[GRASS-SVN] r49808 - in grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython: gcp gmodeler gui_core icons lmgr mapdisp modules psmap vdigit wxplot

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 18 11:36:20 EST 2011

Author: martinl
Date: 2011-12-18 08:36:20 -0800 (Sun, 18 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 49808

wxGUI: separate icons into several GUI modules
       (merge r49807 from trunk)

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gcp/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gcp/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gcp/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
  - toolbars::GCPDisplayToolbar
 (C) 2007-2011 by the GRASS Development Team
 This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
 (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
@@ -20,10 +21,8 @@
 import wx
 from core              import globalvar
-from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCWXDIR, "icons"))
-from icon              import Icons
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
+from icon              import MetaIcon
 class GCPManToolbar(BaseToolbar):
     """!Toolbar for managing ground control points
@@ -39,7 +38,23 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
-        icons = Icons['georectify']
+        icons = {
+            'gcpSave'    : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-save',
+                                    label = _('Save GCPs to POINTS file')),
+            'gcpReload'  : MetaIcon(img = 'reload',
+                                    label = _('Reload GCPs from POINTS file')),
+            'gcpAdd'     : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-add',
+                                    label = _('Add new GCP')),
+            'gcpDelete'  : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-delete',
+                                    label = _('Delete selected GCP')),
+            'gcpClear'   : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-remove',
+                                    label = _('Clear selected GCP')),
+            'gcpRms'     : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-rms',
+                                    label = _('Recalculate RMS error')),
+            'georectify' : MetaIcon(img = 'georectify',
+                                    label = _('Georectify')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('gcpSave', icons["gcpSave"],
                                      ('gcpReload', icons["gcpReload"],
@@ -79,7 +94,7 @@
         self.InsertControl(10, self.togglemap)
         self.SetToolShortHelp(self.togglemapid, '%s %s %s' % (_('Set map canvas for '),
-                                                              Icons['displayWindow']["zoomBack"].GetLabel(),
+                                                              BaseIcons["zoomBack"].GetLabel(),
                                                               _(' / Zoom to map')))
         # realize the toolbar
@@ -95,35 +110,43 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['displayWindow']
-        return self._getToolbarData((("displaymap", icons["display"],
+        icons = {
+            'gcpSet'    : MetaIcon(img = 'gcp-create',
+                                   label = _('Set GCP'),
+                                   desc = _('Define GCP (Ground Control Points)')),
+            'quit'      : BaseIcons['quit'].SetLabel(_('Quit georectification tool')),
+            'settings'  : BaseIcons['settings'].SetLabel( _('Georectifier settings')),
+            'help'      : BaseIcons['help'].SetLabel(_('Georectifier manual')),
+            }
+        return self._getToolbarData((("displaymap", BaseIcons["display"],
-                                     ("rendermap", icons["render"],
+                                     ("rendermap", BaseIcons["render"],
-                                     ("erase", icons["erase"],
+                                     ("erase", BaseIcons["erase"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ("gcpset", Icons["georectify"]["gcpSet"],
+                                     ("gcpset", icons["gcpSet"],
-                                     ("pan", icons["pan"],
+                                     ("pan", BaseIcons["pan"],
-                                     ("zoomin", icons["zoomIn"],
+                                     ("zoomin", BaseIcons["zoomIn"],
-                                     ("zoomout", icons["zoomOut"],
+                                     ("zoomout", BaseIcons["zoomOut"],
-                                     ("zoommenu", icons["zoomMenu"],
+                                     ("zoommenu", BaseIcons["zoomMenu"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ("zoomback", icons["zoomBack"],
+                                     ("zoomback", BaseIcons["zoomBack"],
-                                     ("zoomtomap", icons["zoomExtent"],
+                                     ("zoomtomap", BaseIcons["zoomExtent"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('settings', Icons["georectify"]["settings"],
+                                     ('settings', icons["settings"],
-                                     ('help', Icons["misc"]["help"],
+                                     ('help', icons["help"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('quit', Icons["georectify"]["quit"],
+                                     ('quit', icons["quit"],

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/frame.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 @brief wxGUI Graphical Modeler for creating, editing, and managing models
- - frame::ModelToolbar
  - frame::ModelFrame
  - frame::ModelCanvas
  - frame::ModelEvtHandler
@@ -43,70 +42,17 @@
 from gui_core.preferences import PreferencesBaseDialog
 from core.settings        import UserSettings
 from core.menudata        import MenuData
-from gui_core.toolbars    import BaseToolbar
 from gui_core.menu        import Menu
 from gmodeler.menudata    import ModelerData
-from icons.icon           import Icons
 from gui_core.forms       import GUI
 from gmodeler.preferences import PreferencesDialog, PropertiesDialog
+from gmodeler.toolbars    import ModelerToolbar
 from gmodeler.model       import *
 from gmodeler.dialogs     import *
 from grass.script import core as grass
-class ModelToolbar(BaseToolbar):
-    """!Graphical modeler toolbar (see gmodeler.py)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData())
-        # realize the toolbar
-        self.Realize()
-    def _toolbarData(self):
-        """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['modeler']
-        return self._getToolbarData((('new', icons['new'],
-                                      self.parent.OnModelNew),
-                                     ('open', icons['open'],
-                                      self.parent.OnModelOpen),
-                                     ('save', icons['save'],
-                                      self.parent.OnModelSave),
-                                     ('image', icons['toImage'],
-                                      self.parent.OnExportImage),
-                                     ('python', icons['toPython'],
-                                      self.parent.OnExportPython),
-                                     (None, ),
-                                     ('action', icons['actionAdd'],
-                                      self.parent.OnAddAction),
-                                     ('data', icons['dataAdd'],
-                                      self.parent.OnAddData),
-                                     ('relation', icons['relation'],
-                                      self.parent.OnDefineRelation),
-                                     ('loop', icons['loop'],
-                                      self.parent.OnDefineLoop),
-                                     (None, ),
-                                     ('redraw', icons['redraw'],
-                                      self.parent.OnCanvasRefresh),
-                                     ('validate', icons['validate'],
-                                      self.parent.OnValidateModel),
-                                     ('run', icons['run'],
-                                      self.parent.OnRunModel),
-                                     (None, ),
-                                     ("variables", icons['variables'],
-                                      self.parent.OnVariables),
-                                     ("settings", icons['settings'],
-                                      self.parent.OnPreferences),
-                                     ("help", Icons['misc']['help'],
-                                      self.parent.OnHelp),
-                                     (None, ),
-                                     ('quit', icons['quit'],
-                                      self.parent.OnCloseWindow))
-                                    )
 class ModelFrame(wx.Frame):
     def __init__(self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY,
                  title = _("GRASS GIS Graphical Modeler (experimental prototype)"), **kwargs):
@@ -137,7 +83,7 @@
-        self.toolbar = ModelToolbar(parent = self)
+        self.toolbar = ModelerToolbar(parent = self)
         self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(number = 1)

