(Ng + 1);
+int set_vars(int **grays, int curr_row, int curr_col,
+                int size, int offset, int t_d)
+    int R0, R45, R90, R135, x, y;
+    int row, col, row2, col2, rows, cols;
+    int itone, jtone;
+    rows = cols = size;
     /* Determine the number of different gray scales (not maxval) */
-    for (row = PGM_MAXMAXVAL; row >= 0; --row)
+    for (row = 0; row <= PGM_MAXMAXVAL; row++)
 	tone[row] = -1;
-    for (row = rows - 1; row >= 0; --row)
-	for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
-	    if (grays[row][col] < 0)	/* No data pixel found */
-		G_fatal_error(_("Negative or no data pixel found. "
-				"This module is not yet able to process no data holes in a map, "
-				"please fill with r.fillnulls or other algorithms"));
+    for (row = curr_row - offset; row <= curr_row + offset; row++) {
+	for (col = curr_col - offset; col <= curr_col + offset; col++) {
+	    if (grays[row][col] < 0) {	/* No data pixel found */
+		return 0;
+	    }
 	    if (grays[row][col] > PGM_MAXMAXVAL)
 		G_fatal_error(_("Too many categories (found: %i, max: %i). "
 				"Try to rescale or reclassify the map"),
 			      grays[row][col], PGM_MAXMAXVAL);
 	    tone[grays[row][col]] = grays[row][col];
-    for (row = PGM_MAXMAXVAL, tones = 0; row >= 0; --row)
-	if (tone[row] != -1)
-	    tones++;
+    }
     /* Collapse array, taking out all zero values */
-    for (row = 0, itone = 0; row <= PGM_MAXMAXVAL; row++)
+    tones = 0;
+    for (row = 0; row <= PGM_MAXMAXVAL; row++) {
 	if (tone[row] != -1)
-	    tone[itone++] = tone[row];
+	    tone[tones++] = tone[row];
+    }
     /* Now array contains only the gray levels present (in ascending order) */
-    /* Allocate memory for gray-tone spatial dependence matrix */
-    if (!memory_all) {
-	P_matrix0 = matrix(0, 512, 0, 512);
-	P_matrix45 = matrix(0, 512, 0, 512);
-	P_matrix90 = matrix(0, 512, 0, 512);
-	P_matrix135 = matrix(0, 512, 0, 512);
-	memory_all = 1;
-    }
-    for (row = 0; row < tones; ++row)
-	for (col = 0; col < tones; ++col) {
+    for (row = 0; row < tones; row++)
+	for (col = 0; col < tones; col++) {
 	    P_matrix0[row][col] = P_matrix45[row][col] = 0;
 	    P_matrix90[row][col] = P_matrix135[row][col] = 0;
     /* Find gray-tone spatial dependence matrix */
-    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
-	for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
-	    for (x = 0, angle = 0; angle <= 135; angle += 45) {
-		while (tone[x] != grays[row][col])
-		    x++;
-		if (angle == 0 && col + d < cols) {
-		    y = 0;
-		    while (tone[y] != grays[row][col + d])
-			y++;
-		    P_matrix0[x][y]++;
-		    P_matrix0[y][x]++;
-		}
-		if (angle == 90 && row + d < rows) {
-		    y = 0;
-		    while (tone[y] != grays[row + d][col])
-			y++;
-		    P_matrix90[x][y]++;
-		    P_matrix90[y][x]++;
-		}
-		if (angle == 45 && row + d < rows && col - d >= 0) {
-		    y = 0;
-		    while (tone[y] != grays[row + d][col - d])
-			y++;
-		    P_matrix45[x][y]++;
-		    P_matrix45[y][x]++;
-		}
-		if (angle == 135 && row + d < rows && col + d < cols) {
-		    y = 0;
-		    while (tone[y] != grays[row + d][col + d])
-			y++;
-		    P_matrix135[x][y]++;
-		    P_matrix135[y][x]++;
-		}
+    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+	row2 = curr_row - offset + row;
+	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+	    col2 = curr_col - offset + col;
+	    x = 0;
+	    while (tone[x] != grays[row2][col2])
+		x++;
+	    if (col + t_d < cols) {
+		y = 0;
+		while (tone[y] != grays[row2][col2 + t_d])
+		    y++;
+		P_matrix0[x][y]++;
+		P_matrix0[y][x]++;
+	    if (row + t_d < rows) {
+		y = 0;
+		while (tone[y] != grays[row2 + t_d][col2])
+		    y++;
+		P_matrix90[x][y]++;
+		P_matrix90[y][x]++;
+	    }
+	    if (row + t_d < rows && col - t_d >= 0) {
+		y = 0;
+		while (tone[y] != grays[row2 + t_d][col2 - t_d])
+		    y++;
+		P_matrix45[x][y]++;
+		P_matrix45[y][x]++;
+	    }
+	    if (row + t_d < rows && col + t_d < cols) {
+		y = 0;
+		while (tone[y] != grays[row2 + t_d][col2 + t_d])
+		    y++;
+		P_matrix135[x][y]++;
+		P_matrix135[y][x]++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     /* Gray-tone spatial dependence matrices are complete */
     /* Find normalizing constants */
     R0 = 2 * rows * (cols - 1);
     R45 = 2 * (rows - 1) * (cols - 1);
     R90 = 2 * (rows - 1) * cols;
+    R135 = R45;
     /* Normalize gray-tone spatial dependence matrix */
-    for (itone = 0; itone < tones; ++itone)
-	for (jtone = 0; jtone < tones; ++jtone) {
+    for (itone = 0; itone < tones; itone++) {
+	for (jtone = 0; jtone < tones; jtone++) {
 	    P_matrix0[itone][jtone] /= R0;
 	    P_matrix45[itone][jtone] /= R45;
 	    P_matrix90[itone][jtone] /= R90;
-	    P_matrix135[itone][jtone] /= R45;
+	    P_matrix135[itone][jtone] /= R135;
+    }
+    return 1;
+int set_angle_vars(int angle, int have_px, int have_py, int have_sentr,
+                   int have_pxpys, int have_pxpyd)
+    int i, j, Ng;
+    float **P;
+    switch (angle) {
+	case 0:
+	    P_matrix = P_matrix0;
+	break;
+	case 1:
+	    P_matrix = P_matrix45;
+	break;
+	case 2:
+	    P_matrix = P_matrix90;
+	break;
+	case 3:
+	    P_matrix = P_matrix135;
+	break;
+    }
+    if (have_sentr)
+	sentropy = f8_sentropy(P_matrix, tones);
+    Ng = tones;
+    P = P_matrix;
+    /*
+     * px[i] is the (i-1)th entry in the marginal probability matrix obtained
+     * by summing the rows of p[i][j]
+     */
+    /* Pxpy sum and difference */
+    /* reset variabless */
+    if (have_px || have_py || have_pxpys || have_pxpyd) {
+	for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	    if (have_px || have_py) {
+		px[i] = py[i] = 0;
+	    }
+	    if (have_pxpys || have_pxpyd) {
+		Pxpys[i] = Pxpyd[i] = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (have_pxpys) {
+	    for (j = Ng; j < 2 * Ng; j++) {
+		Pxpys[j] = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (have_pxpys || have_pxpyd || have_px || have_py) {
+	for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	    for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++) {
+		if (have_px || have_py) {
+		    px[i] += P[i][j];
+		    py[j] += P[i][j];
+		}
+		if (have_pxpys) {
+		    Pxpys[i + j] += P[i][j];
+		}
+		if (have_pxpyd) {
+		    Pxpyd[abs(i - j)] += P[i][j];
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return 1;
+float h_measure(int t_m)
