[GRASS-SVN] r45300 -
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 3 16:25:29 EST 2011
Author: martinl
Date: 2011-02-03 13:25:29 -0800 (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 45300
wxGUI/vdigit: some minor fixes (break, move)
Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py 2011-02-03 21:21:18 UTC (rev 45299)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py 2011-02-03 21:25:29 UTC (rev 45300)
@@ -1833,6 +1833,7 @@
else: # no vector object found
if not (digitToolbar.GetAction() in ("moveLine",
"moveVertex") and \
+ hasattr(self, "vdigitMove") and \
len(self.vdigitMove['id']) > 0):
# avoid left-click when features are already selected
self.UpdateMap(render = False, renderVector = False)
@@ -2170,183 +2171,189 @@
Debug.msg (5, "BufferedWindow.OnRightUp(): use=%s" % \
+ self.OnRightUpVDigit(event)
+ self.redrawAll = True
+ self.Refresh()
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnRightUpVDigit(self, event):
+ """!Right mouse button release (vector digitizer)
+ """
digitToolbar = self.parent.toolbars['vdigit']
- if digitToolbar:
- digitClass = self.parent.digit
- # digitization tool (confirm action)
- if digitToolbar.GetAction() == "addLine" and \
- digitToolbar.GetAction('type') in ["line", "boundary", "area"]:
- # -> add new line / boundary
- try:
- mapName = digitToolbar.GetLayer().GetName()
- except:
- mapName = None
- wx.MessageBox(parent = self,
- message = _("No vector map selected for editing."),
- caption = _("Error"), style = wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.CENTRE)
+ if not digitToolbar:
+ return
+ digitClass = self.parent.digit
+ # digitization tool (confirm action)
+ if digitToolbar.GetAction() == "addLine" and \
+ digitToolbar.GetAction('type') in ["line", "boundary", "area"]:
+ # -> add new line / boundary
+ try:
+ mapName = digitToolbar.GetLayer().GetName()
+ except:
+ mapName = None
+ gcmd.GError(parent = self,
+ message = _("No vector map selected for editing."))
- if mapName:
- if digitToolbar.GetAction('type') == 'line':
- line = True
- else:
- line = False
+ if mapName:
+ if digitToolbar.GetAction('type') == 'line':
+ line = True
+ else:
+ line = False
- if len(self.polycoords) < 2: # ignore 'one-point' lines
- return
+ if len(self.polycoords) < 2: # ignore 'one-point' lines
+ return
- nfeat, fids = digitClass.AddFeature(digitToolbar.GetAction('type'), self.polycoords)
- if nfeat < 0:
- return
+ nfeat, fids = digitClass.AddFeature(digitToolbar.GetAction('type'), self.polycoords)
+ if nfeat < 0:
+ return
- position = self.Cell2Pixel(self.polycoords[-1])
- self.polycoords = []
- self.UpdateMap(render = False)
- self.redrawAll = True
- self.Refresh()
+ position = self.Cell2Pixel(self.polycoords[-1])
+ self.polycoords = []
+ self.UpdateMap(render = False)
+ self.redrawAll = True
+ self.Refresh()
+ # add new record into atribute table
+ if UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "addRecord", subkey = 'enabled') and \
+ (line is True or \
+ (not line and nfeat > 0)):
+ posWindow = self.ClientToScreen((position[0] + self.dialogOffset,
+ position[1] + self.dialogOffset))
+ # select attributes based on layer and category
+ cats = { fids[0] : {
+ UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "layer", subkey = 'value') :
+ (UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "category", subkey = 'value'), )
+ }}
- # add new record into atribute table
- if UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "addRecord", subkey = 'enabled') and \
- (line is True or \
- (not line and nfeat > 0)):
- posWindow = self.ClientToScreen((position[0] + self.dialogOffset,
- position[1] + self.dialogOffset))
+ addRecordDlg = dbm_dialogs.DisplayAttributesDialog(parent = self, map = mapName,
+ cats = cats,
+ pos = posWindow,
+ action = "add")
+ for fid in fids:
+ self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'length', digitClass,
+ digitToolbar.GetLayer())
+ # auto-placing centroid
+ self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'area', digitClass,
+ digitToolbar.GetLayer())
+ self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'perimeter', digitClass,
+ digitToolbar.GetLayer())
+ if addRecordDlg.mapDBInfo and \
+ addRecordDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ sqlfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w")
+ for sql in addRecordDlg.GetSQLString():
+ sqlfile.file.write(sql + ";\n")
+ sqlfile.file.flush()
+ gcmd.RunCommand('db.execute',
+ parent = True,
+ quiet = True,
+ input = sqlfile.name)
- # select attributes based on layer and category
- cats = { fids[0] : {
- UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "layer", subkey = 'value') :
- (UserSettings.Get(group = 'vdigit', key = "category", subkey = 'value'), )
- }}
- addRecordDlg = dbm_dialogs.DisplayAttributesDialog(parent = self, map = mapName,
- cats = cats,
- pos = posWindow,
- action = "add")
- for fid in fids:
- self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'length', digitClass,
- digitToolbar.GetLayer())
- # auto-placing centroid
- self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'area', digitClass,
- digitToolbar.GetLayer())
- self._geomAttrb(fid, addRecordDlg, 'perimeter', digitClass,
- digitToolbar.GetLayer())
- if addRecordDlg.mapDBInfo and \
- addRecordDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- sqlfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w")
- for sql in addRecordDlg.GetSQLString():
- sqlfile.file.write(sql + ";\n")
- sqlfile.file.flush()
- gcmd.RunCommand('db.execute',
- parent = True,
- quiet = True,
- input = sqlfile.name)
- if addRecordDlg.mapDBInfo:
- self.__updateATM()
+ if addRecordDlg.mapDBInfo:
+ self.__updateATM()
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "deleteLine":
- # -> delete selected vector features
- if digitClass.DeleteSelectedLines() < 0:
- return
- self.__updateATM()
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "splitLine":
- # split line
- if digitClass.SplitLine(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin'])) < 0:
- return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "addVertex":
- # add vertex
- fid = digitClass.AddVertex(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin']))
- if fid < 0:
- return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "removeVertex":
- # remove vertex
- fid = digitClass.RemoveVertex(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin']))
- if fid < 0:
- return
- self._geomAttrbUpdate([fid,])
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() in ("copyCats", "copyAttrs"):
- try:
- if digitToolbar.GetAction() == 'copyCats':
- if digitClass.CopyCats(self.copyCatsList,
- self.copyCatsIds, copyAttrb = False) < 0:
- return
- else:
- if digitClass.CopyCats(self.copyCatsList,
- self.copyCatsIds, copyAttrb = True) < 0:
- return
- del self.copyCatsList
- del self.copyCatsIds
- except AttributeError:
- pass
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "deleteLine":
+ # -> delete selected vector features
+ if digitClass.DeleteSelectedLines() < 0:
+ return
+ self.__updateATM()
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "splitLine":
+ # split line
+ if digitClass.SplitLine(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin'])) < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "addVertex":
+ # add vertex
+ fid = digitClass.AddVertex(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin']))
+ if fid < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "removeVertex":
+ # remove vertex
+ fid = digitClass.RemoveVertex(self.Pixel2Cell(self.mouse['begin']))
+ if fid < 0:
+ return
+ self._geomAttrbUpdate([fid,])
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() in ("copyCats", "copyAttrs"):
+ try:
+ if digitToolbar.GetAction() == 'copyCats':
+ if digitClass.CopyCats(self.copyCatsList,
+ self.copyCatsIds, copyAttrb = False) < 0:
+ return
+ else:
+ if digitClass.CopyCats(self.copyCatsList,
+ self.copyCatsIds, copyAttrb = True) < 0:
+ return
- self.__updateATM()
+ del self.copyCatsList
+ del self.copyCatsIds
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ self.__updateATM()
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "editLine" and \
- hasattr(self, "vdigitMove"):
- line = digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()
- if digitClass.EditLine(line, self.polycoords) < 0:
- return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "editLine" and \
+ hasattr(self, "vdigitMove"):
+ line = digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()
