[GRASS-SVN] r49931 - in grass-addons/grass6/vector: . v.transects

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Dec 26 21:04:58 EST 2011

Author: helena
Date: 2011-12-26 18:04:58 -0800 (Mon, 26 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 49931

script for generating transects perpendicular to line features

Added: grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.html
--- grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.html	2011-12-27 02:04:58 UTC (rev 49931)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
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+<em><b>v.transects.py</b></em>  - Python script to create vector line or area transects along a line
+vector, transects, shoreline
+<b>v.transects.py</b> <b>input</b>=<em>name</em>  <b>output</b>=<em>name</em>  <b>transect_spacing</b>=<em>float</em>   [<b>dleft</b>=<em>float</em>]   [<b>dright</b>=<em>float</em>]   [<b>type</b>="line" | "area"]   
+<DD>Name for input line vector map</DD>
+<DD>Name for output transects vector map</DD>
+<DD>Distance between transects</DD>
+<DD>Distance transects extend on left side of line</DD>
+<DD>Default: <em>transect_spacing</em></DD>
+<DD>Distance transects extend on right side of line</DD>
+<DD>Default: <em>transect_spacing</em></DD>
+<DT><b>type</b>="line" | "area"</DT>
+<DD>Specifies the geometry of the transect</DD>
+<DD>Default: "line"</DD>
+<H2>DESCRIPTION</H2><EM>v.transects</EM> creates equally spaced geometries along 
+input lines. The geometries can be lines or quadrilateral areas. Lines 
+and areas are generated to be perpendicular to the input line. 
+<H2>NOTES</H2>Input vector lines that are shorter than <B>transect_spacing</B> are ignored. 
+<B>transect_spacing</B>, <B>dleft</B>, and <B>dright</B> are interpreted to be in horizontal map units (e.g., degrees in the WGS84 projection). 
+<EM><B>v.transects</B></EM> may fail for a network of lines in Windows.
+<H2>EXAMPLES</H2>In these examples, the 
+<a href="http://courses.ncsu.edu/mea582/common/media/01/NagsHead_series.zip"><font color="0000FF">Nags Head (19MB)</font></a>
+mapset is used to generate a shoreline and shore-perpendicular geometries. To use the mapset, unpack it into the 
+<a href="http://courses.ncsu.edu/mea582/common/media/01/nc_spm_08.zip"><font color="0000FF">nc_spm_08 (150MB)</font></a>
+Location or the
+<a href="http://courses.ncsu.edu/mea792/common/media/gisdemo.zip"><font color="0000FF">gisdemo (47MB)</font></a>
+<h3>Example 1) - Generate line transects along shoreline</h3>
+<P>Generate 20 cross-shore transects along 2008 shoreline (1m contour)<BR>
+<DIV class=code><PRE>g.region rast=NH_2008_1m
+r.contour input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_1m level=1 cut=100
+v.report map=NH_2008_1m option=length
+# cat|level|length
+# 1|1|1037.86684790028
+# 1038m / 20transects = 52m per transect (value for transect_spacing)
+v.transects input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_transects transect_spacing=52
+v.info NH_2008_transects
+<h3>Example 2) - Generate line transects specifying the left and right length</h3>
+<P>Generate longer, more parallel transects by specifying dleft and dright and 
+smoothing the input line<BR>
+<DIV class=code><PRE>g.region rast=NH_2008_1m
+r.contour input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_1m level=1 cut=100
+v.generalize input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_1m_smoothed \
+  method=sliding_averaging look_ahead=201
+v.transects input=NH_2008_1m_smoothed \
+  output=NH_2008_transects_long_smoothed transect_spacing=52 \
+  dleft=20 dright=300
+<h3>Example 3) - Generate area transects along shoreline</h3>
+<P>Generate longer, more parallel transects by specifying dleft and dright and 
+smoothing the input line<BR>
+<DIV class=code><PRE>g.region rast=NH_2008_1m
+r.contour input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_1m level=1 cut=100
+v.transects input=NH_2008_1m output=NH_2008_areas \
+  transect_spacing=52 dleft=20 dright=300 type=area
+v.db.addtable NH_2008_areas
+v.db.addcolumn map=NH_2008_areas columns='demStats DOUBLE PRECISION'
+v.rast.stats vector=NH_2008_areas raster=NH_2008_1m column_prefix=NH2008
+v.db.select NH_2008_areas
+<H2>SEE ALSO</H2><EM><A 
+href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ejhardi2/v.generalize.html">v.generalize</A>, <A 
+href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ejhardi2/r.transect.html">r.transect</A> </EM>
+<H2>AUTHOR</H2>Eric Hardin, Helena Mitasova, Updates by John Lloyd 
+<P><I>Last changed: $Date$</I> </P></BODY></HTML>