     switch (t_m) {
+	/* Angular Second Moment */
     case 0:
-	return (f1_asm(P_matrix0, tones));
+	return (f1_asm(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Contrast */
     case 1:
-	return (f1_asm(P_matrix45, tones));
+	return (f2_contrast(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Correlation */
     case 2:
-	return (f1_asm(P_matrix90, tones));
+	return (f3_corr(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Variance */
     case 3:
-	return (f1_asm(P_matrix135, tones));
+	return (f4_var(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Inverse Diff Moment */
     case 4:
-	return (f2_contrast(P_matrix0, tones));
+	return (f5_idm(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Sum Average */
     case 5:
-	return (f2_contrast(P_matrix45, tones));
+	return (f6_savg(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Sum Entropy */
     case 6:
-	return (f2_contrast(P_matrix90, tones));
+	return (sentropy);
+    /* Sum Variance */
     case 7:
-	return (f2_contrast(P_matrix135, tones));
+	return (f7_svar(P_matrix, tones, sentropy));
+    /* Entropy */
     case 8:
-	return (f3_corr(P_matrix0, tones));
+	return (f9_entropy(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Difference Variance */
     case 9:
-	return (f3_corr(P_matrix45, tones));
+	return (f10_dvar(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Difference Entropy */
     case 10:
-	return (f3_corr(P_matrix90, tones));
+	return (f11_dentropy(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Measure of Correlation-1 */
     case 11:
-	return (f3_corr(P_matrix135, tones));
+	return (f12_icorr(P_matrix, tones));
+    /* Measure of Correlation-2 */
     case 12:
-	return (f4_var(P_matrix0, tones));
+	return (f13_icorr(P_matrix, tones));
-    case 13:
-	return (f4_var(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 14:
-	return (f4_var(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 15:
-	return (f4_var(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 16:
-	return (f5_idm(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 17:
-	return (f5_idm(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 18:
-	return (f5_idm(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 19:
-	return (f5_idm(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 20:
-	return (f6_savg(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 21:
-	return (f6_savg(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 22:
-	return (f6_savg(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 23:
-	return (f6_savg(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 24:
-	sentropy[0] = f8_sentropy(P_matrix0, tones);
-	return (sentropy[0]);
-	break;
-    case 25:
-	sentropy[1] = f8_sentropy(P_matrix45, tones);
-	return (sentropy[1]);
-	break;
-    case 26:
-	sentropy[2] = f8_sentropy(P_matrix90, tones);
-	return (sentropy[2]);
-	break;
-    case 27:
-	sentropy[3] = f8_sentropy(P_matrix135, tones);
-	return (sentropy[3]);
-	break;
-    case 28:
-	return (f7_svar(P_matrix0, tones, sentropy[0]));
-	break;
-    case 29:
-	return (f7_svar(P_matrix45, tones, sentropy[1]));
-	break;
-    case 30:
-	return (f7_svar(P_matrix90, tones, sentropy[2]));
-	break;
-    case 31:
-	return (f7_svar(P_matrix135, tones, sentropy[3]));
-	break;
-    case 32:
-	return (f9_entropy(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 33:
-	return (f9_entropy(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 34:
-	return (f9_entropy(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 35:
-	return (f9_entropy(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 36:
-	return (f10_dvar(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 37:
-	return (f10_dvar(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 38:
-	return (f10_dvar(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 39:
-	return (f10_dvar(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 40:
-	return (f11_dentropy(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 41:
-	return (f11_dentropy(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 42:
-	return (f11_dentropy(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 43:
-	return (f11_dentropy(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 44:
-	return (f12_icorr(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 45:
-	return (f12_icorr(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 46:
-	return (f12_icorr(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 47:
-	return (f12_icorr(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 48:
-	return (f13_icorr(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 49:
-	return (f13_icorr(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 50:
-	return (f13_icorr(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 51:
-	return (f13_icorr(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    case 52:
-	return (f14_maxcorr(P_matrix0, tones));
-	break;
-    case 53:
-	return (f14_maxcorr(P_matrix45, tones));
-	break;
-    case 54:
-	return (f14_maxcorr(P_matrix90, tones));
-	break;
-    case 55:
-	return (f14_maxcorr(P_matrix135, tones));
-	break;
-    exit(0);
+    return 0;
 void MatrixDealloc(float **A, int N)
@@ -361,78 +349,67 @@
     /*A is NxN */
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
-float f1_asm(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Angular Second Moment */
+ * The angular second-moment feature (ASM) f1 is a measure of homogeneity
+ * of the image. In a homogeneous image, there are very few dominant
+ * gray-tone transitions. Hence the P matrix for such an image will have
+ * fewer entries of large magnitude.
+ */
+float f1_asm(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
     float sum = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++)
 	    sum += P[i][j] * P[i][j];
     return sum;
-    /*
-     * The angular second-moment feature (ASM) f1 is a measure of homogeneity
-     * of the image. In a homogeneous image, there are very few dominant
-     * gray-tone transitions. Hence the P matrix for such an image will have
-     * fewer entries of large magnitude.
-     */
-float f2_contrast(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Contrast */
+ * The contrast feature is a difference moment of the P matrix and is a
+ * measure of the contrast or the amount of local variations present in an
+ * image.