Copied: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/toolbars.py (from rev 49807, grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/toolbars.py)
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/toolbars.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gmodeler/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ at package gmodeler.toolbars
+ at brief wxGUI Graphical Modeler toolbars classes
+ - toolbars::ModelerToolbar
+(C) 2010-2011 by the GRASS Development Team
+This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+ at author Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com>
+import os
+import sys
+import wx
+from core              import globalvar
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
+from icons.icon        import MetaIcon
+class ModelerToolbar(BaseToolbar):
+    """!Graphical modeler toolbaro (see gmodeler.py)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        BaseToolbar.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.InitToolbar(self._toolbarData())
+        # realize the toolbar
+        self.Realize()
+    def _toolbarData(self):
+        """!Toolbar data"""
+        icons = {
+            'new'        : MetaIcon(img = 'create',
+                                    label = _('Create new model (Ctrl+N)')),
+            'open'       : MetaIcon(img = 'open',
+                                    label = _('Load model from file (Ctrl+O)')),
+            'save'       : MetaIcon(img = 'save',
+                                    label = _('Save current model to file (Ctrl+S)')),
+            'toImage'    : MetaIcon(img = 'image-export',
+                                    label = _('Export model to image')),
+            'toPython'   : MetaIcon(img = 'python-export',
+                                    label = _('Export model to Python script')),
+            'actionAdd'  : MetaIcon(img = 'module-add',
+                                    label = _('Add command (GRASS module) to model')),
+            'dataAdd'    : MetaIcon(img = 'data-add',
+                                    label = _('Add data to model')),
+            'relation'   : MetaIcon(img = 'relation-create',
+                                    label = _('Manually define relation between data and commands')),
+            'loop'       : MetaIcon(img = 'loop-add',
+                                    label = _('Add loop/series')),
+            'run'        : MetaIcon(img = 'execute',
+                                    label = _('Run model')),
+            'validate'   : MetaIcon(img = 'check',
+                                    label = _('Validate model')),
+            'settings'   : BaseIcons['settings'].SetLabel(_('Modeler settings')),
+            'properties' : MetaIcon(img = 'options',
+                                    label = _('Show model properties')),
+            'variables'  : MetaIcon(img = 'modeler-variables',
+                                    label = _('Manage model variables')),
+            'redraw'     : MetaIcon(img = 'redraw',
+                                    label = _('Redraw model canvas')),
+            'quit'       : BaseIcons['quit'].SetLabel(_('Quit Graphical Modeler')),
+            }
+        return self._getToolbarData((('new', icons['new'],
+                                      self.parent.OnModelNew),
+                                     ('open', icons['open'],
+                                      self.parent.OnModelOpen),
+                                     ('save', icons['save'],
+                                      self.parent.OnModelSave),
+                                     ('image', icons['toImage'],
+                                      self.parent.OnExportImage),
+                                     ('python', icons['toPython'],
+                                      self.parent.OnExportPython),
+                                     (None, ),
+                                     ('action', icons['actionAdd'],
+                                      self.parent.OnAddAction),
+                                     ('data', icons['dataAdd'],
+                                      self.parent.OnAddData),
+                                     ('relation', icons['relation'],
+                                      self.parent.OnDefineRelation),
+                                     ('loop', icons['loop'],
+                                      self.parent.OnDefineLoop),
+                                     (None, ),
+                                     ('redraw', icons['redraw'],
+                                      self.parent.OnCanvasRefresh),
+                                     ('validate', icons['validate'],
+                                      self.parent.OnValidateModel),
+                                     ('run', icons['run'],
+                                      self.parent.OnRunModel),
+                                     (None, ),
+                                     ("variables", icons['variables'],
+                                      self.parent.OnVariables),
+                                     ("settings", icons['settings'],
+                                      self.parent.OnPreferences),
+                                     ("help", BaseIcons['help'],
+                                      self.parent.OnHelp),
+                                     (None, ),
+                                     ('quit', icons['quit'],
+                                      self.parent.OnCloseWindow))
+                                    )

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_core/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -24,7 +24,59 @@
 from core               import globalvar
 from core.debug         import Debug
+from icons.icon         import MetaIcon
+BaseIcons = {
+    'display'    : MetaIcon(img = 'show',
+                            label = _('Display map'),
+                            desc  =  _('Re-render modified map layers only')),
+    'render'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-redraw',
+                            label = _('Render map'),
+                            desc = _('Force re-rendering all map layers')),
+    'erase'      : MetaIcon(img = 'erase',
+                            label = _('Erase display'),
+                            desc = _('Erase display canvas with given background color')),
+    'pointer'    : MetaIcon(img = 'pointer',
+                            label = _('Pointer')),
+    'zoomIn'     : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-in',
+                            label = _('Zoom in'),
+                            desc = _('Drag or click mouse to zoom')),
+    'zoomOut'    : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-out',
+                            label = _('Zoom out'),
+                            desc = _('Drag or click mouse to unzoom')),
+    'zoomBack'   : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-last',
+                            label = _('Return to previous zoom')),
+    'zoomMenu'   : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-more',
+                            label = _('Various zoom options'),
+                            desc = _('Zoom to computational, default, saved region, ...')),
+    'zoomExtent' : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-extent',
+                            label = _('Zoom to selected map layer(s)')),
+    'pan'        : MetaIcon(img = 'pan',
+                            label = _('Pan'),
+                            desc = _('Drag with mouse to pan')),
+    'saveFile'   : MetaIcon(img = 'map-export',
+                            label = _('Save display to graphic file')),
+    'print'      : MetaIcon(img = 'print',
+                            label = _('Print display')),
+    'font'       : MetaIcon(img = 'font',
+                            label = _('Select font')),
+    'help'       : MetaIcon(img = 'help',
+                            label = _('Show manual')),
+    'quit'       : MetaIcon(img = 'quit',
+                            label = _('Quit')),
+    'addRast'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-add',
+                            label = _('Add raster map layer')),
+    'addVect'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-vector-add',
+                            label = _('Add vector map layer')),
+    'overlay'    : MetaIcon(img = 'overlay-add',
+                            label = _('Add map elements'),
+                            desc = _('Overlay elements like scale and legend onto map')),
+    'histogramD' : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-histogram',
+                            label = _('Create histogram with d.histogram')),
+    'settings'   : MetaIcon(img = 'settings',
+                            label = _("Settings")),
+    }
 class BaseToolbar(wx.ToolBar):
     """!Abstract toolbar class"""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -166,3 +218,16 @@
                     item, icon.GetLabel(), icon.GetDesc(),
                     handler, pos)
         return ("", "", "", "", "", "") # separator
+    def _onMenu(self, data):
+        """!Toolbar pop-up menu"""
+        menu = wx.Menu()
+        for icon, handler in data:
+            item = wx.MenuItem(menu, wx.ID_ANY, icon.GetLabel())
+            item.SetBitmap(icon.GetBitmap(self.parent.iconsize))
+            menu.AppendItem(item)
+            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, handler, item)
+        self.PopupMenu(menu)
+        menu.Destroy()