Added: grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.py
--- grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.py	2011-12-27 02:04:58 UTC (rev 49931)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:      v.transects.py
+# AUTHOR(S):   Eric Hardin
+# PURPOSE:     Creates lines or quadrilateral areas perpendicular to a polyline
+# COPYRIGHT:   (C) 2011
+#              This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#              License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#              for details.
+# UPDATES:     John Lloyd November 2011
+#% description: Transect Generator
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% description: Name of input vector map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% description: Name of output vector map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: transect_spacing
+#% type: double
+#% description: Transect spacing
+#% required : yes
+#% key: dleft
+#% type: double
+#% description: distance transect extends to the left of input line.
+#% required : no
+#% key: dright
+#% type: double
+#% description: distance transect extends to the right of input line.
+#% required : no
+#% key: type
+#% type: string
+#% description: Feature type
+#% required : no
+#% options: line,area
+#% answer : line
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+from numpy import array
+from math import sqrt
+import grass.script as grass
+import tempfile
+# load vector lines into python list
+# returns v
+# len(v) = number of lines in vector map
+# len(v[i]) = number of vertices in ith line 
+# v[i][j] = [ xij, yij ] ,i.e., jth vertex in ith line
+def loadVector( vector ):
+    expVecCmmd = 'v.out.ascii format=standard input='+vector
+# JL    p = Popen(expVecCmmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
+    p = Popen(expVecCmmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=False)
+    vectorAscii = p.stdout.read().strip('\n').split('\n')
+    l = 0
+    while 'ORGANIZATION' not in vectorAscii[l]:
+        l += 1
+    while ':' in vectorAscii[l]:
+        l += 1
+    v = []
+    while l < len(vectorAscii):
+        line = vectorAscii[l].split()
+        if line[0] in ['L','B','A']:
+            skip = len(line)-2
+            vertices = int(line[1])
+            l += 1
+            v.append([])
+            for i in range(vertices):
+                v[-1].append( map(float,vectorAscii[l].split()[:2]) )
+                l += 1
+            l += skip
+        elif line[0] in ['P','C','F','K']:
+            skip = len(line)-2
+            vertices = int(line[1])
+            l += 1
+            for i in range(vertices):
+                l += 1
+            l += skip
+        else:
+            grass.fatal(_("Problem with line: <%s>") % vectorAscii[l])
+    if len(v) < 1:
+        grass.fatal(_("Zero lines found in vector map <%s>") % vector)
+    return v
+# get transects from input vector
+def getTransects( vector, dleft, dright, transect_spacing ): 
+    transect_locs = [] # holds locations where transects should intersect input vector lines
+    for line in vector:    
+        transect_locs.append([line[0]])
+        # i starts at the beginning of the line.
+        # j walks along the line until j and i are separated by a distance of transect_spacing.
+        # then, a transect is placed at j, i is moved to j, and this is iterated until the end of the line is reached
+        i = 0
+        j = i+1
+        while j < len(line):
+            d = dist( line[i],line[j] )
+            if d > transect_spacing:
+                r = (transect_spacing - dist(line[i],line[j-1]) )/( dist(line[i],line[j]) - dist(line[i],line[j-1]) )
+                transect_locs[-1].append(  (r*array( line[j] ) + (1-r)*array( line[j-1] )).tolist()  )
+                i = j-1
+                line[i] = transect_locs[-1][-1]
+            else:
+                j += 1
+    transect_ends = []
+    for transect in transect_locs:
+        if len(transect) < 2: # if a line in input vec was shorter than transect_spacing
+            continue # then don't put a transect on it
+        transect_ends.append([])
+        transect = array( transect )
+        v = NR( transect[0], transect[1] ) # vector pointing parallel to transect
+        transect_ends[-1].append( [ transect[0]+dleft*v, transect[0]-dright*v ] )
+        for i in range(1,len( transect )-1,1):
+            v = NR( transect[i-1], transect[i+1] )
+            transect_ends[-1].append( [ transect[i]+dleft*v, transect[i]-dright*v ] )