+ */
+float f2_contrast(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j, n;
-    float sum = 0, bigsum = 0;
+    float sum, bigsum = 0;
-    for (n = 0; n < Ng; ++n) {
-	for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	    for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-		if ((i - j) == n || (j - i) == n)
+    for (n = 0; n < Ng; n++) {
+	sum = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	    for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++) {
+		if ((i - j) == n || (j - i) == n) {
 		    sum += P[i][j];
+		}
+	    }
+	}
 	bigsum += n * n * sum;
-	sum = 0;
     return bigsum;
-    /*
-     * The contrast feature is a difference moment of the P matrix and is a
-     * measure of the contrast or the amount of local variations present in an
-     * image.
-     */
-float f3_corr(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Correlation */
+ * This correlation feature is a measure of gray-tone linear-dependencies
+ * in the image.
+ */
+float f3_corr(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
-    float sum_sqrx = 0, sum_sqry = 0, tmp, *px;
+    float sum_sqrx = 0, sum_sqry = 0, tmp = 0;
     float meanx = 0, meany = 0, stddevx, stddevy;
-    px = vector(0, Ng);
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	px[i] = 0;
-    /*
-     * px[i] is the (i-1)th entry in the marginal probability matrix obtained
-     * by summing the rows of p[i][j]
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    px[i] += P[i][j];
     /* Now calculate the means and standard deviations of px and py */
     /*- fix supplied by J. Michael Christensen, 21 Jun 1991 */
@@ -440,33 +417,23 @@
     /*- further modified by James Darrell McCauley, 16 Aug 1991
      *     after realizing that meanx=meany and stddevx=stddevy
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
 	meanx += px[i] * i;
 	sum_sqrx += px[i] * i * i;
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++)
+	    tmp += i * j * P[i][j];
     meany = meanx;
     sum_sqry = sum_sqrx;
     stddevx = sqrt(sum_sqrx - (meanx * meanx));
     stddevy = stddevx;
-    /* Finally, the correlation ... */
-    for (tmp = 0, i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    tmp += i * j * P[i][j];
-    G_free(px);
     return (tmp - meanx * meany) / (stddevx * stddevy);
-    /*
-     * This correlation feature is a measure of gray-tone linear-dependencies
-     * in the image.
-     */
-float f4_var(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Sum of Squares: Variance */
+float f4_var(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
     float mean = 0, var = 0;
@@ -475,131 +442,91 @@
      *  calculates the mean intensity level instead of the mean of
      *  cooccurrence matrix elements
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++)
 	    mean += i * P[i][j];
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++)
 	    var += (i + 1 - mean) * (i + 1 - mean) * P[i][j];
     return var;
-float f5_idm(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Inverse Difference Moment */
+float f5_idm(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
     float idm = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++)
 	    idm += P[i][j] / (1 + (i - j) * (i - j));
     return idm;
-float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
-float f6_savg(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Sum Average */
+float f6_savg(float **P, int Ng)
-    int i, j;
-    extern float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
+    int i;
     float savg = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	Pxpy[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 2 * Ng - 1; i++)
+	savg += (i + 2) * Pxpys[i];
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    Pxpy[i + j + 2] += P[i][j];
-    for (i = 2; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	savg += i * Pxpy[i];
     return savg;
-float f7_svar(float **P, int Ng, double S)
 /* Sum Variance */
+float f7_svar(float **P, int Ng, double S)
-    int i, j;
-    extern float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
+    int i;
     float var = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	Pxpy[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 2 * Ng - 1; i++)
+	var += (i + 2 - S) * (i + 2 - S) * Pxpys[i];
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    Pxpy[i + j + 2] += P[i][j];
-    for (i = 2; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	var += (i - S) * (i - S) * Pxpy[i];
     return var;
-float f8_sentropy(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Sum Entropy */
+float f8_sentropy(float **P, int Ng)
-    int i, j;
-    extern float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
-    float sentropy = 0;
+    int i;
+    float sentr = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	Pxpy[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 2 * Ng - 1; i++)
+	sentr -= Pxpys[i] * log10(Pxpys[i] + EPSILON);
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    Pxpy[i + j + 2] += P[i][j];
-    for (i = 2; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	sentropy -= Pxpy[i] * log10(Pxpy[i] + EPSILON);
-    return sentropy;
+    return sentr;
-float f9_entropy(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Entropy */
+float f9_entropy(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
     float entropy = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++) {
 	    entropy += P[i][j] * log10(P[i][j] + EPSILON);
+	}
+    }
     return -entropy;
-float f10_dvar(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Difference Variance */
+float f10_dvar(float **P, int Ng)
-    int i, j, tmp;
-    extern float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
+    int i, tmp;
     float sum = 0, sum_sqr = 0, var = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	Pxpy[i] = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    Pxpy[abs(i - j)] += P[i][j];
     /* Now calculate the variance of Pxpy (Px-y) */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	sum += Pxpy[i];
-	sum_sqr += Pxpy[i] * Pxpy[i];
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	sum += Pxpyd[i];
+	sum_sqr += Pxpyd[i] * Pxpyd[i];