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/icons/icon.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
- at package icon
+ at package icons.icon
- at brief Icon themes
+ at brief Icon metadata
- at code
-from icons import Icons as Icons
- at endcode
  - MetaIcon
 (C) 2007-2008, 2010-2011 by the GRASS Development Team
-This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-for details.
+This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
 @author Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com>
 @author Anna Kratochvilova <kratochanna gmail.com>
@@ -22,9 +18,8 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import types
+import copy
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "etc", "wxpython", "gui_modules"))
 import wx
 from core.settings import UserSettings
@@ -90,8 +85,8 @@
 class MetaIcon:
     """!Handle icon metadata (image path, tooltip, ...)
-    def __init__(self, img, label, desc = None):
-        self.imagepath = img
+    def __init__(self, img, label = None, desc = None):
+        self.imagepath = iconSet.get(img, wx.ART_MISSING_IMAGE)
         if not self.imagepath:
             self.type = 'unknown'
@@ -108,11 +103,9 @@
             self.description = ''
     def __str__(self):
-        """!Debugging"""
         return "label=%s, img=%s, type=%s" % (self.label, self.imagepath, self.type)
     def GetBitmap(self, size = None):
-        """!Get bitmap"""
         bmp = None
         if self.type == 'wx':
@@ -130,355 +123,24 @@
     def GetLabel(self):
         return self.label
     def GetDesc(self):
         return self.description
     def GetImageName(self):
         return os.path.basename(self.imagepath)
-# create list of icon instances
-Icons = {
-    'displayWindow' : {
-        'display'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('show', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Display map'),
-                                desc  =  _('Re-render modified map layers only')),
-        'render'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-redraw', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Render map'),
-                                desc = _('Force re-rendering all map layers')),
-        'erase'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('erase', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Erase display'),
-                                desc = _('Erase display canvas with given background color')),
-        'pointer'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('pointer', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Pointer')),
-        'zoomIn'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-in', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Zoom in'),
-                                desc = _('Drag or click mouse to zoom')),
-        'zoomOut'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-out', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Zoom out'),
-                                desc = _('Drag or click mouse to unzoom')),
-        'pan'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('pan', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Pan'),
-                                desc = _('Drag with mouse to pan')),
-        'query'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('info', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Query raster/vector map(s)'),
-                                desc = _('Query selected raster/vector map(s)')),
-        'zoomBack'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-last', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Return to previous zoom')),
-        'zoomMenu'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-more', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Various zoom options'),
-                                desc = _('Zoom to computational, default, saved region, ...')),
-        'zoomExtent' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-extent', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Zoom to selected map layer(s)')),
-        'overlay'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('overlay-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add map elements'),
-                                desc = _('Overlay elements like scale and legend onto map')),
-        'addBarscale': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('scalebar-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add scalebar and north arrow')),
-        'addLegend'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('legend-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add legend')),
-        'addNorthArrow': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('north-arrow-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('North Arrow')),
-        'saveFile'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('map-export', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Save display to graphic file')),
-        'print'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('print', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Print display')),
-        'analyze'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-analyze', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Analyze map'),
-                                desc = _('Measuring, profiling, histogramming, ...')),
-        'measure'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('measure-length', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Measure distance')),
-        'profile'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-profile', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Profile surface map')),
-        'addText'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('text-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add text layer')),
-        'histogram'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-histogram', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Create histogram of raster map')),
-        },
-    'layerManager' : {
-        'newdisplay'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('monitor-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Start new map display')),
-        'workspaceNew'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Create new workspace (Ctrl+N)')),
-        'workspaceOpen' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('open', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Open existing workspace file (Ctrl+O)')),
-        'workspaceSave' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Save current workspace to file (Ctrl+S)')),
-        'addMulti'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-open', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Add multiple raster or vector map layers (Ctrl+Shift+L)')),
-        'import'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-import', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Import raster or vector data')),
-        'rastImport' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-import', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Import raster data')),
-        'rastLink'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-import', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Link external raster data')),
-        'vectImport' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-import', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Import vector data')),
-        'vectLink'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-import', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Link external vector data')),
-        'addRast'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add raster map layer (Ctrl+Shift+R)')),
-        'rastMisc'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-more', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add various raster map layers (RGB, HIS, shaded relief...)')),
-        'addVect'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-vector-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add vector map layer (Ctrl+Shift+V)')),
-        'vectMisc'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-vector-more', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add various vector map layers (thematic, chart...)')),
-        'addCmd'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-command-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add command layer')),
-        'addGroup'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-group-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add group')),
-        'addOverlay' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-more', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add grid or vector labels overlay')),
-        'delCmd'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-remove', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Delete selected map layer')),
-        'quit'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Quit')),
-        'attrTable'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('table', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Show attribute table')),
-        'vdigit'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('edit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Edit vector maps')),
-        'addRgb'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-rgb-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add RGB map layer')),
-        'addHis'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-his-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add HIS map layer')),
-        'addShaded'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-shaded-relief-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add shaded relief map layer')),
-        'addRArrow'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-aspect-arrow-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add raster flow arrows')),
-        'addRNum'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-cell-cats-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add raster cell numbers')),
-        'addThematic': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-vector-thematic-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add thematic area (choropleth) map layer')),
-        'addChart'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-vector-chart-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add thematic chart layer')),
-        'addGrid'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-grid-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add grid layer')),
-        'addGeodesic': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('shortest-distance', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add geodesic line layer')),
-        'addRhumb'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('shortest-distance', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add rhumbline layer')),
-        'addLabels'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-label-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add labels')),
-        'addRast3d'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster3d-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add 3D raster map layer'),
-                                desc  =  _('Note that 3D raster data are rendered only in 3D view mode')),
-        'settings'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Show GUI settings')),
-        'modeler'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('modeler-main', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Graphical Modeler')),
-        'layerOptions'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('options', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                   label = _('Set options')),
-        'mapOutput'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('print-compose', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Cartographic Composer')),
-        'mapcalc'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('calculator', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Raster Map Calculator')),
-        },
-    'vdigit' : {
-        'addPoint'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('point-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitize new point'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point')),
-        'addLine'         : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('line-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitize new line'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
-        'addBoundary'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('boundary-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitize new boundary'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
-        'addCentroid'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('centroid-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitize new centroid'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point')),
-        'addArea'         : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('polygon-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitize new area (composition of boundaries without category and one centroid with category)'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point')),
-        'addVertex'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('vertex-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Add new vertex'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'deleteLine'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('line-delete', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Delete feature(s)'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'displayAttr'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('attributes-display', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Display/update attributes'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select')),
-        'displayCats'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('cats-display', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Display/update categories'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select')),
-        'editLine'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('line-edit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Edit line/boundary'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
-        'moveLine'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('line-move', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Move feature(s)'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'moveVertex'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('vertex-move', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Move vertex'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'removeVertex'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('vertex-delete', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Remove vertex'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'settings'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Digitization settings')),
-        'quit'            : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Quit digitizer'),
-                                     desc = _('Quit digitizer and save changes')),
-        'additionalTools' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('tools', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                     label = _('Additional tools ' \
-                                                   '(copy, flip, connect, etc.)'),
-                                     desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
-        'undo'             : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('undo', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                      label = _('Undo'),
-                                      desc = _('Undo previous changes')),
-        },
-    'plot' : {
-        'draw'         : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('show', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Draw/re-draw plot')),
-        'transect'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-profile', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Draw transect in map display window to profile')),
-        'options'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Plot options')),
-        'statistics'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('check', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Plot statistics')),
-        'save'         : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Save profile data to CSV file')),
-        'quit'         : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                  label = _('Quit plot tool'))
-        },
-    'georectify' : {
-        'gcpSet'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Set GCP'),
-                               desc = _('Define GCP (Ground Control Points)')),
-        'georectify': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('georectify', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Georectify')),
-        'gcpRms'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-rms', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Recalculate RMS error')),
-        'gcpSave'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Save GCPs to POINTS file')),
-        'gcpAdd'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Add new GCP')),
-        'gcpDelete' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-delete', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Delete selected GCP')),
-        'gcpClear'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('gcp-remove', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Clear selected GCP')),
-        'gcpReload' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('reload', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Reload GCPs from POINTS file')),
-        'quit'      : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Quit georectification')),
-        'settings'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                               label = _('Settings'),
-                               desc = _('Settings dialog for georectification tool')),
-        },
-    'nviz' : {
-        'rotate':   MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('3d-rotate', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                             label = _('Rotate 3D scene'),
-                             desc = _('Drag with mouse to rotate 3D scene')), 
-        'flyThrough':   MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('flythrough', wx.ART_MISSING_IMAGE),
-                             label = _('Fly-through mode'),
-                             desc = _('Drag with mouse, hold Ctrl down for different mode'
-                                      ' or Shift to accelerate')),
-        'zoomIn':   MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-in', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                            label = _('Zoom in'),
-                            desc = _('Click mouse to zoom')),
-        'zoomOut':  MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-out', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                            label = _('Zoom out'),
-                            desc = _('Click mouse to unzoom')),
-        'nvizCmd': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('script-save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                            label = _('Generate command for m.nviz.image'),
-                            desc = _('Generate command for m.nviz.image based on current state')),
-        'settings': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('3d-settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                             label = _('3D view mode settings'),
-                             desc = _('Show 3D view mode settings dialog')),
-        'help'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('3d-help', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                             label = _('Show 3D view mode manual')),
-        },
-    'modeler' : {
-        'new'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Create new model (Ctrl+N)')),
-        'open'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('open', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Load model from file (Ctrl+O)')),
-        'save'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Save current model to file (Ctrl+S)')),
-        'toImage'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('image-export', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Export model to image')),
-        'toPython'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('python-export', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Export model to Python script')),
-        'actionAdd'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('module-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add command (GRASS module) to model')),
-        'dataAdd'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('data-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add data to model')),
-        'relation'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('relation-create', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Manually define relation between data and commands')),
-        'loop'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('loop-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Add loop/series')),
-        'run'        : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('execute', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Run model')),
-        'validate'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('check', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Validate model')),
-        'settings'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Show modeler settings')),
-        'properties' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('options', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Show model properties')),
-        'variables'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('modeler-variables', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Manage model variables')),
-        'redraw'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('redraw', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Redraw model canvas')),
-        'quit'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                             label = _('Quit Graphical Modeler')),
-        },
-    'misc' : {
-        'font' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('font', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                          label = _('Select font')),
-        'help' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('help', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                          label = _('Show manual')),
-        'quit' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                          label = _('Quit')),
-        },
-    'psMap' : {
-        'scriptSave' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('script-save', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Generate text file with mapping instructions')),
-        'scriptLoad' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('script-load', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Load text file with mapping instructions')),                           
-        'psExport'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('ps-export', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Generate PostScript output')),
-        'pdfExport'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('pdf-export', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Generate PDF output')),
-        'pageSetup'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('page-settings', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Page setup'),
-                                desc = _('Specify paper size, margins and orientation')),
-        'fullExtent' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('zoom-extent', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Full extent"),
-                                desc = _("Zoom to full extent")),
-        'addMap'     : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Map frame"),
-                                desc = _("Click and drag to place map frame")),
-        'addRast'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-raster-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Raster map"),
-                                desc = _("Add raster map")),
-        'addVect'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-vector-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Vector map"),
-                                desc = _("Add vector map")),
-        'deleteObj'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('layer-remove', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Delete selected object")),
-        'preview'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('execute', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _("Show preview")),
-        'quit'       : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('quit', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Quit Cartographic Composer')),
-        'addText'    : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('text-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Text')),
-        'addMapinfo' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('map-info', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Map info')),
-        'addLegend'  : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('legend-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                label = _('Legend')),
-        'addScalebar' : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('scalebar-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                 label = _('Scale bar')),
-        'addImage'   : MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('image-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                 label = _('Image')),
-        'addNorthArrow': MetaIcon(img = iconSet.get('north-arrow-add', wx.ART_ERROR),
-                                 label = _('North Arrow')),
-        }
-    }
-# testing ...
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    for k, v in iconSet.iteritems():
-        for kk, vv in v.iteritems():
-            print k, kk, vv.GetImageName()
+    def SetLabel(self, label = None, desc = None):
+        """!Set label/description for icon
+        @param label icon label (None for no change)
+        @param desc icon description (None for no change)
+        @return copy of original object
+        """
+        cobj = copy.copy(self)
+        if label:
+            cobj.label = label
+        if desc:
+            cobj.description = desc
+        return cobj