+        v = NR( transect[-2], transect[-1] )
+        transect_ends[-1].append( [ transect[-1]+dleft*v, transect[-1]-dright*v ] )
+    return transect_ends
+# calculate scalar distance between two points
+def dist( ip, fp ): 
+    return sqrt( (ip[0]-fp[0])**2 + (ip[1]-fp[1])**2 )
+# take a vector, normalize and rotate it 90 degrees
+def NR( ip, fp ): 
+    x = fp[0] - ip[0]
+    y = fp[1] - ip[1]
+    r = sqrt( x**2 + y**2 )
+    return array([ -y/r, x/r ])
+# write transects
+def writeTransects( transects, output ):
+    transects_str = ''
+    for transect in transects:
+        transects_str += '\n'.join( [ 'L 2\n'+' '.join(map(str,end_points[0]))+'\n'+' '.join(map(str,end_points[1]))+'\n' for end_points in transect ] )
+    # JL Rewrote Temporary File Logic for Windows
+    _, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+    a = open(temp_path, 'w')
+    a.write( transects_str )
+    a.seek(0)
+    a.close()
+    grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', flags='n', input=temp_path, output=output, format='standard')
+# writes areas 
+def writeQuads( transects, output ):
+    quad_str = ''
+    cnt = 1
+    for line in transects:
+        for tran in range( len(line)-1 ):
+            pt1 = ' '.join( map(str,line[tran][0]) )
+            pt2 = ' '.join( map(str,line[tran][1]) )
+            pt3 = ' '.join( map(str,line[tran+1][1]) )
+            pt4 = ' '.join( map(str,line[tran+1][0]) )
+            pt5 = pt1
+            # centroid is the average of the four corners
+            c = ' '.join( map(str,[ 0.25*(line[tran][0][0]+line[tran][1][0]+line[tran+1][0][0]+line[tran+1][1][0]), 0.25*(line[tran][0][1]+line[tran][1][1]+line[tran+1][0][1]+line[tran+1][1][1]) ]) )
+            quad_str += 'B 5\n' + '\n'.join([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5]) + '\n'
+            quad_str += 'C 1 1\n' + c + '\n1 ' + str(cnt) + '\n'
+            cnt += 1
+    # JL Rewrote Temporary File Logic for Windows
+    _, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+    a = open(temp_path, 'w')
+    a.write( quad_str )
+    a.seek(0)
+    a.close()
+    grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', flags='n', input=a.name, output=output, format='standard')
+    a.close()        
+# Main method
+def main():
+    vector = options['input']
+    output = options['output']
+    # JL Handling Invalid transect_spacing parameter
+    try:
+        transect_spacing = float(options['transect_spacing'])
+    except:
+        grass.fatal(_("Invalid transect_spacing value."))
+    if transect_spacing == 0.0:
+        grass.fatal(_("Zero invalid transect_spacing value."))
+    dleft = options['dleft']
+    dright = options['dright']
+    shape = options['type']
+    print dleft, transect_spacing
+    if not dleft: 
+        dleft = transect_spacing
+    else:
+        # JL Handling Invalid dleft parameter
+        try:
+            dleft = float(dleft)
+        except:
+            grass.fatal(_("Invalid dleft value."))
+    if not dright: 
+        dright = transect_spacing
+    else:
+        # JL Handling Invalid dright parameter
+        try:
+            dright = float(dright)
+        except:
+            grass.fatal(_("Invalid dright value."))
+    # check if input file does not exists
+    if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector')['file']: 
+        grass.fatal(_("<%s> does not exist.") % vector)
+    # check if output file exists
+    if grass.find_file(output, element='vector')['mapset'] == grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']: 
+        if not grass.overwrite():
+            grass.fatal(_("output map <%s> exists") % output)
+    #JL Is the vector a line and does if have at least one feature?
+    info = grass.parse_command('v.info', flags = 't', map = vector)
+    if info['lines'] == '0':
+         grass.fatal(_("vector <%s> does not contain lines") % vector)
+    #################################
+    v = loadVector( vector )
+    transect_ends = getTransects( v, dleft, dright, transect_spacing )
+    if shape == 'line' or not shape: 
+        writeTransects( transect_ends, output )
+    else:
+        writeQuads( transect_ends, output )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+   options, flags = grass.parser()
+   main()

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass6/vector/v.transects/v.transects.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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