     tmp = Ng * Ng;
     var = ((tmp * sum_sqr) - (sum * sum)) / (tmp * tmp);
@@ -607,416 +534,80 @@
     return var;
-float f11_dentropy(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Difference Entropy */
+float f11_dentropy(float **P, int Ng)
-    int i, j;
-    extern float Pxpy[2 * PGM_MAXMAXVAL];
+    int i;
     float sum = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i <= 2 * Ng; ++i)
-	Pxpy[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	sum += Pxpyd[i] * log10(Pxpyd[i] + EPSILON);
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j)
-	    Pxpy[abs(i - j)] += P[i][j];
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	sum += Pxpy[i] * log10(Pxpy[i] + EPSILON);
     return -sum;
-float f12_icorr(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Information Measures of Correlation */
+float f12_icorr(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
-    float *px, *py;
-    float hx = 0, hy = 0, hxy = 0, hxy1 = 0, hxy2 = 0;
+    float hx = 0, hy = 0, hxy = 0, hxy1 = 0;
-    px = vector(0, Ng);
-    py = vector(0, Ng);
-    /*
-     * px[i] is the (i-1)th entry in the marginal probability matrix obtained
-     * by summing the rows of p[i][j]
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
-	    px[i] += P[i][j];
-	    py[j] += P[i][j];
-	}
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++)
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++) {
 	    hxy1 -= P[i][j] * log10(px[i] * py[j] + EPSILON);
-	    hxy2 -= px[i] * py[j] * log10(px[i] * py[j] + EPSILON);
 	    hxy -= P[i][j] * log10(P[i][j] + EPSILON);
     /* Calculate entropies of px and py - is this right? */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
 	hx -= px[i] * log10(px[i] + EPSILON);
 	hy -= py[i] * log10(py[i] + EPSILON);
-    G_free(px);
-    G_free(py);
     /* fprintf(stderr,"hxy1=%f\thxy=%f\thx=%f\thy=%f\n",hxy1,hxy,hx,hy); */
     return ((hxy - hxy1) / (hx > hy ? hx : hy));
-float f13_icorr(float **P, int Ng)
 /* Information Measures of Correlation */
+float f13_icorr(float **P, int Ng)
     int i, j;
-    float *px, *py;
-    float hx = 0, hy = 0, hxy = 0, hxy1 = 0, hxy2 = 0;
+    float hxy = 0, hxy2 = 0;
-    px = vector(0, Ng);
-    py = vector(0, Ng);
-    /*
-     * px[i] is the (i-1)th entry in the marginal probability matrix obtained
-     * by summing the rows of p[i][j]
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
-	    px[i] += P[i][j];
-	    py[j] += P[i][j];
-	}
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i)
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
-	    hxy1 -= P[i][j] * log10(px[i] * py[j] + EPSILON);
+    for (i = 0; i < Ng; i++) {
+	for (j = 0; j < Ng; j++) {
 	    hxy2 -= px[i] * py[j] * log10(px[i] * py[j] + EPSILON);
 	    hxy -= P[i][j] * log10(P[i][j] + EPSILON);
-    /* Calculate entropies of px and py */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	hx -= px[i] * log10(px[i] + EPSILON);
-	hy -= py[i] * log10(py[i] + EPSILON);
-    G_free(px);
-    G_free(py);
     /* fprintf(stderr,"hx=%f\thxy2=%f\n",hx,hxy2); */
     return (sqrt(abs(1 - exp(-2.0 * (hxy2 - hxy)))));
-float f14_maxcorr(float **P, int Ng)
-/* Returns the Maximal Correlation Coefficient */
+float *vector(int n)
-    int i, j, k;
-    float *px, *py, **Q;
-    float *x, *iy, tmp;
-    px = vector(0, Ng);
-    py = vector(0, Ng);
-    Q = matrix(1, Ng + 1, 1, Ng + 1);
-    x = vector(1, Ng);
-    iy = vector(1, Ng);
-    /*
-     * px[i] is the (i-1)th entry in the marginal probability matrix obtained
-     * by summing the rows of p[i][j]
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
-	    px[i] += P[i][j];
-	    py[j] += P[i][j];
-	}
-    }
-    /* Find the Q matrix */
-    for (i = 0; i < Ng; ++i) {
-	for (j = 0; j < Ng; ++j) {
-	    Q[i + 1][j + 1] = 0;
-	    for (k = 0; k < Ng; ++k)
-		Q[i + 1][j + 1] += P[i][k] * P[j][k] / px[i] / py[k];
-	}
-    }
-    /* Balance the matrix */
-    mkbalanced(Q, Ng);
-    /* Reduction to Hessenberg Form */
-    reduction(Q, Ng);
-    /* Finding eigenvalue for nonsymetric matrix using QR algorithm */
-    hessenberg(Q, Ng, x, iy);
-    /* simplesrt(Ng,x); */
-    /* Returns the sqrt of the second largest eigenvalue of Q */
-    for (i = 2, tmp = x[1]; i <= Ng; ++i)
-	tmp = (tmp > x[i]) ? tmp : x[i];
-    MatrixDealloc(Q, Ng);
-    G_free(px);
-    G_free(py);
-    G_free(x);
-    G_free(iy);
-    return sqrt(x[Ng - 1]);
-float *vector(int nl, int nh)
     float *v;
-    v = (float *)G_malloc((unsigned)(nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(float));
+    v = (float *)G_malloc(n * sizeof(float));
     if (!v)
 	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to allocate memory")), exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
     return v;
-float **matrix(int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch)
 /* Allocates a float matrix with range [nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
+float **matrix(int nr, int nc)
     int i;
     float **m;
     /* allocate pointers to rows */
-    m = (float **)G_malloc((unsigned)(nrh - nrl + 1) * sizeof(float *));
+    m = (float **)G_malloc(nr * sizeof(float *));
     /* allocate rows */
-    for (i = 0; i < (nrh - nrl + 1); i++) {
-	m[i] = (float *)G_malloc((unsigned)(nch - ncl + 1) * sizeof(float));
+    for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+	m[i] = (float *)G_malloc(nc * sizeof(float));
     /* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
     return m;
-void simplesrt(int n, float arr[])
-    int i, j;
-    float a;
-    for (j = 2; j <= n; j++) {
-	a = arr[j];
-	i = j - 1;
-	while (i > 0 && arr[i] > a) {
-	    arr[i + 1] = arr[i];
-	    i--;
-	}
-	arr[i + 1] = a;
-    }
-void mkbalanced(float **a, int n)
-    int last, j, i;
-    float s, r, g, f, c, sqrdx;
-    sqrdx = RADIX * RADIX;
-    last = 0;
-    while (last == 0) {
-	last = 1;
-	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
-	    r = c = 0.0;
-	    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-		if (j != i) {
-		    c += fabs(a[j][i]);
-		    r += fabs(a[i][j]);
-		}
-	    if (c && r) {
-		g = r / RADIX;
-		f = 1.0;
-		s = c + r;
-		while (c < g) {
-		    f *= RADIX;
-		    c *= sqrdx;