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -39,9 +39,8 @@
 from core.gcmd             import RunCommand, GError, GMessage
 from core.settings         import UserSettings
-from icons.icon            import Icons
 from gui_core.preferences  import MapsetAccess, PreferencesDialog, EVT_SETTINGS_CHANGED
-from lmgr.layertree        import LayerTree
+from lmgr.layertree        import LayerTree, LMIcons
 from lmgr.menudata         import ManagerData
 from gui_core.widgets      import GNotebook
 from modules.mcalc_builder import MapCalcFrame
@@ -668,7 +667,7 @@
         win = AboutWindow(self)
     def _popupMenu(self, data):
         """!Create popup menu
@@ -679,8 +678,8 @@
             if key is None:
-            item = wx.MenuItem(menu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['layerManager'][key].GetLabel())
-            item.SetBitmap(Icons['layerManager'][key].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
+            item = wx.MenuItem(menu, wx.ID_ANY, LMIcons[key].GetLabel())
+            item.SetBitmap(LMIcons[key].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
             self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, handler, item)

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 @brief Utility classes for map layer management.
- - lmgr::LayerTree
+ - layertree::LayerTree
 (C) 2007-2011 by the GRASS Development Team
@@ -38,12 +38,59 @@
 from core.utils          import GetLayerNameFromCmd
 from wxplot.profile      import ProfileFrame
 from core.debug          import Debug
-from icon                import Icons
 from core.settings       import UserSettings
 from core.gcmd           import GWarning
+from gui_core.toolbars   import BaseIcons
+from icons.icon          import MetaIcon
+LMIcons = {
+    'rastImport' : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
+                            label = _('Import raster data')),
+    'rastLink'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
+                            label = _('Link external raster data')),
+    'rastOut'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-export',
+                            label = _('Set raster output format')),
+    'vectImport' : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
+                            label = _('Import vector data')),
+    'vectLink'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
+                                    label = _('Link external vector data')),
+    'vectOut'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-export',
+                            label = _('Set vector output format')),
+    'addCmd'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-command-add',
+                            label = _('Add command layer')),
+    'quit'       : MetaIcon(img = 'quit',
+                            label = _('Quit')),
+    'addRgb'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-rgb-add',
+                            label = _('Add RGB map layer')),
+    'addHis'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-his-add',
+                                    label = _('Add HIS map layer')),
+    'addShaded'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-shaded-relief-add',
+                            label = _('Add shaded relief map layer')),
+    'addRArrow'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-aspect-arrow-add',
+                            label = _('Add raster flow arrows')),
+    'addRNum'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-cell-cats-add',
+                            label = _('Add raster cell numbers')),
+    'addThematic': MetaIcon(img = 'layer-vector-thematic-add',
+                            label = _('Add thematic area (choropleth) map layer')),
+    'addChart'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-vector-chart-add',
+                            label = _('Add thematic chart layer')),
+    'addGrid'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-grid-add',
+                            label = _('Add grid layer')),
+    'addGeodesic': MetaIcon(img = 'shortest-distance',
+                            label = _('Add geodesic line layer')),
+    'addRhumb'   : MetaIcon(img = 'shortest-distance',
+                            label = _('Add rhumbline layer')),
+    'addLabels'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-label-add',
+                            label = _('Add labels')),
+    'addRast3d'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster3d-add',
+                            label = _('Add 3D raster map layer'),
+                            desc  =  _('Note that 3D raster data are rendered only in 3D view mode')),
+    'layerOptions'  : MetaIcon(img = 'options',
+                               label = _('Set options')),
+    }
 class LayerTree(treemixin.DragAndDrop, CT.CustomTreeCtrl):
     """!Creates layer tree structure
@@ -129,50 +176,49 @@
         self.folder = il.Add(trart)
         bmpsize = (16, 16)
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
-        trgif = icons["addRast"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = BaseIcons["addRast"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rast_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addRast3d"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addRast3d"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rast3d_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addRgb"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addRgb"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rgb_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addHis"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addHis"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.his_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addShaded"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addShaded"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.shaded_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addRArrow"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addRArrow"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rarrow_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addRNum"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addRNum"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rnum_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addVect"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = BaseIcons["addVect"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.vect_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addThematic"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addThematic"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.theme_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addChart"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addChart"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.chart_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addGrid"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addGrid"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.grid_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addGeodesic"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addGeodesic"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.geodesic_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addRhumb"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addRhumb"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.rhumb_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addLabels"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addLabels"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.labels_icon = il.Add(trgif)
-        trgif = icons["addCmd"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
+        trgif = LMIcons["addCmd"].GetBitmap(bmpsize)
         self.cmd_icon = il.Add(trgif)
@@ -692,7 +738,7 @@
             grouptext = _('Layer group:') + str(self.groupnode)
             self.groupnode += 1
-            btnbmp = Icons['layerManager']["layerOptions"].GetBitmap((16,16))
+            btnbmp = LMIcons["layerOptions"].GetBitmap((16,16))
             ctrl = buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, id = wx.ID_ANY, bitmap = btnbmp, size = (24,24))
             ctrl.SetToolTipString(_("Click to edit layer settings"))
             self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLayerContextMenu, ctrl)
@@ -1257,7 +1303,7 @@
         text    = self.GetItemText(dragItem)
         if self.GetPyData(dragItem)[0]['ctrl']:
             # recreate data layer
-            btnbmp = Icons['layerManager']["layerOptions"].GetBitmap((16,16))
+            btnbmp = LMIcons["layerOptions"].GetBitmap((16,16))
             newctrl = buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, id = wx.ID_ANY, bitmap = btnbmp, size = (24, 24))
             newctrl.SetToolTipString(_("Click to edit layer settings"))
             self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLayerContextMenu, newctrl)