+ if digitClass.EditLine(line, self.polycoords) < 0:
+ return
- del self.vdigitMove
+ del self.vdigitMove
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "flipLine":
- if digitClass.FlipLine() < 0:
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "flipLine":
+ if digitClass.FlipLine() < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "mergeLine":
+ if digitClass.MergeLine() < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "breakLine":
+ if digitClass.BreakLine() < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "snapLine":
+ if digitClass.SnapLine() < 0:
+ return
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "connectLine":
+ if len(digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()) > 1:
+ if digitClass.ConnectLine() < 0:
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "mergeLine":
- if digitClass.MergeLine() < 0:
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "copyLine":
+ if digitClass.CopyLine(self.copyIds) < 0:
+ return
+ del self.copyIds
+ if self.layerTmp:
+ self.Map.DeleteLayer(self.layerTmp)
+ self.UpdateMap(render = True, renderVector = False)
+ del self.layerTmp
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "zbulkLine" and len(self.polycoords) == 2:
+ pos1 = self.polycoords[0]
+ pos2 = self.polycoords[1]
+ selected = digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()
+ dlg = VDigitZBulkDialog(parent = self, title = _("Z bulk-labeling dialog"),
+ nselected = len(selected))
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ if digitClass.ZBulkLines(pos1, pos2, dlg.value.GetValue(),
+ dlg.step.GetValue()) < 0:
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "breakLine":
- if digitClass.BreakLine() < 0:
- return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "snapLine":
- if digitClass.SnapLine() < 0:
- return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "connectLine":
- if len(digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()) > 1:
- if digitClass.ConnectLine() < 0:
- return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "copyLine":
- if digitClass.CopyLine(self.copyIds) < 0:
- return
- del self.copyIds
- if self.layerTmp:
- self.Map.DeleteLayer(self.layerTmp)
- self.UpdateMap(render = True, renderVector = False)
- del self.layerTmp
+ self.UpdateMap(render = False, renderVector = True)
+ elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "typeConv":
+ # -> feature type conversion
+ # - point <-> centroid
+ # - line <-> boundary
+ if digitClass.TypeConvForSelectedLines() < 0:
+ return
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "zbulkLine" and len(self.polycoords) == 2:
- pos1 = self.polycoords[0]
- pos2 = self.polycoords[1]
- selected = digitClass.GetDisplay().GetSelected()
- dlg = VDigitZBulkDialog(parent = self, title = _("Z bulk-labeling dialog"),
- nselected = len(selected))
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- if digitClass.ZBulkLines(pos1, pos2, dlg.value.GetValue(),
- dlg.step.GetValue()) < 0:
- return
- self.UpdateMap(render = False, renderVector = True)
- elif digitToolbar.GetAction() == "typeConv":
- # -> feature type conversion
- # - point <-> centroid
- # - line <-> boundary
- if digitClass.TypeConvForSelectedLines() < 0:
- return
- if digitToolbar.GetAction() != "addLine":
- # unselect and re-render
- digitClass.GetDisplay().SetSelected([])
- self.polycoords = []
- self.UpdateMap(render = False)
- self.redrawAll = True
- self.Refresh()
- event.Skip()
+ if digitToolbar.GetAction() != "addLine":
+ # unselect and re-render
+ digitClass.GetDisplay().SetSelected([])
+ self.polycoords = []
+ self.UpdateMap(render = False)
def OnMiddleDown(self, event):
"""!Middle mouse button pressed
Modified: grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/wxvdigit.py
--- grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/wxvdigit.py 2011-02-03 21:21:18 UTC (rev 45299)
+++ grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/wxvdigit.py 2011-02-03 21:25:29 UTC (rev 45300)
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
changeset = self._addActionsBefore()
ret = Vedit_split_lines(self.poMapInfo, poList,
- self.poPoints, thresh, poList)
+ self.poPoints, thresh, None)
if ret > 0:
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