-		}
-		g = r * RADIX;
-		while (c > g) {
-		    f /= RADIX;
-		    c /= sqrdx;
-		}
-		if ((c + r) / f < 0.95 * s) {
-		    last = 0;
-		    g = 1.0 / f;
-		    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-			a[i][j] *= g;
-		    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-			a[j][i] *= f;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-void reduction(float **a, int n)
-    int m, j, i;
-    float y, x;
-    for (m = 2; m < n; m++) {
-	x = 0.0;
-	i = m;
-	for (j = m; j <= n; j++) {
-	    if (fabs(a[j][m - 1]) > fabs(x)) {
-		x = a[j][m - 1];
-		i = j;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (i != m) {
-	    for (j = m - 1; j <= n; j++)
-		SWAP(a[i][j], a[m][j])
-		    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-		    SWAP(a[j][i], a[j][m])
-	}
-	if (x) {
-	    for (i = m + 1; i <= n; i++) {
-		if ((y = a[i][m - 1])) {
-		    y /= x;
-		    a[i][m - 1] = y;
-		    for (j = m; j <= n; j++)
-			a[i][j] -= y * a[m][j];
-		    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
-			a[j][m] += y * a[j][i];
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-void hessenberg(float **a, int n, float wr[], float wi[])
-    int nn, m, l, k, j, its, i, mmin;
-    float z, y, x, w, v, u, t, s, r, q, p, anorm;
-    anorm = fabs(a[1][1]);
-    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
-	for (j = (i - 1); j <= n; j++)
-	    anorm += fabs(a[i][j]);
-    nn = n;
-    t = 0.0;
-    while (nn >= 1) {
-	its = 0;
-	do {
-	    for (l = nn; l >= 2; l--) {
-		s = fabs(a[l - 1][l - 1]) + fabs(a[l][l]);
-		if (s == 0.0)
-		    s = anorm;
-		if ((float)(fabs(a[l][l - 1]) + s) == s)
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    x = a[nn][nn];
-	    if (l == nn) {
-		wr[nn] = x + t;
-		wi[nn--] = 0.0;
-	    }
-	    else {
-		y = a[nn - 1][nn - 1];
-		w = a[nn][nn - 1] * a[nn - 1][nn];
-		if (l == (nn - 1)) {
-		    p = 0.5 * (y - x);
-		    q = p * p + w;
-		    z = sqrt(fabs(q));
-		    x += t;
-		    if (q >= 0.0) {
-			z = p + SIGN(z, p);
-			wr[nn - 1] = wr[nn] = x + z;
-			if (z)
-			    wr[nn] = x - w / z;
-			wi[nn - 1] = wi[nn] = 0.0;
-		    }
-		    else {
-			wr[nn - 1] = wr[nn] = x + p;
-			wi[nn - 1] = -(wi[nn] = z);
-		    }
-		    nn -= 2;
-		}
-		else {
-		    if (its == 30)
-			G_fatal_error(_("Too many iterations to required to find %s - giving up"),
-				      F14), exit(1);
-		    if (its == 10 || its == 20) {
-			t += x;
-			for (i = 1; i <= nn; i++)
-			    a[i][i] -= x;
-			s = fabs(a[nn][nn - 1]) + fabs(a[nn - 1][nn - 2]);
-			y = x = 0.75 * s;
-			w = -0.4375 * s * s;
-		    }
-		    ++its;
-		    for (m = (nn - 2); m >= l; m--) {
-			z = a[m][m];
-			r = x - z;
-			s = y - z;
-			p = (r * s - w) / a[m + 1][m] + a[m][m + 1];
-			q = a[m + 1][m + 1] - z - r - s;
-			r = a[m + 2][m + 1];
-			s = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r);
-			p /= s;
-			q /= s;
-			r /= s;
-			if (m == l)
-			    break;
-			u = fabs(a[m][m - 1]) * (fabs(q) + fabs(r));
-			v = fabs(p) * (fabs(a[m - 1][m - 1]) + fabs(z) +
-				       fabs(a[m + 1][m + 1]));
-			if ((float)(u + v) == v)
-			    break;
-		    }
-		    for (i = m + 2; i <= nn; i++) {
-			a[i][i - 2] = 0.0;
-			if (i != (m + 2))
-			    a[i][i - 3] = 0.0;
-		    }
-		    for (k = m; k <= nn - 1; k++) {
-			if (k != m) {
-			    p = a[k][k - 1];
-			    q = a[k + 1][k - 1];
-			    r = 0.0;
-			    if (k != (nn - 1))
-				r = a[k + 2][k - 1];
-			    if ((x = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r))) {
-				p /= x;
-				q /= x;
-				r /= x;
-			    }
-			}
-			if ((s = SIGN(sqrt(p * p + q * q + r * r), p))) {
-			    if (k == m) {
-				if (l != m)
-				    a[k][k - 1] = -a[k][k - 1];
-			    }
-			    else
-				a[k][k - 1] = -s * x;
-			    p += s;
-			    x = p / s;
-			    y = q / s;
-			    z = r / s;
-			    q /= p;
-			    r /= p;
-			    for (j = k; j <= nn; j++) {
-				p = a[k][j] + q * a[k + 1][j];
-				if (k != (nn - 1)) {
-				    p += r * a[k + 2][j];
-				    a[k + 2][j] -= p * z;
-				}
-				a[k + 1][j] -= p * y;
-				a[k][j] -= p * x;
-			    }
-			    mmin = nn < k + 3 ? nn : k + 3;
-			    for (i = l; i <= mmin; i++) {
-				p = x * a[i][k] + y * a[i][k + 1];
-				if (k != (nn - 1)) {
-				    p += z * a[i][k + 2];
-				    a[i][k + 2] -= p * r;
-				}
-				a[i][k + 1] -= p * q;
-				a[i][k] -= p;
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	} while (l < nn - 1);
-    }

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.h
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.h	2011-08-17 12:36:58 UTC (rev 47697)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/h_measure.h	2011-08-17 12:45:12 UTC (rev 47698)
@@ -23,25 +23,9 @@
-float h_measure(int **, int, int, int, int);
-float f1_asm(float **, int);
-float f2_contrast(float **, int);
-float f3_corr(float **, int);
-float f4_var(float **, int);
-float f5_idm(float **, int);
-float f6_savg(float **, int);
-float f7_svar(float **, int, double);
-float f8_sentropy(float **, int);
-float f9_entropy(float **, int);
-float f10_dvar(float **, int);
-float f11_dentropy(float **, int);
-float f12_icorr(float **, int);
-float f13_icorr(float **, int);
-float f14_maxcorr(float **, int);
-float *vector(int, int);
-float **matrix(int, int, int, int);
-void results(char *, float *);
-void simplesrt(int, float[]);
-void mkbalanced(float **, int);
-void reduction(float **, int);
-void hessenberg(float **, int, float[], float[]);
+float h_measure(int);
+void alloc_vars(int, int);
+int set_vars(int **grays, int curr_rrow, int curr_col,
+                int size, int offset, int t_d);
+int set_angle_vars(int angle, int have_px, int have_py, int have_sentr,
+                   int have_pxpys, int have_pxpyd);

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/main.c
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/main.c	2011-08-17 12:36:58 UTC (rev 47697)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.texture/main.c	2011-08-17 12:45:12 UTC (rev 47698)
@@ -29,46 +29,71 @@
 #include <grass/glocale.h>
 #include "h_measure.h"
-static const char *suffixes[56] = {
-    "_ASM_0", "_ASM_45", "_ASM_90", "_ASM_135",
-    "_Contr_0", "_Contr_45", "_Contr_90", "_Contr_135",