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/lmgr/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@
 from core               import globalvar
 from core.gcmd          import RunCommand
 from nviz.preferences   import NvizPreferencesDialog
-from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar
+from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
+from icons.icon         import MetaIcon
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCWXDIR, "icons"))
-from icons.icon        import Icons
 class LMWorkspaceToolbar(BaseToolbar):
     """!Layer Manager `workspace` toolbar
@@ -47,7 +45,16 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
+        icons = {
+            'newdisplay'    : MetaIcon(img = 'monitor-create',
+                                       label = _('Start new map display')),
+            'workspaceNew'  : MetaIcon(img = 'create',
+                                       label = _('Create new workspace (Ctrl+N)')),
+            'workspaceOpen' : MetaIcon(img = 'open',
+                                       label = _('Open existing workspace file (Ctrl+O)')),
+            'workspaceSave' : MetaIcon(img = 'save',
+                                       label = _('Save current workspace to file (Ctrl+S)')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('newdisplay', icons["newdisplay"],
                                      (None, ),
@@ -73,7 +80,23 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
+        icons = {
+            'addMulti'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-open',
+                                    label = _('Add multiple raster or vector map layers (Ctrl+Shift+L)')),
+            'addRast'    : BaseIcons['addRast'].SetLabel(_("Add raster map layer (Ctrl+Shift+R)")),
+            'rastMisc'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-more',
+                                    label = _('Add various raster map layers (RGB, HIS, shaded relief...)')),
+            'addVect'    : BaseIcons['addRast'].SetLabel(_("Add vector map layer (Ctrl+Shift+V)")),
+            'vectMisc'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-vector-more',
+                                    label = _('Add various vector map layers (thematic, chart...)')),
+            'addGroup'   : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-group-add',
+                                    label = _('Add group')),
+            'addOverlay' : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-more',
+                                    label = _('Add grid or vector labels overlay')),
+            'delCmd'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-remove',
+                                    label = _('Delete selected map layer')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('addMulti', icons["addMulti"],
                                      ('addrast', icons["addRast"],
@@ -106,17 +129,29 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
+        icons = {
+            'import'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
+                                 label = _('Import/link raster or vector data')),
+            'mapcalc' : MetaIcon(img = 'calculator',
+                                 label = _('Raster Map Calculator')),
+            'modeler' : MetaIcon(img = 'modeler-main',
+                                 label = _('Graphical Modeler')),
+            'georectify' : MetaIcon(img = 'georectify',
+                                 label = _('Georectifier')),
+            'composer': MetaIcon(img = 'print-compose',
+                                 label = _('Cartographic Composer')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('importMap', icons["import"],
                                      (None, ),
                                      ('mapCalc', icons["mapcalc"],
-                                     ('georect', Icons["georectify"]["georectify"],
+                                     ('georect', icons["georectify"],
                                      ('modeler', icons["modeler"],
-                                     ('mapOutput', icons['mapOutput'],
+                                     ('mapOutput', icons['composer'],
@@ -134,10 +169,14 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
+        icons = {
+            'settings'   : BaseIcons['settings'].SetLabel(_('GUI settings')),
+            'help'       : BaseIcons['help'].SetLabel(_('GRASS manual')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('settings', icons["settings"],
-                                     ('help', Icons["misc"]["help"],
+                                     ('help', icons["help"],
@@ -155,7 +194,13 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['layerManager']
+        icons = {
+            'vdigit'     : MetaIcon(img = 'edit',
+                                    label = _('Edit vector maps')),
+            'attrTable'  : MetaIcon(img = 'table',
+                                    label = _('Show attribute table')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('vdigit', icons["vdigit"],
                                      ('attribute', icons["attrTable"],
@@ -180,8 +225,18 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['nviz']
-        return self._getToolbarData((("nvizCmd", icons['nvizCmd'],
+        icons = {
+            'cmd'    : MetaIcon(img = 'script-save',
+                                label = _('Generate command for m.nviz.image'),
+                                desc = _('Generate command for m.nviz.image based on current state')),
+            'settings' : MetaIcon(img = '3d-settings',
+                                  label = _('3D view mode settings'),
+                                  desc = _('Show 3D view mode settings dialog')),
+            'help'   : MetaIcon(img = '3d-help',
+                                label = _('Show 3D view mode manual')),
+            }
+        return self._getToolbarData((("nvizCmd", icons['cmd'],
                                      (None, ),
                                      ("settings", icons["settings"],