-    "_Corr_0", "_Corr_45", "_Corr_90", "_Corr_135",
-    "_Var_0", "_Var_45", "_Var_90", "_Var_135",
-    "_IDM_0", "_IDM_45", "_IDM_90", "_IDM_135",
-    "_SA_0", "_SA_45", "_SA_90", "_SA_135",
-    "_SV_0", "_SV_45", "_SV_90", "_SV_135",
-    "_SE_0", "_SE_45", "_SE_90", "_SE_135",
-    "_Entr_0", "_Entr_45", "_Entr_90", "_Entr_135",
-    "_DV_0", "_DV_45", "_DV_90", "_DV_135",
-    "_DE_0", "_DE_45", "_DE_90", "_DE_135",
-    "_MOC-l_0", "_MOC-l_45", "_MOC-l_90", "_MOC-l_135",
-    "_MOC-2_0", "_MOC-2_45", "_MOC-2_90", "_MOC-2_135",
-    "_MCC_0", "_MCC_45", "_MCC_90", "_MCC_135"
+struct menu
+    char *name;			/* measure name */
+    char *desc;			/* menu display - full description */
+    char *suffix;		/* output suffix */
+    char useme;			/* calculate this measure if set */
+    int idx;			/* measure index */
+/* modify this table to add new measures */
+static struct menu menu[] = {
+    {"asm",      "Angular Second Moment",    "_ASM",   0,  0},
+    {"contrast", "Contrast",                 "_Contr", 0,  1},
+    {"corr",     "Correlation",              "_Corr",  0,  2},
+    {"var",      "Variance",                 "_Var",   0,  3},
+    {"idm",      "Inverse Diff Moment",      "_IDM",   0,  4},
+    {"sa",       "Sum Average",              "_SA",    0,  5},
+    {"se",       "Sum Entropy",              "_SE",    0,  6},
+    {"sv",       "Sum Variance",             "_SV",    0,  7},
+    {"entr",     "Entropy",                  "_Entr",  0,  8},
+    {"dv",       "Difference Variance",      "_DV",    0,  9},
+    {"de",       "Difference Entropy",       "_DE",    0, 10},
+    {"moc1",     "Measure of Correlation-1", "_MOC-1", 0, 11},
+    {"moc2",     "Measure of Correlation-2", "_MOC-2", 0, 12},
+    {NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, -1}
+static int find_measure(const char *measure_name)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++)
+	if (strcmp(menu[i].name, measure_name) == 0)
+	    return i;
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unknown measure <%s>"), measure_name);
+    return -1;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     struct Cell_head cellhd;
-    char *name, *result, *filename;
-    unsigned char *outrast;
+    char *name, *result;
+    char **mapname;
+    FCELL **fbuf;
+    int n_measures, n_outputs, *measure_idx;
     int nrows, ncols;
-    int row, col, i, j;
+    int row, col, first_row, last_row, first_col, last_col;
+    int i, j;
     CELL **data;		/* Data structure containing image */
     DCELL *dcell_row;
     struct FPRange range;
     DCELL min, max, inscale;
     FCELL measure;		/* Containing measure done */
-    int t_measure, dist, size;	/* dist = value of distance, size = s. of sliding window */
-    int infd, outfd;
-    int a, c, corr, v, idm, sa, sv, se, e, dv, de, moc1, moc2, mcc;
+    int dist, size;	/* dist = value of distance, size = s. of sliding window */
+    int offset;
+    int have_px, have_py, have_sentr, have_pxpys, have_pxpyd;
+    int infd, *outfd;
     RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type, out_data_type;
     struct GModule *module;
-    char mapname[GNAME_MAX];
-    struct Option *input, *output, *size_O, *dist_O;
-    struct Flag *flag2, *flag3, *flag4, *flag5,
-	*flag6, *flag7, *flag8, *flag9, *flag10, *flag11,
-	*flag12, *flag13, *flag14, *flag15;
+    struct Option *opt_input, *opt_output, *opt_size, *opt_dist, *opt_measure;
+    struct Flag *flag_ind, *flag_all;
     struct History history;
+    char p[1024];
@@ -76,144 +101,128 @@
+    G_add_keyword(_("texture"));
     module->description =
 	_("Generate images with textural features from a raster map.");
     /* Define the different options */
-    input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
+    opt_input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
-    output = G_define_option();
-    output->key = "prefix";
-    output->type = TYPE_STRING;
-    output->required = YES;
-    output->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
-    output->description = _("Prefix for output raster map(s)");
+    opt_output = G_define_option();
+    opt_output->key = "prefix";
+    opt_output->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    opt_output->required = YES;
+    opt_output->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+    opt_output->description = _("Prefix for output raster map(s)");
-    size_O = G_define_option();
-    size_O->key = "size";
-    size_O->key_desc = "value";
-    size_O->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
-    size_O->required = NO;
-    size_O->description = _("The size of sliding window (odd and >= 3)");
-    size_O->answer = "3";
+    opt_size = G_define_option();
+    opt_size->key = "size";
+    opt_size->key_desc = "value";
+    opt_size->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
+    opt_size->required = NO;
+    opt_size->description = _("The size of sliding window (odd and >= 3)");
+    opt_size->answer = "3";
     /* Textural character is in direct relation of the spatial size of the texture primitives. */
-    dist_O = G_define_option();
-    dist_O->key = "distance";
-    dist_O->key_desc = "value";
-    dist_O->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
-    dist_O->required = NO;
-    dist_O->description = _("The distance between two samples (>= 1)");
-    dist_O->answer = "1";
+    opt_dist = G_define_option();
+    opt_dist->key = "distance";
+    opt_dist->key_desc = "value";
+    opt_dist->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
+    opt_dist->required = NO;
+    opt_dist->description = _("The distance between two samples (>= 1)");
+    opt_dist->answer = "1";
-    /* Define the different flags */
+    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
+	if (i)
+	    strcat(p, ",");
+	else
+	    *p = 0;
+	strcat(p, menu[i].name);
+    }
+    opt_measure = G_define_option();
+    opt_measure->key = "measure";
+    opt_measure->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    opt_measure->required = NO;
+    opt_measure->multiple = YES;
+    opt_measure->options = p;
+    opt_measure->description = _("Textural measurement");
-    /* "Normalized" unused in the code ??? 
-       flag0 = G_define_flag() ;
-       flag0->key         = 'N' ;
-       flag0->description = _("Normalized") ;
-       flag0->guisection  = _("Features");
-     */
+    flag_ind = G_define_flag();
+    flag_ind->key = 's';
+    flag_ind->description = _("Separate output for each angle (0, 45, 90, 135)");
-    flag2 = G_define_flag();
-    flag2->key = 'a';
-    flag2->description = _("Angular Second Moment");
-    flag2->guisection = _("Features");
+    flag_all = G_define_flag();
+    flag_all->key = 'a';
+    flag_all->description = _("Calculate all textural measurements");
-    flag3 = G_define_flag();
-    flag3->key = 'c';
-    flag3->description = _("Contrast");
-    flag3->guisection = _("Features");
+    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
-    flag4 = G_define_flag();
-    flag4->key = 'k';
-    flag4->description = _("Correlation");
-    flag4->guisection = _("Features");
+    name = opt_input->answer;
+    result = opt_output->answer;
+    size = atoi(opt_size->answer);
+    if (size <= 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Size of the moving window must be > 0"));
+    if (size % 2 != 1)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Size of the moving window must be odd"));
+    dist = atoi(opt_dist->answer);
+    if (dist <= 0)
+	G_fatal_error(_("The distance between two samples must be > 0"));
-    flag5 = G_define_flag();
-    flag5->key = 'v';
-    flag5->description = _("Variance");
-    flag5->guisection = _("Features");
+    n_measures = 0;
+    if (flag_all->answer) {
+	for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
+	    menu[i].useme = 1;
+	}
+	n_measures = i;
+    }
+    else {
+	for (i = 0; opt_measure->answers[i]; i++) {
+	    if (opt_measure->answers[i]) {
+		const char *measure_name = opt_measure->answers[i];
+		int n = find_measure(measure_name);
-    flag6 = G_define_flag();
-    flag6->key = 'i';
-    flag6->description = _("Inverse Diff Moment");
-    flag6->guisection = _("Features");
+		menu[n].useme = 1;
+		n_measures++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (!n_measures)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to compute. Use at least one textural measure."));
+    measure_idx = G_malloc(n_measures * sizeof(int));
+    j = 0;
+    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
+	if (menu[i].useme == 1) {
+	    measure_idx[j] = menu[i].idx;
+	    j++;
+	}
+    }
-    flag7 = G_define_flag();
-    flag7->key = 's';
-    flag7->description = _("Sum Average");
-    flag7->guisection = _("Features");
+    /* variables needed */
+    if (menu[2].useme || menu[11].useme || menu[12].useme)
+	have_px = 1;
+    else
+	have_px = 0;
+    if (menu[11].useme || menu[12].useme)
+	have_py = 1;
+    else
+	have_py = 0;
+    if (menu[6].useme || menu[7].useme)
+	have_sentr = 1;
+    else
+	have_sentr = 0;
+    if (menu[5].useme || menu[6].useme || menu[7].useme)
+	have_pxpys = 1;
+    else
+	have_pxpys = 0;
+    if (menu[9].useme || menu[10].useme)
+	have_pxpyd = 1;
+    else
+	have_pxpyd = 0;
-    flag8 = G_define_flag();
-    flag8->key = 'w';
-    flag8->description = _("Sum Variance");
-    flag8->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag9 = G_define_flag();
-    flag9->key = 'x';
-    flag9->description = _("Sum Entropy");
-    flag9->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag10 = G_define_flag();
-    flag10->key = 'e';
-    flag10->description = _("Entropy");
-    flag10->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag11 = G_define_flag();
-    flag11->key = 'd';
-    flag11->description = _("Difference Variance");
-    flag11->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag12 = G_define_flag();
-    flag12->key = 'p';
-    flag12->description = _("Difference Entropy");
-    flag12->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag13 = G_define_flag();
-    flag13->key = 'm';
-    flag13->description = _("Measure of Correlation-1");
-    flag13->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag14 = G_define_flag();
-    flag14->key = 'n';
-    flag14->description = _("Measure of Correlation-2");
-    flag14->guisection = _("Features");
-    flag15 = G_define_flag();
-    flag15->key = 'o';
-    flag15->description = _("Max Correlation Coeff");
-    flag15->guisection = _("Features");
-    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
-    name = input->answer;
-    result = output->answer;
-    a = (!flag2->answer);
-    c = (!flag3->answer);
-    corr = (!flag4->answer);
-    v = (!flag5->answer);
-    idm = (!flag6->answer);
-    sa = (!flag7->answer);
-    sv = (!flag8->answer);
-    se = (!flag9->answer);
-    e = (!flag10->answer);
-    dv = (!flag11->answer);
-    de = (!flag12->answer);
-    moc1 = (!flag13->answer);
-    moc2 = (!flag14->answer);
-    mcc = (!flag15->answer);
-    size = atoi(size_O->answer);
-    dist = atoi(dist_O->answer);
-    if (a && c && corr && v && idm && sa && sv && se && e && dv && de && moc1
-	&& moc2 && mcc)
-	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to compute. Use at least one of the flags."));
     infd = Rast_open_old(name, "");
     /* determine the inputmap type (CELL/FCELL/DCELL) */
@@ -222,9 +231,35 @@
     Rast_get_cellhd(name, "", &cellhd);
     out_data_type = FCELL_TYPE;
-    /* Allocate output buffer, use FCELL data_type */
-    outrast = Rast_allocate_buf(out_data_type);
+    /* Allocate output buffers, use FCELL data_type */
+    n_outputs = n_measures;
+    if (flag_ind->answer) {
+	n_outputs = n_measures * 4;
+    }
+    fbuf = G_malloc(n_outputs * sizeof(FCELL *));
+    mapname = G_malloc(n_outputs * sizeof(char *));
+    for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+	mapname[i] = G_malloc(GNAME_MAX * sizeof(char));
+	fbuf[i] = Rast_allocate_buf(out_data_type);
+    }
+    /* open output maps */
+    outfd = G_malloc(n_outputs * sizeof(int));
+    for (i = 0; i < n_measures; i++) {
+	if (flag_ind->answer) {
+	    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+		sprintf(mapname[i * 4 + j], "%s%s_%d", result,
+		        menu[measure_idx[i]].suffix, j * 45);
+		outfd[i * 4 + j] = Rast_open_new(mapname[i * 4 + j], out_data_type);
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    sprintf(mapname[i], "%s%s", result,
+	            menu[measure_idx[i]].suffix);
+	    outfd[i] = Rast_open_new(mapname[i], out_data_type);
+	}
+    }
     nrows = Rast_window_rows();
     ncols = Rast_window_cols();
@@ -253,6 +288,7 @@
     /* Read in cell map values */
+    /* TODO: use r.proj cache */
     G_important_message(_("Reading raster map..."));
     for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
 	Rast_get_row(infd, dcell_row, j, DCELL_TYPE);
@@ -271,15 +307,8 @@
-    /* Now raster map is into memory. */
+    /* Now raster map is loaded to memory. */
-    /* Open image's files, their names show the measure */
-    filename = G_malloc(strlen(result) + 11);
-    strcpy(filename, result);
-    result = filename;
-    while (*result != '\0')
-	result++;
     /* *************************************************************************************************
      * Compute of the matrix S.G.L.D. (Spatial Gray-Level Dependence Matrices) or co-occurrence matrix.