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -36,14 +36,13 @@
 from core               import globalvar
 from core.render        import EVT_UPDATE_PRGBAR
 from vdigit.toolbars    import VDigitToolbar
-from mapdisp.toolbars   import MapToolbar
+from mapdisp.toolbars   import MapToolbar, NvizIcons
 from mapdisp.gprint     import PrintOptions
 from core.gcmd          import GError, GMessage, RunCommand
 from dbmgr.dialogs      import DisplayAttributesDialog
 from core.utils         import ListOfCatsToRange, GetLayerNameFromCmd
 from gui_core.dialogs   import GetImageHandlers, ImageSizeDialog, DecorationDialog, TextLayerDialog
 from core.debug         import Debug
-from icon               import Icons
 from core.settings      import UserSettings
 from gui_core.mapdisp   import MapFrameBase
 from mapdisp.mapwindow  import BufferedWindow
@@ -270,9 +269,9 @@
         # add rotate tool to map toolbar
-        self.toolbars['map'].InsertTool((('rotate', Icons['nviz']['rotate'],
+        self.toolbars['map'].InsertTool((('rotate', NvizIcons['rotate'],
                                           self.OnRotate, wx.ITEM_CHECK, 7),)) # 7 is position
-        self.toolbars['map'].InsertTool((('flyThrough', Icons['nviz']['flyThrough'],
+        self.toolbars['map'].InsertTool((('flyThrough', NvizIcons['flyThrough'],
                                           self.OnFlyThrough, wx.ITEM_CHECK, 8),)) 
         self.toolbars['map'].ChangeToolsDesc(mode2d = False)
         # update status bar
@@ -894,34 +893,6 @@
             return cmd
-    def OnAnalyze(self, event):
-        """!Analysis tools menu
-        """
-        point = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        toolsmenu = wx.Menu()
-        icons = Icons['displayWindow']
-        # Add items to the menu
-        measure = wx.MenuItem(toolsmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["measure"].GetLabel())
-        measure.SetBitmap(icons["measure"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        toolsmenu.AppendItem(measure)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMeasure, measure)
-        profile = wx.MenuItem(toolsmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["profile"].GetLabel())
-        profile.SetBitmap(icons["profile"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        toolsmenu.AppendItem(profile)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Profile, profile)
-        histogram = wx.MenuItem(toolsmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["histogram"].GetLabel())
-        histogram.SetBitmap(icons["histogram"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        toolsmenu.AppendItem(histogram)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Histogram, histogram)
-        # Popup the menu.  If an item is selected then its handler
-        # will be called before PopupMenu returns.
-        self.PopupMenu(toolsmenu)
-        toolsmenu.Destroy()
     def OnMeasure(self, event):
         """!Init measurement routine that calculates map distance
         along transect drawn on map display
@@ -1082,41 +1053,6 @@
-    def OnDecoration(self, event):
-        """!Decorations overlay menu
-        """
-        point = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        decmenu = wx.Menu()
-        icons = Icons['displayWindow']
-        # Add items to the menu
-        AddScale = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["addBarscale"].GetLabel())
-        AddScale.SetBitmap(icons["addBarscale"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddScale)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddBarscale, AddScale)
-        # temporary
-        if self.IsPaneShown('3d'):
-            AddScale.Enable(False)
-            AddArrow = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons['addNorthArrow'].GetLabel())
-            AddArrow.SetBitmap(icons['addNorthArrow'].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-            decmenu.AppendItem(AddArrow)
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddArrow, AddArrow)
-        AddLegend = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["addLegend"].GetLabel())
-        AddLegend.SetBitmap(icons["addLegend"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddLegend)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddLegend, AddLegend)
-        AddText = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, icons["addText"].GetLabel())
-        AddText.SetBitmap(icons["addText"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddText)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddText, AddText)
-        # Popup the menu.  If an item is selected then its handler
-        # will be called before PopupMenu returns.
-        self.PopupMenu(decmenu)
-        decmenu.Destroy()
     def OnAddBarscale(self, event):
         """!Handler for scale/arrow map decoration menu selection.

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -18,11 +18,48 @@
 import wx
-from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar
-from icons.icon        import Icons
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
 from nviz.main         import haveNviz
 from vdigit.main       import haveVDigit
+from icons.icon        import MetaIcon
+MapIcons =  {
+    'query'      : MetaIcon(img = 'info',
+                            label = _('Query raster/vector map(s)'),
+                            desc = _('Query selected raster/vector map(s)')),
+    'addBarscale': MetaIcon(img = 'scalebar-add',
+                            label = _('Add scalebar and north arrow')),
+    'addLegend'  : MetaIcon(img = 'legend-add',
+                            label = _('Add legend')),
+    'addNorthArrow': MetaIcon(img = 'north-arrow-add',
+                              label = _('North Arrow')),
+    'analyze'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-analyze',
+                            label = _('Analyze map'),
+                            desc = _('Measuring, profiling, histogramming, ...')),
+    'measure'    : MetaIcon(img = 'measure-length',
+                            label = _('Measure distance')),
+    'profile'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-profile',
+                            label = _('Profile surface map')),
+    'scatter'    : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-profile',
+                            label = _("Create bivariate scatterplot of raster maps")),
+    'addText'    : MetaIcon(img = 'text-add',
+                            label = _('Add text layer')),
+    'histogram'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-histogram',
+                            label = _('Create histogram of raster map')),
+    }
+NvizIcons = {
+    'rotate'    : MetaIcon(img = '3d-rotate',
+                           label = _('Rotate 3D scene'),
+                           desc = _('Drag with mouse to rotate 3D scene')), 
+    'flyThrough': MetaIcon(img = 'flythrough',
+                           label = _('Fly-through mode'),
+                           desc = _('Drag with mouse, hold Ctrl down for different mode'
+                                    ' or Shift to accelerate')),
+    'zoomIn'    : BaseIcons['zoomIn'].SetLabel(desc = _('Click mouse to zoom')),
+    'zoomOut'   : BaseIcons['zoomOut'].SetLabel(desc = _('Click mouse to unzoom'))
+    }
 class MapToolbar(BaseToolbar):
     """!Map Display toolbar
@@ -95,51 +132,50 @@
-        self.EnableTool(self.zoomback, False)
+        self.EnableTool(self.zoomBack, False)
         self.FixSize(width = 90)
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['displayWindow']
-        return self._getToolbarData((('displaymap', icons['display'],
+        return self._getToolbarData((('displayMap', BaseIcons['display'],
-                                     ('rendermap', icons['render'],
+                                     ('renderMap', BaseIcons['render'],
-                                     ('erase', icons['erase'],
+                                     ('erase', BaseIcons['erase'],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('pointer', icons['pointer'],
+                                     ('pointer', BaseIcons['pointer'],
-                                     ('query', icons['query'],
+                                     ('query', MapIcons['query'],
-                                     ('pan', icons['pan'],
+                                     ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'],
-                                     ('zoomin', icons['zoomIn'],
+                                     ('zoomIn', BaseIcons['zoomIn'],
-                                     ('zoomout', icons['zoomOut'],
+                                     ('zoomOut', BaseIcons['zoomOut'],
-                                     ('zoomextent', icons['zoomExtent'],
+                                     ('zoomExtent', BaseIcons['zoomExtent'],
-                                     ('zoomback', icons['zoomBack'],
+                                     ('zoomBack', BaseIcons['zoomBack'],
-                                     ('zoommenu', icons['zoomMenu'],
+                                     ('zoomMenu', BaseIcons['zoomMenu'],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('analyze', icons['analyze'],
-                                      self.parent.OnAnalyze),
+                                     ('analyze', MapIcons['analyze'],
+                                      self.OnAnalyze),
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('dec', icons['overlay'],
-                                      self.parent.OnDecoration),
+                                     ('overlay', BaseIcons['overlay'],
+                                      self.OnDecoration),
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('savefile', icons['saveFile'],
+                                     ('saveFile', BaseIcons['saveFile'],
-                                     ('printmap', icons['print'],
+                                     ('printMap', BaseIcons['print'],
                                      (None, ))
@@ -167,16 +203,16 @@
     def ChangeToolsDesc(self, mode2d):
         """!Change description of zoom tools for 2D/3D view"""
         if mode2d:
-            set = 'displayWindow'
+            icons = BaseIcons
-            set = 'nviz'
+            icons = NvizIcons
         for i, data in enumerate(self._data):
-            for tool, toolname in (('zoomin', 'zoomIn'),('zoomout', 'zoomOut')):
+            for tool in (('zoomIn', 'zoomOut')):
                 if data[0] == tool:
                     tmp = list(data)
-                    tmp[4] = Icons[set][toolname].GetDesc()
+                    tmp[4] = icons[tool].GetDesc()
                     self._data[i] = tuple(tmp)
     def OnSelectTool(self, event):
         """!Select / enable tool available in tools list
@@ -197,7 +233,27 @@
+    def OnAnalyze(self, event):
+        """!Analysis tools menu
+        """
+        self._onMenu(((MapIcons["measure"],    self.parent.OnMeasure),
+                      (MapIcons["profile"],    self.parent.OnProfile),
+                      (MapIcons["scatter"],    self.parent.OnScatterplot),
+                      (BaseIcons["histogram"], self.parent.OnHistogram)))
+    def OnDecoration(self, event):
+        """!Decorations overlay menu
+        """
+        if self.parent.IsPaneShown('3d'):
+            self._onMenu(((MapIcons["addNorthArrow"], self.parent.OnAddArrow),
+                          (MapIcons["addLegend"],     self.parent.OnAddLegend),
+                          (MapIcons["addText"],       self.parent.OnAddText)))
+        else:
+            self._onMenu(((MapIcons["addBarscale"], self.parent.OnAddBarscale),
+                          (MapIcons["addLegend"],   self.parent.OnAddLegend),
+                          (MapIcons["addText"],     self.parent.OnAddText)))
     def ExitToolbars(self):
         if self.parent.GetToolbar('vdigit'):
@@ -206,7 +262,7 @@
     def Enable2D(self, enabled):
         """!Enable/Disable 2D display mode specific tools"""
-        for tool in (self.zoommenu,
+        for tool in (self.zoomMenu,
-                     self.printmap):
+                     self.printMap):
             self.EnableTool(tool, enabled)