@@ -288,90 +317,82 @@
-    for (t_measure = 0; t_measure < 56; t_measure++)
-	if ((t_measure == 0 && a)
-	    || (t_measure == 4 && c)
-	    || (t_measure == 8 && corr)
-	    || (t_measure == 12 && v)
-	    || (t_measure == 16 && idm)
-	    || (t_measure == 20 && sa)
-	    || (t_measure == 24 && sv)
-	    || (t_measure == 28 && se)
-	    || (t_measure == 32 && e)
-	    || (t_measure == 36 && dv)
-	    || (t_measure == 40 && de)
-	    || (t_measure == 44 && moc1)
-	    || (t_measure == 48 && moc2)
-	    || (t_measure == 52 && mcc))
-	    t_measure += 3;
-	else {
-	    outfd = Rast_open_new(strcat(filename, suffixes[t_measure]),
-				  out_data_type);
-	    *result = '\0';
+    offset = size / 2;
+    first_row = first_col = offset;
+    last_row = nrows - offset;
+    last_col = ncols - offset;
+    Rast_set_f_null_value(fbuf[0], ncols);
+    for (row = 0; row < first_row; row++) {
+	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+	    Rast_put_row(outfd[i], fbuf[0], out_data_type);
+	}
+    }
+    if (n_measures > 1)
+	G_message(_("Calculating %d texture measures"), n_measures);
+    else
+	G_message(_("Calculating %s"), menu[measure_idx[0]].desc);
+    alloc_vars(size, dist);
+    for (row = first_row; row < last_row; row++) {
+	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
-	    strcpy(mapname, filename);
-	    strcat(mapname, suffixes[t_measure]);
-	    G_important_message(_("Calculating measure #%d <%s> (56 measures available)"),
-				(t_measure + 1), mapname);
+	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++)
+	    Rast_set_f_null_value(fbuf[i], ncols);
-	    for (row = 0; row < nrows - (size - 1); row++) {
-		G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
+	/*process the data */
+	for (col = first_col; col < last_col; col++) {
-		/*process the data */
-		for (col = 0; col < ncols - (size - 1); col++) {
+	    if (!set_vars(data, row, col, size, offset, dist)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++)
+		    Rast_set_f_null_value(&(fbuf[i][col]), 1);
+		continue;
+	    }
-		    /* Pointer for the s.w. */
-		    data = data + row;
-		    for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
-			*(data + j) += col;
+	    /* for all angles (0, 45, 90, 135) */
+	    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		set_angle_vars(i, have_px, have_py, have_sentr, have_pxpys, have_pxpyd);
+		/* for all requested textural measures */
+		for (j = 0; j < n_measures; j++) {
- *
- * Parameter of the h_measure:
- *   - data: structure containing image;
- *   - size: size of the s. w., defined by operator; 
- *           The s.w. can be rectangolar but not make sense.
- *   - t_measure: measure's type required;
- *   - dist: distance required, defined by operator.
- *
- **********************************************************************************************/
+		    measure = (FCELL) h_measure(measure_idx[j]);
-		    measure =
-			(FCELL) h_measure(data, size, size, t_measure, dist);
-		    /* The early (size/2) samples take value from (size/2+1)'th sample */
-		    if (col < (size / 2))
-			for (j = 0; j < (size / 2); j++)
-			    ((FCELL *) outrast)[j] = measure;
-		    ((FCELL *) outrast)[col + ((size / 2))] = measure;
-		    /* The last few (size/2) samples take value from nrows-(size/2+1)'th sample */
-		    if (col == (ncols - size))
-			for (j = 0; j <= (size / 2); j++)
-			    ((FCELL *) outrast)[ncols - j] = measure;
-		    for (j = (size - 1); j >= 0; j--)
-			*(data + j) -= col;
-		    data = data - row;
+		    if (flag_ind->answer) {
+			/* output for each angle separately */
+			fbuf[j * 4 + i][col] = measure;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			/* use average over all angles for each measure */
+			if (i == 0)
+			    fbuf[j][col] = measure;
+			else if (i < 3)
+			    fbuf[j][col] += measure;
+			else 
+			    fbuf[j][col] = (fbuf[j][col] + measure) / 4.0;
+		    }
-		/* The early (size/2) samples take value from (size/2+1)'th sample */
-		if (row == 0)
-		    for (j = 0; j < (size / 2); j++)
-			Rast_put_row(outfd, outrast, out_data_type);
-		Rast_put_row(outfd, outrast, out_data_type);
-	    /* The last few (size/2) samples take value from nrows-(size/2+1)'th sample */
-	    if ((row >= nrows - (size - 1)) && (row < nrows))
-		for (j = 0; j < (size / 2); j++)
-		    Rast_put_row(outfd, outrast, out_data_type);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+	    Rast_put_row(outfd[i], fbuf[i], out_data_type);
+	}
+    }
+    Rast_set_f_null_value(fbuf[0], ncols);
+    for (row = last_row; row < nrows; row++) {
+	for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+	    Rast_put_row(outfd[i], fbuf[0], out_data_type);
+	}
+    }
+    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);
-	    Rast_close(outfd);
+    for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++) {
+	Rast_close(outfd[i]);
-	    Rast_short_history(mapname, "raster", &history);
-	    Rast_command_history(&history);
-	    Rast_write_history(mapname, &history);
+	Rast_short_history(mapname[i], "raster", &history);
+	Rast_command_history(&history);
+	Rast_write_history(mapname[i], &history);
+	G_free(fbuf[i]);
+    }
-	}
-    G_free(outrast);
+    G_free(fbuf);

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