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/modules/histogram.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/modules/histogram.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/modules/histogram.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@
 from gui_core.dialogs     import GetImageHandlers, ImageSizeDialog
 from gui_core.preferences import DefaultFontDialog
 from core.debug           import Debug
-from icon                 import Icons
 from core.gcmd            import GError
-from gui_core.toolbars    import BaseToolbar
+from gui_core.toolbars    import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
 class BufferedWindow(wx.Window):
     """!A Buffered window class.
@@ -474,21 +473,20 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['displayWindow']
-        return self._getToolbarData((('histogram', icons["histogram"],
+        return self._getToolbarData((('histogram', BaseIcons["histogramD"],
-                                     ('rendermao', icons["display"],
+                                     ('render', BaseIcons["display"],
-                                     ('erase', icons["erase"],
+                                     ('erase', BaseIcons["erase"],
-                                     ('font', Icons['misc']["font"],
+                                     ('font', BaseIcons["font"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('save', icons["saveFile"],
+                                     ('save', BaseIcons["saveFile"],
-                                     ('hprint', icons["print"],
+                                     ('hprint', BaseIcons["print"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('quit', Icons['misc']["quit"],
+                                     ('quit', BaseIcons["quit"],

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/frame.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/frame.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 from gui_core.menu    import Menu
 from gui_core.goutput import CmdThread, EVT_CMD_DONE
 from psmap.toolbars   import PsMapToolbar
-from icon             import Icons
 from core.gcmd        import RunCommand, GError, GMessage
 from gui_core.forms   import GUI
 from psmap.menudata   import PsMapData
@@ -579,46 +578,7 @@
                 dlg =  MainVectorDialog(self, id = id, settings = self.instruction)
                 self.openDialogs['vector'] = dlg
-    def OnDecoration(self, event):
-        """!Decorations overlay menu
-        """
-        decmenu = wx.Menu()
-        # legend
-        AddLegend = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addLegend"].GetLabel())
-        AddLegend.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addLegend"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddLegend)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddLegend, AddLegend)
-        # mapinfo
-        AddMapinfo = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addMapinfo"].GetLabel())
-        AddMapinfo.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addMapinfo"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddMapinfo)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddMapinfo, AddMapinfo) 
-        # scalebar
-        AddScalebar = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addScalebar"].GetLabel())
-        AddScalebar.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addScalebar"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddScalebar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddScalebar, AddScalebar) 
-        # text
-        AddText = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addText"].GetLabel())
-        AddText.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addText"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddText)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddText, AddText) 
-        # eps image
-        AddImage = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addImage"].GetLabel())
-        AddImage.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addImage"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddImage)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddImage, AddImage) 
-        # north arrow image
-        AddNorthArrow = wx.MenuItem(decmenu, wx.ID_ANY, Icons['psMap']["addNorthArrow"].GetLabel())
-        AddNorthArrow.SetBitmap(Icons['psMap']["addNorthArrow"].GetBitmap(self.iconsize))
-        decmenu.AppendItem(AddNorthArrow)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddNorthArrow, AddNorthArrow) 
-        # Popup the menu.  If an item is selected then its handler
-        # will be called before PopupMenu returns.
-        self.PopupMenu(decmenu)
-        decmenu.Destroy()
     def OnAddScalebar(self, event):
         """!Add scalebar"""
         if projInfo()['proj'] == 'll':

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/psmap/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@
 import wx
 from core              import globalvar
-from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
+from icon              import MetaIcon
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(globalvar.ETCWXDIR, "icons"))
-from icon              import Icons
 class PsMapToolbar(BaseToolbar):
     def __init__(self, parent):
         """!Toolbar Cartographic Composer (psmap.py)
@@ -49,7 +47,44 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data
-        icons = Icons['psMap']
+        icons = {
+            'scriptSave' : MetaIcon(img = 'script-save',
+                                    label = _('Generate text file with mapping instructions')),
+            'scriptLoad' : MetaIcon(img = 'script-load',
+                                    label = _('Load text file with mapping instructions')),                           
+            'psExport'   : MetaIcon(img = 'ps-export',
+                                    label = _('Generate PostScript output')),
+            'pdfExport'  : MetaIcon(img = 'pdf-export',
+                                    label = _('Generate PDF output')),
+            'pageSetup'  : MetaIcon(img = 'page-settings',
+                                    label = _('Page setup'),
+                                    desc = _('Specify paper size, margins and orientation')),
+            'fullExtent' : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-extent',
+                                    label = _("Full extent"),
+                                    desc = _("Zoom to full extent")),
+            'addMap'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-add',
+                                    label = _("Map frame"),
+                                    desc = _("Click and drag to place map frame")),
+            'deleteObj'  : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-remove',
+                                    label = _("Delete selected object")),
+            'preview'    : MetaIcon(img = 'execute',
+                                    label = _("Show preview")),
+            'quit'       : MetaIcon(img = 'quit',
+                                    label = _('Quit Cartographic Composer')),
+            'addText'    : MetaIcon(img = 'text-add',
+                                    label = _('Text')),
+            'addMapinfo' : MetaIcon(img = 'map-info',
+                                    label = _('Map info')),
+            'addLegend'  : MetaIcon(img = 'legend-add',
+                                    label = _('Legend')),
+            'addScalebar' : MetaIcon(img = 'scalebar-add',
+                                     label = _('Scale bar')),
+            'addImage'   : MetaIcon(img = 'image-add',
+                                    label = _('Image')),
+            'addNorthArrow': MetaIcon(img = 'north-arrow-add',
+                                      label = _('North Arrow')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData((('loadFile', icons['scriptLoad'],
                                      ('instructionFile', icons['scriptSave'],
@@ -58,25 +93,25 @@
                                      ('pagesetup', icons['pageSetup'],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ("pointer", Icons["displayWindow"]["pointer"],
+                                     ("pointer", BaseIcons["pointer"],
                                       self.parent.OnPointer, wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                                     ('pan', Icons["displayWindow"]['pan'],
+                                     ('pan', BaseIcons['pan'],
                                       self.parent.OnPan, wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                                     ("zoomin", Icons["displayWindow"]["zoomIn"],
+                                     ("zoomin", BaseIcons["zoomIn"],
                                       self.parent.OnZoomIn, wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                                     ("zoomout", Icons["displayWindow"]["zoomOut"],
+                                     ("zoomout", BaseIcons["zoomOut"],
                                       self.parent.OnZoomOut, wx.ITEM_CHECK),
                                      ('zoomAll', icons['fullExtent'],
                                      (None, ),
                                      ('addMap', icons['addMap'],
                                       self.parent.OnAddMap, wx.ITEM_CHECK),
-                                     ('addRaster', icons['addRast'],
+                                     ('addRaster', BaseIcons['addRast'],
-                                     ('addVector', icons['addVect'],
+                                     ('addVector', BaseIcons['addVect'],
-                                     ("dec", Icons["displayWindow"]["overlay"],
-                                      self.parent.OnDecoration),
+                                     ("dec", BaseIcons["overlay"],
+                                      self.OnDecoration),
                                      ("delete", icons["deleteObj"],
                                      (None, ),
@@ -87,8 +122,19 @@
                                      ('generatePDF', icons['pdfExport'],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ("help", Icons['misc']['help'],
+                                     ("help", BaseIcons['help'],
                                      ('quit', icons['quit'],
+    def OnDecoration(self, event):
+        """!Decorations overlay menu
+        """
+        self._onMenu(((PsMapIcons["addLegend"],     self.parent.OnAddLegend),
+                      (PsMapIcons["addMapinfo"],    self.parent.OnAddMapinfo),
+                      (PsMapIcons["addScalebar"],   self.parent.OnAddScalebar),
+                      (PsMapIcons["addText"],       self.parent.OnAddText),
+                      (PsMapIcons["addImage"],      self.parent.OnAddImage),
+                      (PsMapIcons["addNorthArrow"], self.parent.OnAddNorthArrow)))

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 from grass.script import core as grass
-from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar
+from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
 from gui_core.dialogs   import CreateNewVector
-from icons.icon         import Icons
 from vdigit.preferences import VDigitSettingsDialog
 from vdigit.main        import VDigit
 from core.debug         import Debug
 from core.settings      import UserSettings
 from core.gcmd          import GError
+from icons.icon         import MetaIcon
 class VDigitToolbar(BaseToolbar):
     """!Toolbar for digitization
@@ -76,7 +76,59 @@
         """!Toolbar data
         data = []
-        icons = Icons['vdigit']
+        icons = {
+            'addPoint'        : MetaIcon(img = 'point-create',
+                                         label = _('Digitize new point'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point')),
+            'addLine'         : MetaIcon(img = 'line-create',
+                                         label = _('Digitize new line'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
+            'addBoundary'     : MetaIcon(img = 'boundary-create',
+                                         label = _('Digitize new boundary'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
+            'addCentroid'     : MetaIcon(img = 'centroid-create',
+                                         label = _('Digitize new centroid'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point')),
+            'addArea'         : MetaIcon(img = 'polygon-create',
+                                         label = _('Digitize new area (composition of boundaries without category and one centroid with category)'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point')),
+            'addVertex'       : MetaIcon(img = 'vertex-create',
+                                         label = _('Add new vertex'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'deleteLine'      : MetaIcon(img = 'line-delete',
+                                         label = _('Delete feature(s)'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'displayAttr'     : MetaIcon(img = 'attributes-display',
+                                         label = _('Display/update attributes'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select')),
+            'displayCats'     : MetaIcon(img = 'cats-display',
+                                         label = _('Display/update categories'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select')),
+            'editLine'        : MetaIcon(img = 'line-edit',
+                                         label = _('Edit line/boundary'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: new point; Ctrl+Left: undo last point; Right: close line')),
+            'moveLine'        : MetaIcon(img = 'line-move',
+                                         label = _('Move feature(s)'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'moveVertex'      : MetaIcon(img = 'vertex-move',
+                                         label = _('Move vertex'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'removeVertex'    : MetaIcon(img = 'vertex-delete',
+                                         label = _('Remove vertex'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'settings'        : BaseIcons['settings'].SetLabel(_('Digitization settings')),
+            'quit'            : BaseIcons['quit'].SetLabel(label = _('Quit digitizer'),
+                                                           desc = _('Quit digitizer and save changes')),
+            'additionalTools' : MetaIcon(img = 'tools',
+                                         label = _('Additional tools '
+                                                   '(copy, flip, connect, etc.)'),
+                                         desc = _('Left: Select; Ctrl+Left: Unselect; Right: Confirm')),
+            'undo'             : MetaIcon(img = 'undo',
+                                          label = _('Undo'),
+                                          desc = _('Undo previous changes')),
+            }
         return self._getToolbarData(((None, ),
                                      ("addPoint", icons["addPoint"],

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/base.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/base.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/base.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 @brief Base classes for iinteractive plotting using PyPlot
+ - base::PlotIcons
  - base::BasePlotFrame
 (C) 2011 by the GRASS Development Team
@@ -20,13 +21,29 @@
 import wx
 import wx.lib.plot as plot
-from core.globalvar import ETCICONDIR
-from core.settings  import UserSettings
-from wxplot.dialogs import TextDialog, OptDialog
-from core.render    import Map
+from core.globalvar    import ETCICONDIR
+from core.settings     import UserSettings
+from wxplot.dialogs    import TextDialog, OptDialog
+from core.render       import Map
+from icons.icon        import MetaIcon
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseIcons
 import grass.script as grass
+PlotIcons = {
+    'draw'         : MetaIcon(img = 'show',
+                              label = _('Draw/re-draw plot')),
+    'transect'     : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-raster-profile',
+                              label = _('Draw transect in map display window to profile')),
+    'options'      : MetaIcon(img = 'settings',
+                              label = _('Plot options')),
+    'statistics'   : MetaIcon(img = 'check',
+                              label = _('Plot statistics')),
+    'save'         : MetaIcon(img = 'save',
+                              label = _('Save profile data to CSV file')),
+    'quit'         : BaseIcons['quit'].SetLabel(_('Quit plot tool')),
+    }
 class BasePlotFrame(wx.Frame):
     """!Abstract PyPlot display frame class"""
     def __init__(self, parent = None, id = wx.ID_ANY, size = (700, 300),

Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/profile.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/profile.py	2011-12-18 16:21:34 UTC (rev 49807)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/wxplot/profile.py	2011-12-18 16:36:20 UTC (rev 49808)
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@
     print >> sys.stderr, "wxplot.py: " + msg
-from wxplot.base       import BasePlotFrame
-from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar
-from icons.icon        import Icons
+from wxplot.base       import BasePlotFrame, PlotIcons
+from gui_core.toolbars import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
 from wxplot.dialogs    import ProfileRasterDialog, PlotStatsFrame
 from core.gcmd         import RunCommand
@@ -396,34 +395,33 @@
     def _toolbarData(self):
         """!Toolbar data"""
-        icons = Icons['plot']
-        return self._getToolbarData((('addraster', Icons['layerManager']["addRast"],
+        return self._getToolbarData((('addraster', BaseIcons["addRast"],
-                                     ('transect', icons["transect"],
+                                     ('transect', PlotIcons["transect"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('draw', icons["draw"],
+                                     ('draw', PlotIcons["draw"],
-                                     ('erase', Icons['displayWindow']["erase"],
+                                     ('erase', BaseIcons["erase"],
-                                     ('drag', Icons['displayWindow']['pan'],
+                                     ('drag', BaseIcons['pan'],
-                                     ('zoom', Icons['displayWindow']['zoomIn'],
+                                     ('zoom', BaseIcons['zoomIn'],
-                                     ('unzoom', Icons['displayWindow']['zoomBack'],
+                                     ('unzoom', BaseIcons['zoomBack'],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('statistics', icons['statistics'],
+                                     ('statistics', PlotIcons['statistics'],
-                                     ('datasave', icons["save"],
+                                     ('datasave', PlotIcons["save"],
-                                     ('image', Icons['displayWindow']["saveFile"],
+                                     ('image', BaseIcons["saveFile"],
-                                     ('print', Icons['displayWindow']["print"],
+                                     ('print', BaseIcons["print"],
                                      (None, ),
-                                     ('settings', icons["options"],
+                                     ('settings', PlotIcons["options"],
-                                     ('quit', icons["quit"],
+                                     ('quit', PlotIcons["quit"],

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